def MakePlots(ev, var, cutmc, cutdata, xtitle, nbins, xlow, xup): hZH = TH1F("ZH" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hWH = TH1F("WH" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hWj0b = TH1F("Wj0b" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hWj1b = TH1F("Wj1b" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hWj2b = TH1F("Wj2b" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hZj0b = TH1F("Zj0b" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hZj1b = TH1F("Zj1b" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hZj2b = TH1F("Zj2b" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hTT = TH1F("TT" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hs_Top = TH1F("s_Top" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hVVLF = TH1F("VVLF" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hVVHF = TH1F("VVHF" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hQCD = TH1F("QCD" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hVH = TH1F("VH" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hVV = TH1F("VV" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hmc_exp = TH1F("mc_exp" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hdata_obs = TH1F("data_obs" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) #ev.ZH.Project("ZH", var, cutmc.GetTitle()) #ev.WH.Project("WH", var, cutmc.GetTitle()) # Apply slope WJSlopeErr = 0.0020 ZJSlopeErr = 0.0025 WJSlope = -0.50 ZJSlope = -1.00 cutwjslope = TCut("apply_pt_slope(, %f, 150)" % (WJSlope * WJSlopeErr)) cutzjslope = TCut("apply_pt_slope(, %f, 130)" % (ZJSlope * ZJSlopeErr)) # Apply scale factors scalefactors = (0.930, 2.124, 0.700, 1.175, 2.135, 1.125, 0.991) cutsf = TCut("%f" % scalefactors[0]) ev.Wj0b.Project("Wj0b", var, (cutmc * cutsf * cutwjslope).GetTitle()) cutsf = TCut("%f" % scalefactors[1]) ev.Wj1b.Project("Wj1b", var, (cutmc * cutsf * cutwjslope).GetTitle()) cutsf = TCut("%f" % scalefactors[2]) ev.Wj2b.Project("Wj2b", var, (cutmc * cutsf * cutwjslope).GetTitle()) cutsf = TCut("%f" % scalefactors[3]) #ev.Zj0b.Project("Zj0b", var, (cutmc * cutsf * cutzjslope).GetTitle()) cutsf = TCut("%f" % scalefactors[4]) #ev.Zj1b.Project("Zj1b", var, (cutmc * cutsf * cutzjslope).GetTitle()) cutsf = TCut("%f" % scalefactors[5]) #ev.Zj2b.Project("Zj2b", var, (cutmc * cutsf * cutzjslope).GetTitle()) cutsf = TCut("%f" % scalefactors[6]) ev.TT.Project("TT", var, (cutmc * cutsf).GetTitle()) ev.s_Top.Project("s_Top", var, cutmc.GetTitle()) ev.VVLF.Project("VVLF", var, cutmc.GetTitle()) ev.VVHF.Project("VVHF", var, cutmc.GetTitle()) # Apply QCD scale factor scalefactorQCD = 0.005 cutsf = TCut("%f" % scalefactorQCD) #ev.QCD.Project("QCD", var, (cutmc * cutsf).GetTitle()) ev.data_obs.Project("data_obs", var, cutdata.GetTitle()) hVH.Add(hZH) hVH.Add(hWH) hVV.Add(hVVLF) hVV.Add(hVVHF) hmc_exp.Add(hWj0b) hmc_exp.Add(hWj1b) hmc_exp.Add(hWj2b) hmc_exp.Add(hZj0b) hmc_exp.Add(hZj1b) hmc_exp.Add(hZj2b) hmc_exp.Add(hTT) hmc_exp.Add(hs_Top) hmc_exp.Add(hVV) hmc_exp.Add(hQCD) if True: print "MakePlots(): Setting up histograms..." # Setup canvas and pads c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 700, 700) #c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 600, 600) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "top pad" , 0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 1.0) pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.0) pad1.Draw() pad2 = TPad("pad2", "bottom pad", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.3) pad2.SetTopMargin(0.0) pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.35) pad2.Draw() pad1.SetLogy(plotLog) # Setup histogram styles and stack the histograms. setHisto(hVH, "VH") setHisto(hZH, "VH") setHisto(hWH, "VH") setHisto(hWj0b, "WjLF") setHisto(hWj1b, "WjHFc") setHisto(hWj2b, "WjHFb") setHisto(hZj0b, "ZjLF") setHisto(hZj1b, "ZjHFc") setHisto(hZj2b, "ZjHFb") setHisto(hTT, "TT") setHisto(hs_Top, "s_Top") setHisto(hVV, "VV") setHisto(hVVLF, "VV") setHisto(hVVHF, "VVHF") setHisto(hQCD, "QCD") hdata_plot = hdata_obs.Clone("hdata_plot") # blinded plot hmc_test = hmc_exp.Clone("hmc_test") # for chi2 and KS test hdata_plot.Sumw2() hmc_test.Sumw2() nbins_plot = hdata_plot.GetNbinsX() assert(nbins_plot == hmc_test.GetNbinsX()) if not plotData: # be blind to the most sensitive bins for i in xrange(max(int(nbins_plot*0.75), nbins_plot-5),nbins_plot+2): hdata_plot.SetBinContent(i, 0.) hdata_plot.SetBinError(i, 0.) hmc_test.SetBinContent(i, 0.) hmc_test.SetBinError(i, 0.) setHisto(hdata_plot, "data_obs") print "MakePlots(): Setting up the stack..." hs = THStack("hs", "") #ifndef VVBDTANALYSIS hs.Add(hVV) #else #hs.Add(hVVLF) #hs.Add(hVVHF) // FIXME: should be plotted as signal? #endif hs.Add(hQCD) hs.Add(hs_Top) hs.Add(hTT) hs.Add(hWj0b) hs.Add(hWj1b) hs.Add(hWj2b) hs.Add(hZj0b) hs.Add(hZj1b) hs.Add(hZj2b) if plotSig: #ifdef VVBDTANALYSIS #hs.Add(hVVHF) #endif hs.Add(hVH) ymax = max(hdata_plot.GetMaximum(), hs.GetMaximum()) hs.SetMaximum(ymax + ymax / 2.0 + (sqrt(ymax) if ymax>1 else 0)) if plotLog: hs.SetMaximum(ymax * 200 + (sqrt(ymax) if ymax>1 else 0)) hs.SetMinimum(0.01) # Setup auxiliary histograms print "MakePlots(): Setting up auxiliary histograms..." staterr = hmc_exp.Clone("staterr") staterr.Sumw2() staterr.SetFillColor(kRed) staterr.SetMarkerSize(0) staterr.SetFillStyle(3013) ratio = hdata_plot.Clone("ratio") ratio.Sumw2() ratio.SetMarkerSize(0.8) #ratio.SetMarkerSize(0.5) ratio.Divide(hdata_plot, hmc_exp, 1., 1., "") ratiostaterr = hmc_exp.Clone("ratiostaterr") ratiostaterr.Sumw2() ratiostaterr.SetStats(0) ratiostaterr.SetTitle("") ratiostaterr.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data/MC") ratiostaterr.SetMaximum(2.2) ratiostaterr.SetMinimum(0) ratiostaterr.SetMarkerSize(0) ratiostaterr.SetFillColor(kRed) ratiostaterr.SetFillStyle(3013) #ratiostaterr.SetFillStyle(3001) ratiostaterr.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() ratiostaterr.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.12) ratiostaterr.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.14) ratiostaterr.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.10) ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.10) ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.12) #ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.10) ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.6) ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) for i in xrange(0, hmc_exp.GetNbinsX()+2): ratiostaterr.SetBinContent(i, 1.0) if (hmc_exp.GetBinContent(i) > 1e-6): # use smaller tolerance? binerror = hmc_exp.GetBinError(i) / hmc_exp.GetBinContent(i) ratiostaterr.SetBinError(i, binerror) else: ratiostaterr.SetBinError(i, 999.) #if (!(hdata_plot.GetBinContent(i) > 1e-6)): # ratiostaterr.SetBinError(i, 0.) ratiosysterr = ratiostaterr.Clone("ratiosysterr") ratiosysterr.Sumw2() ratiosysterr.SetMarkerSize(0) #ratiosysterr.SetFillColor(kBlue) ratiosysterr.SetFillColor(kYellow-4) #ratiosysterr.SetFillStyle(3002) ratiosysterr.SetFillStyle(1001) for i in xrange(0, hmc_exp.GetNbinsX()+2): if (hmc_exp.GetBinContent(i) > 1e-6): # use smaller tolerance? #ifndef VVBDTANALYSIS binerror2 = (pow(hmc_exp.GetBinError(i), 2) + pow(0.05 * hWj0b.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(0.25 * hWj1b.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(0.20 * hWj2b.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(0.05 * hZj0b.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(0.15 * hZj1b.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(0.10 * hZj2b.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(0.04 * hTT.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(0.25 * hs_Top.GetBinContent(i), 2) + #ifndef VVBDTANALYSIS pow(0.30 * hVV.GetBinContent(i), 2)) #else #pow(0.30 * hVVLF.GetBinContent(i), 2)) #endif binerror = sqrt(binerror2) / hmc_exp.GetBinContent(i) ratiosysterr.SetBinError(i, binerror) # Setup legends print "MakePlots(): Setting up legends..." leg = TLegend(0.72, 0.62, 0.92, 0.92) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.SetShadowColor(0) leg.SetTextFont(62) leg.SetTextSize(0.03) leg.AddEntry(hdata_plot, "Data", "p") if plotSig: leg.AddEntry(hVH, "VH(%i)" % massH, "l") leg.AddEntry(hZj2b, "Z + b#bar{b}", "f") leg.AddEntry(hZj1b, "Z + b", "f") leg.AddEntry(hZj0b, "Z + udscg", "f") leg.AddEntry(hWj2b, "W + b#bar{b}", "f") leg.AddEntry(hWj1b, "W + b", "f") leg.AddEntry(hWj0b, "W + udscg", "f") leg.AddEntry(hTT, "t#bar{t}", "f") leg.AddEntry(hs_Top, "single top", "f") leg.AddEntry(hQCD, "QCD", "f") #ifndef VVBDTANALYSIS leg.AddEntry(hVV, "VV", "f") #else #leg.AddEntry(hVVHF, "VV(b#bar{b})", "f") #leg.AddEntry(hVVLF, "VV(udscg)", "f") #endif leg.AddEntry(staterr, "MC uncert. (stat)", "fl") ratioleg1 = TLegend(0.54, 0.86, 0.72, 0.96) #ratioleg1 = TLegend(0.50, 0.86, 0.69, 0.96) ratioleg1.AddEntry(ratiostaterr, "MC uncert. (stat)", "f") ratioleg1.SetFillColor(0) ratioleg1.SetLineColor(0) ratioleg1.SetShadowColor(0) ratioleg1.SetTextFont(62) ratioleg1.SetTextSize(0.06) ratioleg1.SetBorderSize(1) ratioleg2 = TLegend(0.72, 0.86, 0.95, 0.96) #ratioleg2 = TLegend(0.69, 0.86, 0.9, 0.96) ratioleg2.AddEntry(ratiosysterr, "MC uncert. (stat+syst)", "f") ratioleg2.SetFillColor(0) ratioleg2.SetLineColor(0) ratioleg2.SetShadowColor(0) ratioleg2.SetTextFont(62) ratioleg2.SetTextSize(0.06) ratioleg2.SetBorderSize(1) # Draw MC signal and background print "MakePlots(): Drawing..." if plotLog: pad1.SetLogy() hs.Draw("hist") hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) binwidth = (xup - xlow) / nbins_plot ytitle = "Events / %.3f" % binwidth hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) staterr.Draw("e2 same") if plotSig: hVH.SetLineWidth(3) hVH.SetFillColor(0) hVH.Draw("hist same") # Draw data hdata_plot.Draw("e1 same") # Draw legends leg.Draw() latex = TLatex() latex.SetNDC() latex.SetTextAlign(12) latex.SetTextFont(62) latex.SetTextSize(0.052) latex.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.89, "CMS Preliminary") latex.SetTextSize(0.04) latex.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.84, "#sqrt{s} = 8 TeV, L = 19.0 fb^{-1}") latex.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.79, "Z(#nu#bar{#nu})H(b#bar{b})") # Under/overflows a la TMVA uoflow = "U/O-flow (Data,MC): (%.1f, %.1f) / (%.1f, %.1f)" % (hdata_plot.GetBinContent(0), hmc_exp.GetBinContent(0), hdata_plot.GetBinContent(nbins_plot+1), hmc_exp.GetBinContent(nbins_plot+1)) latex2 = TLatex(0.99, 0.1, uoflow) latex2.SetNDC() latex2.SetTextSize(0.02) latex2.SetTextAngle(90) latex2.AppendPad() # Draw ratio pad2.SetGridy(0) ratiostaterr.Draw("e2") ratiosysterr.Draw("e2 same") ratiostaterr.Draw("e2 same") ratio.Draw("e1 same") # Draw ratio legends ratioleg1.Draw() ratioleg2.Draw() # Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Chi2 test pave = TPaveText(0.18, 0.85, 0.35, 0.96, "brNDC") pave.SetTextAlign(12) pave.SetLineColor(0) pave.SetFillColor(0) pave.SetShadowColor(0) pave.SetBorderSize(1) nchisq = hdata_plot.Chi2Test(hmc_test, "UWCHI2/NDF") # MC uncert. (stat) kolprob = hdata_plot.KolmogorovTest(hmc_test) # MC uncert. (stat) text = pave.AddText("#chi_{#nu}^{2} = %.3f, K_{s} = %.3f" % (nchisq, kolprob)) text.SetTextFont(62) text.SetTextSize(0.06) pave.Draw() print "MakePlots(): Printing..." gPad.RedrawAxis() gPad.Modified() gPad.Update() gPad.RedrawAxis() gPad.Modified() gPad.Update() plotname = TString("%s_%s_%s" % (channel, region, var)) FormatFileName(plotname) gPad.Print(plotdir+plotname.Data()+".png") gPad.Print(plotdir+plotname.Data()+".pdf") return 0
def MakePlots(varname, whatfit, options): if whatfit not in ["prefit", "postfit"]: raise ValueError("whatfit must be either 'prefit' or 'postfit': %s" % whatfit) massH = 125 plotData = True plotLog = True plotSig = True plotdir = "./" kRed = 632 kYellow = 400 kBlue = 600 kGray = 920 if options.doMJJ: plotLog = False tfile = TFile.Open(options.outname, "READ") hZH = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"ZH_SM"+"_%s" % whatfit) hWH = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"WH_SM"+"_%s" % whatfit) hZbbHinv = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"ZH"+"_%s" % whatfit) hWj0b = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"Wj0b"+"_%s" % whatfit) hWj1b = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"Wj1b"+"_%s" % whatfit) hWj2b = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"Wj2b"+"_%s" % whatfit) hZj0b = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"Zj0b"+"_%s" % whatfit) hZj1b = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"Zj1b"+"_%s" % whatfit) hZj2b = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"Zj2b"+"_%s" % whatfit) hTT = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"TT"+"_%s" % whatfit) hs_Top = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"s_Top"+"_%s" % whatfit) hVVLF = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"VVLF"+"_%s" % whatfit) hWZHF = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"WZ"+"_%s" % whatfit) hZZHF = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"ZZ"+"_%s" % whatfit) hQCD = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"QCD"+"_%s" % whatfit) hdata_obs = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"data_obs") eZH = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"ZH_SM"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eWH = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"WH_SM"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eZbbHinv = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"ZbbHinv"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eWj0b = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"Wj0b"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eWj1b = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"Wj1b"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eWj2b = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"Wj2b"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eZj0b = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"Zj0b"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eZj1b = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"Zj1b"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eZj2b = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"Zj2b"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eTT = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"TT"+"_err%s" % whatfit) es_Top = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"s_Top"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eVVLF = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"VVLF"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eWZHF = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"WZ"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eZZHF = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"ZZ"+"_err%s" % whatfit) eQCD = tfile.Get(varname+"_"+"QCD"+"_err%s" % whatfit) varname = hdata_obs.GetXaxis().GetTitle() xtitle = "BDT" if options.doMJJ: xtitle = "m_{T} [GeV]" nbins = hdata_obs.GetNbinsX() xlow = hdata_obs.GetXaxis().GetXmin() xup = hdata_obs.GetXaxis().GetXmax() hVH = TH1F("VH" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hVVHF = TH1F("VVHF" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hVV = TH1F("VV" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) hmc_exp = TH1F("mc_exp" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) eVH = TH1F("VH"+"_err" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) eVVHF = TH1F("VVHF"+"_err" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) eVV = TH1F("VV"+"_err" , "", nbins, xlow, xup) # Make sum of histograms hVH.Add(hZH) hVH.Add(hWH) eVH.Add(eZH) eVH.Add(eWH) hVVHF.Add(hWZHF) hVVHF.Add(hZZHF) eVVHF.Add(eWZHF) eVVHF.Add(eZZHF) hVV.Add(hVVLF) hVV.Add(hVVHF) eVV.Add(eVVLF) eVV.Add(eVVHF) hmc_exp.Add(hWj0b) hmc_exp.Add(hWj1b) hmc_exp.Add(hWj2b) hmc_exp.Add(hZj0b) hmc_exp.Add(hZj1b) hmc_exp.Add(hZj2b) hmc_exp.Add(hTT) hmc_exp.Add(hs_Top) if not options.doVV: hmc_exp.Add(hVVLF) hmc_exp.Add(hVVHF) hmc_exp.Add(hVH) # VH is counted as background else: hmc_exp.Add(hVVLF) hmc_exp.Add(hVH) # VH is counted as background hmc_exp.Add(hQCD) if True: print "MakePlots(): Setting up histograms..." # Setup canvas and pads c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 700, 700) #c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 600, 600) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "top pad" , 0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 1.0) pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.0) pad1.Draw() pad2 = TPad("pad2", "bottom pad", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.3) pad2.SetTopMargin(0.0) pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.35) pad2.Draw() pad1.SetLogy(plotLog) # Setup histogram styles and stack the histograms. setHisto(hVH, "VH") setHisto(hZH, "VH") setHisto(hWH, "VH") setHisto(hZbbHinv, "VH_1") setHisto(hWj0b, "WjLF") setHisto(hWj1b, "WjHFc") setHisto(hWj2b, "WjHFb") setHisto(hZj0b, "ZjLF") setHisto(hZj1b, "ZjHFc") setHisto(hZj2b, "ZjHFb") setHisto(hTT, "TT") setHisto(hs_Top, "s_Top") setHisto(hVV, "VV") setHisto(hVVLF, "VV") setHisto(hVVHF, "VVHF") setHisto(hQCD, "QCD") hdata_test = hdata_obs.Clone("hdata_test") # blinded plot hmc_test = hmc_exp.Clone("hmc_test") # for chi2 and KS test hdata_test.Sumw2() hmc_test.Sumw2() nbins_plot = hdata_test.GetNbinsX() assert(nbins_plot == hmc_test.GetNbinsX()) if not plotData: # be blind to the most sensitive bins if not options.doMJJ: for i in xrange(max(int(nbins_plot*0.75), nbins_plot-5),nbins_plot+2): hdata_test.SetBinContent(i, 0.) hdata_test.SetBinError(i, 0.) hmc_test.SetBinContent(i, 0.) hmc_test.SetBinError(i, 0.) else: #for i in xrange(hdata_test.FindFixBin(105+1), hdata_test.FindFixBin(150-1)+1): #for i in xrange(hdata_test.FindFixBin(105+1)-2, hdata_test.FindFixBin(150-1)+1): # hide VV as well for i in xrange(1, hdata_test.GetNbinsX()+1): # all bins hdata_test.SetBinContent(i, 0.) hdata_test.SetBinError(i, 0.) hmc_test.SetBinContent(i, 0.) hmc_test.SetBinError(i, 0.) setHisto(hdata_test, "data_obs") print "MakePlots(): Setting up the stack..." hs = THStack("hs", "") if not options.doVV and not options.doMJJ: hs.Add(hVVHF) hs.Add(hVVLF) elif not options.doMJJ: hs.Add(hVVLF) hs.Add(hQCD) hs.Add(hs_Top) hs.Add(hTT) hs.Add(hWj0b) hs.Add(hWj1b) hs.Add(hWj2b) hs.Add(hZj0b) hs.Add(hZj1b) hs.Add(hZj2b) if not options.doVV and not options.doMJJ: if plotSig: hs.Add(hVH) if plotSig: hs.Add(hZbbHinv) elif not options.doMJJ: hs.Add(hVVHF) if plotSig: hs.Add(hVH) if plotSig: hs.Add(hZbbHinv) if options.doMJJ: hs.Add(hVVLF) hs.Add(hVVHF) if plotSig: hs.Add(hVH) if plotSig: hs.Add(hZbbHinv) ymax = max(hdata_test.GetMaximum(), hs.GetMaximum()) hs.SetMaximum(ymax * 1.7 + (sqrt(ymax) if ymax>1 else 0)) if plotLog: hs.SetMaximum(ymax * 200 + (sqrt(ymax) if ymax>1 else 0)) hs.SetMinimum(0.01) # Setup auxiliary histograms print "MakePlots(): Setting up auxiliary histograms..." staterr = hmc_exp.Clone("staterr") staterr.Sumw2() #staterr.SetFillColor(kRed) staterr.SetFillColor(kGray+3) staterr.SetMarkerSize(0) staterr.SetFillStyle(3013) ratio = hdata_test.Clone("ratio") ratio.Sumw2() ratio.SetMarkerSize(0.8) #ratio.SetMarkerSize(0.5) ratio.Divide(hdata_test, hmc_exp, 1., 1., "") ratiostaterr = hmc_exp.Clone("ratiostaterr") ratiostaterr.Sumw2() ratiostaterr.SetStats(0) ratiostaterr.SetTitle("") #ratiostaterr.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) ratiostaterr.SetTitle(";"+xtitle) ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data/MC") ratiostaterr.SetMaximum(2.2) ratiostaterr.SetMinimum(0) ratiostaterr.SetMarkerSize(0) #ratiostaterr.SetFillColor(kRed) ratiostaterr.SetFillColor(kGray+3) ratiostaterr.SetFillStyle(3013) #ratiostaterr.SetFillStyle(3001) #ratiostaterr.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() ratiostaterr.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.12) ratiostaterr.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.14) ratiostaterr.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.10) ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.10) ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.12) #ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.10) ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.6) ratiostaterr.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) ratiounity = TLine(xlow,1,xup,1) ratiounity.SetLineStyle(2) for i in xrange(0, hmc_exp.GetNbinsX()+2): ratiostaterr.SetBinContent(i, 1.0) if (hmc_exp.GetBinContent(i) > 1e-6): # use smaller tolerance? binerror = hmc_exp.GetBinError(i) / hmc_exp.GetBinContent(i) ratiostaterr.SetBinError(i, binerror) else: ratiostaterr.SetBinError(i, 999.) #if (!(hdata_test.GetBinContent(i) > 1e-6)): # ratiostaterr.SetBinError(i, 0.) ratiosysterr = ratiostaterr.Clone("ratiosysterr") ratiosysterr.Sumw2() ratiosysterr.SetMarkerSize(0) #ratiosysterr.SetFillColor(kBlue) ratiosysterr.SetFillColor(kYellow-4) #ratiosysterr.SetFillStyle(3002) ratiosysterr.SetFillStyle(1001) for i in xrange(1, hmc_exp.GetNbinsX()+1): if hmc_exp.GetBinContent(i) > 1e-6: # use smaller tolerance? binerror2 = (pow(hmc_exp.GetBinError(i), 2) + pow(eWj0b.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(eWj1b.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(eWj2b.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(eZj0b.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(eZj1b.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(eZj2b.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(eTT.GetBinContent(i), 2) + pow(es_Top.GetBinContent(i), 2)) if not options.doVV: binerror2 += pow(eVVLF.GetBinContent(i), 2) binerror2 += pow(eVVHF.GetBinContent(i), 2) binerror2 += pow(eVH.GetBinContent(i), 2) else: binerror2 += pow(eVVLF.GetBinContent(i), 2) binerror2 += pow(eVH.GetBinContent(i), 2) binerror = sqrt(binerror2) ratiosysterr.SetBinError(i, binerror / hmc_exp.GetBinContent(i)) if hmc_test.GetBinContent(i) > 1e-6: # use smaller tolerance? hmc_test.SetBinError(i, binerror) if hdata_test.GetBinContent(i) > 1e-6: hdata_test.SetBinError(i, sqrt(hdata_test.GetBinContent(i))) # Setup legends print "MakePlots(): Setting up legends..." #leg = TLegend(0.74, 0.56, 0.92, 0.92) #leg.SetFillColor(0) #leg.SetLineColor(0) #leg.SetShadowColor(0) #leg.SetTextFont(62) #leg.SetTextSize(0.03) #leg.AddEntry(hdata_test, "Data", "p") #if plotSig: leg.AddEntry(hVH, "VH(%i)" % massH, "l") #if plotSig: leg.AddEntry(hZbbHinv, "ZH(inv)", "l") #if options.doVV: # leg.AddEntry(hVVHF, "VV(b#bar{b})", "l") # #leg.AddEntry(hZj2b, "Z + b#bar{b}", "f") #leg.AddEntry(hZj1b, "Z + b", "f") #leg.AddEntry(hZj0b, "Z + udscg", "f") #leg.AddEntry(hWj2b, "W + b#bar{b}", "f") #leg.AddEntry(hWj1b, "W + b", "f") #leg.AddEntry(hWj0b, "W + udscg", "f") #leg.AddEntry(hTT, "t#bar{t}", "f") #leg.AddEntry(hs_Top, "single top", "f") #leg.AddEntry(hQCD, "QCD", "f") #leg.AddEntry(hVVLF, "VV(udscg)", "f") #if not options.doVV: # leg.AddEntry(hVVHF, "VV(b#bar{b})", "f") # #leg.AddEntry(staterr, "MC uncert. (stat)", "fl") #leg1 = TLegend(0.58, 0.68, 0.76, 0.92) leg1 = TLegend(0.50, 0.60, 0.72, 0.92) leg1.SetFillColor(0) leg1.SetLineColor(0) leg1.SetShadowColor(0) leg1.SetTextFont(62) leg1.SetTextSize(0.03) leg1.AddEntry(hdata_test, "Data", "p") if plotSig: leg1.AddEntry(hVH, "VH(%i)" % massH, "l") if plotSig: leg1.AddEntry(hZbbHinv, "ZH(inv)", "l") if options.doVV: leg1.AddEntry(hVVHF, "VV(b#bar{b})", "l") leg1.AddEntry(hTT, "t#bar{t}", "f") leg1.AddEntry(hs_Top, "single top", "f") leg1.AddEntry(hQCD, "QCD", "f") leg1.AddEntry(hVVLF, "VV(udscg)", "f") if not options.doVV: leg1.AddEntry(hVVHF, "VZ(b#bar{b})", "f") #leg2 = TLegend(0.72, 0.60, 0.94, 0.92) leg2 = TLegend(0.72, 0.60, 0.94, 0.88) leg2.SetFillColor(0) leg2.SetLineColor(0) leg2.SetShadowColor(0) leg2.SetTextFont(62) leg2.SetTextSize(0.03) leg2.AddEntry(hWj2b, "W + b#bar{b}", "f") leg2.AddEntry(hWj1b, "W + b", "f") leg2.AddEntry(hWj0b, "W + udscg", "f") leg2.AddEntry(hZj2b, "Z + b#bar{b}", "f") leg2.AddEntry(hZj1b, "Z + b", "f") leg2.AddEntry(hZj0b, "Z + udscg", "f") leg2.AddEntry(staterr, "MC uncert. (stat)", "f") ratioleg1 = TLegend(0.54, 0.88, 0.72, 0.96) #ratioleg1 = TLegend(0.50, 0.86, 0.69, 0.96) ratioleg1.AddEntry(ratiostaterr, "MC uncert. (stat)", "f") ratioleg1.SetFillColor(0) ratioleg1.SetLineColor(0) ratioleg1.SetShadowColor(0) ratioleg1.SetTextFont(62) ratioleg1.SetTextSize(0.06) ratioleg1.SetBorderSize(1) ratioleg2 = TLegend(0.72, 0.88, 0.95, 0.96) #ratioleg2 = TLegend(0.69, 0.86, 0.9, 0.96) ratioleg2.AddEntry(ratiosysterr, "MC uncert. (stat+syst)", "f") ratioleg2.SetFillColor(0) ratioleg2.SetLineColor(0) ratioleg2.SetShadowColor(0) ratioleg2.SetTextFont(62) ratioleg2.SetTextSize(0.06) ratioleg2.SetBorderSize(1) #ratioleg1 = TLegend(0.72, 0.88, 0.94, 0.96) ##ratioleg1 = TLegend(0.50, 0.86, 0.69, 0.96) #ratioleg1.AddEntry(ratiostaterr, "MC uncert. (stat)", "f") #ratioleg1.SetFillColor(0) #ratioleg1.SetLineColor(0) #ratioleg1.SetShadowColor(0) #ratioleg1.SetTextFont(62) ##ratioleg1.SetTextSize(0.06) #ratioleg1.SetTextSize(0.07) #ratioleg1.SetBorderSize(1) # Draw MC signal and background print "MakePlots(): Drawing..." if plotLog: pad1.SetLogy() hs.Draw("hist") hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) binwidth = (xup - xlow) / nbins_plot ytitle = "Events / %.3f" % binwidth hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) if " ; " in xtitle: hs.SetTitle(";"+xtitle) staterr.Draw("e2 same") if plotSig: hVH.SetLineWidth(3) hVH.SetFillColor(0) hVH.Draw("hist same") if plotSig: hZbbHinv.SetLineWidth(3) hZbbHinv.SetFillColor(0) hZbbHinv.Draw("hist same") if options.doVV: hVVHF.SetLineWidth(3) hVVHF.SetLineColor(kGray + 2) hVVHF.SetFillColor(0) hVVHF.Draw("hist same") # Draw data hdata_test.Draw("e1 same") # Draw legends #leg.Draw() leg1.Draw() leg2.Draw() latex = TLatex() latex.SetNDC() latex.SetTextAlign(12) latex.SetTextFont(62) latex.SetTextSize(0.052) latex.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.89, "CMS Preliminary") latex.SetTextSize(0.04) latex.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.84, "#sqrt{s} = 8 TeV, L = 18.9 fb^{-1}") #latex.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.79, "Z(#nu#bar{#nu})H(b#bar{b})") latex.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.79, "Z(b#bar{b})H(inv)") # Under/overflows a la TMVA #uoflow = "U/O-flow (Data,MC): (%.1f, %.1f) / (%.1f, %.1f)" % (hdata_test.GetBinContent(0), hmc_exp.GetBinContent(0), hdata_test.GetBinContent(nbins_plot+1), hmc_exp.GetBinContent(nbins_plot+1)) #latex2 = TLatex(0.99, 0.1, uoflow) #latex2.SetNDC() #latex2.SetTextSize(0.02) #latex2.SetTextAngle(90) #latex2.AppendPad() # Draw ratio pad2.SetGridy(0) ratiostaterr.Draw("e2") ratiosysterr.Draw("e2 same") ratiostaterr.Draw("e2 same") ratiounity.Draw() ratio.Draw("e1 same") # Draw ratio legends ratioleg1.Draw() ratioleg2.Draw() # Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Chi2 test pave = TPaveText(0.18, 0.86, 0.35, 0.96, "brNDC") #pave = TPaveText(0.18, 0.86, 0.28, 0.96, "brNDC") pave.SetTextAlign(12) pave.SetLineColor(0) pave.SetFillColor(0) pave.SetShadowColor(0) pave.SetBorderSize(1) nchisq = hdata_test.Chi2Test(hmc_test, "UWCHI2/NDF") # MC uncert. (stat) kolprob = hdata_test.KolmogorovTest(hmc_test) # MC uncert. (stat) text = pave.AddText("#chi_{#nu}^{2} = %.3f, K_{s} = %.3f" % (nchisq, kolprob)) #text = pave.AddText("#chi_{#nu}^{2} = %.3f" % (nchisq)) text.SetTextFont(62) text.SetTextSize(0.06) #text.SetTextSize(0.07) pave.Draw() print "MakePlots(): Printing..." gPad.RedrawAxis() gPad.Modified() gPad.Update() gPad.RedrawAxis() gPad.Modified() gPad.Update() #plotname = TString("%s_%s_%s" % (channel, region, var)) #FormatFileName(plotname) #gPad.Print(plotdir+plotname.Data()+".png") #gPad.Print(plotdir+plotname.Data()+".pdf") gPad.Print(varname+"_%s.png" % whatfit) gPad.Print(varname+"_%s.pdf" % whatfit) return 0
def MakePlots(ev, var, cutmc, cutdata, xtitle, nbins, xlow, xup): hP1 = TH1F("P1", "", nbins, xlow, xup) hP2 = TH1F("P2", "", nbins, xlow, xup) hP3 = TH1F("P3", "", nbins, xlow, xup) # Apply scale factors scalefactor1 = 1.0 cutsf = TCut("%f" % scalefactor1) # ev.P1.Project("P1", var, (cutmc * cutsf).GetTitle()) ev.P1.Project("P1", var, (cutdata).GetTitle()) scalefactor2 = 1.0 cutsf = TCut("%f" % scalefactor2) # ev.P2.Project("P2", var, (cutmc * cutsf).GetTitle()) ev.P2.Project("P2", var, (cutdata).GetTitle()) scalefactor3 = 1.0 cutsf = TCut("%f" % scalefactor3) # ev.P3.Project("P3", var, (cutmc * cutsf).GetTitle()) ev.P3.Project("P3", var, (cutdata).GetTitle()) if True: print "MakePlots(): Setting up histograms..." # Setup canvas and pads c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 700, 700) # c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 600, 600) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "top pad", 0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 1.0) pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.0) pad1.Draw() pad2 = TPad("pad2", "bottom pad", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.3) pad2.SetTopMargin(0.0) pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.35) pad2.Draw() pad1.SetLogy(plotLog) # Setup histogram styles and stack the histograms. setHisto(hP1, "data_obs") setHisto(hP2, "VH") setHisto(hP3, "TT") hP1.Scale(1.0 / hP1.GetSumOfWeights()) hP2.Scale(1.0 / hP2.GetSumOfWeights()) hP3.Scale(1.0 / hP3.GetSumOfWeights()) ymax = max(hP1.GetMaximum(), hP2.GetMaximum(), hP3.GetMaximum()) hP1.SetMaximum(ymax + ymax / 2.0 + (sqrt(ymax) if ymax > 1 else 0)) if plotLog: hP1.SetMaximum(ymax * 200 + (sqrt(ymax) if ymax > 1 else 0)) # hP1.SetMinimum(0.01) # Setup auxiliary histograms print "MakePlots(): Setting up auxiliary histograms..." ratio = hP2.Clone("ratio") ratio.Sumw2() ratio.SetMarkerSize(0.8) # ratio.SetMarkerSize(0.5) ratio.Divide(hP2, hP1, 1.0, 1.0, "") ratioP3 = hP3.Clone("ratio3") ratioP3.Sumw2() ratioP3.SetMarkerSize(0.8) # ratioP3.SetMarkerSize(0.5) ratioP3.Divide(hP3, hP1, 1.0, 1.0, "") ratio.SetStats(0) ratio.SetTitle("") ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("ratio") ratio.SetMaximum(2.2) ratio.SetMinimum(0) # ratio.SetMarkerSize(0) # ratio.SetFillColor(kRed) # ratio.SetFillStyle(3013) ##ratio.SetFillStyle(3001) ratio.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.12) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.14) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.10) ratio.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.10) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.12) # ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.10) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.6) ratio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) # Setup legends print "MakePlots(): Setting up legends..." leg = TLegend(0.62, 0.62, 0.92, 0.92) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.SetShadowColor(0) leg.SetTextFont(62) leg.SetTextSize(0.03) leg.AddEntry(hP1, "2012ABC", "lp") leg.AddEntry(hP2, "2012D ![207883:208307]", "lp") leg.AddEntry(hP3, "2012D [207883:208307]", "lp") # Draw MC signal and background print "MakePlots(): Drawing..." if plotLog: pad1.SetLogy() hP1.Draw("e1") hP1.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) binwidth = (xup - xlow) / nbins ytitle = "(normalized) / %.3f" % binwidth hP1.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) hP3.Draw("e1 same") hP2.Draw("e1 same") # Draw legends leg.Draw() latex = TLatex() latex.SetNDC() latex.SetTextAlign(12) latex.SetTextFont(62) latex.SetTextSize(0.052) latex.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.89, "CMS Preliminary") latex.SetTextSize(0.04) latex.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.84, "#sqrt{s} = 8 TeV, L = 19.6 fb^{-1}") latex.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.79, "Z(#nu#bar{#nu})H(b#bar{b})") # Under/overflows a la TMVA uoflow = "U/O-flow (Data,MC): (%.1f, %.1f) / (%.1f, %.1f)" % ( hP2.GetBinContent(0), hP1.GetBinContent(0), hP2.GetBinContent(nbins + 1), hP1.GetBinContent(nbins + 1), ) latex2 = TLatex(0.99, 0.1, uoflow) latex2.SetNDC() latex2.SetTextSize(0.02) latex2.SetTextAngle(90) latex2.AppendPad() # Draw ratio pad2.SetGridy(0) ratio.Draw("e1") ratioP3.Draw("e1 same") ratio.Draw("e1 same") # Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Chi2 test pave = TPaveText(0.18, 0.85, 0.35, 0.96, "brNDC") pave.SetTextAlign(12) pave.SetLineColor(0) pave.SetFillColor(0) pave.SetShadowColor(0) pave.SetBorderSize(1) nchisq = hP2.Chi2Test(hP1, "UWCHI2/NDF") # MC uncert. (stat) kolprob = hP2.KolmogorovTest(hP1) # MC uncert. (stat) text = pave.AddText("#chi_{#nu}^{2} = %.3f, K_{s} = %.3f" % (nchisq, kolprob)) text.SetTextFont(62) text.SetTextSize(0.06) pave.Draw() print "MakePlots(): Printing..." gPad.RedrawAxis() gPad.Modified() gPad.Update() gPad.RedrawAxis() gPad.Modified() gPad.Update() plotname = TString("%s_%s_diff_%s" % (channel, region, var)) FormatFileName(plotname) gPad.Print(plotdir + plotname.Data() + ".png") gPad.Print(plotdir + plotname.Data() + ".pdf") return 0