Example #1
    def execute(self, *args):
        dag_status = int(args[0])
        failed_count = int(args[1])
        restinstance = args[2]
        resturl = args[3]
        if dag_status in [1, 2, 3]:
            if dag_status == 3:
                msg = "Task aborted because the maximum number of failures was hit; %d total failed jobs." % failed_count
                msg = "Task failed overall; %d failed jobs" % failed_count
            configreq = {'workflow': kw['task']['tm_taskname'],
                         'substatus': "FAILED",
                         'subfailure': base64.b64encode(str(e)),}
            data = urllib.urlencode(configreq)
            server = HTTPRequests(restinstance, os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'], os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'])
            server.put(resturl, data=data)

        return dag_status
Example #2
    def execute(self, *args):
        dag_status = int(args[0])
        failed_count = int(args[1])
        restinstance = args[2]
        resturl = args[3]
        if dag_status in [1, 2, 3]:
            if dag_status == 3:
                msg = "Task aborted because the maximum number of failures was hit; %d total failed jobs." % failed_count
                msg = "Task failed overall; %d failed jobs" % failed_count
            configreq = {
                'workflow': kw['task']['tm_taskname'],
                'substatus': "FAILED",
                'subfailure': base64.b64encode(str(e)),
            data = urllib.urlencode(configreq)
            server = HTTPRequests(restinstance, os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'],
            server.put(resturl, data=data)

        return dag_status
Example #3
class FileTransfersTest(unittest.TestCase):

    Unit tests for the FileTransfers API
    def setUp(self):
        Setup for unit tests
        self.server = HTTPRequests(os.environ['SERVER_HOST'],
        self.lfnBase = '/store/temp/user/%s/my_cool_dataset-%s/file-%s-%s.root'
        self.fileDoc = {
            'id': 'OVERWRITE',
            'username': '******',
            'taskname': 'OVERWRITE',
            'start_time': 0,
            'destination': 'T2_CH_CERN',
            'destination_lfn': 'OVERWRITE',
            'source': 'T2_US_Caltech',
            'source_lfn': 'OVERWRITE',
            'filesize': random.randint(1, 9999),
            'publish': 1,
            'transfer_state': 'OVERWRITE',
            'publication_state': 'OVERWRITE',
            'job_id': 1,
            'job_retry_count': 0,
            'type': 'log',
            'rest_host': 'cmsweb.cern.ch',
            'rest_uri': '/crabserver/prod/'
        self.ids = []
        self.users = [
            'jbalcas', 'mmascher', 'dciangot', 'riahi', 'erupeika', 'sbelforte'
        ]  # just random users for tests
        self.tasks = {}
        self.totalFiles = 10

    def testFileTransferPUT(self):

        Just test simple testFileTransferPUT with fake data
        # We just sent fake data which is not monitored by dashboard.
        # Also only the first time to decide is publication ON or NOT
        for user in self.users:
            timestamp = time.strftime('%y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
            for i in range(self.totalFiles):
                now = int(time.time())
                # Generate a taskname
                workflowName = ""
                taskname = ""
                if user not in self.tasks:
                    workflowName = "".join([
                        for _ in range(20)
                    ]) + "_" + str(now)
                    publicationState = random.choice(['NEW', 'NOT_REQUIRED'])
                    workflowName = self.tasks[user]['workflowName']
                    publicationState = self.tasks[user]['publication']
                transferState = random.choice(['NEW', 'DONE'])
                taskname = generateTaskName(user, workflowName, timestamp)
                finalLfn = self.lfnBase % (user, workflowName, i,
                                           random.randint(1, 9999))
                idHash = getHashLfn(finalLfn)
                self.fileDoc['id'] = idHash
                self.fileDoc['job_id'] = i
                self.fileDoc['username'] = user
                self.fileDoc['taskname'] = taskname
                self.fileDoc['start_time'] = int(time.time())
                self.fileDoc['source_lfn'] = finalLfn
                self.fileDoc['destination_lfn'] = finalLfn
                self.fileDoc['transfer_state'] = transferState
                self.fileDoc['publication_state'] = publicationState
                # if I will put the same doc twice, it should raise an error.
                # self.server.put('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers', data=urllib.urlencode(self.fileDoc))
                # This tasks are for the future and next calls
                if user not in self.tasks:
                    self.tasks[user] = {
                        'workflowName': workflowName,
                        'taskname': taskname,
                        'listOfIds': [],
                        'publication': publicationState,
                        'toTransfer': 0,
                        'toPublish': 0,
                        'total': self.totalFiles
                if self.tasks[user]['publication'] == 'NEW':
                    self.tasks[user]['toPublish'] += 1
                if transferState == 'NEW':
                    self.tasks[user]['toTransfer'] += 1
        # This should raise an error
        for username in self.tasks:
            taskname = self.tasks[username]['taskname']
            for query in ['getTransferStatus', 'getPublicationStatus']:
                result = self.server.get('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers',
                taskInfoDict = oracleOutputMapping(result, 'id')
                for key, docDict in taskInfoDict.items():
                    result = self.server.get(
                            'subresource': 'getById',
                            'id': key

        randomUsers = random.sample(
            set(self.users), 3
        )  # Take half of the users and kill their transfers for specific task
        for username in randomUsers:
            taskname = self.tasks[username]['taskname']
            result = self.server.post('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers',
                                          'subresource': 'killTransfers',
                                          'username': username,
                                          'taskname': taskname
        # oneUser is left for killing a list of IDs
        # leftUsers will be killing transfers one by one for specific id.
        leftUsers = list(set(self.users) - set(randomUsers))
        oneUser = random.sample(set(leftUsers), 1)
        leftUsers = list(set(leftUsers) - set(oneUser))
        for username in leftUsers:
            # First get all left ids for this users
            result = self.server.get('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers',
            resultOut = oracleOutputMapping(result, None)
            print("**" * 50)
            for outDict in resultOut:
                result = self.server.post('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers',
        for username in oneUser:
            result = self.server.post(
                        'subresource': 'killTransfersById',
                        'username': username,
                        'listOfIds': self.tasks[username]['listOfIds']
                    }, ['listOfIds']))
            # As it asks to kill all which are in new, need to double check what we submitted before and if the output of killed is correct
Example #4
    def __call__(self):
        valid = False
        configmsg = 'Default'

        self.logger.debug("Started submission")
        # Get some debug parameters
        oneEventMode = hasattr(self.configuration, 'Debug') and \
                                getattr(self.configuration.Debug, 'oneEventMode')
        ######### Check if the user provided unexpected parameters ########
        #init the dictionary with all the known parameters
        SpellChecker.DICTIONARY = SpellChecker.train( [ val['config'] for _, val in self.requestmapper.iteritems() if val['config'] ] + \
                                                      [ x for x in self.otherConfigParams ] )
        #iterate on the parameters provided by the user
        for section in self.configuration.listSections_():
            for attr in getattr(self.configuration, section).listSections_():
                par = (section + '.' + attr)
                #if the parameter is not know exit, but try to correct it before
                if not SpellChecker.is_correct( par ):
                    msg = 'The parameter %s is not known.' % par
                    msg += '' if SpellChecker.correct(par) == par else ' Did you mean %s?' % SpellChecker.correct(par)
                    raise ConfigurationException(msg)

        #usertarball and cmsswconfig use this parameter and we should set it up in a correct way
        self.configuration.General.serverUrl = self.serverurl

        uniquerequestname = None

        self.logger.debug("Working on %s" % str(self.requestarea))

        configreq = {}
        for param in self.requestmapper:
            mustbetype = getattr(types, self.requestmapper[param]['type'])
            if self.requestmapper[param]['config']:
                attrs = self.requestmapper[param]['config'].split('.')
                temp = self.configuration
                for attr in attrs:
                    temp = getattr(temp, attr, None)
                    if temp is None:
                if temp is not None:
                    if mustbetype == type(temp):
                        configreq[param] = temp
                        raise ConfigurationException("Invalid type " + str(type(temp)) + " for parameter " + self.requestmapper[param]['config'] \
                                   + ". It is needed a " + str(mustbetype) + ".")
                elif self.requestmapper[param]['default'] is not None:
                    configreq[param] = self.requestmapper[param]['default']
                    temp = self.requestmapper[param]['default']
                elif self.requestmapper[param]['required']:
                    raise ConfigurationException("Missing parameter " + self.requestmapper[param]['config'] + " from the configuration.")
                    ## parameter not strictly required
            if param == "workflow":
                if mustbetype == type(self.requestname):
                    configreq["workflow"] = self.requestname
            elif param in ['savelogsflag','publication','nonprodsw','ignorelocality','saveoutput']:#TODO use clientmappig to do this
                configreq[param] = 1 if temp else 0
            elif param in ['dbsurl','publishdbsurl']:
                if param == 'dbsurl':
                    dbstype = 'reader'
                elif param == 'publishdbsurl':
                    dbstype = 'writer'
                alloweddbsurls = DBSURLS[dbstype].values()
                alloweddbsurlsaliases = DBSURLS[dbstype].keys()
                if configreq[param] in alloweddbsurlsaliases:
                    configreq[param] = DBSURLS[dbstype][configreq[param]]
                    if configreq[param].rstrip('/') in alloweddbsurls:
                        configreq[param] = configreq[param].rstrip('/')
                        raise ConfigurationException("Invalid argument " + configreq[param] + " for parameter " + self.requestmapper[param]['config'] + " in the configuration.")
        if (configreq['saveoutput'] or configreq['savelogsflag']) and 'asyncdest' not in configreq:
            raise ConfigurationException("Missing parameter " + self.requestmapper['asyncdest']['config'] + " from the configuration.")

        # Add debug parameters to the configreq dict
        configreq['oneEventMode'] = int(oneEventMode)

        jobconfig = {}
        self.configuration.JobType.proxyfilename = self.proxyfilename
        self.configuration.JobType.capath = HTTPRequests.getCACertPath()
        #get the backend URLs from the server external configuration
        serverBackendURLs = server_info('backendurls', self.serverurl, self.proxyfilename, self.getUrl(self.instance, resource='info'))
        #if cacheSSL is specified in the server external configuration we will use it to upload the sandbox (baseURL will be ignored)
        self.configuration.JobType.filecacheurl = serverBackendURLs['cacheSSL'] if 'cacheSSL' in serverBackendURLs else None
        pluginParams = [ self.configuration, self.logger, os.path.join(self.requestarea, 'inputs') ]
        if getattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'pluginName', None) is not None:
            jobtypes    = getJobTypes()
            plugjobtype = jobtypes[upper(self.configuration.JobType.pluginName)](*pluginParams)
            inputfiles, jobconfig, isbchecksum = plugjobtype.run(configreq)
            fullname = self.configuration.JobType.externalPluginFile
            basename = os.path.basename(fullname).split('.')[0]
            plugin = addPlugin(fullname)[basename]
            pluginInst = plugin(*pluginParams)
            inputfiles, jobconfig, isbchecksum = pluginInst.run(configreq)

        if not configreq['publishname']:
            configreq['publishname'] =  isbchecksum
            configreq['publishname'] = "%s-%s" %(configreq['publishname'], isbchecksum)

        server = HTTPRequests(self.serverurl, self.proxyfilename, self.proxyfilename, version=__version__)

        self.logger.info("Sending the request to the server")
        self.logger.debug("Submitting %s " % str( configreq ) )

        dictresult, status, reason = server.put( self.uri, data = self._encodeRequest(configreq) )
        self.logger.debug("Result: %s" % dictresult)
        if status != 200:
            msg = "Problem sending the request:\ninput:%s\noutput:%s\nreason:%s" % (str(configreq), str(dictresult), str(reason))
            raise RESTCommunicationException(msg)
        elif dictresult.has_key("result"):
            uniquerequestname = dictresult["result"][0]["RequestName"]
            msg = "Problem during submission, no request ID returned:\ninput:%s\noutput:%s\nreason:%s" \
                   % (str(configreq), str(dictresult), str(reason))
            raise RESTCommunicationException(msg)

        tmpsplit = self.serverurl.split(':')
        createCache(self.requestarea, tmpsplit[0], tmpsplit[1] if len(tmpsplit)>1 else '', uniquerequestname,
                    voRole=self.voRole, voGroup=self.voGroup, instance=self.instance,
                    originalConfig = self.configuration)

        self.logger.info("%sSuccess%s: Your task has been delivered to the CRAB3 server." %(colors.GREEN, colors.NORMAL))
        if not self.options.wait:
            self.logger.info("Please use 'crab status' to check how the submission process proceed")
            self.logger.debug("Request ID: %s " % uniquerequestname)

        if self.options.wait:

        return uniquerequestname
class FileTransfersTest(unittest.TestCase):

    Unit tests for the FileTransfers API
    def setUp(self):
        Setup for unit tests
        self.server = HTTPRequests(os.environ['SERVER_HOST'], os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'], os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'])
        self.lfnBase = '/store/temp/user/%s/my_cool_dataset-%s/file-%s-%s.root'
        self.fileDoc = {'id': 'OVERWRITE',
                        'username': '******',
                        'taskname': 'OVERWRITE',
                        'start_time': 0,
                        'destination': 'T2_CH_CERN',
                        'destination_lfn': 'OVERWRITE',
                        'source': 'T2_US_Caltech',
                        'source_lfn': 'OVERWRITE',
                        'filesize': random.randint(1, 9999),
                        'publish': 1,
                        'transfer_state': 'OVERWRITE',
                        'publication_state': 'OVERWRITE',
                        'job_id': 1,
                        'job_retry_count': 0,
                        'type': 'log',
                        'rest_host': 'cmsweb.cern.ch',
                        'rest_uri': '/crabserver/prod/'}
        self.ids = []
        self.users = ['jbalcas', 'mmascher', 'dciangot', 'riahi', 'erupeika', 'sbelforte']  # just random users for tests
        self.tasks = {}
        self.totalFiles = 10

    def testFileTransferPUT(self):

        Just test simple testFileTransferPUT with fake data
        # We just sent fake data which is not monitored by dashboard.
        # Also only the first time to decide is publication ON or NOT
        for user in self.users:
            timestamp = time.strftime('%y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
            for i in range(self.totalFiles):
                now = int(time.time())
                # Generate a taskname
                workflowName = ""
                taskname = ""
                if user not in self.tasks:
                    workflowName = "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(20)]) + "_" + str(now)
                    publicationState = random.choice(['NEW', 'NOT_REQUIRED'])
                    workflowName = self.tasks[user]['workflowName']
                    publicationState = self.tasks[user]['publication']
                transferState = random.choice(['NEW', 'DONE'])
                taskname = generateTaskName(user, workflowName, timestamp)
                finalLfn = self.lfnBase % (user, workflowName, i, random.randint(1, 9999))
                idHash = getHashLfn(finalLfn)
                self.fileDoc['id'] = idHash
                self.fileDoc['job_id'] = i
                self.fileDoc['username'] = user
                self.fileDoc['taskname'] = taskname
                self.fileDoc['start_time'] = int(time.time())
                self.fileDoc['source_lfn'] = finalLfn
                self.fileDoc['destination_lfn'] = finalLfn
                self.fileDoc['transfer_state'] = transferState
                self.fileDoc['publication_state'] = publicationState
                self.server.put('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers', data=encodeRequest(self.fileDoc))
                # if I will put the same doc twice, it should raise an error.
                # self.server.put('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers', data=urllib.urlencode(self.fileDoc))
                # This tasks are for the future and next calls
                if user not in self.tasks:
                    self.tasks[user] = {'workflowName': workflowName, 'taskname': taskname, 'listOfIds': [],
                                        'publication': publicationState, 'toTransfer': 0, 'toPublish': 0, 'total': self.totalFiles}
                if self.tasks[user]['publication'] == 'NEW':
                    self.tasks[user]['toPublish'] += 1
                if transferState == 'NEW':
                    self.tasks[user]['toTransfer'] += 1
        # This should raise an error
        for username in self.tasks:
            taskname = self.tasks[username]['taskname']
            for query in ['getTransferStatus', 'getPublicationStatus']:
                result = self.server.get('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers', data=encodeRequest({'subresource': query,
                                                                                    'username': username,
                                                                                    'taskname': taskname}))
                taskInfoDict = oracleOutputMapping(result, 'id')
                for key, docDict in taskInfoDict.items():
                    result = self.server.get('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers', data=encodeRequest({'subresource': 'getById', 'id': key}))

        randomUsers = random.sample(set(self.users), 3)  # Take half of the users and kill their transfers for specific task
        for username in randomUsers:
            taskname = self.tasks[username]['taskname']
            result = self.server.post('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers', data=encodeRequest({'subresource': 'killTransfers',
                                                                                                  'username': username,
                                                                                                  'taskname': taskname}))
        # oneUser is left for killing a list of IDs
        # leftUsers will be killing transfers one by one for specific id.
        leftUsers = list(set(self.users) - set(randomUsers))
        oneUser = random.sample(set(leftUsers), 1)
        leftUsers = list(set(leftUsers) - set(oneUser))
        for username in leftUsers:
            # First get all left ids for this users
            result = self.server.get('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers', data=encodeRequest({'subresource': 'getTransferStatus',
                                                                                                 'username': username,
                                                                                                 'taskname': self.tasks[username]['taskname']}))
            resultOut = oracleOutputMapping(result, None)
            for outDict in resultOut:
                result = self.server.post('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers', data=encodeRequest({'subresource': 'killTransfersById',
                                                                                                      'username': username,
                                                                                                      'listOfIds': outDict['id']}))
        for username in oneUser:
            result = self.server.post('/crabserver/dev/fileusertransfers', data=encodeRequest({'subresource': 'killTransfersById',
                                                                                               'username': username,
                                                                                               'listOfIds': self.tasks[username]['listOfIds']}, ['listOfIds']))
            # As it asks to kill all which are in new, need to double check what we submitted before and if the output of killed is correct
Example #6
    def __call__(self):
        valid = False
        configmsg = 'Default'

        if not os.path.isfile(self.options.config):
            raise MissingOptionException("Configuration file '%s' not found" % self.options.config)

        self.logger.debug("Started submission")

        ######### Check if the user provided unexpected parameters ########
        #init the dictionary with all the known parameters
        SpellChecker.DICTIONARY = SpellChecker.train( [ val['config'] for _, val in self.requestmapper.iteritems() if val['config'] ] + \
                                                      [ x for x in self.otherConfigParams ] )
        #iterate on the parameters provided by the user
        for section in self.configuration.listSections_():
            for attr in getattr(self.configuration, section).listSections_():
                par = (section + '.' + attr)
                #if the parameter is not know exit, but try to correct it before
                if not SpellChecker.is_correct( par ):
                    msg = 'The parameter %s is not known.' % par
                    msg += '' if SpellChecker.correct(par) == par else ' Did you mean %s?' % SpellChecker.correct(par)
                    raise ConfigurationException(msg)

        #usertarball and cmsswconfig use this parameter and we should set it up in a correct way
        self.configuration.General.serverUrl = self.serverurl

        uniquerequestname = None

        self.logger.debug("Working on %s" % str(self.requestarea))

        configreq = {}
        for param in self.requestmapper:
            mustbetype = getattr(types, self.requestmapper[param]['type'])
            if self.requestmapper[param]['config']:
                attrs = self.requestmapper[param]['config'].split('.')
                temp = self.configuration
                for attr in attrs:
                    temp = getattr(temp, attr, None)
                    if temp is None:
                if temp:
                    if mustbetype == type(temp):
                        configreq[param] = temp
                        raise ConfigurationException("Invalid type " + str(type(temp)) + " for parameter " + self.requestmapper[param]['config'] \
                                   + ". It is needed a " + str(mustbetype) + ".")
                elif self.requestmapper[param]['default'] is not None:
                    configreq[param] = self.requestmapper[param]['default']
                elif self.requestmapper[param]['required']:
                    raise ConfigurationException("Missing parameter " + self.requestmapper[param]['config'] + " from the configuration.")
                    ## parameter not strictly required
            if param == "workflow":
                if mustbetype == type(self.requestname):
                    configreq["workflow"] = self.requestname
            elif param == "savelogsflag":
                configreq["savelogsflag"] = 1 if temp else 0
            elif param == "publication":
                configreq["publication"] = 1 if temp else 0
            elif param == "blacklistT1":
                blacklistT1 = self.voRole != 't1access'
                #if the user choose to remove the automatic T1 blacklisting and has not the t1acces role
                if getattr (self.configuration.Site, 'removeT1Blacklisting', False) and blacklistT1:
                    self.logger.info("WARNING: You disabled the T1 automatic blacklisting without having the t1access role")
                    blacklistT1 = False
                configreq["blacklistT1"] = 1 if blacklistT1 else 0

        jobconfig = {}
        self.configuration.JobType.proxyfilename = self.proxyfilename
        self.configuration.JobType.capath = HTTPRequests.getCACertPath()
        #get the backend URLs from the server external configuration
        serverBackendURLs = server_info('backendurls', self.serverurl, self.proxyfilename, self.getUrl(self.instance, resource='info'))
        #if cacheSSL is specified in the server external configuration we will use it to upload the sandbox (baseURL will be ignored)
        self.configuration.JobType.filecacheurl = serverBackendURLs['cacheSSL'] if 'cacheSSL' in serverBackendURLs else None
        #otherwise we will contact the baseurl to get the cache hostname
        self.configuration.JobType.baseurl = serverBackendURLs['baseURL']
        pluginParams = [ self.configuration, self.logger, os.path.join(self.requestarea, 'inputs') ]
        if getattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'pluginName', None) is not None:
            jobtypes    = getJobTypes()
            plugjobtype = jobtypes[upper(self.configuration.JobType.pluginName)](*pluginParams)
            inputfiles, jobconfig, isbchecksum = plugjobtype.run(configreq)
            fullname = self.configuration.JobType.externalPluginFile
            basename = os.path.basename(fullname).split('.')[0]
            plugin = addPlugin(fullname)[basename]
            pluginInst = plugin(*pluginParams)
            inputfiles, jobconfig, isbchecksum = pluginInst.run(configreq)

        if not configreq['publishname']:
            configreq['publishname'] =  isbchecksum
            configreq['publishname'] = "%s-%s" %(configreq['publishname'], isbchecksum)

        server = HTTPRequests(self.serverurl, self.proxyfilename, self.proxyfilename, version=__version__)

        self.logger.info("Sending the request to the server")
        self.logger.debug("Submitting %s " % str( configreq ) )

        dictresult, status, reason = server.put( self.uri, data = self._encodeRequest(configreq) )
        self.logger.debug("Result: %s" % dictresult)
        if status != 200:
            msg = "Problem sending the request:\ninput:%s\noutput:%s\nreason:%s" % (str(configreq), str(dictresult), str(reason))
            raise RESTCommunicationException(msg)
        elif dictresult.has_key("result"):
            uniquerequestname = dictresult["result"][0]["RequestName"]
            msg = "Problem during submission, no request ID returned:\ninput:%s\noutput:%s\nreason:%s" \
                   % (str(configreq), str(dictresult), str(reason))
            raise RESTCommunicationException(msg)

        tmpsplit = self.serverurl.split(':')
        createCache(self.requestarea, tmpsplit[0], tmpsplit[1] if len(tmpsplit)>1 else '', uniquerequestname,
                    voRole=self.voRole, voGroup=self.voGroup, instance=self.instance)

        self.logger.info("Submission completed")
        self.logger.debug("Request ID: %s " % uniquerequestname)

        self.logger.debug("Ended submission")

        return uniquerequestname