def generate_meme(cls, output_path, image_path=None, body=None, author=None): """ Generate a meme given an path and a quote """ img = None quote = None if image_path is None: imgs = cls.__get_images() img = random.choice(imgs) else: img = image_path if body is None: quotes = cls.__get_quotes() quote = random.choice(quotes) else: if author is None: raise Exception('Author Required if Body is Used') quote = QuoteModel(author, body) meme = MemeEngine(output_path) path = meme.make_meme(img, quote.body, return path
def generate_meme(path=None, body=None, author=None): """ Generate a meme given an path and a quote """ img = None quote = None if path is None: images = './_data/photos/dog/' imgs = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(images): imgs = [os.path.join(root, name) for name in files] img = random.choice(imgs) else: img = path[0] if body is None: quote_files = [ './_data/DogQuotes/DogQuotesTXT.txt', './_data/DogQuotes/DogQuotesDOCX.docx', './_data/DogQuotes/DogQuotesPDF.pdf', './_data/DogQuotes/DogQuotesCSV.csv' ] quotes = [] for f in quote_files: quotes.extend(Ingestor.parse(f)) quote = random.choice(quotes) else: if author is None: raise Exception('Author Required if Body is Used') quote = QuoteModel(body, author) meme = MemeEngine('./tmp') path = meme.make_meme(img, quote.body, return path
def parse(cls, path:str) -> List[QuoteModel]: if not cls.can_ingest(path): raise Exception('cannot ingest extension') document = Document(path) quotes = [] for para in document.paragraphs: if para.text != "": parse = para.text.split(' - ') quote = QuoteModel(parse[0],parse[1]) quotes.append(quote) return quotes
def parse(cls, path: str) -> List[QuoteModel]: if not cls.can_ingest(path): raise Exception('cannot ingest exception') items = [] df = pandas.read_csv(path, header=0) for _, row in df.iterrows(): items.append(QuoteModel(*row)) return items
def parse(cls, path: str) -> List[QuoteModel]: if not cls.can_ingest(path): raise Exception('cannot ingest extension') quotes = [] df = pandas.read_csv(path, header=0) for index, row in df.iterrows(): print(row) new_quote = QuoteModel(row['body'], row['author']) quotes.append(new_quote) return quotes
def parse(cls, path: str) -> List[QuoteModel]: if not cls.can_ingest(path): raise Exception('cannot ingest exception') with open(path, 'r') as f: items = [] for line in f.readlines(): try: items.append(QuoteModel(*parse_text_line(line))) except IndexError as e: pass return items
def parse(cls, path: str) -> List[QuoteModel]: if not cls.can_ingest(path): raise Exception('cannot ingest extension') file = open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") lines = file.readlines() file.close() quotes = [] for quote in lines: parsed = quote.rstrip("\n").split(" - ") if len(parsed) > 1: body = parsed[0] author = parsed[1] new_quote = QuoteModel(body, author) quotes.append(new_quote) return quotes
def meme_post(): """Create a user defined meme.""" image_url = request.form['image_url'] text_body = QuoteModel(request.form['body'], request.form['author']) response = requests.get(image_url) path_temp = './temp/image_temp.png' # write a temp image to a disk with open(path_temp, 'wb') as write_temp_image: write_temp_image.write(response.content) # memo generation path = meme.make_meme(path_temp, text_body.body_text, # remove a temp image os.remove(path_temp) return render_template('meme.html', path=path)
def meme_post(): """Create a user defined meme.""" # Get the user input img_url = request.form['image_url'] quote = QuoteModel(request.form['body'], request.form['author']) # Save the image temporarily for generating a meme out of it. r = requests.get(img_url) path_tmp = './tmp/posted-image.png' with open(path_tmp, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) # Generate a meme based on user input. path = meme.make_meme(path_tmp, quote.body, # path = url_for('static', filename="out/" + path) # Remove the temporary saved image: os.remove(path_tmp) return render_template('meme.html', path=path)
def meme_post(): """ Create a user defined meme """ try: image_url = request.form['image_url'] body = request.form['body'] author = request.form['author'] except: raise Exception('Bad request') quote = QuoteModel(body, author) r = requests.get(image_url, allow_redirects=True) img = f'./tmp/{random.randint(0, 100000000)}.jpg' open(img, 'wb').write(r.content) path = meme.make_meme(img, quote.body, os.remove(img) return render_template('meme.html', path=path)
def meme_post(): """Create a user defined meme.""" image_url = request.form['image_url'] file_type = image_url.split('.')[-1] accepted_file_types = ['jpg', 'png'] if file_type not in accepted_file_types: raise Exception(f'Image file type must be {accepted_file_types}') r = requests.get(image_url) i = tmp_file = f'./tmp_image_{random.randint(0, 100000000)}.{file_type}' body = request.form['body'] author = request.form['author'] quote = QuoteModel(body, author) path = meme.make_meme(tmp_file, quote.body, os.remove(tmp_file) return render_template('meme.html', path=path)
def generate_meme(path=None, body=None, author=None): """Inputs: path: str = path to image file body: str = body of a quote about art author: str = author of an art quote Returns path to .jpg meme of image combined with art quote""" img = None quote = None if path is None: path = "./data/ArtImages" imgs = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(path): imgs = [os.path.join(root, name) for name in files] img = random.choice(imgs) else: img = path if body is None: quote_files = [ "./data/ArtQuotes/ArtQuotesCSV.csv", "./data/ArtQuotes/ArtQuotesDOC.docx", "./data/ArtQuotes/ArtQuotesPDF.pdf", "./data/ArtQuotes/ArtQuotesTXT.txt", ] quotes = [] for file in quote_files: quotes.extend(Importer.parse(file)) quote = random.choice(quotes) else: if author is None: raise Exception("All quotes must have an author") quote = QuoteModel(body, author) meme = Meme("./static") meme_path = meme.make_meme(img, quote.body, return meme_path
def meme_post(): """Create a user defined meme.""" img_url = request.form['image_url'] body = request.form['body'] author = request.form['author'] # Create quote quote = QuoteModel(body, author) # Save image in temp file image_content = requests.get(img_url, stream=True).content temp_path = './tmp/temp_img.jpg' open(temp_path, 'wb').write(image_content) # Create meme path = meme.make_meme(temp_path, quote.body, # Remove the temporary saved image os.remove(temp_path) return render_template('meme.html', path=path)
def meme_post(): """ Create a user defined meme """ image_url = request.form['image_url'] body = request.form['body'] author = request.form['author'] if not validators.url(image_url): raise Exception("URL not valid") image = requests.get(image_url, allow_redirects=True) destination = f'./tmp/{random.randint(0, 100000000)}.jpg' if not os.path.exists('./tmp'): os.makedirs('./tmp') open(destination, 'wb').write(image.content) quote = QuoteModel.QuoteModel(body, author) path = meme.make_meme(destination, quote.body, return render_template('meme.html', path=path)
def meme_post(): """ Create a user defined meme """ # 1. Use requests to save the image from the image_url # form param to a temp local file. # 2. Use the meme object to generate a meme using this temp # file and the body and author form paramaters. # 3. Remove the temporary saved image. image_url = request.form.get('image_url') r = requests.get(image_url) tmp = dir_path + '/' + str(random.randint(0, 100000000)) + '.png' with open(tmp, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) if request.form.get('body') != "" and request.form.get('author') != "": quote = QuoteModel(request.form.get('body'), request.form.get('author')) else: quote = random.choice(quotes) path = meme.make_meme(tmp, quote.body, # os.remove(tmp) print(path) return render_template('meme.html', path=path)
def meme_post(): """ Create a user defined meme """ # Read the form parameters img = request.form.get('image_url') body = request.form.get('body') author = request.form.get('author') temp_file = Path(f'./tmp/{random.randint(0, 100000000)}.png') temp_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) try: response = requests.get(img, allow_redirects=True) open(temp_file, 'wb').write(response.content) except RequestException: print("Can't accees the given image URL") # create the meme using the temporary downloaded image quote = QuoteModel(body, author) path = meme.make_meme(temp_file, quote.body, temp_file.unlink(missing_ok=True) return render_template('meme.html', path=path)
def make_meme(self, img_path: str, text: str, author: str, width=500) -> str: """Return a meme which is resized and contains a caption. Keyword Arguments: img_path (str) -- The file path to the image text (str) -- The quote body. author (str) -- The author of the quote. width (int) -- The width of the new image which is less than 500px. """ try: f = open(img_path, 'r') except IOError: raise Exception('Invalid file path. Please enter a valid path.') else: f.close() im = height = im.size[1] # Resize image assert width <= 500, f'Width must be less than 500px' ratio = width / float(im.size[0]) height = int(ratio * float(height)) meme_img = im.resize((width, height), Image.NEAREST) # Create font total_pixels = height*width font_size = int(total_pixels*0.0001) if font_size <= 10: font_size = 10 fnt = ImageFont.truetype("./Fonts/arial.ttf", font_size) # Add quote and author to image draw = ImageDraw.Draw(meme_img) quote = QuoteModel(text, author) # Randomly choosing coordinates to place the text that is dynamic rand_width = randint(0, width) rand_height = randint(0, height) width_anchor = 'l' height_anchor = 't' if rand_width >= width*.75: width_anchor = 'r' elif rand_width >= width*.25: width_anchor = 'm' if rand_height >= height*.75: height_anchor = 'b' elif rand_height >= height*.25: height_anchor = 'm' anchor = width_anchor + height_anchor draw.text((rand_width, rand_height), str(quote), anchor=anchor, font=fnt) # Output meme image output_filename = 'meme_' + img_path.split('/')[-1] output_path = self.output_dir + '/' + output_filename return output_path