Example #1
    def NDVIFilter(image):
        ''' NDVI Filter '''
        original = convertQImageToMat(image)
        lowerLimit = 5

        # First, make containers
        oldHeight, oldWidth = original[:, :, 0].shape
        ndviImage = np.zeros((oldHeight, oldWidth, 3),
                             np.uint8)  # make a blank RGB image

        red = (original[:, :, 2]).astype('float')
        blue = (original[:, :, 0]).astype('float')

        # Perform NDVI calculation
        summ = red + blue
            summ <
            lowerLimit] = lowerLimit  # do some saturation to prevent low intensity noise

        ndvi = (((red - blue) / (summ) + 1) * 127).astype('uint8')  # the index

        redSat = (ndvi - 128) * 2  # red channel
        bluSat = ((255 - ndvi) - 128) * 2  # blue channel
        redSat[ndvi < 128] = 0  # if the NDVI is negative, no red info
        bluSat[ndvi >= 128] = 0  # if the NDVI is positive, no blue info

        # Red Channel
        ndviImage[:, :, 2] = redSat
        # Blue Channel
        ndviImage[:, :, 0] = bluSat
        # Green Channel
        ndviImage[:, :, 1] = 255 - (bluSat + redSat)

        return convertMatToQImage(ndviImage)
Example #2
 def EdgeFilter(image, sigma=0.33):
     ''' Edge Image Filter '''
     gray = convertQImageToMat(image)
     v = np.median(gray)
     lower = int(max(0, (1.0 - sigma) * v))
     upper = int(min(255, (1.0 + sigma) * v))
     canny = Canny(gray, lower, upper)
     return convertMatToQImage(canny)
Example #3
 def EdgeFilter(image, sigma=0.33):
     """Edge Image Filter
     @type image: QImage
     @param image:
     @return: QImage
     gray = convertQImageToMat(image)
     v = np.median(gray)
     lower = int(max(0, (1.0 - sigma) * v))
     upper = int(min(255, (1.0 + sigma) * v))
     canny = Canny(gray, lower, upper)
     return convertMatToQImage(canny)
Example #4
    def AutoContrastFilter(image):
        ''' Auto Contrast Image Filter '''
        img = convertQImageToMat(image)
        clahe = createCLAHE(clipLimit=4., tileGridSize=(20, 20))
        # convert from BGR to LAB color space
        lab = cvtColor(img, COLOR_BGR2LAB)
        l, a, b = split(lab)  # split on 3 different channels

        l2 = clahe.apply(l)  # apply CLAHE to the L-channel

        lab = merge((l2, a, b))  # merge channels
        invert = cvtColor(lab, COLOR_LAB2BGR)  # convert from LAB to BGR
        return convertMatToQImage(invert)
Example #5
 def EdgeFilter(image):
     ''' Edge Image Filter '''
     gray = convertQImageToMat(VideoFilters.GrayFilter(image))
     canny = Canny(gray, 100, 150)
     return convertMatToQImage(canny)