Example #1
# Camera lens properties
camFocalLength = 10
camSensorShape = (900, 1600)  # (Rows, Columns)
camSensorSize = (9, 16)   # (Height, Width)

# Set black hole spin
universe.spin = .0000000000000001
universe.accretionDisk.innerRadius = 2
universe.accretionDisk.outerRadius = 1

# Create a camera
camera = Camera(camR, camTheta, camPhi, camFocalLength, camSensorShape,

sphere = "../../Data/Textures/milkyWay.png"
disk = "../../Data/Textures/adisk.png"

suffix = 0
amp = 1

suffix = 0
amp = 1

for angle in np.arange(0, 2*np.pi, 0.05):
    suffix += 1

    camera.phi = angle

    texturedImage, _ = camera.shoot(diskPath=disk, spherePath=sphere)
    texturedImage.save("pruebita" + "%03d" % suffix + ".png")
Example #2
# plot3D.plot()
# disk = '../../Data/Textures/patchdisk.png'
# sphere = '../../Data/Textures/milkyWay.png'
# camera1.sensorShape = (3000, 3000)
# texturedImage, _ = camera1.shoot(diskPath=disk, spherePath=sphere)
# texturedImage.plot()

# # Plot only one geodesic, indexing it with the pixel row,col
# plot3D.geodesic(2, 4).plot()
# # You can even plot a snapshot, which may be not that interesting, though...
# plot3D.snapshot(1).plot()
# #
# Make a proper photography!
camera2.yaw = -0.06
photo, _ = camera2.shoot()

# # # Load the textures
# disk = '../../Data/Textures/adisk.png'
# sphere = '../../Data/Textures/milkyWay.png'
# texturedImage, _ = camera2.shoot(diskPath=disk, spherePath=sphere)
# texturedImage.plot()

# suffix = 0
# for pitch in np.arange(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2, 0.05):
#     suffix += 1
#     camera2.pitch = pitch
Example #3
    # Create a camera
    camera = Camera(camR, camTheta, camPhi, camFocalLength, camSensorShape,

    if len(sys.argv) < 5:
        print("Usage: python benchmarkGPU.py outputPath minSide maxSide step")

    # Benchmark parameters
    outputPath = sys.argv[1]
    start = int(sys.argv[2])
    stop = int(sys.argv[3])
    step = int(sys.argv[4])

    output = open(outputPath, 'w')

    # Print CSV header
    print("Number of pixels, GPU time", file=output)

    # Run the benchmark!
    for side in range(start, stop, step):
        # Change the camera sensor
        camera.sensorShape = (side, side)  # (Rows, Columns)

        _, time = camera.shoot(finalTime=-150)

        # Print results both to the CSV file and to the standard output
        currentData = "{}, {:.10f}".format(side*side, time)
        print(currentData, file=output)
Example #4
# Camera position
camR = 20
camTheta = 1.511
camPhi = 0

# Camera lens properties
camFocalLength = 5
camSensorShape = (900, 1600)  # (Rows, Columns)
camSensorSize = (9, 16)   # (Height, Width)

# Set black hole spin
universe.spin = .0000001
universe.accretionDisk.innerRadius = 8
universe.accretionDisk.outerRadius = 7

# Create a camera
camera = Camera(camR, camTheta, camPhi, camFocalLength, camSensorShape,

sphere = "../../Data/Textures/milkyWay.png"
disk = "../../Data/Textures/adisk.png"

suffix = 0
amp = 1

camera.speed = 0

texturedImage, _ = camera.shoot()