def create_master_workspaces(meta_data): pwd = gDirectory.GetPath() ws_list = {} for (sample,chanlist) in meta_data.getAssociation().iteritems(): ws_list[sample] = {} for (channel,proclist) in chanlist.iteritems(): #make the workspace we're going to use this_ws = RooWorkspace('%s-%s'%(channel,sample)) initialize_workspace(this_ws) ws_list[sample][channel] = {} for (process,subproclist) in proclist.iteritems(): print sample, channel, process if 'HToZG'in process: ws_list[sample][channel][process] = [] for (subproc,info) in subproclist.iteritems(): print '\tprocessing: %s'%subproc input_file = info['input_file'] info['num_mc_events'] = -1 if input_file == '': print '\t no input file found! Skipping!' continue if 'data' not in process: print '\t mc input = %s'%input_file.split('/')[-1] if 'HToZG' in subproc: info['num_mc_events'] = \ extract_higgs_data_in_categories(subproc, input_file, this_ws) ws_list[sample][channel][process].append(subproc) else: info['num_mc_events'] = \ extract_bkg_data_in_categories(subproc, input_file, this_ws) else: print '\t data input = %s'%input_file.split('/')[-1] extract_data_in_categories(channel,input_file,this_ws) #end loop over processes and data fout_name = '%s_%s_master_workspace.root'%(channel,sample) fout = TFile.Open(fout_name,'recreate') this_ws.Write() fout.Close() ws_list[sample][channel]['filename'] = fout_name return ws_list
def Split_DS(Save_DS=False): ws_file = TFile( "/afs/" + prefix + "/" + user + "/eos/lhcb/user/" + prefix + "/" + user + "/WrongSign/2015/WorkSpaces/Merged_Merged_WS.root", "read") wsp = ws_file.Get("wspace") ws_file.Close() LOG_D0_IPCHI2_OWNPV = wsp.var("LOG_D0_IPCHI2_OWNPV") Dst_DTF_D0_CTAU = wsp.var("Dst_DTF_D0_CTAU") Dst_DTF_D0_M = wsp.var("Dst_DTF_D0_M") DTF_D0sPi_M = wsp.var("DTF_D0sPi_M") DTF_D0sPi_M.setMax(2020) DTF_D0sPi_M.setMin(2000) dataset_RS_tot ="dataset_RS") dataset_RS_tot.SetName("dataset_RS_tot") varset = RooArgSet("varset") varset.add(LOG_D0_IPCHI2_OWNPV) varset.add(DTF_D0sPi_M) varset.add(Dst_DTF_D0_CTAU) varset.add(Dst_DTF_D0_M) for i, bin in enumerate(decaytime_binnning): start = dataset_RS_dtb_init = RooDataSet( "dataset_RS_dtb_init", "Decaytime bin" + str(i), dataset_RS_tot, varset, "Dst_DTF_D0_CTAU>" + str(bin[0] * ctau) + "&&Dst_DTF_D0_CTAU<" + str(bin[1] * ctau) + "&&" + offline_cut) dataset_RS = Subtract_Distribution(dataset_RS_dtb_init, DTF_D0sPi_M, LOG_D0_IPCHI2_OWNPV, str(i)) dataset_RS.SetName("dataset_RS") wspace = RooWorkspace("wspace") wsfile2 = TFile( "~/eos/lhcb/user/" + prefix + "/" + user + "/WrongSign/2015/WorkSpaces/Merged_WS_Bin_" + str(i) + ".root", "recreate") wspace.rfimport(varset) wspace.rfimport(dataset_RS) wspace.Write("wspace") wsfile2.Close() print "Dataset " + str(i) + " creation took " + str( - start) + " \n" return True
def main(options, args): gROOT.Reset() #load our super special Polarization PDF gROOT.ProcessLine('.L RooPolarizationPdf.cxx+') gROOT.ProcessLine('.L RooPolarizationConstraint.cxx+') #setup integration intConf = ROOT.RooAbsReal.defaultIntegratorConfig() #intConf.Print('v') # intConf.method1D().setLabel('RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D') intConf.setEpsAbs(1e-13) intConf.setEpsRel(1e-13) print intConf.epsAbs() print intConf.epsRel() # intConf.method2D().setLabel('RooMCIntegrator') # intConf.methodND().setLabel('RooMCIntegrator') output = TFile.Open(options.workspaceName + '.root', 'RECREATE') theWS = RooWorkspace(options.workspaceName, 1) #save the polarization PDF code in the RooWorkspace theWS.importClassCode('RooPolarization*', True) buildDataAndCategories(theWS, options, args) buildMassAndLifetimePDF(theWS) # if options.fitFrame is not None: # buildPolarizationPDF(theWS,options) #root is stupid theWS.Print('v') ROOT.RooMsgService.instance().Print() doFit(theWS, options) theWS.Write() output.Close()
numBkg.setVal(snapNumBkg) fitres = model.fitTo(dataset, RooFit.Save(True), RooFit.Minos(useMinos)) plot = var.frame(RooFit.Title('cuts=' + '&&'.join(cuttitle))) dataset.plotOn(plot) model.plotOn( plot, RooFit.Normalization(dataset.sumEntries(), RooAbsReal.NumEvent)) SaveResult(origPlot=plot, origVar=var, data={'content': dataset}, totPDF={'content': model}, fitres=fitres, label=label + '_' + ''.join(str(a) for a in cutIndx[i]), fitDir=fitDir, figDir=figDir, absNumNormalize=dataset.sumEntries()) # scan lB likelihood end }}} canv.Clear() canv.SaveAs(tMPfIG + ']') space.Write() outFile.Close() os.system('mv {0} {1}'.format(tMPrOOTnAME, storeFileName)) os.system('mv {0} {1}'.format(tMPfIG, storeFigName)) txtRecFile.close()
def main(o, args): variables = options.variables procs = options.procs cats = options.cats print "****variables***" print variables #from configfile import variables, procs, cats if 0 and options.files.startswith("/store"): filepath = "root://eoscms/" + str(options.files) else: filepath = options.files print 'filepath is ' + str(filepath) infile = TFile.Open(filepath) infile.Print() wspace = infile.Get("tagsDumper/cms_hgg_13TeV") wspace.Print() isData = False dname = "" print variables for varset in variables: print 'we look at the variable ...' print varset if not varset[-1]: #varset[-1]=varset[-2] varset = (varset[0], varset[1], varset[2], varset[2]) if not varset[1]: varset = (varset[0], varset[0], varset[2], [1, 1]) isData = True datasetsReduced = {} c = TCanvas("c", "", 1) binning1 = varset[-2] binning1[-1] = binning1[-2] * 1.2 print binning1 binning2 = varset[-1] binning2[-1] = binning2[-2] * 1.2 print binning2 th2sigtot = TH2D( "signalEv_" + str(varset[0]) + "_vs_" + str(varset[1]) + "_all", "signalEv_" + str(varset[0]) + "_vs_" + str(varset[1]) + "_all", len(binning1) - 1, np.asarray(binning1), len(binning2) - 1, np.asarray(binning2)) th2sigtot.GetXaxis().SetTitle(str(varset[0])) th2sigtot.GetYaxis().SetTitle(str(varset[1])) for proc in procs: for cat in cats: print "reading ds " + str(proc) + "_" + str(cat) + " from ws" dataset = + "_" + str(cat)) dataset.Print() th2sig = TH2D( "signalEv_" + str(varset[0]) + "_vs_" + str(varset[1]) + "_" + str(proc) + "_" + str(cat), "signalEv_" + str(varset[0]) + "_vs_" + str(varset[1]) + "_" + str(proc) + "_" + str(cat), len(binning1) - 1, np.asarray(binning1), len(binning2) - 1, np.asarray(binning2)) th2sig.GetXaxis().SetTitle(str(varset[0])) th2sig.GetYaxis().SetTitle(str(varset[1])) for bound1 in range(len(varset[-2]) - 1): for bound2 in range(len(varset[-1]) - 1): if isData: dname = str(proc) + "_" + str( cat) + "_" + varset[0] + "_" + str( varset[-2][bound1]) + "to" + str( varset[-2][bound1 + 1]) else: # dname = str(proc)+"_"+str(cat)+"_"+varset[0]+"_"+str(varset[-2][bound1])+"to"+str(varset[-2][bound1+1])+"_Vs_"+varset[1]+"_"+str(varset[-1][bound2])+"to"+str(varset[-1][bound2+1]) dname = str( proc.split('_', 1)[0] ) + "_" + varset[0] + "_" + str( varset[-2][bound1] ) + "to" + str(varset[-2][bound1 + 1]) + "_" + str( proc.split('_', 1)[1]) + "_" + str( cat) + "_" + varset[1] + "_" + str( varset[-1][bound2]) + "to" + str( varset[-1][bound2 + 1]) datRed = dataset.Clone(dname) datRed.reset() datasetsReduced[dname] = datRed val = 0. maxEntries = dataset.numEntries() if options.maxEntries != -1: maxEntries = options.maxEntries for i in range(maxEntries): if i % 10000 == 0: print i iset = dataset.get(i) val1 = iset.getRealValue(varset[0]) val2 = iset.getRealValue(varset[1]) # print val1,val2 for bound1, bound2 in ( (b1, b2) for b1 in range(len(varset[-2]) - 1) for b2 in range(len(varset[-1]) - 1)): if isData: selCondition = (val1 > varset[-2][bound1]) and ( val1 < varset[-2][bound1 + 1]) dname = str(proc) + "_" + str( cat) + "_" + varset[0] + "_" + str( varset[-2][bound1]) + "to" + str( varset[-2][bound1 + 1]) else: selCondition = (val1 > varset[-2][bound1]) and ( val1 < varset[-2][bound1 + 1]) and ( val2 > varset[-1][bound2]) and ( val2 < varset[-1][bound2 + 1]) # dname = str(proc)+"_"+str(cat)+"_"+varset[0]+"_"+str(varset[-2][bound1])+"to"+str(varset[-2][bound1+1])+"_Vs_"+varset[1]+"_"+str(varset[-1][bound2])+"to"+str(varset[-1][bound2+1]) dname = str( proc.split('_', 1)[0] ) + "_" + varset[0] + "_" + str( varset[-2][bound1] ) + "to" + str(varset[-2][bound1 + 1]) + "_" + str( proc.split('_', 1)[1]) + "_" + str( cat) + "_" + varset[1] + "_" + str( varset[-1][bound2]) + "to" + str( varset[-1][bound2 + 1]) if selCondition: # print "filling dataset" ## print dataset.weight() datasetsReduced[dname].add(iset, dataset.weight()) break for bound1 in range(len(varset[-2]) - 1): for bound2 in range(len(varset[-1]) - 1): if isData: dname = str(proc) + "_" + str( cat) + "_" + varset[0] + "_" + str( varset[-2][bound1]) + "to" + str( varset[-2][bound1 + 1]) else: dname = str( proc.split('_', 1)[0] ) + "_" + varset[0] + "_" + str( varset[-2][bound1] ) + "to" + str(varset[-2][bound1 + 1]) + "_" + str( proc.split('_', 1)[1]) + "_" + str( cat) + "_" + varset[1] + "_" + str( varset[-1][bound2]) + "to" + str( varset[-1][bound2 + 1]) print "binning1 ", float(binning1[bound1]) + ( float(binning1[bound1 + 1]) - float(binning1[bound1])) / 2. print binning1[bound1 + 1] print binning1[bound1] print "cat1 ", (float(varset[-2][bound1 + 1]) - float(varset[-2][bound1])) / 2. print "binning2 ", float(binning2[bound2]) + ( float(binning2[bound2 + 1]) - float(binning2[bound2])) / 2. print binning2[bound2 + 1] print binning2[bound2] print "cat2 ", (float(varset[-1][bound2 + 1]) - float(varset[-1][bound2])) / 2. print "sumentries ", datasetsReduced[ dname].sumEntries() th2sig.Fill( float(binning1[bound1]) + (float(binning1[bound1 + 1]) - float(binning1[bound1])) / 2., float(binning2[bound2]) + (float(binning2[bound2 + 1]) - float(binning2[bound2])) / 2., datasetsReduced[dname].sumEntries()) th2sig.Print("V") if options.logz: c.SetLogz(1) th2sigtot.Add(th2sig) th2sig.Draw("colz") for fmt in savefmts: savename = th2sig.GetName() if options.logz: savename = str(savename) + "_logz" c.SaveAs(str(savename) + str(fmt)) if options.logz: c.SetLogz(1) th2sigtot.Draw("colz") savename = th2sigtot.GetName() if options.logz: savename = str(savename) + "_logz" for fmt in savefmts: c.SaveAs(str(savename) + str(fmt)) # print "#### Compare reductions ####" new_wspace = RooWorkspace("cms_hgg_13TeV") getattr(new_wspace, 'import')(wspace.var("CMS_hgg_mass")) getattr(new_wspace, 'import')(wspace.var("IntLumi")) if not isData: getattr(new_wspace, 'import')(wspace.var("dZ")) getattr(new_wspace, 'import')(wspace.var("weight")) # alldata = new_wspace.allData() # for ds in alldata : # new_wspace.removeSet(str(ds.GetName())) outfilename = options.outfile.split('.')[0] + '_' + str( varset[0]) + '_3th2.root' outfile = TFile(outfilename, 'RECREATE') stepsize = int(len(datasetsReduced.keys()) / 10) iteration = 0 while (len(datasetsReduced.keys()) > 0): print 'iteration ' + str(iteration) iteration = iteration + 1 try: outfile except NameError: outfile = TFile(outfilename, 'UPDATE') try: new_wspace except NameError: new_wspace = outfile.Get("cms_hgg_13TeV") print "cms_hgg_13TeV;1" gDirectory.Delete("cms_hgg_13TeV;1") # if not 'outfile' in globals(): # print 'outfile is not defined' # outfile = TFile(options.outfile, 'UPDATE') # if not 'new_wspace' in globals(): # new_wspace = outfile.Get("cms_hgg_13TeV") # print 'newspace is not defined' written = [] if stepsize > len(datasetsReduced.keys()): stepsize = len(datasetsReduced.keys()) for ikey in range(stepsize): # for ikey in range(len(datasetsReduced.keys())): # dataset.Print("V") # if dataset.numEntries() > 100: getattr(new_wspace, 'import')( datasetsReduced[datasetsReduced.keys()[ikey]]) datasetsReduced[datasetsReduced.keys()[ikey]].Write() written.append(datasetsReduced.keys()[ikey]) print 'Number of data in ws ' print len(new_wspace.allData()) #new_wspace.Print() new_wspace.Write() outfile.Write() outfile.Close() for wkey in written: del datasetsReduced[wkey] del new_wspace del outfile
key_COMB = [] hist_COMB = [] for i, bin in enumerate(decaytime_binnning): if i == 0: continue start = dataset_COMB_CORR_dtb_init = RooDataSet("dataset_COMB_CORR_dtb_init","Decaytime bin"+str(i),dataset_COMB_CORR,varset_small,"Dst_DTF_D0_CTAU>"+str(bin[0]*ctau)+"&&Dst_DTF_D0_CTAU<"+str(bin[1]*ctau)) dataset_COMB_CORR_dtb = Subtract_Distribution(dataset_COMB_CORR_dtb_init, DTF_D0sPi_M, LOG_D0_IPCHI2_OWNPV, str(i)+"_comb", True) dataset_COMB_CORR_dtb.SetName("dataset_COMB_CORR_dtb") print "Background substraction from combinatorial tool "+str(" \n" hist_COMB.append(RooDataHist("hist_COMB"+str(i),"hist_COMB", RooArgSet(LOG_D0_IPCHI2_OWNPV), dataset_COMB_CORR_dtb)) key_COMB.append(RooKeysPdf("key_COMB_"+str(i), "key_COMB", LOG_D0_IPCHI2_OWNPV, dataset_COMB_CORR_dtb)) #We store shapes of Log(IPCHI2) for mathced candidates in for each decay time bins here. wspace_2 = RooWorkspace("wspace_key_shapes") wspace_2.Print("t") wsfile = TFile("/afs/"+prefix+"/"+user+"/eos/lhcb/user/"+prefix+"/"+user+"/WrongSign/2015/Secondary_Key_Shapes.root", "recreate") for k in key_COMB: wspace_2.rfimport(k) wspace_2.Write("wspace") wspace_3 = RooWorkspace("wspace_hist_shapes") wspace_3.Print("t") wsfile = TFile("/afs/"+prefix+"/"+user+"/eos/lhcb/user/"+prefix+"/"+user+"/WrongSign/2015/Secondary_Hist_Shapes.root", "recreate") for s in hist_COMB: wspace_3.rfimport(s) wspace_3.Write("wspace")
"TMath::Sqrt(1865**2+sPi_M**2 + 2*(Dst_DTF_D0_PE*Dst_DTF_sPi_PE - (Dst_DTF_D0_PX*Dst_DTF_sPi_PX+Dst_DTF_D0_PY*Dst_DTF_sPi_PY+Dst_DTF_D0_PZ*Dst_DTF_sPi_PZ)))", RooArgList(sPi_M, Dst_DTF_D0_PE, Dst_DTF_sPi_PE, Dst_DTF_D0_PX, Dst_DTF_sPi_PX, Dst_DTF_D0_PY, Dst_DTF_sPi_PY, Dst_DTF_D0_PZ, Dst_DTF_sPi_PZ)) dataset_WS.addColumn(DTF_D0sPi_M).setRange(1700, 2100) dataset_RS.addColumn(DTF_D0sPi_M).setRange(1700, 2100) try: test_mode = sys.argv[2] except: test_mode = False wspace = RooWorkspace("wspace") wspace.Print("t") if not test_mode: #Here is address of output file wsfile = TFile( "/afs/" + prefix + "/" + user + "/eos/lhcb/user/" + prefix + "/" + user + "/WrongSign/2015/WorkSpaces/WorkSpace" + id_seed + ".root", "recreate") else: wsfile = TFile("WorkSpace" + id_seed + ".root", "recreate") wspace.rfimport(varset) wspace.rfimport(varset_comb) wspace.rfimport(dataset_COMB_OS) wspace.rfimport(dataset_COMB_SS) wspace.rfimport(dataset_WS) wspace.rfimport(dataset_RS) wspace.Write("wspace") os.remove("/tmp/" + user + "/temp" + id_seed + ".root")
truth = sys.argv[7] #truth model type!!! bs = RooWorkspace('bias_study') bs.factory("procWeight[0]") bs.factory("puWeight[0]") bs.factory("weight[0]") bs.factory("Mzg[100,180]") bs.var("Mzg").setRange("ROI", mass - 1.5, mass + 1.5) bs.var("Mzg").setBins(40000, "cache") bs.factory("Mz[0]") #bs.factory("dMzg[0,25]") #bs.factory("dMz[0,25]") bs.factory("r94cat[cat1=1,cat2=2,cat3=3,cat4=4]") bs.defineSet("observables", "Mzg,Mz,r94cat,procWeight,puWeight") bs.defineSet("observables_weight", "Mzg,Mz,r94cat,procWeight,puWeight,weight") prepare_truth_models(bs, category, mass, channel, turnon, truth) build_fitting_models(bs, category, mass, order, turnon) gen_data_and_fit(bs, ntoys, category, mass, channel, turnon, truth) out_f = TFile.Open( "bias_study_%s_%s_%s_ntoys%i_cat%i_m%s_order%i.root" % (channel, turnon, truth, ntoys, category, str(mass).replace( '.', 'p'), order), "recreate") bs.Write() out_f.Close()
def main(options, args): cfg = options.config workspaceName = cfg.get('Global', 'workspace') ws = RooWorkspace(workspaceName) #ws.Print("v") setupWorkspace(ws, options) #create -log(likelihood) theNLL = ws.pdf('TopLevelPdf').createNLL('allcountingdata'), RooFit.NumCPU(1), RooFit.ConditionalObservables(ws.set('condObs')), RooFit.Verbose(True)) ws.saveSnapshot('standardmodel', ws.allVars()) minuit = ROOT.RooMinuit(theNLL) minuit.setPrintLevel(1) minuit.setPrintEvalErrors(-1) minuit.setErrorLevel(.5) #find the values of the parameters that minimize the likelihood minuit.setStrategy(2) minuit.simplex() minuit.migrad() minuit.hesse() #ws.var('err_gl').setConstant(True) #ws.var('err_gs').setConstant(True) #ws.var('err_gb').setConstant(True) ws.defineSet( 'POI', ROOT.RooArgSet( ws.var('%s_%s' % (cfg.get( 'Global', 'par1Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))), ws.var('%s_%s' % (cfg.get( 'Global', 'par2Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))))) ws.saveSnapshot('%s_fitresult' % cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'), ws.allVars()) #create profile likelihood level_68 = ROOT.TMath.ChisquareQuantile( .68, 2) / 2.0 # delta NLL for 68% confidence level for -log(LR) level_95 = ROOT.TMath.ChisquareQuantile( .95, 2) / 2.0 # delta NLL for 95% confidence level for -log(LR) print print '68% CL Delta-NLL 2 DOF=', level_68 print '95% CL Delta-NLL 2 DOF=', level_95 minuit.setPrintLevel(1) minuit.setPrintEvalErrors(-1) minuit.migrad() minuit.minos(ws.set('POI')) thePlot = minuit.contour( ws.var('%s_%s' % (cfg.get( 'Global', 'par1Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))), ws.var('%s_%s' % (cfg.get( 'Global', 'par2Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))), sqrt(2 * level_95), sqrt(2 * level_68)) # here the error is in sigmas thePlot.SetName( '%s_%s_%s_contour' % (cfg.get('Global', 'par1Name'), cfg.get( 'Global', 'par2Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))) thePlot.SetTitle('68% & 95% CL on the Best Fit Values of ' + cfg.get('Global', 'par1Name') + ' and ' + cfg.get('Global', 'par2Name')) legend = ROOT.TLegend(2.01612903225806439e-01, 7.86016949152542388e-01, 7.15725806451612989e-01, 9.13135593220338992e-01) legend.SetNColumns(2) thePlot.addObject(legend) # 1-D Limits level_95 = ROOT.TMath.ChisquareQuantile( .95, 1) / 2.0 # delta NLL for -log(LR) with 1 dof print '95% CL Delta-NLL 1 DOF=', level_95 minuit.setErrorLevel(level_95) #set 1-D limits on parameter 1 with parameter 2 == 0 ws.var('%s_%s' % (cfg.get( 'Global', 'par2Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))).setVal(0.0) ws.var('%s_%s' % (cfg.get('Global', 'par2Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))).setConstant(True) minuit.minos(ws.set('POI')) parm1 = ws.var( '%s_%s' % (cfg.get('Global', 'par1Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))) print 'parameter 1 value: ' + str(parm1.getVal()) if not (0 < parm1.getVal() + parm1.getErrorHi() and 0 > parm1.getVal() + parm1.getErrorLo()): print '95% CL does not cover SM for parameter 1' else: print '95% CL covers SM for parameter 1' par1Line = ROOT.TLine(parm1.getVal() + parm1.getErrorLo(), 0, parm1.getVal() + parm1.getErrorHi(), 0) par1Line.SetLineWidth(2) par1Line.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) thePlot.addObject(par1Line) #set 1-D limits on parameter 2 with parameter 1 == 0 ws.var('%s_%s' % (cfg.get('Global', 'par2Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))).setConstant(False) ws.var('%s_%s' % (cfg.get( 'Global', 'par1Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))).setVal(0.0) ws.var('%s_%s' % (cfg.get('Global', 'par1Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))).setConstant(True) minuit.minos(ws.set('POI')) parm2 = ws.var( '%s_%s' % (cfg.get('Global', 'par2Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))) print 'parameter 2 value: ' + str(parm2.getVal()) if not (0 < parm2.getVal() + parm2.getErrorHi() and 0 > parm2.getVal() + parm2.getErrorLo()): print '95% CL does not cover SM for parameter 2' else: print '95% CL covers SM for parameter 2' par2Line = ROOT.TLine(0, parm2.getVal() + parm2.getErrorLo(), 0, parm2.getVal() + parm2.getErrorHi()) par2Line.SetLineWidth(2) par2Line.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) thePlot.addObject(par2Line) ws.var('%s_%s' % (cfg.get('Global', 'par1Name'), cfg.get('Global', 'couplingType'))).setConstant(False) #construct likelihood scan histograms plot = parm1.frame() parm1.setBins(200) parm2.setBins(200) scanHist = ROOT.TH2F('scan2d_plot', '2D Scan of the Likelihood', 200, parm1.getMin(), parm1.getMax(), 200, parm2.getMin(), parm2.getMax()) for i in range(200): for j in range(200): parm1.setVal(parm1.getMin() + (i + .5) * (parm1.getMax() - parm1.getMin()) / 200) parm2.setVal(parm2.getMin() + (j + .5) * (parm2.getMax() - parm2.getMin()) / 200) scanHist.SetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1, theNLL.getVal()) profNLL_par1 = theNLL.createProfile(RooArgSet(parm1)) profNLL_par1_plot = parm1.frame() profNLL_par1.plotOn(profNLL_par1_plot) profNLL_par2 = theNLL.createProfile(RooArgSet(parm2)) profNLL_par2_plot = parm2.frame() profNLL_par2.plotOn(profNLL_par2_plot) initCMSStyle() output = TFile.Open(workspaceName + '.root', 'RECREATE') ws.Write() contCanvas = ROOT.TCanvas('contour_canvas', '', 500, 500) thePlot.Draw() prettyContour(contCanvas, cfg) contCanvas.Write() thePlot.Write() scanCanvas2D = ROOT.TCanvas('scan2d_canvas', '', 500, 500) scanHist.Draw('colz') prettyScan(scanCanvas2D, cfg) scanCanvas2D.Write() scanHist.Write() par1ScanCanvas = ROOT.TCanvas('scan1d_par1', '', 500, 500) profNLL_par1_plot.Draw() par1ScanCanvas.Write() profNLL_par1_plot.Write() par2ScanCanvas = ROOT.TCanvas('scan1d_par2', '', 500, 500) profNLL_par2_plot.Draw() par2ScanCanvas.Write() profNLL_par2_plot.Write() prettyObsPlots(ws, cfg) output.Close() if options.makeCards: print print "Creating cards for Higgs Combined Limit calculator!" makeHCLCards(ws, cfg) return 0
def Merged_WS(Save_DS=False): file_list = WS_list() ws_file = TFile(file_list[0], "read") wsp = ws_file.Get("wspace") ws_file.Close() varset_comb = wsp.allVars() B_M = wsp.var("B_M") LOG_D0_IPCHI2_OWNPV = wsp.var("LOG_D0_IPCHI2_OWNPV") D0_TAU = wsp.var("D0_TAU") D0_M = wsp.var("D0_M") Dst_M = wsp.var("Dst_M") Dst_DTF_D0_CTAU = wsp.var("Dst_DTF_D0_CTAU") Dst_DTF_D0_M = wsp.var("Dst_DTF_D0_M") D0sPi_M = wsp.var("D0sPi_M") B_ENDVERTEX_CHI2 = wsp.var("B_ENDVERTEX_CHI2") DTF_D0sPi_M = wsp.var("DTF_D0sPi_M") Mu_PT = wsp.var("Mu_PT") runNumber = wsp.var("runNumber") varset_comb = RooArgSet("varset_comb") varset_comb.add(B_M) varset_comb.add(D0_TAU) varset_comb.add(LOG_D0_IPCHI2_OWNPV) varset_comb.add(D0sPi_M) varset_comb.add(D0_M) varset_comb.add(Mu_PT) varset_comb.add(B_ENDVERTEX_CHI2) varset_comb.add(runNumber) varset = RooArgSet("varset") varset.add(D0_M) varset.add(D0_TAU) varset.add(LOG_D0_IPCHI2_OWNPV) varset.add(DTF_D0sPi_M) varset.add(Dst_DTF_D0_CTAU) varset.add(runNumber) varset.add(Dst_DTF_D0_M) datasets = { 'RS': RooDataSet("dataset_RS", "dataset_RS", varset), 'COMB_OS': RooDataSet("dataset_COMB_OS", "dataset_COMB_OS", varset_comb), 'COMB_SS': RooDataSet("dataset_COMB_SS", "dataset_COMB_SS", varset_comb) } for f in file_list: print "Adding data from " + f ws_file = TFile(f, "read") wsp = ws_file.Get("wspace") ws_file.Close() datasets['RS'].append("dataset_RS")) datasets['COMB_OS'].append("dataset_COMB_OS")) datasets['COMB_SS'].append("dataset_COMB_SS")) if not Save_DS: #This is for test purpose only, normaly workspaces is saved. wspace = RooWorkspace("wspace") wspace.rfimport(varset_comb) wspace.rfimport(datasets['RS']) wspace.rfimport(datasets['WS']) wspace.rfimport(datasets['COMB_OS']) wspace.rfimport(datasets['COMB_SS']) print "All datasets are added but not written" #wspace.Write("wspace") return wspace else: wspace = RooWorkspace("wspace") wsfile = TFile( "~/eos/lhcb/user/i/ikomarov/WrongSign/2015/WorkSpaces/Merged_Merged_WS.root", "recreate") wspace.rfimport(varset_comb) wspace.rfimport(varset) wspace.rfimport(datasets['RS']) wspace.rfimport(datasets['COMB_OS']) wspace.rfimport(datasets['COMB_SS']) print "All datasets are added" wspace.Write("wspace") return True