Example #1
def generate_qw(ndim, param, sp='full', type='LU'):

    # get quad points and weights
    x = uqtkarray.dblArray2D()
    w = uqtkarray.dblArray1D()

    #print 'Create an instance of Quad class'
    q = uqtkquad.Quad(type, sp, ndim, param)

    #print 'Now set and get the quadrature rule...'
    q.GetRule(x, w)

    # print out x and w
    #print 'Displaying the quadrature points and weights:\n'
    #print x
    #print w
    n = len(x)

    # get quad points
    x_np = zeros((n, ndim))

    # get quad weights
    w_np = zeros(n)
    xpts = array((x_np))

    return xpts, w_np
Example #2
def evaluate_pce(pc_model, pc_coeffs, germ_samples):
	Evaluate PCE at a set of samples of the germ of this PCE
		pc_model: PC object with into about PCE
		pc_coeffs: numpy array with PC coefficients of the RVs to be evaluated.
		           Each column corresponds to one RV.
		germ_samples: numpy array with samples of the PCE grem at which the RVs
		              are to be evaluated. Each line is one sample. The number
					  of colums is the number of RVs.

		Numpy array with PCE evaluations

    # Get data set dimensions etc.
    n_test_samples = germ_samples.shape[0]
    ndim = germ_samples.shape[1]
    npce = pc_model.GetNumberPCTerms()

    # Put PC germ samples in a UQTk array
    std_samples_uqtk = uqtkarray.dblArray2D(n_test_samples, ndim)

    # Numpy array to store all RVs evaluated from sampled PCEs
    rvs_sampled = np.zeros((n_test_samples, ndim))

    # Evaluate PCE for RVs in each dimension
    for idim in range(ndim):

        # Create and fill UQTk array for PC coefficients
        c_k_1d_uqtk = uqtkarray.dblArray1D(npce, 0.0)
        for ip in range(npce):
            c_k_1d_uqtk[ip] = pc_coeffs[ip, idim]

        # Create UQTk array to store outputs in
        rv_from_pce_uqtk = uqtkarray.dblArray1D(n_test_samples, 0.0)

        # Evaluate the PCEs for reach input RV at those random samples
        pc_model.EvalPCAtCustPoints(rv_from_pce_uqtk, std_samples_uqtk,

        # Put evaluated samples in full 2D numpy array
        for isamp in range(n_test_samples):
            rvs_sampled[isamp, idim] = rv_from_pce_uqtk[isamp]

    # return numpy array of PCE evaluations
    return rvs_sampled
Example #3
def get_quadpts(pc_model,ndim):
    Generates quadrature points
        pc_model: PC object with info about PCE
        ndim: number of dimensions of the PCE
        qdpts: numpy array of quadrature points
    # Get the quadrature points
    qdpts_uqtk = uqtkarray.dblArray2D()
    totquat = pc_model.GetNQuadPoints() # Total number of quadrature points

    # Convert quad points to a numpy array
    qdpts = np.zeros((totquat,ndim))
    return qdpts, totquat
Example #4
def map2pce(pc_model, rvs_in, verbose=0):
    """Obtain PC representation for the random variables that are described by samples.
	Employ a Rosenblatt transformation to build a map between the input RVs and the space
	of the PC germ.
		pc_model: object with properties of the PCE to be constructed
		rvs_in	: numpy array with input RV samples. Each line is a sample. The columns
		          represent the dimensions of the input RV.
		verbose : verbosity level (more output for higher values)

		Numpy array with PC coefficients for each RV in the original rvs_in input

    # Dimensionality and number of samples of input RVs
    ndim = rvs_in.shape[1]
    nsamp = rvs_in.shape[0]

    # Algorithm parameters
    bw = -1  # KDE bandwidth for Rosenblatt (on interval 0.1)
    iiout = 500  # interval for output to screen

    # Number of PCE terms
    npce = pc_model.GetNumberPCTerms()

    # Get the default quadrature points
    qdpts = uqtkarray.dblArray2D()

    totquat = pc_model.GetNQuadPoints()
    print "Total number of quadrature points =", totquat

    # Set up transpose of input data for the inverse Rosenblatt transformation in a UQTk array
    ydata_t = uqtkarray.dblArray2D(ndim, nsamp)

    # Set up numpy array for mapped quadrature points
    invRosData = np.zeros((totquat, ndim))

    # Map all quadrature points in chosen PC set to the distribution given by the data
    # using the inverse Rosenblatt transformation
    for ipt in range(totquat):

        # print "Converting quadrature point #",ipt

        # Set up working arrays
        quadunif = uqtkarray.dblArray1D(ndim, 0.0)
        invRosData_1s = uqtkarray.dblArray1D(ndim, 0.0)

        # First map each point to uniform[0,1]
        # PCtoPC maps to [-1,1], which then gets remapped to [0,1]
        for idim in range(ndim):
            quadunif[idim] = (uqtktools.PCtoPC(
                qdpts[ipt, idim], pc_model.GetPCType(), pc_model.GetAlpha(),
                pc_model.GetBeta(), "LU", 0.0, 0.0) + 1.0) / 2.0

        # Map each point from uniform[0,1] to the distribution given by the original samples via inverse Rosenblatt
        if bw > 0:
            uqtktools.invRos(quadunif, ydata_t, invRosData_1s, bw)
            uqtktools.invRos(quadunif, ydata_t, invRosData_1s)

        # Store results
        for idim in range(ndim):
            invRosData[ipt, idim] = invRosData_1s[idim]

        # Screen diagnostic output
        if ((ipt + 1) % iiout == 0) or ipt == 0 or (ipt + 1) == totquat:
            print "Inverse Rosenblatt for Galerkin projection:", (
                ipt +
                1), "/", totquat, "=", (ipt + 1) * 100 / totquat, "% completed"

    # Get PC coefficients by Galerkin projection
    # Set up numpy array for PC coefficients (one column for each transformed random variable)
    c_k = np.zeros((npce, ndim))

    # Project each random variable one by one
    for idim in range(ndim):

        # UQTk array for PC coefficients for one variable
        c_k_1d = uqtkarray.dblArray1D(npce, 0.0)

        # UQTk array for map evaluations at quadrature points for that variable
        invRosData_1d = uqtkarray.dblArray1D(totquat, 0.0)
        # invRosData_1d.setnpdblArray(np.asfortranarray(invRosData[:,idim])
        for ipt in range(totquat):
            invRosData_1d[ipt] = invRosData[ipt, idim]

        # Galerkin Projection
        pc_model.GalerkProjection(invRosData_1d, c_k_1d)

        # Put coefficients in full array
        for ip in range(npce):
            c_k[ip, idim] = c_k_1d[ip]

    # Return numpy array of PC coefficients
    return c_k
Example #5
def run_ddd(components,
    Perform deterministic domain decomposition wrapped in NISP

    working_directory = os.path.abspath(working_directory)

    # Calculate pce dimension (total number of exogenous ports in network)
    pce_dim = 0
    for comp in components:
        pce_dim += comp.get_num_exogenous_ports()
    pce_dim -= len(exo_links)
    print("Network has %d exogenous ports." % pce_dim)

    # Generate PCE model
    pc_type = "HG"
    pc_alpha = 0.0
    pc_beta = 1.0
    param = pce_order + 1  # Parameter for quadrature point generation. Equal to number of quad points per dimension for full quadrature
    pc_model = uqtkpce.PCSet("NISP", pce_order, pce_dim, pc_type, pc_alpha,
    pc_model.SetQuadRule(pc_type, 'full', param)

    for comp in components:
        comp.pc_model = pc_model

    # Get Quadrature Points
    qdpts_uqtk = uqtkarray.dblArray2D()
    totquat = pc_model.GetNQuadPoints()
    qdpts = np.zeros((totquat, pce_dim))

    # Create and populate working directories for each simulation
    if not restart:
        if os.path.isdir(working_directory):

    for quad_iter in range(totquat):
        # Create subdirectory for each quadrature point
        #   and copy required files into it
        newfolder = os.path.join(working_directory, "qdpt_%d" % quad_iter)
        if not os.path.isdir(newfolder):
            for c in components:
                for f in c.get_required_files():
                    shutil.copy2(f, newfolder)

    # Perform iterations
    for jacobi_iter in range(max_iter):
        print("Performing iteration %d..." % jacobi_iter)
        old_endo_data = []
        new_endo_data = []
        exo_port_idx = []
        exogenous_idx = 0
        for compidx, comp in enumerate(components):
            running_jobs = []
            for quad_iter in range(totquat):
                targetfolder = os.path.join(working_directory,
                                            "qdpt_%d" % quad_iter)
                unique_ports = 0
                my_ports = []
                for portidx, port in enumerate(comp.exogenous_ports):
                    found = False
                    for link in exo_links:
                        if compidx == link[2] and portidx == link[3]:
                            port.value = port.mean + port.std * qdpts[
                                quad_iter, exo_port_idx[link[0]][link[1]]]
                            found = True
                    if not found:
                        port.value = port.mean + port.std * qdpts[
                            quad_iter, exogenous_idx + unique_ports]
                        my_ports.append(exogenous_idx + unique_ports)
                        unique_ports += 1

                job = comp.execute()

            exogenous_idx += len(my_ports)

            # Wait for all simulations to complete
            print("Waiting for aria jobs to complete...")
            for job in running_jobs:


        # Check for convergence
        maxdiff = 0
        for comp_idx in range(len(components)):
            for timestep, nodal_data in enumerate(old_endo_data[comp_idx]):
                for nid in nodal_data:
                    diff = abs(new_endo_data[comp_idx][timestep][nid] -
                    maxdiff = max(maxdiff, diff)
        if maxdiff < tolerance:

    # Collect update PCE coefficients
    print("Collect Data")
    QoI_pce_coeffs = []
    for comp in components:
        QoI_data = np.zeros(
            (totquat, comp.get_num_QoI() * comp.get_num_timesteps()))
        for quad_iter in range(totquat):
            targetfolder = os.path.join(working_directory,
                                        "qdpt_%d" % quad_iter)
            QoI_at_qdpt = comp.get_QoI_data()
            for i, QoI in enumerate(comp.QoIs):
                QoI_data[[quad_iter], (i * comp.get_num_timesteps()):(
                    (i + 1) * comp.get_num_timesteps())] = QoI_at_qdpt[QoI]

        QoI_ck = np.zeros((QoI_data.shape[1], pc_model.GetNumberPCTerms()))
        for i in range(QoI_data.shape[1]):
            QoI_ck[i, ...] = GalerkinProjection(pc_model, QoI_data[:, i])

    return QoI_pce_coeffs
Example #6
def mkBlnkDbl2D():
    return uqtkarray.dblArray2D()
Example #7
def mkSzDbl2D(dim1, dim2):
    return uqtkarray.dblArray2D(dim1, dim2)
Example #8
def mkSetDbl2D(v_np):
    v_uqtk = uqtkarray.dblArray2D(v_np.shape[0], v_np.shape[1])
    return v_uqtk