def intervalFromValues( self, values, weights ): ## Calculates the selected interval from weighted values # Symmetrically removes entries on both side until the desired fraction # of weights remains. Uncertainties are estimated by interpreting the fraction # of entries below and above the limits as an efficiency measurements. # Limits are then given from the 1-sigma confidence interval. # @param values list of values # @param weights list of weights (should match length of values) # @result (lower, upper) boundary self._reset() from ROOT import TEfficiency import numpy values = numpy.array( values ) # simply calculate the interval that contains the desired fraction of weights self.low, self.up = truncatedInterval( values, self.fraction, weights ) nTotal = len( values ) nLow = len( values[values <= self.low] ) nUp = len( values[values < self.up] ) # interpret entries below and above as counting experiment # for 1-sigma confidence intervals the corresponding percentiles are calculated # as an estimate of the uncertainty on the percentile values above self.lowLow, self.lowUp, self.upLow, self.upUp = percentiles( values, [ TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( nTotal, nLow, 0.68, False ), TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( nTotal, nLow, 0.68, True ), TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( nTotal, nUp, 0.68, False ), TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( nTotal, nUp, 0.68, True ) ], weights ) return self.low, self.up
def histsToRoc(hsig, hbg, w_error=False): '''Produce ROC curve from 2 input histograms. Partly adapted from Giovanni's ttH code. ''' nbins = hsig.GetNbinsX() + 2 - 1 # include under/overflow; remove events not passing selection si = [hsig.GetBinContent(i) for i in xrange(nbins+1)] bi = [hbg.GetBinContent(i) for i in xrange(nbins+1)] del si[1] del bi[1] if hsig.GetMean() > hbg.GetMean(): si.reverse() bi.reverse() sums, sumb = sum(si), sum(bi) if sums == 0 or sumb == 0: print 'WARNING: Either signal or background histogram empty', sums, sumb return None for i in xrange(1, nbins): si[i] += si[i - 1] bi[i] += bi[i - 1] fullsi, fullbi = si[:], bi[:] si, bi = [], [] for i in xrange(1, nbins): # skip negative weights if si and (fullsi[i] < si[-1] or fullbi[i] < bi[-1]): continue # skip repetitions if fullsi[i] != fullsi[i - 1] or fullbi[i] != fullbi[i - 1]: si.append(fullsi[i]) bi.append(fullbi[i]) if len(si) == 2: si = [si[0]] bi = [bi[0]] bins = len(si) if not w_error: roc = ROOT.TGraph(bins) for i in xrange(bins): roc.SetPoint(i, si[i] / sums, bi[i] / sumb) return roc roc = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(bins) for i in xrange(bins): interval = 0.683 e_s_low = si[i] / sums - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(sums, si[i], interval, False) e_s_up = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(sums, si[i], interval, True) - si[i] / sums e_b_low = bi[i] / sumb - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(sumb, bi[i], interval, False) e_b_up = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(sumb, bi[i], interval, True) - bi[i] / sumb roc.SetPoint(i, si[i] / sums, bi[i] / sumb) roc.SetPointError(i, e_s_low, e_s_up, e_b_low, e_b_up) return roc
def acceptance(cutlist, labellist): basecut = cutlist[0] dim = len(cutlist) #cutlist.remove(cutlist[:1][0]) if basecut == 'SSemu': basecutstr = '((Lepton_pdgId[0]*Lepton_pdgId[1]==11*13)||(Lepton_pdgId[0]*Lepton_pdgId[1]==-11*-13))' elif basecut == 'SSmue': basecutstr = '((Lepton_pdgId[0]*Lepton_pdgId[1]==13*11)||(Lepton_pdgId[0]*Lepton_pdgId[1]==-13*-11))' elif basecut == 'SSee': basecutstr = '((Lepton_pdgId[0]*Lepton_pdgId[1]==11*11)||(Lepton_pdgId[0]*Lepton_pdgId[1]==-11*-11))' elif basecut == 'SSmumu': basecutstr = '((Lepton_pdgId[0]*Lepton_pdgId[1]==13*13)||(Lepton_pdgId[0]*Lepton_pdgId[1]==-13*-13))' cutlist = [basecutstr if x == basecut else x for x in cutlist] file = {} tree = {} effs = {} hist = {} GrAsym = {} yErrorUp = {} yErrorDown = {} totEve = 0 #Compute Eff on different triggers for i, s in enumerate(signals): file[s] = TFile(NTUPLESIG + samples[s]['files'][0] + ".root", "READ") # Read TFile tree[s] = file[s].Get("Events") # Read TTree effs[s] = [0] * (dim + 1) yErrorUp[s] = [0] * (dim + 1) yErrorDown[s] = [0] * (dim + 1) totEve = tree[s].GetEntries(basecutstr) GrAsym[s] = TGraphAsymmErrors() for j, c in enumerate(cutlist): n = tree[s].GetEntries(basecutstr + " && " + cutlist[j]) effs[s][j] = float(n) / (totEve) yErrorUp[s][j] = float( TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(totEve, n, 0.68, True) - effs[s][j]) yErrorDown[s][j] = float( effs[s][j] - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(totEve, n, 0.68, False)) GrAsym[s].SetPoint(j, j + 0.5, effs[s][j]) # i , exl, exh, eyl, eyh GrAsym[s].SetPointError(j, 0, 0, yErrorUp[s][j], yErrorDown[s][j]) GrAsym[s].SetLineColor(colors[i]) GrAsym[s].SetLineWidth(3) GrAsym[s].SetMarkerStyle(8) GrAsym[s].SetMarkerColor(colors[i]) for k, cs in enumerate(labellist): GrAsym[s].GetHistogram().GetXaxis().Set(dim, 0, dim) GrAsym[s].GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( k + 1, "%s" % labellist[k]) leg = TLegend(0.7, 0.9 - 0.035 * len(signals), 0.9, 0.9) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillStyle(1001) leg.SetFillColor(0) for i, s in enumerate(signals): leg.AddEntry(GrAsym[s], s, "l") #leg.AddEntry(hist[s], samples[s]['label'][0], "l") c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Signals Acceptance", 800, 600) c1.GetPad(0).SetTopMargin(0.06) c1.GetPad(0).SetRightMargin(0.05) c1.GetPad(0).SetTicks(1, 1) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) GrAsym[signals[0]].SetMaximum(1.3) GrAsym[signals[0]].SetMinimum(0.) for i, s in enumerate(signals): if i == 0: GrAsym[s].GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle("Trigg") GrAsym[s].GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle("Signal Acceptance") #hist[s].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 1.) GrAsym[s].Draw("pa" if i == 0 else "SAME p") leg.Draw() drawCMS(LUMI, "Work In Progress") drawRegion(basecut) if not os.path.exists('plots/Signal/Acceptance/'): os.system('mkdir -p plots/Signal/Acceptance/') c1.Print("plots/Signal/Acceptance/Acc_" + basecut + ".png") c1.Print("plots/Signal/Acceptance/Acc_" + basecut + ".pdf") #if not options.runBash: raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") pass
def significanceSB(cutlist, labellist): basecut = labellist[0] dim = len(cutlist) significance = [0] * (dim + 1) file = {} tree = {} effs = {} hist = {} GrAsym = {} yErrorUp = {} yErrorDown = {} totEve = 0 GrAsym = TGraphAsymmErrors() cuts = "" for j, c in enumerate(cutlist): s = 0. b = 0. cuts += cutlist[0] if j == 0 else " && " + cutlist[j] print "cuts = ", cuts for num1, v in enumerate(signals): #print "Signal = ", v for num2, filename in enumerate(samples[v]['files']): #print "Signal rootfile read = ", filename file[filename] = TFile(NTUPLESIG + filename + ".root", "READ") # Read TFile tree[filename] = file[filename].Get("Events") # Read TTree nevents = float(sample[filename]['nevents']) xs = float(sample[filename]['xsec']) * float( sample[filename]['kfactor']) LumiMC = nevents / xs Weight = float(LUMI) / float(LumiMC) sig_entries = tree[filename].GetEntries(cuts) #print "s = ", float(sig_entries) * float(Weight) s += float(sig_entries) * float(Weight) print "TOT SIG = ", s for num1, k in enumerate(back): #print "backgrounds = ", k for num2, filename in enumerate(samples[k]['files']): #print "backgrounds rootfile read = ", filename file[filename] = TFile(NTUPLEDIR + filename + ".root", "READ") # Read TFile tree[filename] = file[filename].Get("Events") # Read TTree nevents = float(sample[filename]['nevents']) xs = float(sample[filename]['xsec']) * float( sample[filename]['kfactor']) LumiMC = nevents / xs Weight = float(LUMI) / float(LumiMC) bkg_entries = tree[filename].GetEntries(cuts) #print "b = ", float(bkg_entries) * float(Weight) b += float(bkg_entries) * float(Weight) print "TOT BKG = ", b ##End of cutlist #COMPUTE #print "s = ", s #print "b = ", b #print "sqrt(b) = ", math.sqrt(b) #print "significance = ", float(s/math.sqrt(b)) significance[j] = float(s / math.sqrt(b)) yErrorUp[j] = float( TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(math.sqrt(b), s, 0.68, True) - significance[j]) yErrorDown[j] = float( significance[j] - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(math.sqrt(b), s, 0.68, False)) GrAsym.SetPoint(j, j + 0.5, significance[j]) GrAsym.SetPointError(j, 0, 0, yErrorUp[j], yErrorDown[j]) for k, cs in enumerate(labellist): GrAsym.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().Set(dim, 0, dim) GrAsym.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(k + 1, "%s" % labellist[k]) GrAsym.SetLineColor(2) GrAsym.SetLineWidth(3) GrAsym.SetMarkerStyle(8) GrAsym.SetMarkerColor(2) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Signals Acceptance", 800, 600) c1.GetPad(0).SetTopMargin(0.06) c1.GetPad(0).SetRightMargin(0.05) c1.GetPad(0).SetTicks(1, 1) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) #GrAsym.SetMaximum(1.3) #GrAsym.SetMinimum(0.) GrAsym.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle("") GrAsym.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle("Significance (S/#sqrt{B})") GrAsym.Draw("pa") drawCMS(LUMI, "Work In Progress") drawRegion(basecut) if not os.path.exists('plots/Signal/Significance/'): os.system('mkdir -p plots/Signal/Significance/') c1.Print("plots/Signal/Significance/Sigf_SB_" + basecut + ".png") c1.Print("plots/Signal/Significance/Sigf_SB_" + basecut + ".pdf") #if not options.runBash: raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") pass
def Plot1DEfficiency(num, den, plotname, topTitle, xAxisTitle, xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh): nbins = num.GetXaxis().GetNbins() x = list() y = list() xErrLow = list() xErrHigh = list() yErrLow = list() yErrHigh = list() for b in range(1, nbins): xtemp = num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b + 1) xerrlow = num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter( b + 1) - num.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1) xerrhigh = num.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge( b + 1) - num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b + 1) ratio = 0 errLow = 0 errHigh = 0 n1 = int(num.GetBinContent(b + 1)) n2 = int(den.GetBinContent(b + 1)) print "numerator: " + str(n1) + " and denominator: " + str(n2) if (n1 > n2): n1 = n2 if (n2 > 0): ratio = float(n1) / float(n2) if (ratio > 1): ratio = 1 errLow = ratio - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( n2, n1, 0.68269, False) errHigh = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(n2, n1, 0.68269, True) - ratio print " done bin " + str( b) + " " + str(xtemp) + " : " + str(n1) + "(" + str( num.GetBinContent(b + 1)) + ")" + " / " + str(n2) + "(" + str( den.GetBinContent(b + 1)) + ")" + " = " + str( ratio) + " " + str(errLow) + " " + str(errHigh) ytemp = ratio yerrlowtemp = errLow yerrhightemp = errHigh print "x: " + str(xtemp) + " and y: " + str(ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) xErrLow.append(xerrlow) xErrHigh.append(xerrhigh) yErrLow.append(yerrlowtemp) yErrHigh.append(yerrhightemp) c = TCanvas("cv", "cv", 800, 800) c.SetLeftMargin(0.12) #must convert list into array for TGraphAsymmErrors to work xArr = array.array('f', x) yArr = array.array('f', y) xErrLowArr = array.array('f', xErrLow) xErrHighArr = array.array('f', xErrHigh) yErrLowArr = array.array('f', yErrLow) yErrHighArr = array.array('f', yErrHigh) effGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(nbins, xArr, yArr, xErrLowArr, xErrHighArr, yErrLowArr, yErrHighArr) effGraph.Draw("APE") effGraph.SetTitle("") effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisTitle) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.90) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Efficiency") effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) title = TLatex() title.SetTextSize(0.05) title.DrawLatexNDC(.2, .93, topTitle) c.Update() c.SaveAs(plotname + ".gif")
def Plot1DEfficiencyWithBkgSubtraction(tree, num, den, axis, pixel, plotname, topTitle, xAxisTitle, xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh): #make amp histogram c = TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 800) #Each pixel has slightly different time distribution and efficiency of time window cut differs a bit #We derive corresponding efficiency corrections for each pixel timeWindowCutEfficiency = 1.0 if (pixel == "5_3"): timeWindowCutEfficiency = 0.989 if (pixel == "5_4"): timeWindowCutEfficiency = 0.9478 if (pixel == "5_10"): timeWindowCutEfficiency = 0.9643 #ampHist = TH1F("ampHist",";Amplitude [mV]; Number of Events", 25,0,50) #tree.Draw("amp[3]>>ampHist"," x_dut[2] > 19.6 && x_dut[2] < 19.7 && y_dut[2] > 23.5 && y_dut[2] < 24.0 && ((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16)") nbins = num.GetXaxis().GetNbins() x = list() y = list() xErrLow = list() xErrHigh = list() yErrLow = list() yErrHigh = list() for b in range(1, nbins): xtemp = num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b + 1) xerrlow = num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter( b + 1) - num.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1) xerrhigh = num.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge( b + 1) - num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b + 1) #Noise templates: #Pixel 5,3 : amp <= 6mV gives 0.4417 of the total and has 0 signal contamination #Pixel 5,4 : amp <= 10mV gives 0.0404 of the total and has 0 signal contamination #Pixel 5,10 : amp < gives 0. of the total and has 0 signal contamination #We will assume that bins 0+1+2 (0-6mV) do not contain ANY signal. #We count the number of events in those bins and divide by 0.4417 to get #the total number of noise events. We subtract those from the numerator. #Noise template is made from this data (outside of sensor region AND outside of time window): #/eos/uscms/store/user/cmstestbeam/2019_04_April_CMSTiming/KeySightScope/RecoData/TimingDAQRECO/RecoWithTracks/v6_CACTUSSkim/Completed/Data_CACTUSAnalog_Pixel5_3_16216-16263.root #pulse->Draw("amp[3]>>ampHist(25,0,50)","!(x_dut[2] > 19.4 && x_dut[2] < 20.6 && y_dut[2] > 23.4 && y_dut[2] < 24.1) && !((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16)") noiseSelection = "" noiseSelectionCRFraction = 1 xPositionSelection = "" yPositionSelection = "" if (pixel == "5_3"): noiseSelection = " && amp[3] <= 6" noiseSelectionCRFraction = 0.4417 xPositionSelection = " && x_dut[2] > 19.5 && x_dut[2] < 20.5 " yPositionSelection = " && y_dut[2] > 23.5 && y_dut[2] < 24.0 " if (pixel == "5_4"): noiseSelection = " && amp[3] <= 14" noiseSelectionCRFraction = 0.4053 xPositionSelection = " && x_dut[2] > 18.5 && x_dut[2] < 19.5 " yPositionSelection = " && y_dut[2] > 23.5 && y_dut[2] < 24.0 " if (pixel == "5_10"): noiseSelection = " && amp[3] <= 13" noiseSelectionCRFraction = 0.3802 xPositionSelection = " && x_dut[2] > 19.5 && x_dut[2] < 20.5 " yPositionSelection = " && y_dut[2] > 23.0 && y_dut[2] < 23.5 " print "noise selection = " + noiseSelection + " " + str( noiseSelectionCRFraction) positionSelectionString = "" if (axis == "x"): positionSelectionString = " && x_dut[2] > " + str( num.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1)) + " && x_dut[2] < " + str( num.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(b + 1)) + yPositionSelection if (axis == "y"): positionSelectionString = xPositionSelection + " && y_dut[2] > " + str( num.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1)) + " && y_dut[2] < " + str( num.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(b + 1)) + " " print "numerator: " + "ntracks==1 && y_dut[0] > 0 && npix>0 && nback>0 " + positionSelectionString + " && ((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16)" ampHist = TH1F("ampHist" + "_" + str(b), ";Amplitude [mV]; Number of Events", 25, 0, 50) denominatorCount = tree.GetEntries( "ntracks==1 && y_dut[0] > 0 && npix>0 && nback>0 " + positionSelectionString + " ") tmpNumeratorTotalCount = tree.GetEntries( "ntracks==1 && y_dut[0] > 0 && npix>0 && nback>0 " + positionSelectionString + " && ((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16)" ) tmpNumeratorNoiseControlRegionCount = tree.GetEntries( "ntracks==1 && y_dut[0] > 0 && npix>0 && nback>0 " + positionSelectionString + " && ((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16) " + noiseSelection) tmpNumeratorSignalCount = tmpNumeratorTotalCount - tmpNumeratorNoiseControlRegionCount / noiseSelectionCRFraction print "ntracks==1 && y_dut[0] > 0 && npix>0 && nback>0 " + positionSelectionString + " && ((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16) " + noiseSelection ratio = 0 errLow = 0 errHigh = 0 n1 = int(tmpNumeratorSignalCount) n2 = int(denominatorCount) print "numerator: " + str(n1) + " and denominator: " + str(n2) if (n1 > n2): n1 = n2 if (n2 > 0): ratio = float(n1) / float(n2) if (ratio > 1): ratio = 1 errLow = ratio - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( n2, n1, 0.68269, False) errHigh = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(n2, n1, 0.68269, True) - ratio print " done bin " + str(b) + " : " + str( num.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1)) + " - " + str( num.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(b + 1)) print " num = " + str(n1) + " = " + str( tmpNumeratorTotalCount) + " - " + str( tmpNumeratorNoiseControlRegionCount) + " / " + str( noiseSelectionCRFraction) + " | den = " + str(n2) print "ratio = " + str(ratio) + " " + str(errLow) + " " + str(errHigh) ytemp = ratio / timeWindowCutEfficiency #here we correct for the time window cut inefficiency yerrlowtemp = errLow yerrhightemp = errHigh print "x: " + str(xtemp) + " and y: " + str(ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) xErrLow.append(xerrlow) xErrHigh.append(xerrhigh) yErrLow.append(yerrlowtemp) yErrHigh.append(yerrhightemp) c = TCanvas("cv", "cv", 800, 800) c.SetLeftMargin(0.12) #must convert list into array for TGraphAsymmErrors to work xArr = array.array('f', x) yArr = array.array('f', y) xErrLowArr = array.array('f', xErrLow) xErrHighArr = array.array('f', xErrHigh) yErrLowArr = array.array('f', yErrLow) yErrHighArr = array.array('f', yErrHigh) effGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(nbins, xArr, yArr, xErrLowArr, xErrHighArr, yErrLowArr, yErrHighArr) effGraph.Draw("APE") effGraph.SetTitle("") effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisTitle) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.90) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Efficiency") effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) title = TLatex() title.SetTextSize(0.05) title.DrawLatexNDC(.2, .93, topTitle) c.Update() c.SaveAs(plotname + ".gif")
def Plot1DEfficiencyWithFit(tree, plotname, topTitle, xAxisTitle, xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh): #make amp histogram c = TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 800) ampHist = TH1F("ampHist", ";Amplitude [mV]; Number of Events", 25, 0, 50) tree.Draw( "amp[3]>>ampHist", " x_dut[2] > 19.6 && x_dut[2] < 19.7 && y_dut[2] > 23.5 && y_dut[2] < 24.0 && ((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16)" ) # create function for fitting fitFunction = TF1("NoisePlusLandauGaus", NoisePlusLandauGaus, 0, 50, 5) fitFunction.SetParameters(10, 0.95, 20.0, 2.5, 3.0) fitFunction.SetParNames("a", "f", "mpv", "sigmaLandau", "sigmaGaus") #fitFunction.SetParLimits(0, -1, -4) #fitFunction.SetParLimits(1, 0.01, 0.2) #fitFunction.SetParLimits(2, 0, 2) #fitFunction.SetParLimits(3, 0, 1000) ampHist.Fit("NoisePlusLandauGaus") c.SaveAs("fit.gif") return nbins = num.GetXaxis().GetNbins() x = list() y = list() xErrLow = list() xErrHigh = list() yErrLow = list() yErrHigh = list() for b in range(1, nbins): xtemp = num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b + 1) xerrlow = num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter( b + 1) - num.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1) xerrhigh = num.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge( b + 1) - num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b + 1) ratio = 0 errLow = 0 errHigh = 0 n1 = int(num.GetBinContent(b + 1)) n2 = int(den.GetBinContent(b + 1)) print "numerator: " + str(n1) + " and denominator: " + str(n2) if (n1 > n2): n1 = n2 if (n2 > 0): ratio = float(n1) / float(n2) if (ratio > 1): ratio = 1 errLow = ratio - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( n2, n1, 0.68269, False) errHigh = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(n2, n1, 0.68269, True) - ratio print " done bin " + str( b) + " " + str(xtemp) + " : " + str(n1) + "(" + str( num.GetBinContent(b + 1)) + ")" + " / " + str(n2) + "(" + str( den.GetBinContent(b + 1)) + ")" + " = " + str( ratio) + " " + str(errLow) + " " + str(errHigh) ytemp = ratio yerrlowtemp = errLow yerrhightemp = errHigh print "x: " + str(xtemp) + " and y: " + str(ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) xErrLow.append(xerrlow) xErrHigh.append(xerrhigh) yErrLow.append(yerrlowtemp) yErrHigh.append(yerrhightemp) c = TCanvas("cv", "cv", 800, 800) c.SetLeftMargin(0.12) #must convert list into array for TGraphAsymmErrors to work xArr = array.array('f', x) yArr = array.array('f', y) xErrLowArr = array.array('f', xErrLow) xErrHighArr = array.array('f', xErrHigh) yErrLowArr = array.array('f', yErrLow) yErrHighArr = array.array('f', yErrHigh) effGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(nbins, xArr, yArr, xErrLowArr, xErrHighArr, yErrLowArr, yErrHighArr) effGraph.Draw("APE") effGraph.SetTitle("") effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisTitle) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.90) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Efficiency") effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) title = TLatex() title.SetTextSize(0.05) title.DrawLatexNDC(.2, .93, topTitle) c.Update() c.SaveAs(plotname + ".gif")
def getEffandError(num, den): eff = 0 if den == 0 else num / den hi = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(den), int(num), sigma, True) lo = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(den), int(num), sigma, False) return (eff, (eff - lo) / eff, (hi - eff) / eff)
wvl = 4.135667516e-15 * 299792458.0 / e * 1e3 wvl_min = min(wvl) wvl_max = max(wvl) nbins = int((wvl_max - wvl_min) / args.bin_width) eff = TEfficiency("%d-pass" % i, "%d-eff" % i, nbins, wvl_min, wvl_max) eff.SetUseWeightedEvents() eff.SetStatisticOption(TEfficiency.kFNormal) for wvli, ni in zip(wvl, n): eff.FillWeighted(True, ni, wvli) eff.FillWeighted(False, n_particles - ni, wvli) x = np.array( [eff.GetTotalHistogram().GetBinCenter(i) for i in xrange(nbins)]) y = np.array([eff.GetEfficiency(i) for i in xrange(nbins)]) * 100.0 yerr_low = np.array([ eff.ClopperPearson(int(n_particles), int(eff.GetEfficiency(i) * n_particles), 0.68, False) for i in xrange(nbins) ]) * 100.0 yerr_up = np.array([ eff.ClopperPearson(int(n_particles), int(eff.GetEfficiency(i) * n_particles), 0.68, True) for i in xrange(nbins) ]) * 100.0 # Plot bin statistics. label = ("%s +%.1f V" % (name, v_ov * 1e6)) # Plot PDE ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=(y - yerr_low, yerr_up - y), fmt=".", label=label) # Set legend titles. ax.set_xlabel("wavelength / nm") ax.set_ylabel("photon detection efficiency / %")
def makeCombinedEtaPlot(self, tight=False): hist = self.makeL1TimeVsEtaPlot(('tight_' if tight else '') + 'dtOnly_bxidVsEta')[2] countsInL1 = [] for x in np.arange(-.95, 1.05, 0.1): totalCounter = 0 zeroCount = 0 for y in range(-2, 3): totalCounter += hist.GetBinContent(hist.FindBin(x, y)) if y == 0: zeroCount = hist.GetBinContent(hist.FindBin(x, y)) countsInL1.append({ 'total': totalCounter, 'zero': zeroCount, 'eta': x }) #Graph for results graph1 = TEfficiency(hist.GetName(), "", 8, -9.195, -.5) graph2 = TEfficiency(hist.GetName(), "", 8, .5, 9.195) for item in countsInL1: if item['total'] == 0: continue print item['total'], item['zero'], item['eta'] if item['eta'] < 0: graph1.SetTotalEvents( graph1.FindFixBin(-0.5 + item['eta'] / 0.087), int(item['total'])) graph1.SetPassedEvents( graph1.FindFixBin(-0.5 + item['eta'] / 0.087), int(item['zero'])) else: graph2.SetTotalEvents( graph2.FindFixBin(0.5 + item['eta'] / 0.087), int(item['total'])) graph2.SetPassedEvents( graph2.FindFixBin(0.5 + item['eta'] / 0.087), int(item['zero'])) histHo = None if tight: histHo = self.plotTightHoTimeVsEta()[3][1] else: histHo = self.plotHoTimeVsEta()[3][1] histHo.SetTitle(('Tight ' if tight else '') + 'Unmatched DT + HO') canvas = TCanvas( 'combinedPlot' + ('Tight ' if tight else '') + hist.GetName(), 'combinedPlot') histHo.Draw('ap') canvas.Update(), 0) histHo.SetMarkerStyle(2) histHo.SetLineColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) histHo.SetMarkerColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-12, 12) histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetXaxis().SetLabelColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetXaxis().SetTitleColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetXaxis().SetAxisColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) yMax = gPad.GetFrame().GetY2() yMin = gPad.GetFrame().GetY1() #Print average Fraction excluding iEta +/-2 x = Double(0) y = Double(0) mean = 0 var = 0 for i in range(0, histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetN()): histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetPoint(i, x, y) if abs(x) == 2: continue mean += y var += histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetErrorY( i) * histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetErrorY(i) mean /= histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetN() - 2 sigma = sqrt(var / (histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetN() - 2)) self.debug( "Average fraction excluding iEta +/- 2 %s: %5.2f%% +/- %5.2f%%" % ('[Tight]' if tight else '', mean * 100, sigma * 100)) nTotal = 0 nPassed = 0 for item in countsInL1: if fabs(item['eta']) == 2 or fabs(item['eta'] == 0): continue nTotal += item['total'] nPassed += item['zero'] #Print again with ClopperPearson uncertainty, the counts are for L1!!! mean = nPassed / nTotal * 100 sigmaPlus = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(nTotal), int(nPassed), .68, 1) * 100 - mean sigmaMinus = mean - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( int(nTotal), int(nPassed), .68, 0) * 100 #self.debug("Average fraction excluding iEta +/- 2 %s with Clop.Pear.: %5.2f%% +%5.2f%% -%5.2f%%" # % ('[Tight]' if tight else '',mean,sigmaPlus,sigmaMinus)) #Left axis part f1 = TF1("f1", "x", -0.87, 0) A1 = TGaxis(-10, yMax, -0.5, yMax, "f1", 010, "-") A1.SetLineColor(colorRwthRot) A1.SetLabelColor(colorRwthRot) A1.Draw() #Right axis part f2 = TF1("f2", "x", 0, 0.87) A2 = TGaxis(0.5, yMax, 10, yMax, "f2", 010, "-") A2.SetLineColor(colorRwthRot) A2.SetLabelColor(colorRwthRot) A2.Draw() #Box for shading out 0 box = TBox(-.5, yMin, 0.5, yMax) box.SetLineColor(colorRwthDarkGray) box.SetFillColor(colorRwthDarkGray) box.SetFillStyle(3013) box.Draw('same') #Left L1 eta graph1.SetMarkerColor(colorRwthRot) graph1.SetLineColor(colorRwthRot) graph1.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph1.Draw('same,p') #Right L1Eta graph2.SetMarkerColor(colorRwthRot) graph2.SetLineColor(colorRwthRot) graph2.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph2.Draw('same,p') #Label for extra axis axisLabel = TPaveText(0.83, 0.85, 0.89, 0.9, "NDC") axisLabel.AddText('#eta_{L1}') axisLabel.SetBorderSize(0) axisLabel.SetFillStyle(0) axisLabel.SetTextColor(colorRwthRot) axisLabel.SetTextSize(0.05) axisLabel.Draw() #Legend legend = getLegend(x1=0.1, y1=0.1, x2=0.4, y2=.35) legend.AddEntry(histHo, 'HO #in #pm12.5 ns', 'pe') legend.AddEntry(graph1, ('Tight ' if tight else '') + 'L1 BXID = 0', 'pe') legend.Draw() canvas.Update() self.storeCanvas(canvas, "combinedFractionL1AndHo" + ('Tight' if tight else ''), drawMark=False) return histHo, graph1, canvas, A1, f1, A2, f2, box, graph2, axisLabel, legend