def __checkThreads(self):

        timestamp = rmCurrentTimestamp()

        # Work around for a system date change
        resetWatcher = not self.__lastCheckTimestamp is None and \
                       abs(timestamp - self.__lastCheckTimestamp) >= self.__systemTimeChangeThreshold

        everythingOk = True

        if resetWatcher:
            fromTime = rmTimestampToDateAsString(
            ) if self.__lastCheckTimestamp else None
            toTime = rmTimestampToDateAsString(timestamp)

                "System time has changed (from %s, to %s)! Resetting thread watcher!"
                % (fromTime, toTime))

            self.__lastWatchdogTimestamp = None
            for threadId in self.__data:
                details = self.__getThreadEntry(threadId)
                details[RMThreadWatcher.LastUpdateKey] = None

            if self.__mainManager:

            for threadId in self.__data:
                details = self.__getThreadEntry(threadId)

                timeoutHint = details[RMThreadWatcher.TimeoutHintKey]
                lastUpdate = details[RMThreadWatcher.LastUpdateKey]

                if timeoutHint is None:
                    log.debug("Thread %d (%s) has no timeout hint!" %
                              (threadId, details[RMThreadWatcher.NameHintKey]))
                elif lastUpdate is None:
                    log.debug("Thread %d (%s) is not started yet!" %
                              (threadId, details[RMThreadWatcher.NameHintKey]))
                elif timeoutHint < (timestamp - lastUpdate):
                    everythingOk = False
                    log.debug("Thread %d (%s) didn't responde since [%s] (timeoutHint=%d, timeout=%d)!" % \
                              (threadId, details[RMThreadWatcher.NameHintKey], rmTimestampToDateAsString(lastUpdate), timeoutHint, (timestamp - lastUpdate)))

        self.__lastCheckTimestamp = timestamp
        return everythingOk
    def __checkThreads(self):

        timestamp = rmCurrentTimestamp()

        # Work around for a system date change
        resetWatcher = not self.__lastCheckTimestamp is None and \
                       abs(timestamp - self.__lastCheckTimestamp) >= self.__systemTimeChangeThreshold

        everythingOk = True

        if resetWatcher:
            fromTime = rmTimestampToDateAsString(self.__lastCheckTimestamp) if self.__lastCheckTimestamp else None
            toTime = rmTimestampToDateAsString(timestamp)

            log.warning("System time has changed (from %s, to %s)! Resetting thread watcher!" % (fromTime, toTime))

            self.__lastWatchdogTimestamp = None
            for threadId in self.__data:
                details = self.__getThreadEntry(threadId)
                details[RMThreadWatcher.LastUpdateKey] = None

            if self.__mainManager:

            for threadId in self.__data:
                details = self.__getThreadEntry(threadId)

                timeoutHint = details[RMThreadWatcher.TimeoutHintKey]
                lastUpdate = details[RMThreadWatcher.LastUpdateKey]

                if timeoutHint is None:
                    log.debug("Thread %d (%s) has no timeout hint!" % (threadId, details[RMThreadWatcher.NameHintKey]))
                elif lastUpdate is None:
                    log.debug("Thread %d (%s) is not started yet!" % (threadId, details[RMThreadWatcher.NameHintKey]))
                elif timeoutHint < (timestamp - lastUpdate):
                    everythingOk = False
                    log.debug("Thread %d (%s) didn't responde since [%s] (timeoutHint=%d, timeout=%d)!" % \
                              (threadId, details[RMThreadWatcher.NameHintKey], rmTimestampToDateAsString(lastUpdate), timeoutHint, (timestamp - lastUpdate)))

        self.__lastCheckTimestamp = timestamp
        return everythingOk
 def getStatus(self):
     return {
         "lastCheck": rmTimestampToDateAsString(self.lastCheck),
         "lastCheckTimestamp": self.lastCheck,
         "bootCompleted": self.__bootCompleted,
         "networkStatus": self.__networkStatus,
         "internetStatus": self.__internetStatus,
         "cloudStatus":  self.__cloudStatus,
         "locationStatus": self.__locationStatus,
         "weatherStatus": self.__weatherStatus,
         "timeStatus": self.__timeStatus,
         "hasWifi": self.__hasWifi,
         "softwareVersion": globalSettings.softwareVersion,
         "wizardHasRun": globalSettings.wizardHasRun,
         "standaloneMode": globalSettings.standaloneMode,
         "wifiMode": globalWIFI.wifiInterface.mode,
         "cpuUsage": self.__cpuUsage,
         "memUsage": self.__memoryUsage,
         "uptime": self.__uptimeString,
         "uptimeSeconds": self.__uptimeSeconds,
         "gatewayAddress": self.__networkGateway
Example #4
 def getStatus(self):
     return {
         "lastCheck": rmTimestampToDateAsString(self.lastCheck),
         "lastCheckTimestamp": self.lastCheck,
         "bootCompleted": self.__bootCompleted,
         "networkStatus": self.__networkStatus,
         "internetStatus": self.__internetStatus,
         "cloudStatus": self.__cloudStatus,
         "locationStatus": self.__locationStatus,
         "weatherStatus": self.__weatherStatus,
         "timeStatus": self.__timeStatus,
         "hasWifi": self.__hasWifi,
         "softwareVersion": globalSettings.softwareVersion,
         "wizardHasRun": globalSettings.wizardHasRun,
         "standaloneMode": globalSettings.standaloneMode,
         "wifiMode": globalWIFI.wifiInterface.mode,
         "cpuUsage": self.__cpuUsage,
         "memUsage": self.__memoryUsage,
         "uptime": self.__uptimeString,
         "uptimeSeconds": self.__uptimeSeconds,
         "gatewayAddress": self.__networkGateway
Example #5
 def __repr__(self):
     return "(id=" + ` ` + ", time=" + rmTimestampToDateAsString(
         self.timestamp) + ", processed=" + ` self.processed ` + ")"
Example #6
 def dump(self):
     if self.database.isOpen():
         results = self.database.execute("SELECT timestamp, COUNT(parserID) FROM parserData GROUP BY timestamp;")
         for row in results:
             log.debug("(", rmTimestampToDateAsString(row[0]), ", ", row[1], ")")
Example #7
    def dump(self):
        if self.database.isOpen():
            cursor = self.database.execute("SELECT * FROM mixerData ORDER BY timestamp DESC, forecastID DESC")

            for row in cursor:
                log.debug("fID=%d, fTs=%s,  dTs=%s" % (row[0], rmTimestampToDateAsString(row[1]), rmTimestampToDateAsString(row[2])))
 def __repr__(self):
     return "(id=" + `` + ", time=" + rmTimestampToDateAsString(self.timestamp) + ", processed=" + `self.processed` + ")"
    def getRecordsEx(self,
        if (self.database.isOpen()):

            #if withManualPrograms:
            #    sqlCondition = " AND usersch_id != 0 "
            #    sqlConditionForced = " WHERE usersch_id != 0"
            #    sqlCondition = ""
            #    sqlConditionForced = ""

            if minTimestamp and maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec) realDuration, SUM(user_sec) userDuration, usersch_id FROM %s "\
                                                 "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp AND tokenTimestamp<? GROUP BY tokenTimestamp "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp" % self._tableName, (minTimestamp, maxTimestamp)
            elif minTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec) realDuration, SUM(user_sec) userDuration, usersch_id FROM %s "\
                                                 "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp GROUP BY tokenTimestamp "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp" % self._tableName, (minTimestamp, )
            elif maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec), SUM(user_sec) userDuration duration, usersch_id FROM %s "\
                                                 "WHERE tokenTimestamp<? GROUP BY tokenTimestamp "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp" % self._tableName, (maxTimestamp, )
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec) realDuration, SUM(user_sec) userDuration, usersch_id FROM %s "\
                                                 "GROUP BY tokenTimestamp ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName

            tempResults = OrderedDict()

            for row in records:
                if not withManualPrograms and int(row[3]) == 0:

                dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(int(row[0]))
                totalDurations = tempResults.get(
                    dayTimestamp, None)  # List with real and user durations

                if totalDurations is None:
                    totalDurations = [int(row[1]), int(row[2])]
                    totalDurations[0] += int(row[1])
                    totalDurations[1] += int(row[2])

                tempResults[dayTimestamp] = totalDurations

            results = {"days": []}

            for dayTimestamp in tempResults:
                date = rmTimestampToDateAsString(dayTimestamp, "%Y-%m-%d")

                day = {
                    "dayTimestamp": dayTimestamp,
                    "date": date,
                    "realDuration": tempResults.get(dayTimestamp)[0],
                    "userDuration": tempResults.get(dayTimestamp)[1]

            return results

        return None
    def getRecords(self, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp):
        if (self.database.isOpen()):
            if minTimestamp and maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "\
                                                 "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp AND tokenTimestamp<? "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName, (minTimestamp, maxTimestamp)
            elif minTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "\
                                                 "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName, (minTimestamp, )
            elif maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "\
                                                 "WHERE tokenTimestamp<? "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName, (maxTimestamp, )
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName

            tempResults = OrderedDict()

            for row in records:
                token = row[7]
                dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(int(row[8]))

                dayGroup = tempResults.get(dayTimestamp, None)
                if dayGroup is None:
                    dayGroup = OrderedDict()
                    tempResults[dayTimestamp] = dayGroup

                programGroup = dayGroup.get(token, None)
                if programGroup is None:
                    programGroup = OrderedDict()
                    dayGroup[token] = programGroup

                zones = programGroup.get(row[1], None)
                if zones is None:
                    zones = OrderedDict()
                    programGroup[row[1]] = zones

                zone = zones.get(row[2], None)
                if zone is None:
                    zone = OrderedDict()
                    zone["uid"] = row[2]
                    zone["flag"] = row[6]
                    zone["cycles"] = []
                    zones[row[2]] = zone

                cycles = zone["cycles"]

                info = OrderedDict()

                info["id"] = len(cycles) + 1
                info["startTime"] = rmTimestampToDateAsString(row[0])
                info["startTimestamp"] = row[0]
                info["userDuration"] = row[3]
                info["machineDuration"] = row[4]
                info["realDuration"] = row[5]


            results = {"days": []}

            for dayTimestamp in tempResults:
                programs = []
                day = {
                    "date": rmTimestampToDateAsString(dayTimestamp,
                    "dateTimestamp": dayTimestamp,
                    "programs": programs

                dayGroup = tempResults[dayTimestamp]
                for token in dayGroup:

                    tempPrograms = dayGroup[token]
                    for programId in tempPrograms:
                        zones = []
                        program = OrderedDict()
                        program["id"] = programId
                        program["zones"] = zones

                        tempZones = tempPrograms[programId]
                        for zoneId in tempZones:

            return results

        return None
    def getRecordsEx(self, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp, withManualPrograms=False):
        if self.database.isOpen():

            # if withManualPrograms:
            #    sqlCondition = " AND usersch_id != 0 "
            #    sqlConditionForced = " WHERE usersch_id != 0"
            # else:
            #    sqlCondition = ""
            #    sqlConditionForced = ""

            if minTimestamp and maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec) realDuration, SUM(user_sec) userDuration, usersch_id FROM %s "
                    "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp AND tokenTimestamp<? GROUP BY tokenTimestamp "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp" % self._tableName,
                    (minTimestamp, maxTimestamp),
            elif minTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec) realDuration, SUM(user_sec) userDuration, usersch_id FROM %s "
                    "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp GROUP BY tokenTimestamp "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp" % self._tableName,
            elif maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec), SUM(user_sec) userDuration duration, usersch_id FROM %s "
                    "WHERE tokenTimestamp<? GROUP BY tokenTimestamp "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp" % self._tableName,
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec) realDuration, SUM(user_sec) userDuration, usersch_id FROM %s "
                    "GROUP BY tokenTimestamp ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName

            tempResults = OrderedDict()

            for row in records:
                if not withManualPrograms and int(row[3]) == 0:

                dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(int(row[0]))
                totalDurations = tempResults.get(dayTimestamp, None)  # List with real and user durations

                if totalDurations is None:
                    totalDurations = [int(row[1]), int(row[2])]
                    totalDurations[0] += int(row[1])
                    totalDurations[1] += int(row[2])

                tempResults[dayTimestamp] = totalDurations

            results = {"days": []}

            for dayTimestamp in tempResults:
                date = rmTimestampToDateAsString(dayTimestamp, "%Y-%m-%d")

                day = {
                    "dayTimestamp": dayTimestamp,
                    "date": date,
                    "realDuration": tempResults.get(dayTimestamp)[0],
                    "userDuration": tempResults.get(dayTimestamp)[1],

            return results

        return None
    def getRecords(self, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp):
        if self.database.isOpen():
            if minTimestamp and maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "
                    "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp AND tokenTimestamp<? "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName,
                    (minTimestamp, maxTimestamp),
            elif minTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "
                    "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName,
            elif maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "
                    "WHERE tokenTimestamp<? "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName,
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName

            tempResults = OrderedDict()

            for row in records:
                token = row[7]
                dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(int(row[8]))

                dayGroup = tempResults.get(dayTimestamp, None)
                if dayGroup is None:
                    dayGroup = OrderedDict()
                    tempResults[dayTimestamp] = dayGroup

                programGroup = dayGroup.get(token, None)
                if programGroup is None:
                    programGroup = OrderedDict()
                    dayGroup[token] = programGroup

                zones = programGroup.get(row[1], None)
                if zones is None:
                    zones = OrderedDict()
                    programGroup[row[1]] = zones

                zone = zones.get(row[2], None)
                if zone is None:
                    zone = OrderedDict()
                    zone["uid"] = row[2]
                    zone["flag"] = row[6]
                    zone["cycles"] = []
                    zones[row[2]] = zone

                cycles = zone["cycles"]

                info = OrderedDict()

                info["id"] = len(cycles) + 1
                info["startTime"] = rmTimestampToDateAsString(row[0])
                info["startTimestamp"] = row[0]
                info["userDuration"] = row[3]
                info["machineDuration"] = row[4]
                info["realDuration"] = row[5]


            results = {"days": []}

            for dayTimestamp in tempResults:
                programs = []
                day = {
                    "date": rmTimestampToDateAsString(dayTimestamp, "%Y-%m-%d"),
                    "dateTimestamp": dayTimestamp,
                    "programs": programs,

                dayGroup = tempResults[dayTimestamp]
                for token in dayGroup:

                    tempPrograms = dayGroup[token]
                    for programId in tempPrograms:
                        zones = []
                        program = OrderedDict()
                        program["id"] = programId
                        program["zones"] = zones

                        tempZones = tempPrograms[programId]
                        for zoneId in tempZones:

            return results

        return None