def enterEvent(self, event): """ Overrides base QFrame enterEvenet function :param event: QEvent """ QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.SizeHorCursor)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): cursor = QCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) QApplication.setOverrideCursor(cursor) try: return fn(*args, **kwargs) finally: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
def buildFromAbc(self, thing, abcPath, pBar=None): """ Load a system from an exported abc file onto the current system """ if pBar is not None: pBar.setMaximum(100) pBar.setValue(0) pBar.setLabelText("Loading Smpx") QApplication.processEvents() iarch = IArchive(str(abcPath)) # because alembic hates unicode try: top = iarch.getTop() par = top.children[0] par = IXform(top, par.getName()) abcMesh = par.children[0] abcMesh = IPolyMesh(par, abcMesh.getName()) systemSchema = par.getSchema() props = systemSchema.getUserProperties() prop = props.getProperty("simplex") jsString = prop.getValue() js = json.loads(jsString) system = self.buildFromDict(thing, js, True, pBar) self.DCC.loadABC(abcMesh, js, pBar) finally: del iarch return system
def show_already_existing_dialog(self): """ Shows a warning dialog if the item already exists on save """ if not self.library_window(): raise exceptions.ItemSaveError('Item already exists!') buttons = QDialogButtonBox.Yes | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel try: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) button = self.library_window().show_question_dialog( 'Item already exists', 'Would you like to move the existing item "{}" to trash?'.format(os.path.basename(self.path())), buttons ) finally: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if button == QDialogButtonBox.Yes: self._move_to_trash() elif button == QMessageBox.Cancel: return button else: raise exceptions.ItemSaveError('You cannot save over an existing item.') return button
def setUp(self): try: self.qtApp = QApplication([]) except RuntimeError: self.qtApp = QApplication.instance() self.gui = SimpleGui() QApplication.processEvents()
def _pyblish_action(name, is_reset=True): if nuke.value('', None): Window.dock() window_ = Window.instance assert isinstance(window_, Window) controller = window_.controller assert isinstance(controller, control.Controller) start = getattr(window_, name) signal = {'publish': controller.was_published, 'validate': controller.was_validated}[name] finish_event = multiprocessing.Event() _after_signal(signal, finish_event.set) if is_reset: # Run after reset finish. _after_signal(controller.was_reset, start) window_.reset() else: # Run directly. start() # Wait finish. while (not finish_event.is_set() or controller.is_running): QApplication.processEvents()
def leaveEvent(self, event): """ Overrides base QFrame leaveEvent function :param event: QEvent """ QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
def outputCorrectiveReferences(outNames, outRefs, simplex, mesh, poses, sliders, pBar=None): ''' Output the proper files for an external corrective application Arguments: outNames: The filepath for the output shape and reference indices outRefs: The filepath for the deformation references simplex: A simplex system mesh: The mesh object to deform poses: Lists of parameter/value pairs. Each list corresponds to a slider sliders: The simplex sliders that correspond to the poses ''' refs, shapes, refIdxs = buildCorrectiveReferences(mesh, simplex, poses, sliders, pBar) if pBar is not None: pBar.setLabelText('Writing Names') QApplication.processEvents() nameWrite = ['{};{}'.format(, r) for s, r, in zip(shapes, refIdxs)] with open(outNames, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(nameWrite)) if pBar is not None: pBar.setLabelText('Writing References') QApplication.processEvents() refs.dump(outRefs)
def main(): """ Data visualisation and analysis tool in Python, intended to be familiar to users of XPAD. Primarily for IDAM data from the MAST tokamak experiment, but can be used to view NetCDF files currently. """ # Add command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=main.__doc__) parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", nargs=1, help="Config file to load", default=None) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--ignore-config", help="Ignore existing config files", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s {}".format(version)) args = parser.parse_args() loadfile = args.config[0] if args.config is not None else None app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = PyXPad(loadfile=loadfile, ignoreconfig=args.ignore_config) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def main(): import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) layout = QVBoxLayout() infos = QSerialPortInfo.availablePorts() for info in infos: s = ( f"Port: {info.portName()}", f"Location: {info.systemLocation()}", f"Description: {info.description()}", f"Manufacturer: {info.manufacturer()}", f"Serial number: {info.serialNumber()}", "Vendor Identifier: " + f"{info.vendorIdentifier():x}" if info.hasVendorIdentifier() else "", "Product Identifier: " + f"{info.productIdentifier():x}" if info.hasProductIdentifier() else "", ) label = QLabel("\n".join(s)) layout.addWidget(label) workPage = QWidget() workPage.setLayout(layout) area = QScrollArea() area.setWindowTitle("Info about all available serial ports.") area.setWidget(workPage) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def main(): import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) dialog = Dialog() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def exportABC(self, dccMesh, abcMesh, js, pBar=None): # dccMesh doesn't work in XSI, so just ignore it # export the data to alembic shapeDict = { for i in self.simplex.shapes} shapes = [shapeDict[i] for i in js["shapes"]] faces, counts = self._exportABCFaces(self.mesh) schema = abcMesh.getSchema() if pBar is not None: pBar.setMaximum(len(shapes)) #deactivate evaluation above modeling to insure no deformations are present dcc.xsi.DeactivateAbove("%s.modelingmarker" %self.mesh.ActivePrimitive, True) for i, shape in enumerate(shapes): if pBar is not None: pBar.setValue(i) QApplication.processEvents() if pBar.wasCanceled(): return verts = self._exportABCVertices(self.mesh, shape) abcSample = OPolyMeshSchemaSample(verts, faces, counts) schema.set(abcSample) dcc.xsi.DeactivateAbove("%s.modelingmarker" %self.mesh.ActivePrimitive, "")
def readAndApplyCorrectives(inPath, namePath, refPath, outPath, pBar=None): ''' Read the provided files, apply the correctives, then output a new file Arguments: inPath: The input .smpx file namePath: A file correlating the shape names, and the reference indices. Separated by ; with one entry per line refPath: The reference matrices per point of deformation. Created by npArray.dump(refPath) outPath: The output .smpx filepath ''' if pBar is not None: pBar.setLabelText("Reading reference data") QApplication.processEvents() jsString, simplex, solver, allShapePts, restPts = loadSimplex(inPath) with open(namePath, 'r') as f: nr = nr = [i.split(';') for i in nr.split('\n') if i] names, refIdxs = zip(*nr) refIdxs = map(int, refIdxs) refs = np.load(refPath) simplex = Simplex() simplex.loadJSON(jsString) shapeByName = { i for i in simplex.shapes} shapes = [shapeByName[n] for n in names] newPts = applyCorrectives(simplex, allShapePts, restPts, solver, shapes, refIdxs, refs, pBar) writeSimplex(inPath, outPath, newPts, pBar=pBar) print "DONE"
def _writeSimplex(oarch, name, jsString, faces, counts, newShapes, pBar=None): ''' Separate the writer from oarch creation so garbage collection *hopefully* works as expected ''' par = OXform(oarch.getTop(), name) props = par.getSchema().getUserProperties() prop = OStringProperty(props, "simplex") prop.setValue(str(jsString)) abcMesh = OPolyMesh(par, name) schema = abcMesh.getSchema() if pBar is not None: pBar.setLabelText('Writing Corrected Simplex') pBar.setMaximum(len(newShapes)) for i, newShape in enumerate(newShapes): if pBar is not None: pBar.setValue(i) QApplication.processEvents() else: print "Writing {0: 3d} of {1}\r".format(i, len(newShapes)), verts = mkSampleVertexPoints(newShape) abcSample = OPolyMeshSchemaSample(verts, faces, counts) schema.set(abcSample) if pBar is None: print "Writing {0: 3d} of {1}".format(len(newShapes), len(newShapes))
def main(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) w = MainWindow() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def main(): """ Main """ # Process command-line arguments filename = None for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg in ('-h', '--help'): print(__doc__) sys.exit(0) filename = arg # Start up the QApplication app = QApplication([]) from minibar.gui import mbWidgetStyling mbWidgetStyling.styleTheApplication() window = PartEdit() # Open file if provided if filename: # Configure ctrl-q to quit QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_Q), window, window.close) # Go app.exec_()
def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton and self.can_scroll(): self._scrolling = True self._scroll_init_y = event.globalY() self._scroll_init_val = self.verticalScrollBar().value() QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.ClosedHandCursor) event.accept()
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): if self._scrolling: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self._scrolling = False self._scroll_init_y = 0 self._scroll_init_val = 0 event.accept()
def startDrag(self, o, e): if self._dragStart is None: self._dragStart = e.pos() dtop = QApplication.desktop() sn = dtop.screenNumber(o.mapToGlobal(e.pos())) self._screen = dtop.availableGeometry(sn) if abs(e.x() - self._dragStart.x()) > self.startSensitivity: self._dragType = self.DRAG_HORIZONTAL elif abs(e.y() - self._dragStart.y()) > self.startSensitivity: self._dragType = self.DRAG_VERTICAL if self._dragType: self._leftover = 0 self._lastPos = e.pos() self._firstDrag = True self.dragPressed.emit() self.doOverrideCursor() if self.isSpinbox: if e.buttons() & self.dragButton: # Send mouseRelease to spin buttons when dragging # otherwise the spinbox will keep ticking. @longClickFix # There's gotta be a better way to do this :-/ mouseup = QMouseEvent(QEvent.MouseButtonRelease, e.pos(), self.dragButton, e.buttons(), e.modifiers()) QApplication.sendEvent(o, mouseup)
def exportABC(self, dccMesh, abcMesh, js, world=False, pBar=None): # export the data to alembic if dccMesh is None: dccMesh = self.mesh shapeDict = { for i in self.simplex.shapes} shapes = [shapeDict[i] for i in js["shapes"]] faces, counts = self._exportABCFaces(dccMesh) schema = abcMesh.getSchema() if pBar is not None: pBar.setMaximum(len(shapes)) with disconnected(self.shapeNode) as cnx: shapeCnx = cnx[self.shapeNode] for v in shapeCnx.itervalues(): cmds.setAttr(v, 0.0) for i, shape in enumerate(shapes): if pBar is not None: pBar.setValue(i) QApplication.processEvents() if pBar.wasCanceled(): return cmds.setAttr(shape.thing, 1.0) verts = self._exportABCVertices(dccMesh, world=world) abcSample = OPolyMeshSchemaSample(verts, faces, counts) schema.set(abcSample) cmds.setAttr(shape.thing, 0.0)
def main(): """ Main """ # Process command-line arguments filename = None for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg in ('-h', '--help'): print __doc__ sys.exit(0) filename = arg # Start up the QApplication app = QApplication([]) from minibar.gui import mbWidgetStyling mbWidgetStyling.styleTheApplication() window = PartEdit() # Open file if provided if filename: # Configure ctrl-q to quit QShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_Q), window, window.close ) # Go app.exec_()
def main(): import sys QCoreApplication.setOrganizationName("QtExamples") QCoreApplication.setAttribute(Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling) # QtWebEngine::initialize() if QT_NO_WIDGETS: app = QApplication(sys.argv) else: app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv) engine = QQmlApplicationEngine() server = Server(engine) engine.load(QUrl("qrc:/main.qml")) QTimer.singleShot(0, proxy = QNetworkProxy() proxy.setType(QNetworkProxy.HttpProxy) proxy.setHostName("localhost") proxy.setPort(5555) QNetworkProxy.setApplicationProxy(proxy) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def autoCrawlMeshes(orderMesh, shapeMesh, skipMismatchedIslands=False, pBar=None): """ Crawl both the order and shape meshes using my heuristics to find any matching islands """ if pBar is not None: pBar.setLabelText("Finding Islands") pBar.setValue(66) QApplication.processEvents() fmg = fullMatchCoProcess(orderMesh, shapeMesh, skipMismatchedIslands=skipMismatchedIslands) matches = [] errors = {} matchCount = 0 check = 0 found = False try: # Execute the generator up to the first yield, and get the data from it sm, curIdx = fmg.send(None) #Send nothing the first time idxErrors = [] while True: if pBar is not None: pBar.setLabelText("Crawling iteration {0}".format(check)) pBar.setValue(0) QApplication.processEvents() check += 1 try: print print "Checking Vertex Match", zip(*sm) match = matchByTopology(orderMesh, shapeMesh, sm, matchedNum=matchCount, vertNum=len(orderMesh.vertArray), pBar=pBar) except TopologyMismatch as err: idxErrors.append(str(err)) else: matches.append(match) found = True matchCount += len(match) # send the return value into the generator, # execute up until the next yield and get the data from it sm, idx = fmg.send(found) if curIdx != idx: if not found: errors[curIdx] = idxErrors idxErrors = [] curIdx = idx found = False except StopIteration: if not found: raise TopologyMismatch("No Match Found") return matches
def uvTransfer( srcFaces, srcUvFaces, srcVerts, srcUvs, tarFaces, tarUvFaces, tarVerts, tarUvs, tol=0.0001, pBar=None, ): """A helper function that transfers pre-loaded data. The source data will be transferred onto the tar data Parameters ---------- srcFaces : [[int, ...], ...] The source vertex face list srcUvFaces : [[int, ...], ...] The source uv face list srcUvs : np.array The source UV positions tarFaces : [[int, ...], ...] The target vertex face list tarUvFaces : [[int, ...], ...] The target uv face list tarUvs : np.array The Target UV Positions srcVerts : np.array The source Vertex positions tarVerts : np.array The target Vertex positions tol : float A small tolerance value, defaulting to the global EPS pBar : QProgressDialog, optional An optional progress dialog Returns ------- : np.array The new target vert positions """ corr = getVertCorrelation(srcUvFaces, srcUvs, tarFaces, tarUvFaces, tarUvs, tol=tol, pBar=pBar) if pBar is not None: pBar.setValue(0) pBar.setLabelText("Apply Transfer") from Qt.QtWidgets import QApplication QApplication.processEvents() return applyTransfer(srcVerts, srcFaces, corr, len(tarVerts))
def on_transparentStyle_clicked(self): styleSheet = QFile(":/files/transparent.qss") if not print("Unable to open :/files/transparent.qss") return QApplication.instance().setStyleSheet(styleSheet.readAll().data().decode())
def application(): """Get QApplication instance, create one if needed. """ app = QApplication.instance() if not app: app = QApplication(sys.argv) return app
def main(): import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) server = Server() QGuiApplication.setApplicationDisplayName("Local Fortune Server")) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def main(): import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) w = View() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def main(): app = QApplication([]) Col = MainWindow.MainController() runAnimation() Col.view.showMaximized() app.exec_()
def set_wait_cursor(state=True): """ Sets the wait cursor as the cursor for current Qt application """ if state: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) else: restore_cursor()
def main(): """Entry point""" # Just starting the app returns in a sigsegv on close :/ app = QApplication(sys.argv) #label = QLabel("<font color=red size=40>Hello World</font>") editor = Editor() res = app.exec_()
def _doit(factory): try: app = QApplication([]) except RuntimeError: app = QCoreApplication.instance() main_window = factory() if getattr(sys, '_called_from_test', False) and is_windows_platform(): QTimer.singleShot(500, app, Slot('quit()')) app.exec_()