def _unit_entry(self, cur): '''enter a subroutine or function into: 1. The local symtab for the object 2. The unit symtab 3. The parent of the unit (if there is one) ''' DebugManager.debug('[Line ' + str(self.lineNumber) + ']: stmt2unit._unit_entry() for ' + str(self)) if (cur.val.nestLevel == 2): DebugManager.warning( 'Open64 front-end handling of doubly nested module procedures is fragile; check >' + + '< for correct handling.', self.lineNumber, DebugManager.WarnType.nesting) currentSymtab = cur.val.symtab if (currentSymtab.parent and ( in currentSymtab.parent.ids)): mpSymtabEntry = currentSymtab.parent.ids[] if (isinstance(mpSymtabEntry.entryKind, SymtabEntry.ProcedureEntryKind)): # this is the definition of a previously declared module procedure entry = self.makeSymtabEntry(currentSymtab) mpSymtabEntry.entryKind = entry.entryKind mpSymtabEntry.typetab_id = entry.typetab_id currentSymtab.enter_name(, entry) else: # this is some forward declaration as e.g. in public/private statement entry = self.makeSymtabEntry(currentSymtab) currentSymtab.enter_name(, entry) DebugManager.debug('[Line ' + str(self.lineNumber) + ']: new unit symtab entry ' + entry.debug( # update the parent info currentSymtab.augmentParentEntry(entry, mpSymtabEntry, DebugManager.debug('[Line ' + str(self.lineNumber) + ']: updated parent symtab entry ' + mpSymtabEntry.debug( else: # nothing exists in parent entry = self.makeSymtabEntry(currentSymtab) currentSymtab.enter_name(, entry) DebugManager.debug('[Line ' + str(self.lineNumber) + ']: new unit symtab entry ' + entry.debug( if currentSymtab.parent: currentSymtab.replicateEntry(, "local",, currentSymtab.parent, replicatingUp=True) DebugManager.debug('[Line ' + str(self.lineNumber) + ']: new PARENT unit symtab entry (see above)') DebugManager.debug('[Line ' + str(self.lineNumber) + ']: stmt2unit._unit_entry() for ' + str(self) + ': with symtab ' + str(currentSymtab) + ' with parent symtab ' + str(currentSymtab.parent)) if (isinstance(self, fs.FunctionStmt)): cur.val._in_functionDecl = self if (isinstance(self, fs.SubroutineStmt)): cur.val._in_subroutineDecl = self return self
def __rename(self, anExpression, targetEntrySymtab, replicatingUp=False): if isinstance(anExpression, str): origExp = anExpression parentEntry = targetEntrySymtab.lookup_name(anExpression) if replicatingUp: if parentEntry is None: #if there is no entry in the parent symtab, and there is a rename defined, rename to source if anExpression in self.renames.values(): anExpression = self.__renamedToSource(anExpression) #if there is a rename defined in the parent symtab for the mod, sourceToRenamed if anExpression in targetEntrySymtab.renames: anExpression = targetEntrySymtab.__sourceToRenamed( anExpression) #else if mod is not defined in parent, issue warning elif targetEntrySymtab.lookup_name( anExpression) is None: DebugManager.warning( "a SymtabEntry has been replicated up, and modifier '" + str(origExp) + "' has been renamed to its source '" + str(anExpression) + "', which is not defined in the parent context." ) elif anExpression in targetEntrySymtab.renames: anExpression = targetEntrySymtab.__sourceToRenamed( anExpression) elif parentEntry is None and anExpression in targetEntrySymtab.renames: #if there is no entry in the symtab, but there is a rename defined in the target entry symtab, rename anExpression = targetEntrySymtab.__sourceToRenamed( anExpression) elif isinstance(anExpression, App): anExpression.args = map( lambda anArg: self.__rename(anArg, targetEntrySymtab, replicatingUp), anExpression.args) else: raise SymtabError(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': expression' + str(anExpression) + 'is not a string and not an App!') return anExpression
def _processParameterStmt(aParameterStmt, curr): localSymtab = curr.val.symtab DebugManager.debug('[Line ' + str(aParameterStmt.lineNumber) + ']: stmt2unit._processParameterStmt(' + str(aParameterStmt) + ') with symbol table ' + str(localSymtab)) for aNamedParam in aParameterStmt.namedParamList: try: theSymtabEntry = localSymtab.lookup_name_local(aNamedParam[0]) if theSymtabEntry: DebugManager.debug( '\tvariable "' + aNamedParam[0] + '" already present in local symbol table as ' + theSymtabEntry.debug(aNamedParam[0])) theSymtabEntry.enterConstInit(aNamedParam[2]) else: # try implicit typing implicitLocalType = localSymtab.implicit[aNamedParam[0][0]] if implicitLocalType: # we handle the error condition below theSymtabEntry = SymtabEntry( SymtabEntry.VariableEntryKind(), type=implicitLocalType) DebugManager.warning( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' implicit typing: ' + str(implicitLocalType) + ' ' + str(aNamedParam), aParameterStmt.lineNumber, DebugManager.WarnType.implicit) theSymtabEntry.enterConstInit(aNamedParam[2]) else: raise SymtabError( "Parameter statement uses a variable not found in symtab", symbolName=aNamedParam[0], lineNumber=aParameterStmt.lineNumber) except SymtabError, e: # add lineNumber and symbol name to any SymtabError we encounter e.lineNumber = e.lineNumber or aParameterStmt.lineNumber e.symbolName = e.symbolName or aNamedParam[0] raise e
str(aUseStmt.onlyList)) cur.val.symtab.update_w_module_only(module_unit, aUseStmt.onlyList) except KeyError, e: raise SymtabError('KeyError for key "'+str(e)+'"' \ +' while updating '+cur.val.symtab.debug() \ +' according to use statement "'+str(aUseStmt)+'"', symbolName=str(e), entry=None, lineNumber=aUseStmt.lineNumber) else: global reportedMissingModules if not (aUseStmt.moduleName.lower() in reportedMissingModules): reportedMissingModules.add(aUseStmt.moduleName.lower()) DebugManager.warning( 'definition for module ' + aUseStmt.moduleName + ' not seen in the input.', aUseStmt.lineNumber, DebugManager.WarnType.noDefinition) return aUseStmt def _setAccess(anAccessStmt, cur): ''' set the access attributes ''' DebugManager.debug('[Line ' + str(anAccessStmt.lineNumber) + ']: stmt2unit._setAccess() for ' + str(anAccessStmt)) accessAttr = if (not anAccessStmt.vlist): if (cur.val._in_drvdType): cur.val._drvdTypeDefaultAccess = accessAttr # and process it at the end of rhe derived type definition else: cur.val.symtab.setDefaultAccess(accessAttr)