Example #1
class Minuit(object):
    """A wrapper class to initialize a minuit object with a numpy array.

    Positional args:
        myFCN : A python callable
        params : An array (or other python sequence) of parameters

    Keyword args:

        limits [None] : a nested sequence of (lower_limit,upper_limit) for each parameter.
        steps [[.1]*npars] : Estimated errors for the parameters, used as an initial step size.
        tolerance [.001] : Tolerance to test for convergence.  Minuit considers convergence to be
                            when the estimated distance to the minimum (edm) is <= .001*up*tolerance,
                            or 5e-7 by default.
        up [.5]  : Change in the objective function that determines 1-sigma error.  .5 if 
                          the objective function is -log(Likelihood), 1 for chi-squared.
        max_calls [10000] : Maximum number of calls to the objective function.
        param_names ['p0','p1',...] : a list of names for the parameters
        args [()] : a tuple of extra arguments to pass to myFCN and gradient.
        gradient [None] : a function that takes a list of parameters and returns a list of 
                          first derivatives of myFCN.  Assumed to take the same args as myFCN.
        force_gradient [0] : Set to 1 to force Minuit to use the user-provided gradient function.
        strategy[1] : Strategy for minuit to use, from 0 (fast) to 2 (safe) 
        fixed [False, False, ...] : If passed, an array of all the parameters to fix
    def __init__(self, myFCN, params, **kwargs):

        from ROOT import TMinuit, Long, Double

        self.limits = np.zeros((len(params), 2))
        self.steps = .04 * np.ones(
            len(params))  # about 10 percent in log10 space
        self.tolerance = .001
        self.maxcalls = 10000
        self.printMode = 0
        self.up = 0.5
        self.param_names = ['p%i' % i for i in xrange(len(params))]
        self.erflag = Long()
        self.npars = len(params)
        self.args = ()
        self.gradient = None
        self.force_gradient = 0
        self.strategy = 1
        self.fixed = np.zeros_like(params)

        self.params = np.asarray(params, dtype='float')
        self.fixed = np.asarray(self.fixed, dtype=bool)
        self.fcn = FCN(myFCN,
        self.fval = self.fcn.fval
        self.minuit = TMinuit(self.npars)
        if self.gradient:
            self.minuit.mncomd('SET GRA %i' % (self.force_gradient),
        self.minuit.mncomd('SET STR %i' % self.strategy, Long())

        for i in xrange(self.npars):

            if self.limits[i][0] is None: self.limits[i][0] = 0.0
            if self.limits[i][1] is None: self.limits[i][1] = 0.0

            self.minuit.DefineParameter(i, self.param_names[i], self.params[i],
                                        self.steps[i], self.limits[i][0],


        for index in np.where(self.fixed)[0]:

    def minimize(self, method='MIGRAD'):

        from ROOT import TMinuit, Long, Double

            '%s %i %f' % (method, self.maxcalls, self.tolerance), self.erflag)
        for i in xrange(self.npars):
            val, err = Double(), Double()
            self.minuit.GetParameter(i, val, err)
            self.params[i] = val
        self.fval = self.fcn.fcn(self.params)
        return (self.params, self.fval)

    def errors(self, method='HESSE'):
        """method ['HESSE']   : how to calculate the errors; Currently, only 'HESSE' works."""
        if not np.any(self.fixed):
            mat = np.zeros(self.npars**2)
            if method == 'HESSE':
                raise Exception("Method %s not recognized." % method)
            self.minuit.mnemat(mat, self.npars)
            return mat.reshape((self.npars, self.npars))
            # Kind of ugly, but for fixed parameters, you need to expand out the covariance matrix.
            nf = int(np.sum(~self.fixed))
            mat = np.zeros(nf**2)
            if method == 'HESSE':
                raise Exception("Method %s not recognized." % method)
            self.minuit.mnemat(mat, nf)

            # Expand out the covariance matrix.
            cov = np.zeros((self.npars, self.npars))
            cov[np.outer(~self.fixed, ~self.fixed)] = np.ravel(mat)
            return cov

    def uncorrelated_minos_error(self):
        """ Kind of a kludge, but a compromise between the speed of
            HESSE errors and the accuracy of MINOS errors.  It accounts
            for non-linearities in the likelihood by varying each function
            until the value has fallen by the desired amount using hte
            MINOS code. But does not account for correlations between
            the parameters by fixing all other parameters during the
            Again kludgy, but what is returned is an effective covariance
            matrix. The diagonal errors are calcualted by averaging the
            upper and lower errors and the off diagonal terms are set
            to 0. """

        cov = np.zeros((self.npars, self.npars))

        # fix all parameters
        for i in range(self.npars):

        # loop over free paramters getting error
        for i in np.where(self.fixed == False)[0]:

            # compute error
            low, hi, parab, gcc = ROOT.Double(), ROOT.Double(), ROOT.Double(
            ), ROOT.Double()

            # get error
            self.minuit.mnerrs(int(i), low, hi, parab, gcc)
            cov[i, i] = ((abs(low) + abs(hi)) / 2.0)**2

        for i, fixed in enumerate(self.fixed):
            if fixed:

        return cov
Example #2
class Minuit:
    A class for communicating with ROOT's function minimizer tool Minuit.

    def __init__(self, number_of_parameters, function_to_minimize,
                 parameter_names, start_parameters, parameter_errors,
                 quiet=True, verbose=False):
        Create a Minuit minimizer for a function `function_to_minimize`.
        Necessary arguments are the number of parameters and the function to be
        minimized `function_to_minimize`. The function `function_to_minimize`'s
        arguments must be numerical values. The same goes for its output.

        Another requirement is for every parameter of `function_to_minimize` to
        have a default value. These are then used to initialize Minuit.

        **number_of_parameters** : int
            The number of parameters of the function to minimize.

        **function_to_minimize** : function
            The function which `Minuit` should minimize. This must be a Python
            function with <``number_of_parameters``> arguments.

        **parameter_names** : tuple/list of strings
            The parameter names. These are used to keep track of the parameters
            in `Minuit`'s output.

        **start_parameters** : tuple/list of floats
            The start values of the parameters. It is important to have a good,
            if rough, estimate of the parameters at the minimum before starting
            the minimization. Wrong initial parameters can yield a local
            minimum instead of a global one.

        **parameter_errors** : tuple/list of floats
            An initial guess of the parameter errors. These errors are used to
            define the initial step size.

        *quiet* : boolean (optional, default: ``True``)
            If ``True``, suppresses all output from ``TMinuit``.

        *verbose* : boolean (optional, default: ``False``)
            If ``True``, sets ``TMinuit``'s print level to a high value, so
            that all output is logged.

        #: the name of this minimizer type
        self.name = "ROOT::TMinuit"

        #: the actual `FCN` called in ``FCN_wrapper``
        self.function_to_minimize = function_to_minimize

        #: number of parameters to minimize for
        self.number_of_parameters = number_of_parameters

        if not quiet:
            self.out_file = open(log_file("minuit.log"), 'a')
            self.out_file = null_file()

        # create a TMinuit instance for that number of parameters
        self.__gMinuit = TMinuit(self.number_of_parameters)

        # instruct Minuit to use this class's FCN_wrapper method as a FCN

        # set print level according to flag
        if quiet:
            self.set_print_level(-1000)  # suppress output
        elif verbose:
            self.set_print_level(10)     # detailed output
            self.set_print_level(0)      # frugal output

        # initialize minimizer

        #: maximum number of iterations until ``TMinuit`` gives up
        self.max_iterations = M_MAX_ITERATIONS

        #: ``TMinuit`` tolerance
        self.tolerance = M_TOLERANCE

    def update_parameter_data(self, show_warnings=False):
        (Re-)Sets the parameter names, values and step size on the
        C++ side of Minuit.
        error_code = Long(0)
            # Set up the starting fit parameters in TMinuit
            for i in range(0, self.number_of_parameters):
                self.__gMinuit.mnparm(i, self.parameter_names[i],
                                      0.1 * self.parameter_errors[i],
                                      0, 0, error_code)
                # use 10% of the par. 1-sigma errors as the initial step size
        except AttributeError as e:
            if show_warnings:
                logger.warning("Cannot update Minuit data on the C++ side. "
                            "AttributeError: %s" % (e, ))
        return error_code

    # Set methods

    def set_print_level(self, print_level=P_DETAIL_LEVEL):
        '''Sets the print level for Minuit.

        *print_level* : int (optional, default: 1 (frugal output))
            Tells ``TMinuit`` how much output to generate. The higher this
            value, the more output it generates.
        self.__gMinuit.SetPrintLevel(print_level)  # set Minuit print level
        self.print_level = print_level

    def set_strategy(self, strategy_id=1):
        '''Sets the strategy Minuit.

        *strategy_id* : int (optional, default: 1 (optimized))
            Tells ``TMinuit`` to use a certain strategy. Refer to ``TMinuit``'s
            documentation for available strategies.
        error_code = Long(0)
        # execute SET STRATEGY command
        self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("SET STRATEGY",
                              arr('d', [strategy_id]), 1, error_code)

    def set_err(self, up_value=1.0):
        '''Sets the ``UP`` value for Minuit.

        *up_value* : float (optional, default: 1.0)
            This is the value by which `FCN` is expected to change.
        # Tell TMinuit to use an up-value of 1.0
        error_code = Long(0)
        # execute SET ERR command
        self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("SET ERR", arr('d', [up_value]), 1, error_code)

    def set_parameter_values(self, parameter_values):
        Sets the fit parameters. If parameter_values=`None`, tries to infer
          defaults from the function_to_minimize.
        if len(parameter_values) == self.number_of_parameters:
            self.current_parameters = parameter_values
            raise Exception("Cannot get default parameter values from the \
            FCN. Not all parameters have default values given.")


    def set_parameter_names(self, parameter_names):
        '''Sets the fit parameters. If parameter_values=`None`, tries to infer
        defaults from the function_to_minimize.'''
        if len(parameter_names) == self.number_of_parameters:
            self.parameter_names = parameter_names
            raise Exception("Cannot set param names. Tuple length mismatch.")


    def set_parameter_errors(self, parameter_errors=None):
        '''Sets the fit parameter errors. If parameter_values=`None`, sets the
        error to 10% of the parameter value.'''

        if parameter_errors is None:  # set to 0.1% of the parameter value
            if not self.current_parameters is None:
                self.parameter_errors = [max(0.1, 0.1 * par)
                                         for par in self.current_parameters]
                raise Exception("Cannot set parameter errors. No errors \
                                provided and no parameters initialized.")
        elif len(parameter_errors) != len(self.current_parameters):
            raise Exception("Cannot set parameter errors. \
                            Tuple length mismatch.")
            self.parameter_errors = parameter_errors


    # Get methods

    def get_error_matrix(self):
        '''Retrieves the parameter error matrix from TMinuit.

        return : `numpy.matrix`

        # set up an array of type `double' to pass to TMinuit
        tmp_array = arr('d', [0.0]*(self.number_of_parameters**2))
        # get parameter covariance matrix from TMinuit
        self.__gMinuit.mnemat(tmp_array, self.number_of_parameters)
        # reshape into 2D array
        return np.asmatrix(
                (self.number_of_parameters, self.number_of_parameters)

    def get_parameter_values(self):
        '''Retrieves the parameter values from TMinuit.

        return : tuple
            Current `Minuit` parameter values

        result = []
        # retrieve fit parameters
        p, pe = Double(0), Double(0)

        for i in range(0, self.number_of_parameters):
            self.__gMinuit.GetParameter(i, p, pe)  # retrieve fitresult


        return tuple(result)

    def get_parameter_errors(self):
        '''Retrieves the parameter errors from TMinuit.

        return : tuple
            Current `Minuit` parameter errors

        result = []
        # retrieve fit parameters
        p, pe = Double(0), Double(0)

        for i in range(0, self.number_of_parameters):
            self.__gMinuit.GetParameter(i, p, pe)  # retrieve fitresult


        return tuple(result)

    def get_parameter_info(self):
        '''Retrieves parameter information from TMinuit.

        return : list of tuples
            ``(parameter_name, parameter_val, parameter_error)``

        result = []
        # retrieve fit parameters
        p, pe = Double(0), Double(0)

        for i in range(0, self.number_of_parameters):
            self.__gMinuit.GetParameter(i, p, pe)  # retrieve fitresult
            result.append((self.get_parameter_name(i), float(p), float(pe)))

        return result

    def get_parameter_name(self, parameter_nr):
        '''Gets the name of parameter number ``parameter_nr``

        **parameter_nr** : int
            Number of the parameter whose name to get.

        return self.parameter_names[parameter_nr]

    def get_fit_info(self, info):
        '''Retrieves other info from `Minuit`.

        **info** : string
            Information about the fit to retrieve.
            This can be any of the following:

              - ``'fcn'``: `FCN` value at minimum,
              - ``'edm'``: estimated distance to minimum
              - ``'err_def'``: `Minuit` error matrix status code
              - ``'status_code'``: `Minuit` general status code


        # declare vars in which to retrieve other info
        fcn_at_min = Double(0)
        edm = Double(0)
        err_def = Double(0)
        n_var_param = Long(0)
        n_tot_param = Long(0)
        status_code = Long(0)

        # Tell TMinuit to update the variables declared above

        if info == 'fcn':
            return fcn_at_min

        elif info == 'edm':
            return edm

        elif info == 'err_def':
            return err_def

        elif info == 'status_code':
                return D_MATRIX_ERROR[status_code]
                return status_code

    def get_chi2_probability(self, n_deg_of_freedom):
        Returns the probability that an observed :math:`\chi^2` exceeds
        the calculated value of :math:`\chi^2` for this fit by chance,
        even for a correct model. In other words, returns the probability that
        a worse fit of the model to the data exists. If this is a small value
        (typically <5%), this means the fit is pretty bad. For values below
        this threshold, the model very probably does not fit the data.

        n_def_of_freedom : int
            The number of degrees of freedom. This is typically
            :math:`n_\text{datapoints} - n_\text{parameters}`.
        chi2 = Double(self.get_fit_info('fcn'))
        ndf = Long(n_deg_of_freedom)
        return TMath.Prob(chi2, ndf)

    def get_contour(self, parameter1, parameter2, n_points=21):
        Returns a list of points (2-tuples) representing a sampling of
        the :math:`1\\sigma` contour of the TMinuit fit. The ``FCN`` has
        to be minimized before calling this.

        **parameter1** : int
            ID of the parameter to be displayed on the `x`-axis.

        **parameter2** : int
            ID of the parameter to be displayed on the `y`-axis.

        *n_points* : int (optional)
            number of points used to draw the contour. Default is 21.

        *returns* : 2-tuple of tuples
            a 2-tuple (x, y) containing ``n_points+1`` points sampled
            along the contour. The first point is repeated at the end
            of the list to generate a closed contour.

        # entry in log-file
        self.out_file.write('# Contour for parameters %2d, %2d #\n'\
                            %(parameter1, parameter2) )
# first, make sure we are at minimum
        self.minimize(final_fit=True, log_print_level=0)

        # get the TGraph object from ROOT
        g = self.__gMinuit.Contour(n_points, parameter1, parameter2)

        # extract point data into buffers
        xbuf, ybuf = g.GetX(), g.GetY()
        N = g.GetN()

        # generate tuples from buffers
        x = np.frombuffer(xbuf, dtype=float, count=N)
        y = np.frombuffer(ybuf, dtype=float, count=N)

        return (x, y)

    def get_profile(self, parid, n_points=21):
        Returns a list of points (2-tuples) the profile
        the :math:`\\chi^2`  of the TMinuit fit.

        **parid** : int
            ID of the parameter to be displayed on the `x`-axis.

        *n_points* : int (optional)
            number of points used for profile. Default is 21.

        *returns* : two arrays, par. values and corresp. :math:`\\chi^2`
            containing ``n_points`` sampled profile points.

        # entry in log-file
        self.out_file.write("# Profile for parameter %2d #\n" % (parid))

        # redirect stdout stream
        _redirection_target = None
        ## -- disable redirection completely, for now
        ##if log_print_level >= 0:
        ##    _redirection_target = self.out_file

        with redirect_stdout_to(_redirection_target):
            pv = []
            chi2 = []
            error_code = Long(0)
            self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("SET PRINT",
                     arr('d', [0.0]), 1, error_code)  # no printout

            # first, make sure we are at minimum, i.e. re-minimize
            self.minimize(final_fit=True, log_print_level=0)
            minuit_id = Double(parid + 1) # Minuit parameter numbers start with 1

            # retrieve information about parameter with id=parid
            pmin = Double(0)
            perr = Double(0)
            self.__gMinuit.GetParameter(parid, pmin, perr)  # retrieve fitresult

            # fix parameter parid ...
                                    arr('d', [minuit_id]),
                                    1, error_code)
            # ... and scan parameter values, minimizing at each point
            for v in np.linspace(pmin - 3.*perr, pmin + 3.*perr, n_points):
                self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("SET PAR",
                     arr('d', [minuit_id, Double(v)]),
                                   2, error_code)
                     arr('d', [self.max_iterations, self.tolerance]),
                                   2, error_code)

            # release parameter to back to initial value and release
            self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("SET PAR",
                                  arr('d', [minuit_id, Double(pmin)]),
                                   2, error_code)
                                    arr('d', [minuit_id]),
                                    1, error_code)

        return pv, chi2

    # Other methods

    def fix_parameter(self, parameter_number):
        Fix parameter number <`parameter_number`>.

        **parameter_number** : int
            Number of the parameter to fix.
        error_code = Long(0)
        logger.info("Fixing parameter %d in Minuit" % (parameter_number,))
        # execute FIX command
                              arr('d', [parameter_number+1]), 1, error_code)

    def release_parameter(self, parameter_number):
        Release parameter number <`parameter_number`>.

        **parameter_number** : int
            Number of the parameter to release.
        error_code = Long(0)
        logger.info("Releasing parameter %d in Minuit" % (parameter_number,))
        # execute RELEASE command
                              arr('d', [parameter_number+1]), 1, error_code)

    def reset(self):
        '''Execute TMinuit's `mnrset` method.'''
        self.__gMinuit.mnrset(0)  # reset TMinuit

    def FCN_wrapper(self, number_of_parameters, derivatives,
                    f, parameters, internal_flag):
        This is actually a function called in *ROOT* and acting as a C wrapper
        for our `FCN`, which is implemented in Python.

        This function is called by `Minuit` several times during a fit. It
        doesn't return anything but modifies one of its arguments (*f*).
        This is *ugly*, but it's how *ROOT*'s ``TMinuit`` works. Its argument
        structure is fixed and determined by `Minuit`:

        **number_of_parameters** : int
            The number of parameters of the current fit

        **derivatives** : C array
            If the user chooses to calculate the first derivative of the
            function inside the `FCN`, this value should be written here. This
            interface to `Minuit` ignores this derivative, however, so
            calculating this inside the `FCN` has no effect (yet).

        **f** : C array
            The desired function value is in f[0] after execution.

        **parameters** : C array
            A C array of parameters. Is cast to a Python list

        **internal_flag** : int
            A flag allowing for different behaviour of the function.
            Can be any integer from 1 (initial run) to 4(normal run). See
            `Minuit`'s specification.

        # Retrieve the parameters from the C side of ROOT and
        # store them in a Python list -- resource-intensive
        # for many calls, but can't be improved (yet?)
        parameter_list = np.frombuffer(parameters, dtype=float,

        # call the Python implementation of FCN.
        f[0] = self.function_to_minimize(*parameter_list)

    def minimize(self, final_fit=True, log_print_level=2):
        '''Do the minimization. This calls `Minuit`'s algorithms ``MIGRAD``
        for minimization and, if `final_fit` is `True`, also ``HESSE``
        for computing/checking the parameter error matrix.'''

        # Set the FCN again. This HAS to be done EVERY
        # time the minimize method is called because of
        # the implementation of SetFCN, which is not
        # object-oriented but sets a global pointer!!!
        logger.debug("Updating current FCN")

        # Run minimization algorithm (MIGRAD + HESSE)
        error_code = Long(0)

        prefix = "Minuit run on"  # set the timestamp prefix

        # insert timestamp
        self.out_file.write("# %s " % (prefix,) +
                            strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S #\n", gmtime()))

        # redirect stdout stream
        _redirection_target = None
        if log_print_level >= 0:
            _redirection_target = self.out_file

        with redirect_stdout_to(_redirection_target):
            self.__gMinuit.SetPrintLevel(log_print_level)  # set Minuit print level
            logger.debug("Running MIGRAD")
                                  arr('d', [self.max_iterations, self.tolerance]),
                                  2, error_code)
                logger.debug("Running HESSE")
                self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("HESSE", arr('d', [self.max_iterations]), 1, error_code)
            # return to normal print level

    def minos_errors(self, log_print_level=1):
           Get (asymmetric) parameter uncertainties from MINOS
           algorithm. This calls `Minuit`'s algorithms ``MINOS``,
           which determines parameter uncertainties using profiling
           of the chi2 function.

           returns : tuple
             A tuple of [err+, err-, parabolic error, global correlation]

        # Set the FCN again. This HAS to be done EVERY
        # time the minimize method is called because of
        # the implementation of SetFCN, which is not
        # object-oriented but sets a global pointer!!!
        logger.debug("Updating current FCN")

        # redirect stdout stream
        _redirection_target = None
        if log_print_level >= 0:
            _redirection_target = self.out_file

        with redirect_stdout_to(_redirection_target):
            logger.debug("Running MINOS")
            error_code = Long(0)
            self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("MINOS", arr('d', [self.max_iterations]), 1, error_code)

            # return to normal print level

        output = []
        errpos=Double(0) # positive parameter error
        errneg=Double(0) # negative parameter error
        err=Double(0)    # parabolic error
        gcor=Double(0)   # global correlation coefficient

        for i in range(0, self.number_of_parameters):
            self.__gMinuit.mnerrs(i, errpos, errneg, err, gcor)

        return output
Example #3
class Minuit(object):
    """A wrapper class to initialize a minuit object with a numpy array.

    Positional args:
        myFCN : A python callable
        params : An array (or other python sequence) of parameters

    Keyword args:

        limits [None] : a nested sequence of (lower_limit,upper_limit) for each parameter.
        steps [[.1]*npars] : Estimated errors for the parameters, used as an initial step size.
        tolerance [.001] : Tolerance to test for convergence.  Minuit considers convergence to be
                            when the estimated distance to the minimum (edm) is <= .001*up*tolerance,
                            or 5e-7 by default.
        up [.5]  : Change in the objective function that determines 1-sigma error.  .5 if 
                          the objective function is -log(Likelihood), 1 for chi-squared.
        max_calls [10000] : Maximum number of calls to the objective function.
        param_names ['p0','p1',...] : a list of names for the parameters
        args [()] : a tuple of extra arguments to pass to myFCN and gradient.
        gradient [None] : a function that takes a list of parameters and returns a list of 
                          first derivatives of myFCN.  Assumed to take the same args as myFCN.
        force_gradient [0] : Set to 1 to force Minuit to use the user-provided gradient function.
        strategy[1] : Strategy for minuit to use, from 0 (fast) to 2 (safe) 
        fixed [False, False, ...] : If passed, an array of all the parameters to fix

    def __init__(self,myFCN,params,**kwargs):

        from ROOT import TMinuit,Long,Double

        self.limits = np.zeros((len(params),2))
        self.steps = .04*np.ones(len(params)) # about 10 percent in log10 space
        self.tolerance = .001
        self.maxcalls = 10000
        self.printMode = 0
        self.up = 0.5
        self.param_names = ['p%i'%i for i in xrange(len(params))]
        self.erflag = Long()
        self.npars = len(params)
        self.args = ()
        self.gradient = None
        self.force_gradient = 0
        self.strategy = 1
        self.fixed = np.zeros_like(params)

        self.params = np.asarray(params,dtype='float')
        self.fcn = FCN(myFCN,self.params,args=self.args,gradient=self.gradient)
        self.fval = self.fcn.fval
        self.minuit = TMinuit(self.npars)
        if self.gradient:
            self.minuit.mncomd('SET GRA %i'%(self.force_gradient),self.erflag)
        self.minuit.mncomd('SET STR %i'%self.strategy,Long())

        for i in xrange(self.npars):

            if self.limits[i][0] is None: self.limits[i][0] = 0.0
            if self.limits[i][1] is None: self.limits[i][1] = 0.0


        for index in np.where(self.fixed)[0]:

    def minimize(self,method='MIGRAD'):

        from ROOT import TMinuit,Long,Double

        self.minuit.mncomd('%s %i %f'%(method, self.maxcalls,self.tolerance),self.erflag)
        for i in xrange(self.npars):
            val,err = Double(),Double()
            self.params[i] = val
        self.fval = self.fcn.fcn(self.params)
        return (self.params,self.fval)

    def errors(self,method='HESSE'):
        """method ['HESSE']   : how to calculate the errors; Currently, only 'HESSE' works."""
        if not np.any(self.fixed):
            mat = np.zeros(self.npars**2)
            if method == 'HESSE':
                raise Exception("Method %s not recognized." % method)
            return mat.reshape((self.npars,self.npars))
            # Kind of ugly, but for fixed parameters, you need to expand out the covariance matrix.
            mat = np.zeros(nf**2)
            if method == 'HESSE':
                raise Exception("Method %s not recognized." % method)

            # Expand out the covariance matrix.
            cov = np.zeros((self.npars,self.npars))
            cov[np.outer(~self.fixed,~self.fixed)] = np.ravel(mat)
            return cov

    def uncorrelated_minos_error(self):
        """ Kind of a kludge, but a compromise between the speed of
            HESSE errors and the accuracy of MINOS errors.  It accounts
            for non-linearities in the likelihood by varying each function
            until the value has fallen by the desired amount using hte
            MINOS code. But does not account for correlations between
            the parameters by fixing all other parameters during the
            Again kludgy, but what is returned is an effective covariance
            matrix. The diagonal errors are calcualted by averaging the
            upper and lower errors and the off diagonal terms are set
            to 0. """

        cov = np.zeros((self.npars,self.npars))

        # fix all parameters
        for i in range(self.npars):

        # loop over free paramters getting error
        for i in np.where(self.fixed==False)[0]:

            # compute error

            # get error

        for i,fixed in enumerate(self.fixed):
            if fixed:

        return cov
Example #4
class Minuit:
    A class for communicating with ROOT's function minimizer tool Minuit.

    def __init__(self, number_of_parameters, function_to_minimize,
                 parameter_names, start_parameters, parameter_errors,
                 quiet=True, verbose=False):
        Create a Minuit minimizer for a function `function_to_minimize`.
        Necessary arguments are the number of parameters and the function to be
        minimized `function_to_minimize`. The function `function_to_minimize`'s
        arguments must be numerical values. The same goes for its output.

        Another requirement is for every parameter of `function_to_minimize` to
        have a default value. These are then used to initialize Minuit.

        **number_of_parameters** : int
            The number of parameters of the function to minimize.

        **function_to_minimize** : function
            The function which `Minuit` should minimize. This must be a Python
            function with <``number_of_parameters``> arguments.

        **parameter_names** : tuple/list of strings
            The parameter names. These are used to keep track of the parameters
            in `Minuit`'s output.

        **start_parameters** : tuple/list of floats
            The start values of the parameters. It is important to have a good,
            if rough, estimate of the parameters at the minimum before starting
            the minimization. Wrong initial parameters can yield a local
            minimum instead of a global one.

        **parameter_errors** : tuple/list of floats
            An initial guess of the parameter errors. These errors are used to
            define the initial step size.

        *quiet* : boolean (optional, default: ``True``)
            If ``True``, suppresses all output from ``TMinuit``.

        *verbose* : boolean (optional, default: ``False``)
            If ``True``, sets ``TMinuit``'s print level to a high value, so
            that all output is logged.

        #: the name of this minimizer type
        self.name = "ROOT::TMinuit"

        #: the actual `FCN` called in ``FCN_wrapper``
        self.function_to_minimize = function_to_minimize

        #: number of parameters to minimize for
        self.number_of_parameters = number_of_parameters

        if not quiet:
            self.out_file = open(log_file("minuit.log"), 'a')
            self.out_file = null_file()

        # create a TMinuit instance for that number of parameters
        self.__gMinuit = TMinuit(self.number_of_parameters)

        # instruct Minuit to use this class's FCN_wrapper method as a FCN

        # set print level according to flag
        if quiet:
            self.set_print_level(-1000)  # suppress output
        elif verbose:
            self.set_print_level(10)     # detailed output
            self.set_print_level(0)      # frugal output

        # initialize minimizer

        #: maximum number of iterations until ``TMinuit`` gives up
        self.max_iterations = M_MAX_ITERATIONS

        #: ``TMinuit`` tolerance
        self.tolerance = M_TOLERANCE

    def update_parameter_data(self, show_warnings=False):
        (Re-)Sets the parameter names, values and step size on the
        C++ side of Minuit.
        error_code = Long(0)
            # Set up the starting fit parameters in TMinuit
            for i in range(0, self.number_of_parameters):
                self.__gMinuit.mnparm(i, self.parameter_names[i],
                                      0.1 * self.parameter_errors[i],
                                      0, 0, error_code)
                # use 10% of the par. 1-sigma errors as the initial step size
        except AttributeError as e:
            if show_warnings:
                logger.warn("Cannot update Minuit data on the C++ side. "
                            "AttributeError: %s" % (e, ))
        return error_code

    # Set methods

    def set_print_level(self, print_level=P_DETAIL_LEVEL):
        '''Sets the print level for Minuit.

        *print_level* : int (optional, default: 1 (frugal output))
            Tells ``TMinuit`` how much output to generate. The higher this
            value, the more output it generates.
        self.__gMinuit.SetPrintLevel(print_level)  # set Minuit print level
        self.print_level = print_level

    def set_strategy(self, strategy_id=1):
        '''Sets the strategy Minuit.

        *strategy_id* : int (optional, default: 1 (optimized))
            Tells ``TMinuit`` to use a certain strategy. Refer to ``TMinuit``'s
            documentation for available strategies.
        error_code = Long(0)
        # execute SET STRATEGY command
        self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("SET STRATEGY",
                              arr('d', [strategy_id]), 1, error_code)

    def set_err(self, up_value=1.0):
        '''Sets the ``UP`` value for Minuit.

        *up_value* : float (optional, default: 1.0)
            This is the value by which `FCN` is expected to change.
        # Tell TMinuit to use an up-value of 1.0
        error_code = Long(0)
        # execute SET ERR command
        self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("SET ERR", arr('d', [up_value]), 1, error_code)

    def set_parameter_values(self, parameter_values):
        Sets the fit parameters. If parameter_values=`None`, tries to infer
          defaults from the function_to_minimize.
        if len(parameter_values) == self.number_of_parameters:
            self.current_parameters = parameter_values
            raise Exception("Cannot get default parameter values from the \
            FCN. Not all parameters have default values given.")


    def set_parameter_names(self, parameter_names):
        '''Sets the fit parameters. If parameter_values=`None`, tries to infer
        defaults from the function_to_minimize.'''
        if len(parameter_names) == self.number_of_parameters:
            self.parameter_names = parameter_names
            raise Exception("Cannot set param names. Tuple length mismatch.")


    def set_parameter_errors(self, parameter_errors=None):
        '''Sets the fit parameter errors. If parameter_values=`None`, sets the
        error to 10% of the parameter value.'''

        if parameter_errors is None:  # set to 0.1% of the parameter value
            if not self.current_parameters is None:
                self.parameter_errors = [max(0.1, 0.1 * par)
                                         for par in self.current_parameters]
                raise Exception("Cannot set parameter errors. No errors \
                                provided and no parameters initialized.")
        elif len(parameter_errors) != len(self.current_parameters):
            raise Exception("Cannot set parameter errors. \
                            Tuple length mismatch.")
            self.parameter_errors = parameter_errors


    # Get methods

    def get_error_matrix(self):
        '''Retrieves the parameter error matrix from TMinuit.

        return : `numpy.matrix`

        # set up an array of type `double' to pass to TMinuit
        tmp_array = arr('d', [0.0]*(self.number_of_parameters**2))
        # get parameter covariance matrix from TMinuit
        self.__gMinuit.mnemat(tmp_array, self.number_of_parameters)
        # reshape into 2D array
        return np.asmatrix(
                (self.number_of_parameters, self.number_of_parameters)

    def get_parameter_values(self):
        '''Retrieves the parameter values from TMinuit.

        return : tuple
            Current `Minuit` parameter values

        result = []
        # retrieve fit parameters
        p, pe = Double(0), Double(0)

        for i in range(0, self.number_of_parameters):
            self.__gMinuit.GetParameter(i, p, pe)  # retrieve fitresult


        return tuple(result)

    def get_parameter_errors(self):
        '''Retrieves the parameter errors from TMinuit.

        return : tuple
            Current `Minuit` parameter errors

        result = []
        # retrieve fit parameters
        p, pe = Double(0), Double(0)

        for i in range(0, self.number_of_parameters):
            self.__gMinuit.GetParameter(i, p, pe)  # retrieve fitresult


        return tuple(result)

    def get_parameter_info(self):
        '''Retrieves parameter information from TMinuit.

        return : list of tuples
            ``(parameter_name, parameter_val, parameter_error)``

        result = []
        # retrieve fit parameters
        p, pe = Double(0), Double(0)

        for i in range(0, self.number_of_parameters):
            self.__gMinuit.GetParameter(i, p, pe)  # retrieve fitresult
            result.append((self.get_parameter_name(i), float(p), float(pe)))

        return result

    def get_parameter_name(self, parameter_nr):
        '''Gets the name of parameter number ``parameter_nr``

        **parameter_nr** : int
            Number of the parameter whose name to get.

        return self.parameter_names[parameter_nr]

    def get_fit_info(self, info):
        '''Retrieves other info from `Minuit`.

        **info** : string
            Information about the fit to retrieve.
            This can be any of the following:

              - ``'fcn'``: `FCN` value at minimum,
              - ``'edm'``: estimated distance to minimum
              - ``'err_def'``: `Minuit` error matrix status code
              - ``'status_code'``: `Minuit` general status code


        # declare vars in which to retrieve other info
        fcn_at_min = Double(0)
        edm = Double(0)
        err_def = Double(0)
        n_var_param = Long(0)
        n_tot_param = Long(0)
        status_code = Long(0)

        # Tell TMinuit to update the variables declared above

        if info == 'fcn':
            return fcn_at_min

        elif info == 'edm':
            return edm

        elif info == 'err_def':
            return err_def

        elif info == 'status_code':
                return D_MATRIX_ERROR[status_code]
                return status_code

    def get_chi2_probability(self, n_deg_of_freedom):
        Returns the probability that an observed :math:`\chi^2` exceeds
        the calculated value of :math:`\chi^2` for this fit by chance,
        even for a correct model. In other words, returns the probability that
        a worse fit of the model to the data exists. If this is a small value
        (typically <5%), this means the fit is pretty bad. For values below
        this threshold, the model very probably does not fit the data.

        n_def_of_freedom : int
            The number of degrees of freedom. This is typically
            :math:`n_\text{datapoints} - n_\text{parameters}`.
        chi2 = Double(self.get_fit_info('fcn'))
        ndf = Long(n_deg_of_freedom)
        return TMath.Prob(chi2, ndf)

    def get_contour(self, parameter1, parameter2, n_points=21):
        Returns a list of points (2-tuples) representing a sampling of
        the :math:`1\\sigma` contour of the TMinuit fit. The ``FCN`` has
        to be minimized before calling this.

        **parameter1** : int
            ID of the parameter to be displayed on the `x`-axis.

        **parameter2** : int
            ID of the parameter to be displayed on the `y`-axis.

        *n_points* : int (optional)
            number of points used to draw the contour. Default is 21.

        *returns* : 2-tuple of tuples
            a 2-tuple (x, y) containing ``n_points+1`` points sampled
            along the contour. The first point is repeated at the end
            of the list to generate a closed contour.

        # entry in log-file
        self.out_file.write('# Contour for parameters %2d, %2d #\n'\
                            %(parameter1, parameter2) )
# first, make sure we are at minimum
        self.minimize(final_fit=True, log_print_level=0)

        # get the TGraph object from ROOT
        g = self.__gMinuit.Contour(n_points, parameter1, parameter2)

        # extract point data into buffers
        xbuf, ybuf = g.GetX(), g.GetY()
        N = g.GetN()

        # generate tuples from buffers
        x = np.frombuffer(xbuf, dtype=float, count=N)
        y = np.frombuffer(ybuf, dtype=float, count=N)

        return (x, y)

    def get_profile(self, parid, n_points=21):
        Returns a list of points (2-tuples) the profile
        the :math:`\\chi^2`  of the TMinuit fit.

        **parid** : int
            ID of the parameter to be displayed on the `x`-axis.

        *n_points* : int (optional)
            number of points used for profile. Default is 21.

        *returns* : two arrays, par. values and corresp. :math:`\\chi^2`
            containing ``n_points`` sampled profile points.

        # entry in log-file
        self.out_file.write("# Profile for parameter %2d #\n" % (parid))

        # redirect stdout stream
        _redirection_target = None
        ## -- disable redirection completely, for now
        ##if log_print_level >= 0:
        ##    _redirection_target = self.out_file

        with redirect_stdout_to(_redirection_target):
            pv = []
            chi2 = []
            error_code = Long(0)
            self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("SET PRINT",
                     arr('d', [0.0]), 1, error_code)  # no printout

            # first, make sure we are at minimum, i.e. re-minimize
            self.minimize(final_fit=True, log_print_level=0)
            minuit_id = Double(parid + 1) # Minuit parameter numbers start with 1

            # retrieve information about parameter with id=parid
            pmin = Double(0)
            perr = Double(0)
            self.__gMinuit.GetParameter(parid, pmin, perr)  # retrieve fitresult

            # fix parameter parid ...
                                    arr('d', [minuit_id]),
                                    1, error_code)
            # ... and scan parameter values, minimizing at each point
            for v in np.linspace(pmin - 3.*perr, pmin + 3.*perr, n_points):
                self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("SET PAR",
                     arr('d', [minuit_id, Double(v)]),
                                   2, error_code)
                     arr('d', [self.max_iterations, self.tolerance]),
                                   2, error_code)

            # release parameter to back to initial value and release
            self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("SET PAR",
                                  arr('d', [minuit_id, Double(pmin)]),
                                   2, error_code)
                                    arr('d', [minuit_id]),
                                    1, error_code)

        return pv, chi2

    # Other methods

    def fix_parameter(self, parameter_number):
        Fix parameter number <`parameter_number`>.

        **parameter_number** : int
            Number of the parameter to fix.
        error_code = Long(0)
        logger.info("Fixing parameter %d in Minuit" % (parameter_number,))
        # execute FIX command
                              arr('d', [parameter_number+1]), 1, error_code)

    def release_parameter(self, parameter_number):
        Release parameter number <`parameter_number`>.

        **parameter_number** : int
            Number of the parameter to release.
        error_code = Long(0)
        logger.info("Releasing parameter %d in Minuit" % (parameter_number,))
        # execute RELEASE command
                              arr('d', [parameter_number+1]), 1, error_code)

    def reset(self):
        '''Execute TMinuit's `mnrset` method.'''
        self.__gMinuit.mnrset(0)  # reset TMinuit

    def FCN_wrapper(self, number_of_parameters, derivatives,
                    f, parameters, internal_flag):
        This is actually a function called in *ROOT* and acting as a C wrapper
        for our `FCN`, which is implemented in Python.

        This function is called by `Minuit` several times during a fit. It
        doesn't return anything but modifies one of its arguments (*f*).
        This is *ugly*, but it's how *ROOT*'s ``TMinuit`` works. Its argument
        structure is fixed and determined by `Minuit`:

        **number_of_parameters** : int
            The number of parameters of the current fit

        **derivatives** : C array
            If the user chooses to calculate the first derivative of the
            function inside the `FCN`, this value should be written here. This
            interface to `Minuit` ignores this derivative, however, so
            calculating this inside the `FCN` has no effect (yet).

        **f** : C array
            The desired function value is in f[0] after execution.

        **parameters** : C array
            A C array of parameters. Is cast to a Python list

        **internal_flag** : int
            A flag allowing for different behaviour of the function.
            Can be any integer from 1 (initial run) to 4(normal run). See
            `Minuit`'s specification.

        # Retrieve the parameters from the C side of ROOT and
        # store them in a Python list -- resource-intensive
        # for many calls, but can't be improved (yet?)
        parameter_list = np.frombuffer(parameters, dtype=float,

        # call the Python implementation of FCN.
        f[0] = self.function_to_minimize(*parameter_list)

    def minimize(self, final_fit=True, log_print_level=2):
        '''Do the minimization. This calls `Minuit`'s algorithms ``MIGRAD``
        for minimization and, if `final_fit` is `True`, also ``HESSE``
        for computing/checking the parameter error matrix.'''

        # Set the FCN again. This HAS to be done EVERY
        # time the minimize method is called because of
        # the implementation of SetFCN, which is not
        # object-oriented but sets a global pointer!!!
        logger.debug("Updating current FCN")

        # Run minimization algorithm (MIGRAD + HESSE)
        error_code = Long(0)

        prefix = "Minuit run on"  # set the timestamp prefix

        # insert timestamp
        self.out_file.write("# %s " % (prefix,) +
                            strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S #\n", gmtime()))

        # redirect stdout stream
        _redirection_target = None
        if log_print_level >= 0:
            _redirection_target = self.out_file

        with redirect_stdout_to(_redirection_target):
            self.__gMinuit.SetPrintLevel(log_print_level)  # set Minuit print level
            logger.debug("Running MIGRAD")
                                  arr('d', [self.max_iterations, self.tolerance]),
                                  2, error_code)
                logger.debug("Running HESSE")
                self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("HESSE", arr('d', [self.max_iterations]), 1, error_code)
            # return to normal print level

    def minos_errors(self, log_print_level=1):
           Get (asymmetric) parameter uncertainties from MINOS
           algorithm. This calls `Minuit`'s algorithms ``MINOS``,
           which determines parameter uncertainties using profiling
           of the chi2 function.

           returns : tuple
             A tuple of [err+, err-, parabolic error, global correlation]

        # Set the FCN again. This HAS to be done EVERY
        # time the minimize method is called because of
        # the implementation of SetFCN, which is not
        # object-oriented but sets a global pointer!!!
        logger.debug("Updating current FCN")

        # redirect stdout stream
        _redirection_target = None
        if log_print_level >= 0:
            _redirection_target = self.out_file

        with redirect_stdout_to(_redirection_target):
            logger.debug("Running MINOS")
            error_code = Long(0)
            self.__gMinuit.mnexcm("MINOS", arr('d', [self.max_iterations]), 1, error_code)

            # return to normal print level

        output = []
        errpos=Double(0) # positive parameter error
        errneg=Double(0) # negative parameter error
        err=Double(0)    # parabolic error
        gcor=Double(0)   # global correlation coefficient

        for i in range(0, self.number_of_parameters):
            self.__gMinuit.mnerrs(i, errpos, errneg, err, gcor)

        return output