def getTrap(): ds, run, chan = 1, 11085, 580 # C1P1D3 # trigger eff vals from old study: mu = 1.448, sig = 0.305 # 2016-9-15-P3LQG_Run60001538 C2P1D3 P42748B # ds, run, chan = 4, 60001538, 1110 from ROOT import GATDataSet gds = GATDataSet(run) tt = gds.GetGatifiedChain() bt = gds.GetBuiltChain() tt.AddFriend(bt) tCut = "channel==%d" % chan n = tt.Draw("Entry$:Iteration$", tCut, "goff") evt, itr = tt.GetV1(), tt.GetV2() evtList = [[int(evt[i]), int(itr[i])] for i in range(n)] trapOutput = [] pEvt = -1 for i, (iE, iH) in enumerate(evtList): if iE != pEvt: tt.GetEntry(iE) pEvt = iE hitE = wf = bt.event.GetWaveform(iH) sig = wl.processWaveform(wf) waveRaw = sig.GetWaveBLSub() waveTS = sig.GetTS() # mimic onboard energy trapezoid eTrap = wl.trapFilter(waveRaw, 400, 180, 0) nPad = len(waveRaw) - len(eTrap) eTrap = np.pad(eTrap, (nPad, 0), 'constant') eTrapTS = np.arange(0, len(eTrap) * 10., 10) # trap timestamps shouldn't change, don't recalculate them if i == 0: pTS = eTrapTS if not np.array_equal(eTrapTS, pTS): print("Warning, the timestamps changed. Uggggg") return # print(i, iE, iH, hitE) trapOutput.append(eTrap) # np.savez("../data/trapOutput.npz",trapOutput,eTrapTS) # original ds4 run np.savez("../data/trapOutput-2.npz", trapOutput, eTrapTS) # new ds1 run
def pulserBL(): """ For each bkgIdx, get the HG pulser events and all their baseline values. Fill a dict of channels w/ the values, then make plots'n stuff. """ dsNum, modNum = 1, 1 goodList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum) # thing we want to make histos with baseDict = {ch: [] for ch in goodList} # for bkgIdx in range(ds.dsMap[dsNum]+1): for bkgIdx in range(1): print "DS-%d, bkgIdx %d" % (dsNum, bkgIdx) runList = [] bkgList = ds.bkgRunsDS[dsNum][bkgIdx] for idx in range(0, len(bkgList), 2): [ runList.append(run) for run in range(bkgList[idx], bkgList[idx + 1] + 1) ] gds = GATDataSet() [gds.AddRunNumber(run) for run in runList] gatTree = gds.GetGatifiedChain() bltTree = gds.GetBuiltChain() gatTree.AddFriend(bltTree) theCut = "EventDC1Bits && channel%2==0 && trapENFCal>50" # select pulser subset gatTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") gatTree.SetEntryList(elist) for iList in range(elist.GetN()): entry = gatTree.GetEntryNumber(iList) gatTree.LoadTree(entry) gatTree.GetEntry(entry) nChans = numPass = gatTree.Draw("channel", theCut, "GOFF", 1, iList) chans = gatTree.GetV1() chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in xrange(numPass))) hitList = (iH for iH in xrange(nChans) if in goodList) for iH in hitList: if dsNum == 2: wf_downsampled = bltTree.event.GetWaveform(iH) wf_regular = bltTree.event.GetAuxWaveform(iH) wf = MJTMSWaveform(wf_downsampled, wf_regular) else: wf = bltTree.event.GetWaveform(iH) chan = int( signal = wl.processWaveform(wf) baseline, _ = signal.GetBaseNoise() baseline = float("%.2f" % baseline) # kill precision to save on memory baseDict[chan].append(baseline) # could pickle the baseDict here, but idk, let's move on fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7), facecolor='w') p1 = plt.subplot(111) # for ch in baseDict: ch = 608 arr = np.asarray(baseDict[chan]) p1.hist(arr) #, bins='auto') # arguments are passed to np.histogram p1.set_title("Channel 608") plt.savefig("../plots/ch608-bl.pdf")
def main(argv): """ Matplotlib animation tutorial: Requires ffmpeg. (brew install ffmpeg) """ # Set input file and cuts # gatFile = TFile("~/project/mjddatadir/gatified/mjd_run27012.root") # generate w/ process_mjd_data_p1 # bltFile = TFile("~/project/mjddatadir/built/OR_run27012.root") # gatTree = gatFile.Get("mjdTree") # bltTree = bltFile.Get("MGTree") run = 23725 ds = GATDataSet(run) gatTree = ds.GetGatifiedChain() bltTree = ds.GetBuiltChain() gatTree.AddFriend(bltTree) print "Found",gatTree.GetEntries(),"input entries." # Get first timestamp gatTree.GetEntry(0) # print type(gatTree.localTime.localTime) theCut = "Entry$<50" # theCut = "channel == 674" # C1P7D3 # theCut = "trapE < 6000 && channel==674 && timestamp/1e8 > 148359" # theCut = "channel==632 && timestamp/1e8 > 148359" outFile = "../plots/movie_run%d.mp4" % run # Print cut and events passing cut print "Using cut:\n",theCut,"\n" gatTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") gatTree.SetEntryList(elist) nList = elist.GetN() print "Found",nList,"entries passing cuts." # First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11,5), facecolor='w') a1 = plt.subplot(111) # a2 = plt.subplot(111) # a1.set_xlim(0,50000) # a1.set_ylim(0,1000) a1.set_xlabel("time (ns)") a1.set_ylabel("ADC") p1, = a1.plot(np.ones(1), np.ones(1), color='blue') p2, = a1.plot(np.ones(1), np.ones(1), color='red') # initialization function: plot the background of each frame def init(): p1.set_data([],[]) p2.set_data([],[]) return p1,p2, # animation function. This is called sequentially (it's the loop over events.) def animate(iList): entry = gatTree.GetEntryNumber(iList); gatTree.LoadTree(entry) gatTree.GetEntry(entry) nChans = numPass = gatTree.Draw("channel",theCut,"GOFF",1,iList) chans = gatTree.GetV1() chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in xrange(numPass))) event = bltTree.event locTime = gatTree.localTime.localTime # wow, srsly? # Loop over hits passing cuts hitList = (iH for iH in xrange(nChans) if in chanList) # a 'generator expression' for iH in hitList: # wf = MGTWaveform() iEvent = 0 wf_downsampled = event.GetWaveform(iH) wf_regular = event.GetAuxWaveform(iH) wf = MJTMSWaveform(wf_downsampled,wf_regular) iEvent = entry run = chan = energy = # timestamp = / 1e8 # locTime = timestamp - firstTime signal = wl.processWaveform(wf) waveRaw = signal.GetWaveRaw() waveBLSub = signal.GetWaveBLSub() waveTS = signal.GetTS() baseline = np.sum(waveRaw[:50])/50 # B, A = butter(2,1e6/(1e8/2), btype='lowpass') # data_lPass = lfilter(B, A, waveRaw) # simple trap filter (broken) trapTS = waveTS ADCThresh = 1. trap, trigger, triggerTS = trapFilt(waveBLSub,trapThresh=ADCThresh) trap = trap + baseline # fill the figure p1.set_ydata(waveRaw) p1.set_xdata(waveTS) p2.set_ydata(trap) p2.set_xdata(trapTS) plt.title("Run %d Channel %d Entry %d trapE %.1f locTime %.1f s" % (run,chan,iList,energy,locTime)) # dynamically scale the axes xmin, xmax = np.amin(waveTS), np.amax(waveTS) a1.set_xlim([xmin,xmax]) if energy < 1000: a1.set_ylim(0,1000) else: ymin, ymax = np.amin(waveRaw), np.amax(waveRaw) a1.set_ylim([ymin-abs(0.1*ymin),ymax+abs(0.1*ymax)]) # print progress # print "%d / %d Run %d nCh %d chan %d trapE %.1f samp %d" % (iList,nList,run,nChans,chan,energy,wf.GetLength()) if iList%500 == 0 and iList!=0: print "%d / %d entries saved (%.2f %% done)." % (iList,nList,100*(float(iList)/nList)) return p1,p2, # call the animator. blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed. anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=elist.GetN(), interval=0, blit=True) # save the animation as an mp4. This requires ffmpeg or mencoder to be # installed. The extra_args ensure that the x264 codec is used, so that # the video can be embedded in html5. You may need to adjust this for # your system: for more information, see #, fps=20)#, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])