def update(ff): ax.clear() format_3d_axes(ax, font_kwargs=font_kwargs, **ax_kwargs) for fgs, level, tri_kwarg, cont_kwarg in zip(function_grid_series, levels, tri_kwargs, cont_kwargs): func = fgs[ff][0].data r, theta, phi = fgs[ff][0].grid.coordinates # Calculate and Plot Isosurface # Factor of 2 for consistency with bloch sphere convention del_r, del_theta, del_phi = 2 * (r[1] - r[0]), (theta[1] - theta[0]), (phi[1] - phi[0]) r_min, theta_min, phi_min = 2 * np.min(r), np.min(theta), np.min(phi) if len(level) == 1: lvl = level[0] else: lvl = level[ff] if normalize_level: lvl = lvl * np.max(func) verts, faces = measure.marching_cubes_classic(volume=func, level=lvl) v = [] v.append(verts[:, 0] * del_r + r_min) v.append(verts[:, 1] * del_theta + theta_min) v.append(verts[:, 2] * del_phi + phi_min) v = sp.spherical_to_cartesian(tuple(v)) verts[:, 0] = v[0] verts[:, 1] = v[1] verts[:, 2] = v[2] tri = ax.plot_trisurf(verts[:, 0], verts[:, 1], faces, verts[:, 2], zorder=100., **tri_kwarg) return tri,
def update(ff): ax.clear() format_3d_axes(ax, font_kwargs=font_kwargs, **ax_kwargs) for fgs, level, tri_kwarg, cont_kwarg in zip(function_grid_series, levels, tri_kwargs, cont_kwargs): func = fgs[ff][0].data x, y, z = fgs[ff][0].grid.coordinates # Calculate Projected Functions (Normalized to the same max as original Function) yz_func = np.sum(func, axis=0) yz_func *= np.max(func) / np.max(yz_func) xz_func = np.sum(func, axis=1) xz_func *= np.max(func) / np.max(xz_func) xy_func = np.sum(func, axis=2) xy_func *= np.max(func) / np.max(xy_func) # Calculate and Plot Isosurface # Factor of 2 for consistency with bloch sphere convention del_x, del_y, del_z = 2 * (x[1] - x[0]), 2 * (y[1] - y[0]), 2 * (z[1] - z[0]) x_min, y_min, z_min = 2 * np.min(x), 2 * np.min(y), 2 * np.min(z) x_max, y_max, z_max = 2 * np.max(x), 2 * np.max(y), 2 * np.max(z) if len(level) == 1: lvl = level[0] else: lvl = level[ff] if normalize_level: lvl = lvl * np.max(func) verts, faces = measure.marching_cubes_classic(volume=func, level=lvl) verts[:, 0] = verts[:, 0] * del_x + x_min verts[:, 1] = verts[:, 1] * del_y + y_min verts[:, 2] = verts[:, 2] * del_z + z_min tri = ax.plot_trisurf(verts[:, 0], verts[:, 1], faces, verts[:, 2], zorder=100., **tri_kwarg) for contour in contours: clvl = contour * lvl if np.min(yz_func) < clvl < np.max(yz_func): cont = np.array(measure.find_contours(yz_func, clvl)) cont = cont[0] cont[:, 0] = cont[:, 0] * del_y + y_min cont[:, 1] = cont[:, 1] * del_z + z_min tri = ax.plot(xs=x_min * np.ones_like(cont[:, 0]), ys=cont[:, 0], zs=cont[:, 1], zorder=-1., **cont_kwarg) if np.min(xz_func) < clvl < np.max(xz_func): cont = np.array(measure.find_contours(xz_func, clvl)) cont = cont[0] cont[:, 0] = cont[:, 0] * del_x + x_min cont[:, 1] = cont[:, 1] * del_z + z_min tri = ax.plot(xs=cont[:, 0], ys=y_max * np.ones_like(cont[:, 0]), zs=cont[:, 1], zorder=-1., **cont_kwarg) if np.min(xy_func) < clvl < np.max(xy_func): cont = np.array(measure.find_contours(xy_func, clvl)) cont = cont[0] cont[:, 0] = cont[:, 0] * del_x + x_min cont[:, 1] = cont[:, 1] * del_y + y_min tri = ax.plot(xs=cont[:, 0], ys=cont[:, 1], zs=z_min * np.ones_like(cont[:, 0]), zorder=-1., **cont_kwarg) return tri,
def plot_spherical_isosurface(function_grids, levels, tri_kwargs=[{'cmap': 'Spectral', 'lw': 1}], fig_kwargs={'figsize': [12., 15.]}, ax_kwargs={}, font_kwargs={'name': 'serif', 'size': 30}, show_plot=True, fname=None, fig_num=None): # Repeat axis and line formats if only one value is given if len(tri_kwargs) == 1: tri_kwargs = tri_kwargs * len(function_grids) if len(levels) == 1: levels = levels * len(function_grids) # Checks that all inputs are now the same length assert len(function_grids) == len(tri_kwargs) == len(levels) # Format Figure and Axes fig = plt.figure(fig_num, **fig_kwargs) ax = fig.add_axes([0.025, 0.15, 0.8, 0.85], projection='3d') # Format Axes format_3d_axes(ax, font_kwargs=font_kwargs, **ax_kwargs) for fg, level, tri_kwarg in zip(function_grids, levels, tri_kwargs): func = r, theta, phi = fg.grid.coordinates # Calculate and Plot Isosurface # Factor of 2 for consistency with bloch sphere convention del_r, del_theta, del_phi = 2 * (r[1] - r[0]), (theta[1] - theta[0]), (phi[1] - phi[0]) r_min, theta_min, phi_min = 2 * np.min(r), np.min(theta), np.min(phi) verts, faces = measure.marching_cubes_classic(volume=func, level=level) v = [] v.append(verts[:, 0] * del_r + r_min) v.append(verts[:, 1] * del_theta + theta_min) v.append(verts[:, 2] * del_phi + phi_min) v = sp.spherical_to_cartesian(tuple(v)) verts[:, 0] = v[0] verts[:, 1] = v[1] verts[:, 2] = v[2] tri = ax.plot_trisurf(verts[:, 0], verts[:, 1], faces, verts[:, 2], zorder=100., **tri_kwarg) # Draw and Save Figure if show_plot: if fname is not None: fig.savefig(fname) return fig, tri
def animate_cartesian_isosurface(function_grid_series, levels, contours=[], cont_kwargs=[{}], tri_kwargs=[{'cmap': 'Spectral', 'lw': 1}], writer_kwargs={'fps': 30}, ani_kwargs={'blit': False, 'repeat': False, 'interval':33}, fig_kwargs={'figsize': [12., 15.]}, ax_kwargs={}, font_kwargs={'name': 'serif', 'size': 30}, normalize_level=False, show_plot=True, fname=None, fig_num=None): # Repeat axis and line formats if only one value is given if len(tri_kwargs) == 1: tri_kwargs = tri_kwargs * len(function_grid_series) if len(cont_kwargs) == 1: cont_kwargs = cont_kwargs * len(function_grid_series) if len(levels) == 1: levels = levels * len(function_grid_series) # Checks that all inputs are now the same length assert len(function_grid_series) == len(tri_kwargs) == len(cont_kwargs) == len(levels) # Format Figure and Axes fig = plt.figure(fig_num, **fig_kwargs) ax = fig.add_axes([0.025, 0.15, 0.8, 0.85], projection='3d') # Format Axes format_3d_axes(ax, font_kwargs=font_kwargs, **ax_kwargs) # Set Animation Parameters nframes = len(function_grid_series[0]) # Define Update Function def update(ff): ax.clear() format_3d_axes(ax, font_kwargs=font_kwargs, **ax_kwargs) for fgs, level, tri_kwarg, cont_kwarg in zip(function_grid_series, levels, tri_kwargs, cont_kwargs): func = fgs[ff][0].data x, y, z = fgs[ff][0].grid.coordinates # Calculate Projected Functions (Normalized to the same max as original Function) yz_func = np.sum(func, axis=0) yz_func *= np.max(func) / np.max(yz_func) xz_func = np.sum(func, axis=1) xz_func *= np.max(func) / np.max(xz_func) xy_func = np.sum(func, axis=2) xy_func *= np.max(func) / np.max(xy_func) # Calculate and Plot Isosurface # Factor of 2 for consistency with bloch sphere convention del_x, del_y, del_z = 2 * (x[1] - x[0]), 2 * (y[1] - y[0]), 2 * (z[1] - z[0]) x_min, y_min, z_min = 2 * np.min(x), 2 * np.min(y), 2 * np.min(z) x_max, y_max, z_max = 2 * np.max(x), 2 * np.max(y), 2 * np.max(z) if len(level) == 1: lvl = level[0] else: lvl = level[ff] if normalize_level: lvl = lvl * np.max(func) verts, faces = measure.marching_cubes_classic(volume=func, level=lvl) verts[:, 0] = verts[:, 0] * del_x + x_min verts[:, 1] = verts[:, 1] * del_y + y_min verts[:, 2] = verts[:, 2] * del_z + z_min tri = ax.plot_trisurf(verts[:, 0], verts[:, 1], faces, verts[:, 2], zorder=100., **tri_kwarg) for contour in contours: clvl = contour * lvl if np.min(yz_func) < clvl < np.max(yz_func): cont = np.array(measure.find_contours(yz_func, clvl)) cont = cont[0] cont[:, 0] = cont[:, 0] * del_y + y_min cont[:, 1] = cont[:, 1] * del_z + z_min tri = ax.plot(xs=x_min * np.ones_like(cont[:, 0]), ys=cont[:, 0], zs=cont[:, 1], zorder=-1., **cont_kwarg) if np.min(xz_func) < clvl < np.max(xz_func): cont = np.array(measure.find_contours(xz_func, clvl)) cont = cont[0] cont[:, 0] = cont[:, 0] * del_x + x_min cont[:, 1] = cont[:, 1] * del_z + z_min tri = ax.plot(xs=cont[:, 0], ys=y_max * np.ones_like(cont[:, 0]), zs=cont[:, 1], zorder=-1., **cont_kwarg) if np.min(xy_func) < clvl < np.max(xy_func): cont = np.array(measure.find_contours(xy_func, clvl)) cont = cont[0] cont[:, 0] = cont[:, 0] * del_x + x_min cont[:, 1] = cont[:, 1] * del_y + y_min tri = ax.plot(xs=cont[:, 0], ys=cont[:, 1], zs=z_min * np.ones_like(cont[:, 0]), zorder=-1., **cont_kwarg) return tri, # Draw and Save Animation ani = an.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=range(nframes), **ani_kwargs) if show_plot: if fname is not None: print('saving '+ fname) FFwriter = an.FFMpegWriter(**writer_kwargs), writer=FFwriter) return fig, ani
def animate_spherical_isosurface(function_grid_series, levels, contours=[], cont_kwargs=[{}], tri_kwargs=[{'cmap': 'Spectral', 'lw': 1}], writer_kwargs={'fps': 30}, ani_kwargs={'blit': False, 'repeat': False, 'interval':33}, fig_kwargs={'figsize': [12., 15.]}, ax_kwargs={}, font_kwargs={'name': 'serif', 'size': 30}, normalize_level=False, show_plot=True, fname=None, fig_num=None): # Repeat axis and line formats if only one value is given if len(tri_kwargs) == 1: tri_kwargs = tri_kwargs * len(function_grid_series) if len(cont_kwargs) == 1: cont_kwargs = cont_kwargs * len(function_grid_series) if len(levels) == 1: levels = levels * len(function_grid_series) # Checks that all inputs are now the same length assert len(function_grid_series) == len(tri_kwargs) == len(cont_kwargs) == len(levels) # Format Figure and Axes fig = plt.figure(fig_num, **fig_kwargs) ax = fig.add_axes([0.025, 0.15, 0.8, 0.85], projection='3d') # Format Axes format_3d_axes(ax, font_kwargs=font_kwargs, **ax_kwargs) # Set Animation Parameters nframes = len(function_grid_series[0]) # Define Update Function def update(ff): ax.clear() format_3d_axes(ax, font_kwargs=font_kwargs, **ax_kwargs) for fgs, level, tri_kwarg, cont_kwarg in zip(function_grid_series, levels, tri_kwargs, cont_kwargs): func = fgs[ff][0].data r, theta, phi = fgs[ff][0].grid.coordinates # Calculate and Plot Isosurface # Factor of 2 for consistency with bloch sphere convention del_r, del_theta, del_phi = 2 * (r[1] - r[0]), (theta[1] - theta[0]), (phi[1] - phi[0]) r_min, theta_min, phi_min = 2 * np.min(r), np.min(theta), np.min(phi) if len(level) == 1: lvl = level[0] else: lvl = level[ff] if normalize_level: lvl = lvl * np.max(func) verts, faces = measure.marching_cubes_classic(volume=func, level=lvl) v = [] v.append(verts[:, 0] * del_r + r_min) v.append(verts[:, 1] * del_theta + theta_min) v.append(verts[:, 2] * del_phi + phi_min) v = sp.spherical_to_cartesian(tuple(v)) verts[:, 0] = v[0] verts[:, 1] = v[1] verts[:, 2] = v[2] tri = ax.plot_trisurf(verts[:, 0], verts[:, 1], faces, verts[:, 2], zorder=100., **tri_kwarg) return tri, # Draw and Save Animation ani = an.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=range(nframes), **ani_kwargs) if show_plot: if fname is not None: print('saving '+ fname) FFwriter = an.FFMpegWriter(**writer_kwargs), writer=FFwriter) return fig, ani
def plot_cartesian_isosurface(function_grids, levels, contours=[], cont_kwargs=[{}], tri_kwargs=[{'cmap': 'Spectral', 'lw': 1}], fig_kwargs={'figsize': [12., 15.]}, ax_kwargs={}, font_kwargs={'name': 'serif', 'size': 30}, show_plot=True, fname=None, fig_num=None): # Repeat axis and line formats if only one value is given if len(tri_kwargs) == 1: tri_kwargs = tri_kwargs * len(function_grids) if len(cont_kwargs) == 1: cont_kwargs = cont_kwargs * len(function_grids) if len(levels) == 1: levels = levels * len(function_grids) # Checks that all inputs are now the same length assert len(function_grids) == len(tri_kwargs) == len(cont_kwargs) == len(levels) # Format Figure and Axes fig = plt.figure(fig_num, **fig_kwargs) ax = fig.add_axes([0.025, 0.15, 0.8, 0.85], projection='3d') # Format Axes format_3d_axes(ax, font_kwargs=font_kwargs, **ax_kwargs) for fg, level, tri_kwarg, cont_kwarg in zip(function_grids, levels, tri_kwargs, cont_kwargs): func = x, y, z = fg.grid.coordinates # Calculate Projected Functions (Normalized to the same max as original Function) yz_func = np.sum(func, axis=0) yz_func *= np.max(func)/np.max(yz_func) xz_func = np.sum(func, axis=1) xz_func *= np.max(func)/np.max(xz_func) xy_func = np.sum(func, axis=2) xy_func *= np.max(func)/np.max(xy_func) # Calculate and Plot Isosurface # Factor of 2 for consistency with bloch sphere convention del_x, del_y, del_z = 2 * (x[1] - x[0]), 2 * (y[1] - y[0]), 2 * (z[1] - z[0]) x_min, y_min, z_min = 2 * np.min(x), 2 * np.min(y), 2 * np.min(z) x_max, y_max, z_max = 2 * np.max(x), 2 * np.max(y), 2 * np.max(z) verts, faces = measure.marching_cubes_classic(volume=func, level=level) verts[:, 0] = verts[:, 0] * del_x + x_min verts[:, 1] = verts[:, 1] * del_y + y_min verts[:, 2] = verts[:, 2] * del_z + z_min tri = ax.plot_trisurf(verts[:, 0], verts[:, 1], faces, verts[:, 2], zorder=100., **tri_kwarg) for contour in contours: lvl = contour * level if np.min(yz_func) < lvl < np.max(yz_func): cont = np.array(measure.find_contours(yz_func, lvl)) cont = cont[0] cont[:, 0] = cont[:, 0] * del_y + y_min cont[:, 1] = cont[:, 1] * del_z + z_min tri = ax.plot(xs=x_min * np.ones_like(cont[:, 0]), ys=cont[:, 0], zs=cont[:, 1], zorder=-1., **cont_kwarg) if np.min(xz_func) < lvl < np.max(xz_func): cont = np.array(measure.find_contours(xz_func, lvl)) cont = cont[0] cont[:, 0] = cont[:, 0] * del_x + x_min cont[:, 1] = cont[:, 1] * del_z + z_min tri = ax.plot(xs=cont[:, 0], ys=y_max * np.ones_like(cont[:, 0]), zs=cont[:, 1], zorder=-1., **cont_kwarg) if np.min(xy_func) < lvl < np.max(xy_func): cont = np.array(measure.find_contours(xy_func, lvl)) cont = cont[0] cont[:, 0] = cont[:, 0] * del_x + x_min cont[:, 1] = cont[:, 1] * del_y + y_min tri = ax.plot(xs=cont[:, 0], ys=cont[:, 1], zs=z_min * np.ones_like(cont[:, 0]), zorder=-1., **cont_kwarg) # Draw and Save Figure if show_plot: if fname is not None: fig.savefig(fname) return fig, tri
def plot_flow(flow_grids, quiver_kwargs=[{ 'linewidth': 2., 'colors': red }], proj_quiver_kwargs=[{ 'linewidth': 2., 'colors': red, 'alpha': 0.5 }], fig_kwargs={'figsize': [12., 15.]}, ax_kwargs={}, font_kwargs={ 'name': 'serif', 'size': 40 }, show_plot=True, fname=None, fig_num=None): # Repeat axis and line formats if only one value is given if len(quiver_kwargs) == 1: quiver_kwargs = quiver_kwargs * len(flow_grids) if len(proj_quiver_kwargs) == 1: proj_quiver_kwargs = proj_quiver_kwargs * len(flow_grids) # Checks that all inputs are now the same length assert len(flow_grids) == len(quiver_kwargs) == len(proj_quiver_kwargs) # Initialize Figure and Axes fig = plt.figure(fig_num, **fig_kwargs) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') # Get Axis Parameters x_mins = [] x_maxs = [] y_mins = [] y_maxs = [] z_mins = [] z_maxs = [] for fg in flow_grids: fg = fg.grid x_mins.append(2 * np.min(fg.cartesian[0]).real) x_maxs.append(2 * np.max(fg.cartesian[0]).real) y_mins.append(2 * np.min(fg.cartesian[1]).real) y_maxs.append(2 * np.max(fg.cartesian[1]).real) z_mins.append(2 * np.min(fg.cartesian[2]).real) z_maxs.append(2 * np.max(fg.cartesian[2]).real) x_lim = np.min(x_mins), np.max(x_maxs) y_lim = np.min(y_mins), np.max(y_maxs) z_lim = np.min(z_mins), np.max(z_maxs) # Format Axes format_3d_axes(ax, x_lim=x_lim, y_lim=y_lim, z_lim=z_lim, font_kwargs=font_kwargs, **ax_kwargs) # Generate Quiver Plot for flow_grid, line_format, proj_format in zip(flow_grids, quiver_kwargs, proj_quiver_kwargs): # Grab Coordinates xc, yc, zc = tuple( flow_grid.grid.cartesian ) # Factor of 2 for Consistency with Bloch Sphere Convention x = 2 * xc.real y = 2 * yc.real z = 2 * zc.real mid_x = int(np.floor(np.shape(x)[0] / 2)) mid_y = int(np.floor(np.shape(y)[1] / 2)) mid_z = int(np.floor(np.shape(z)[2] / 2)) # Vectorize Operators flow = flow_grid.cartesian_vectors quiv = ax.quiver(x, y, z, flow[0], flow[1], flow[2], length=0.25, **line_format) quiv = ax.quiver(x[:, mid_x, :], x_lim[1] * np.ones_like(y[:, mid_x, :]), z[:, mid_x, :], flow[0][:, mid_x, :], np.zeros_like(flow[1][:, mid_x, :]), flow[2][:, mid_x, :], length=0.25, zorder=-1., **proj_format) quiv = ax.quiver(y_lim[0] * np.ones_like(x[mid_y, :, :]), y[mid_y, :, :], z[mid_y, :, :], np.zeros_like(flow[0][mid_y, :, :]), flow[1][mid_y, :, :], flow[2][mid_y, :, :], length=0.25, zorder=-1., **proj_format) quiv = ax.quiver(x[:, :, mid_z], y[:, :, mid_z], z_lim[0] * np.ones_like(z[:, :, mid_z]), flow[0][:, :, mid_z], flow[1][:, :, mid_z], np.zeros_like(flow[2][:, :, mid_z]), length=0.25, **proj_format) # Plot and Save Figure if show_plot: if fname is not None: fig.savefig(fname) return fig, quiv