Example #1
def __compute_or_proof(m, c2, s, h, g1, h1):
    assert m == 0 | m == 1

    e0, e1, t0, t1, w0, w1 = None, None, None, None, None, None
    b = randint(n_u_ - 1)

    if m == 0:
        e1 = randint(n_u_ - 1)
        t1 = randint(n_u_ - 1)
        w0 = h * b
        w1 = h * t1 + (c2 - (h1 * 1)) * (-e1)
        longstring = g1.__repr__() + h1.__repr__() + c2.__repr__() + w0.__repr__() + w1.__repr__()
        e0 = int((sha256(longstring).hexdigest()), 16) - e1
        # TODO faut il faire modulo n_u_ ?
        t0 = b + e0 * s

        e0 = randint(n_u_ - 1)
        t0 = randint(n_u_ - 1)
        w1 = h * b
        w0 = h * t0 + (c2 - (h1 * 0)) * (-e0)
        longstring = g1.__repr__() + h1.__repr__() + c2.__repr__() + w0.__repr__() + w1.__repr__()
        e0 = int((sha256(longstring).hexdigest()), 16) - e0
        # TODO faut il faire modulo n_u_ ?
        t1 = b + e1 * s

    return (e0, e1, t0, t1)
Example #2
def ccsva_enc(m, g, g1, h, h1):
    r = randint(n_u_)
    s = randint(n_u_)
    c = (c0, c1, c2) = ccs_enc(m, r, s, g, h, g1, h1)
    sigmacc = (ecc, zm, zr, zs) = __compute_cc_proof(m, r, s, c, g, h, g1, h1)
    sigmaor = (e0, e1, t0, t1) = __compute_or_proof(m, c2, s, h, g1, h1)
    return (c, sigmacc, sigmaor)
Example #3
def __compute_cc_proof(m, r, s, c, g, h, g1, h1):
    j = randint(n_u_ - 1)
    u = randint(n_u_ - 1)
    v = randint(n_u_ - 1)

    d = ccs_enc(j, u, v, g, h, g1, h1)

    longstring = g1.__repr__() + h1.__repr__() + c.__repr__() + d.__repr__()
    ecc = int((sha256(longstring).hexdigest()), 16)
    # TODO faut il faire modulo n_u_ ?

    (zm, zr, zs) = (j + ecc * m, u + ecc * r, v + ecc * s)

    return (ecc, zm, zr, zs)
Example #4
def ccs_gen():
    ''' Key generator for CCS Cryptosystem 
        This algorithms selects:
        - two public generators g and h
        - the public key g1 and h1
        - the private key x1 

    # Curve initialisation
    (_, _, C, C2) = init_curves()

    # Keys generation
    g = C(None, representation = 'affine', infinite = False, random = True)
    h = C2(None, representation = 'affine', infinite = False, random = True)
    x1 = randint(n_u_ - 1)
    g1 = g * x1
    h1 = C2(None, representation = 'affine', infinite = False, random = True)

    return ((g.affine(), h.affine(), g1.affine(), h1.affine()), x1) # (pk, sk)