Author: Evan K. Friis, UC Davis 

        The PFTauEfficiencyAssociator produces ValueMap<pat::LookupTableRecord>s
        associating an expected efficiency (or fake rate, from QCD) for a reco::PFTau
        given its kinematics.  The default configuration parameterizes the eff/fake rate
        by pt, eta and jet width and stores the information in a TH3.

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
from import pftau_expressions, common_expressions
from RecoTauTag.TauAnalysisTools.fakeRate.histogramConfiguration import makeCuts 
from RecoTauTag.TauAnalysisTools.fakeRate.associatorTools import *

# Get the histogram selection definitions.  We don't need to worry about what
# the denominator is here, we just need the names
disc_configs = makeCuts(denominator="1")

protoEffciencyAssociator = cms.EDProducer("PFTauEfficiencyAssociatorFromTH3",
       PFTauProducer = cms.InputTag("shrinkingConePFTauProducer"),
       xAxisFunction = pftau_expressions.jetPt,
       yAxisFunction = cms.string("abs(%s)" % pftau_expressions.jetEta.value()),
       zAxisFunction = pftau_expressions.jetWidth,
       efficiencySources = cms.PSet(
           filename = cms.string("/afs/"),
           # each efficiency source needs to be defined as a separate PSet

# Build the list of efficiency sources from the histogram production
# configuration disc_configs
MuEnrichedQCDEffSources = add_eff_sources(prefix="fr",
Example #2
to_build = [
    (source, source_info) for source, source_info in sources.iteritems() 
    if source in build_list ]

for source, source_info in to_build:
    for location in list(source_info['sources'].keys()):
        print "Parsing %s logs" % location
        xSec, filterEff = source_info['sources'][location]
        nEvents = getNEvents("%s/*.stderr" % location, "path")
        weight = normalizeToOneInverseNanoBarn(
            xSec, nEvents, filterEff)
        # Update the info
        source_info['sources'][location] = (
            xSec, filterEff, nEvents, weight)

for source, source_info in to_build:
    print '==========================='
    print source 
    for loc, (xSec, filterEff, nEvents, weight) in source_info['sources'].iteritems():
        print "Loc: %s, nEvents: %i, weight %f" % (loc, nEvents, weight)

for source, source_info in to_build:
    # Build file list
    files_and_weights = []
    for loc, (xSec, filterEff, nEvents, weight) in source_info['sources'].iteritems():
        for file in glob.glob("%s/*.root" % loc):
            files_and_weights.append((file, weight))
    make_plots(files_and_weights, selections=makeCuts(denominator), **source_info)

for source, source_info in to_build:
    # Print out some info
    print '==========================='
    print source
    for loc, (xSec, filterEff, nEvents,
              weight) in source_info['sources'].iteritems():
        print "Loc: %s, nEvents: %i, weight %f" % (loc, nEvents, weight)

    # Build file list
    if not
        files_and_weights = []
        for loc, (xSec, filterEff, nEvents,
                  weight) in source_info['sources'].iteritems():
            # Loop over the files to use for this run
            for file in nthOfEveryMItems(
                    options.job, options.njobs,
                    glob.glob(os.path.join(working_dir, "%s/*.root" % loc))):
                files_and_weights.append((file, weight))
        # Change the output filename to reflect the batch job
        source_info['output_file'] = source_info['output_file'].replace(
            '.root', '_%i.root' % options.job)
        source_info['output_file'] = os.path.join(working_dir,
        # Temporarily switch back to jetpt/eta
        Author: Evan K. Friis, UC Davis 

        The PFTauEfficiencyAssociator produces ValueMap<pat::LookupTableRecord>s
        associating an expected efficiency (or fake rate, from QCD) for a reco::PFTau
        given its kinematics.  The default configuration parameterizes the eff/fake rate
        by pt, eta and jet width and stores the information in a TH3.

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
from import pftau_expressions, common_expressions
from RecoTauTag.TauAnalysisTools.fakeRate.histogramConfiguration import makeCuts
from RecoTauTag.TauAnalysisTools.fakeRate.associatorTools import *

# Get the histogram selection definitions.  We don't need to worry about what
# the denominator is here, we just need the names
disc_configs = makeCuts(denominator="1")

protoEffciencyAssociator = cms.EDProducer(
    yAxisFunction=cms.string("abs(%s)" % pftau_expressions.jetEta.value()),
        # each efficiency source needs to be defined as a separate PSet

# Build the list of efficiency sources from the histogram production
# configuration disc_configs