Example #1
def AAD_SpectralMatchin( seed1 , seed2 ) :
    #seed1     = 'RSN730_SPITAK_GUK000.at2'   # seeed record comp1[g]
    #seed2     = 'RSN730_SPITAK_GUK090.at2'   # seeed record comp2[g]
    target   = 'ASCE7.txt'                        # target spectrum (T,PSA)
    dampratio = 0.05                              # damping ratio for spectra
    TL1 = 0; TL2 = 0                           # define period range for matching 
                                                # (T1=T2=0 matches the whole spectrum)
    # load target spectrum and seed record:

    s1,dt,n,name1 = load_PEERNGA_record(seed1)    # dt: time step, s: accelertion series
    time_1 = [ dt * item for item in range( len( s1))]
    s2,dt,n,name2 = load_PEERNGA_record(seed2)
    time_2 = [ dt * item for item in range( len( s2))]

    fs   = 1/dt                # sampling frequency (Hz)
    tso = np.loadtxt(target)
    tso = tso[::100]
    To = tso[:,0]              # original target spectrum periods
    dso = tso[:,1]             # original target spectrum psa

    # Spectrum hesaplayalım
    metinInfo("Orjinal kayıtların spektrumları hesaplansı")

    PSA_1, PSV_1, SA_1, SV_1, SD_1 = RSFD(To , s1 , dampratio , dt )
    PSA_2, PSV_2, SA_2, SV_2, SD_2 = RSFD(To , s2 , dampratio , dt )

    # Ölçekleme işi yapılsın
    metinInfo( "Ölçekleme işi yapılsın")
    nn = 100                   # percentile 100 for RotD100, 50 for RotD50, ...

    PSArotnn,PSArotnnor,T,misfit,rms) = REQPYrotdnn(s1,s2,fs,dso,To,nn,
    # HEDEF SPECTRUM OKUMAS                                                 
    data_df = pd.read_csv( target, names = ["T_target" , "SA_target"], header = None, delim_whitespace= True)

    #%% GORELİM
    metinInfo("Görselleştirme başlasın")

    plt.figure( figsize = (10,5))
    plt.plot( T , PSArotnn ,"r--", lw = 2 , label="Scaled Spectrum" )
    plt.plot( T , PSArotnnor , "b" , label = "Original Spectrum")
    plt.plot( data_df["T_target" ] , data_df["SA_target"] , "c" , lw = 1.5 , label = "Target Spectrum")
    plt.plot( To , PSA_1 , "gray" , label = "H1 Spectrum" )
    plt.plot( To , PSA_2 , "gray" , label = "H2 Spectrum" )
    plt.xlim( 0 , 4)
    plt.xlabel( "Period (s)")
    plt.ylabel("Sa (g)")
    plt.rcParams.update({ "font.size" : 14 })
    plt.axhline( color = "k" )
    plt.axvline( color = "k" )
    plt.savefig( f'Output-{os.path.split(seed1)[-1].split("_")[0]}-Spectra.png')
    #plt.savefig( 'Spectra.png')
    fig, ax = plt.subplots( nrows = 2 , ncols = 1 , sharex = True, sharey = True, figsize = ( 10 , 8 ) , frameon = None )

    for count , ( timeList , signalScale , signalOrigin , labelY ) in enumerate( zip( [time_1 , time_2] , [s1,s2] , [scc1,scc2] , [ seed1 , seed2 ]) ):
        ax[ count ].plot( [dt*item for item in range(len(signalOrigin))] , signalOrigin , "r-", lw = 1 , label = "Scaled Signal")
        ax[ count ].plot( timeList , signalScale , "b", lw = 2 , label = "Original  Signal")
        ax[ count ].set_ylabel( labelY )
        ax[ count ].set_xlabel( "Time (s)")

        ax[ count ].legend()
        ax[ count ].axhline( color = "k" )
        ax[ count ].axvline( color = "k" )
        ax[ count ].set_xlim(left = 0)
        ax[ count ].set(frame_on=False)  # New

    plt.rcParams.update({ "font.size" : 14  })
    plt.savefig( f'Output-{os.path.split(seed1)[-1].split("_")[0]}-TimeSeries.png')
    RSN_name = f'{os.path.split(seed1)[-1].split("_")[0]}'
    headerinfo = 'accelerations in g, dt = ' + str(dt)
    np.savetxt( f'./v2/v2-{RSN_name}-H1.txt' , scc1 , header = f'v2-{RSN_name}-H1' + headerinfo )
    np.savetxt( f'./v2/v2-{RSN_name}-H2.txt' , scc2 , header = f'v2-{RSN_name}-H2' + headerinfo )

    # OUTPUT
    return(  PSArotnn )

    metinInfo( "We are done with this set")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


# input:

seed = 'RSN730_SPITAK_GUK000.at2'  # seeed record [g]
target = 'ASCE7.txt'  # target spectrum (T,PSA)
dampratio = 0.05  # damping ratio for spectra
TL1 = 0.05
TL2 = 6  # define period range for matching
# (T1=T2=0 matches the whole spectrum)

# load target spectrum and seed record:

s, dt, npts, eqname = load_PEERNGA_record(seed)
# dt: time step, s: accelertion series, npts: number of points in record

fs = 1 / dt  # sampling frequency (Hz)
tso = np.loadtxt(target)
To = tso[:, 0]  # original target spectrum periods
dso = tso[:, 1]  # original target spectrum psa

ccs, rms, misfit, cvel, cdespl, PSAccs, PSAs, T, sf = REQPY_single(
Example #3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


# input:

seed1     = 'RSN730_SPITAK_GUK000.at2'   # seeed record comp1[g]
seed2     = 'RSN730_SPITAK_GUK090.at2'   # seeed record comp2[g]
target   = 'ASCE7.txt'                        # target spectrum (T,PSA)
dampratio = 0.05                              # damping ratio for spectra
TL1 = 0.05; TL2 = 6                           # define period range for matching 
                                              # (T1=T2=0 matches the whole spectrum)

# load target spectrum and seed record:

s1,dt,n,name1 = load_PEERNGA_record(seed1)    # dt: time step, s: accelertion series
s2,dt,n,name2 = load_PEERNGA_record(seed2)

fs   = 1/dt                # sampling frequency (Hz)
tso = np.loadtxt(target)
To = tso[:,0]              # original target spectrum periods
dso = tso[:,1]             # original target spectrum psa

nn = 100                   # percentile 100 for RotD100, 50 for RotD50, ...

 PSArotnn,PSArotnnor,T,misfit,rms) = REQPYrotdnn(s1,s2,fs,dso,To,nn,