def makeFatJets(self, event):
       	objectsJ = [ j for j in event.cleanJetsAll if > self.pTSubJet and abs(j.eta())<self.etaSubJet ] 
        if len(objectsJ)>=1:
           objects  = ROOT.std.vector(ROOT.reco.Particle.LorentzVector)()
           for jet in objectsJ:
           reclusterJets = ReclusterJets(objects, 1.,1.2)
           inclusiveJets = reclusterJets.getGrouping()

           # maybe should dress them as Jet objects in the future
           # for the moment, we just make LorentzVector
           event.reclusteredFatJets = [ ROOT.reco.Particle.LorentzVector(p4) for p4 in inclusiveJets ]
    def makeFatJets(self, event):
        objectsJ = [
            j for j in event.cleanJetsAll
            if > self.pTSubJet and abs(j.eta()) < self.etaSubJet
        if len(objectsJ) >= 1:

            objects = ROOT.std.vector(ROOT.reco.Particle.LorentzVector)()
            for jet in objectsJ:

            reclusterJets = ReclusterJets(objects, 1., 1.2)
            inclusiveJets = reclusterJets.getGrouping()

            # maybe should dress them as Jet objects in the future
            # for the moment, we just make LorentzVector
            event.reclusteredFatJets = [
                ROOT.reco.Particle.LorentzVector(p4) for p4 in inclusiveJets