Example #1
    def validateMomenta(self, jet, tolerance=.01):
        Checks if the jetmomentum is the sum of the constituent momenta.
        v = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0)
        for comp in jet.constituents.values():
            for ptc in comp:
                v += ptc.p4()

        ret = True

        if abs(jet.pt() - v.Pt()) > tolerance:
            print 'pt unequal: ', jet.pt() - v.Pt()
            ret = False

        if abs(jet.theta() - v.Theta()) > tolerance:
            print 'theta unequal: ', jet.theta() - v.Theta()
            ret = False

        if abs(jet.eta() - v.Eta()) > tolerance:
            print 'eta unequal', jet.eta() - v.Eta()
            ret = False

        if abs(jet.phi() - v.Phi()) > tolerance:
            print 'phi unequal: ', jet.phi() - v.Phi()
            ret = False

        if abs(jet.m() - v.M()) > tolerance:
            print 'mass unequal: ', jet.m() - v.M()
            ret = False

        return ret
Example #2
    def print_vec(self, vec):
        print "theta vec:", TMath.Pi() - vec.Theta()
        print "pxyz:", vec.Px(), vec.Py(), vec.Pz()
        print "en, phi:", vec.E(), vec.Phi()
        v3 = vec.Vect()
        print "vxyz:", v3.x(), v3.y(), v3.z()
        print "theta v3: ", TMath.Pi() - v3.Theta()
        theta_add = 1e-5
        v3.SetTheta(v3.Theta() - theta_add)
        print "vxyz:", v3.x(), v3.y(), v3.z()
        print "theta v3: ", TMath.Pi() - v3.Theta()

        vec2 = TLorentzVector(vec)
        vec3 = TLorentzVector(vec)


        print "theta vec:", TMath.Pi() - vec.Theta()
        print "pxyz:", vec.Px(), vec.Py(), vec.Pz()
        print "en, phi:", vec.E(), vec.Phi()

        vec2.SetTheta(vec2.Theta() - theta_add)

        print "theta vec:", TMath.Pi() - vec2.Theta()
        print "pxyz:", vec2.Px(), vec2.Py(), vec2.Pz()
        print "en, phi:", vec2.E(), vec2.Phi()

        print "Delta theta, en, phi", vec3.Theta() - vec.Theta(), vec3.E(
        ) - vec.E(), vec3.Phi() - vec.Phi()
        print "Delta theta, en, phi", vec3.Theta() - vec2.Theta(), vec3.E(
        ) - vec2.E(), vec3.Phi() - vec2.Phi()
 def fixMiss(self):
     miss = TLorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 1.)
     for i in range(5):
         miss -= TLorentzVector(self.x[i]*self.beta[i]*sin(self.theta[i])*cos(self.phi[i]), \
                                self.x[i]*self.beta[i]*sin(self.theta[i])*sin(self.phi[i]), \
                                self.x[i]*self.beta[i]*cos(self.theta[i]), \
     self.alpha[5] = miss.E()
     self.alpha[6] = miss.P() / miss.E()
     self.alpha[7] = miss.Theta()
     self.alpha[8] = miss.Phi()
        print("(pred[event][index + 2]) should be phi",
              (pred[event][index + 2]))
        print("test M!", tau_lorentz.M())
        print("test!", tau_lorentz.Pt())
        print("test Eta", tau_lorentz.Eta())
        print("test Phi", tau_lorentz.Phi())

    tofill['tau_pt'] = tau_lorentz.Pt()
    tofill['tau_eta'] = tau_lorentz.Eta()
    tofill['tau_phi'] = tau_lorentz.Phi()
    tofill['tau_mass'] = tau_lorentz.M()
    print("poodle tau_lorentz.M()", tau_lorentz.M())
    print("tau_lorentz.Pt()", tau_lorentz.Pt())
    print("tau_lorentz.Eta()", tau_lorentz.Eta())
    print("tau_lorentz.Phi()", tau_lorentz.Phi())
    print("tau_lorentz.Theta()", tau_lorentz.Theta())

    #begin unrotation
    for index in range(0, tau_to_unrotate_info.shape[1], 3):
        almost_in_lab_frame_tau_lorentz = unrotateFromLeadPtPiInVisTauMomPointsAlongZFramePointsAlongNegX(
            (tau_to_unrotate_info_to_use[event][index]), tau_lorentz)
        print(" poodle almost_in_lab_frame_tau_lorentz.M() is:",
        lab_frame_tau_lorentz = unrotateFromVisTauMomPointsAlongZAxis(
            (tau_to_unrotate_info_to_use[event][index + 1]),
            (tau_to_unrotate_info_to_use[event][index + 2]),
        print("poodle lab_frame_tau_lorentz.M() is:",
        almost_in_lab_frame_tau_lorentz_no_neutrino = unrotateFromLeadPtPiInVisTauMomPointsAlongZFramePointsAlongNegX(
Example #5
    tmp_unrotated_Py = tmp_unrotated_PxPyPz_vec[1]
    tmp_unrotated_Pz = tmp_unrotated_PxPyPz_vec[2]

    Global_4vec = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
    Global_4vec.SetPxPyPzE(tmp_unrotated_Px, tmp_unrotated_Py,
                           tmp_unrotated_Pz, tmp_E)

    return Global_4vec

##### test #####

v = TLorentzVector()
v.SetPxPyPzE(-3.6740152498, -2.79192430698, 21.6557548444, 22.1777103583)
print "Px,Py,Pz,E,M:", v.Px(), v.Py(), v.Pz(), v.E(), v.M()
print "tau_orig_theta, tau_orig_phi:", v.Theta(), v.Phi()
tau_orig_theta_test = v.Theta()
tau_orig_phi_test = v.Phi()

toPrint = rotateToVisTauMomPointsInEtaEqualsZero(tau_orig_theta_test,
                                                 tau_orig_phi_test, v)
print toPrint

newPx = toPrint.Px()
newPy = toPrint.Py()
newPz = toPrint.Pz()
newE = toPrint.E()
newM = toPrint.M()
newTheta = toPrint.Theta()
newPhi = toPrint.Phi()
Example #6
def PruneGenr8File(fname_in,
    # print "input genr8 file: " + fname_in
    # print "output file: " + fname_out

    counter = 1

    line1_out = ""  #Run and event info
    line2_out = "1 1 0.000000\n"  #Gamma ID info
    line3_out = ""  #Gamma P4 info

    for line in open(fname_in, 'r'):

        if (NACCEPTED >= MAX_EVENTS):
            # print "Done generating this point!"

        if (counter % 11 == 1):  #Event info
            value_in_line = 1
            run = ""
            event = ""
            for value in line.split():
                if (value_in_line == 1): run = value
                if (value_in_line == 2): event = value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 1): print "Run " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 2): print "Event " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 3):
                    print "NParticles " + value
                value_in_line += 1
                # line1_out = run + " " + event + " " + "1\n"
                line1_out = run + " " + str(NACCEPTED + 1) + " " + "1\n"
        if (counter % 11 == 2):  #Gamma1 info
            value_in_line = 1
            for value in line.split():
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 1):
                    print "Particle number in event: " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 2):
                    print "Particle enum value " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 3):
                    print "Particle mass " + value
                value_in_line += 1
        if (counter % 11 == 3):  #Gamma1 p4
            value_in_line = 1
            p4_string = line.split()
            p4_gam1 = TLorentzVector(float(p4_string[1]), float(p4_string[2]),
                                     float(p4_string[3]), float(p4_string[4]))
            for value in line.split():
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 1): print "Charge: " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 2): print "Px " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 3): print "Py " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 4): print "Pz " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 5): print "E " + value
                value_in_line += 1
        if (counter % 11 == 4):  #Gamma2 info
            value_in_line = 1
            for value in line.split():
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 1):
                    print "Particle number in event: " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 2):
                    print "Particle enum value " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 3):
                    print "Particle mass " + value
                value_in_line += 1
        if (counter % 11 == 5):  #Gamma2 p4
            value_in_line = 1
            p4_string = line.split()
            p4_gam2 = TLorentzVector(float(p4_string[1]), float(p4_string[2]),
                                     float(p4_string[3]), float(p4_string[4]))
            for value in line.split():
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 1): print "Charge: " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 2): print "Px " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 3): print "Py " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 4): print "Pz " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 5): print "E " + value
                value_in_line += 1
        if (counter % 11 == 6):  #Pi+ info
            value_in_line = 1
            for value in line.split():
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 1):
                    print "Particle number in event: " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 2):
                    print "Particle enum value " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 3):
                    print "Particle mass " + value
                value_in_line += 1
        if (counter % 11 == 7):  #Pi+ p4
            value_in_line = 1
            for value in line.split():
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 1): print "Charge: " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 2): print "Px " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 3): print "Py " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 4): print "Pz " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 5): print "E " + value
                value_in_line += 1
        if (counter % 11 == 8):  #Pi- info
            value_in_line = 1
            for value in line.split():
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 1):
                    print "Particle number in event: " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 2):
                    print "Particle enum value " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 3):
                    print "Particle mass " + value
                value_in_line += 1
        if (counter % 11 == 9):  #Pi- p4
            value_in_line = 1
            for value in line.split():
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 1): print "Charge: " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 2): print "Px " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 3): print "Py " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 4): print "Pz " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 5): print "E " + value
                value_in_line += 1
        if (counter % 11 == 10):  #proton info
            value_in_line = 1
            for value in line.split():
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 1):
                    print "Particle number in event: " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 2):
                    print "Particle enum value " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 3):
                    print "Particle mass " + value
                value_in_line += 1
        if (counter % 11 == 0):  #proton p4
            value_in_line = 1
            for value in line.split():
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 1): print "Charge: " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 2): print "Px " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 3): print "Py " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 4): print "Pz " + value
                if (verbose and value_in_line == 5): print "E " + value
                value_in_line += 1

            #Finished with this event. Check if one of the two photons passes cuts.
            #If so, save event and increment NACCEPTED
            if (verbose):
                print "Cut on energy? " + str(E_GAMMA_VARY)
                print "Cut on theta? " + str(not E_GAMMA_VARY)
                print "Min value: " + str(MIN_VAL)
                print "Max value: " + str(MAX_VAL)
                print "Gamma1 energy: " + str(p4_gam1.E())
                print "Gamma2 energy: " + str(p4_gam2.E())

            GAMMA1_PASSES = False
            if (E_GAMMA_VARY and MIN_VAL < p4_gam1.E()
                    and p4_gam1.E() < MAX_VAL
                    and p4_gam2.E() > E_SPECTATOR_MIN):
                GAMMA1_PASSES = True
            if (not E_GAMMA_VARY and MIN_VAL < p4_gam1.Theta() * 180 / 3.14159
                    and p4_gam1.Theta() * 180 / 3.14159 < MAX_VAL):
                GAMMA1_PASSES = True
            if (verbose and GAMMA1_PASSES):
                print "Gamma1 passes: "
                print "Min value: " + str(MIN_VAL)
                print "Max value: " + str(MAX_VAL)
                print "Gamma1 energy: " + str(p4_gam1.E())
            if (GAMMA1_PASSES):
                with open(fname_out, "a") as myfile:
                    line3_out = "   0 " + str(p4_gam1.Px()) + " " + str(
                        p4_gam1.Py()) + " " + str(p4_gam1.Pz()) + " " + str(
                            p4_gam1.E()) + "\n"
                    NACCEPTED += 1

            GAMMA2_PASSES = False
            if (E_GAMMA_VARY and MIN_VAL < p4_gam2.E()
                    and p4_gam2.E() < MAX_VAL
                    and p4_gam1.E() > E_SPECTATOR_MIN):
                GAMMA2_PASSES = True
            if (not E_GAMMA_VARY and MIN_VAL < p4_gam2.Theta() * 180 / 3.14159
                    and p4_gam2.Theta() * 180 / 3.14159 < MAX_VAL):
                GAMMA2_PASSES = True
            if (verbose and GAMMA2_PASSES):
                print "Gamma2 passes: "
                print "Min value: " + str(MIN_VAL)
                print "Max value: " + str(MAX_VAL)
                print "Gamma2 energy: " + str(p4_gam2.E())
            if (GAMMA2_PASSES):
                with open(fname_out, "a") as myfile:
                    line3_out = "   0 " + str(p4_gam2.Px()) + " " + str(
                        p4_gam2.Py()) + " " + str(p4_gam2.Pz()) + " " + str(
                            p4_gam2.E()) + "\n"
                    NACCEPTED += 1

            if (verbose):
                print "\n"

            # with open(fname_out, "a") as myfile:
            # myfile.write(line1_out)
            # myfile.write(line2_out)

        counter += 1

        # if(counter>200): break

    return NACCEPTED
Example #7
        m1 = pdg.GetParticle(int(g1line[3])).Mass()
        m2 = pdg.GetParticle(int(g2line[3])).Mass()

        v0 = TLorentzVector(g0d[0], g0d[1], g0d[2],
                            sqrt(g0d[0]**2 + g0d[1]**2 + g0d[2]**2 + m0**2))
        v1 = TLorentzVector(g1d[0], g1d[1], g1d[2],
                            sqrt(g1d[0]**2 + g1d[1]**2 + g1d[2]**2 + m1**2))
        v2 = TLorentzVector(g2d[0], g2d[1], g2d[2],
                            sqrt(g2d[0]**2 + g2d[1]**2 + g2d[2]**2 + m2**2))

        m = v1 + v2
        #v0 = TVector3( g0d[0], g0d[1], g0d[2] )
        #v1 = TVector3( g1d[0], g1d[1], g1d[2] )

        h2t.Fill(degrees(v1.Theta()), degrees(v2.Theta()))
        h2p.Fill(degrees(v1.Phi()), degrees(v2.Phi()))
    i += int(line[0]) + 1

c0 = TCanvas()

c1 = TCanvas("theta", "theta")

c2 = TCanvas("phi", "phi")