def getNodesOverload(poseObj, nodes, *args):

    # NOTE: poseObj already has an attr 'metaRig' which is filled
    # automatically in the main buildInternalPoseData() call
    metaNode = poseObj.metaRig
    currentSelection =, l=True)
    filteredNodes = []
    if not issubclass(type(metaNode), r9Meta.MetaHIKControlSetNode):
        # see if we have a controller selected thats connected to an
        # appropriate subMetaSystem
        if not currentSelection:
            result = cmds.confirmDialog(
                                title='selection hint missing',
                                button=['L_Fingers', 'R_Fingers', 'L_Toes', 'R_Toes', 'Cancel'],
                                message='We need a hint to ID which finger system to load/save the data too,\nIdeally you should select something in the correct limb system that we can use',
            if result == 'L_Fingers':
                msystem = metaNode.L_ArmSystem
            elif result == 'R_Fingers':
                msystem = metaNode.R_ArmSystem
            elif result == 'L_Toes':
                msystem = metaNode.L_LegSystem
            elif result == 'R_Toes':
                msystem = metaNode.R_LegSystem
            msystem = r9Meta.getConnectedMetaNodes([0]

        # from selected node, or selected system find our finger / toe subSystem
        if not msystem.systemType.lower() in ['fingers', 'toes']:   
            fingersystem = msystem.getChildMetaNodes(mAttrs=['systemType'])
            if fingersystem:
            fingersystem = msystem
        if not fingersystem or not fingersystem.systemType.lower() in ['fingers', 'toes']:
            raise IOError('no finger / toe metaSubSystems found from the selected node')

        print '\nFinger : PoseOverload Handler : %s >> subSystem: %s' % (metaNode, fingersystem)
        filteredNodes = fingersystem.getChildren()
#         if cmds.getAttr('%s.mirrorSide' % currentSelection[0]) == 1:
#             print '\nFinger : PoseOverload Handler : %s >> side: Left' % metaNode
#             filteredNodes = metaNode.L_ArmSystem.L_FingerSystem.getChildren()
#         elif cmds.getAttr('%s.mirrorSide' % currentSelection[0]) == 2:
#             print '\nFinger : PoseOverload Handler : %s >> side: Right' % metaNode
#             filteredNodes = metaNode.R_ArmSystem.R_FingerSystem.getChildren()
    # modify the actual PoseData object, changing the data to be matched on index
    # rather than using the standard name or metaMap matching
    poseObj.metaPose = False
    poseObj.matchMethod = 'mirrorIndex_ID'
    poseObj.mirrorInverse = True  # set the mirror inverse code to active to cope with mirror differences between Left and Right fingers
    return filteredNodes
 def test_connectionsTo_MayaNodes_Basic(self):
     Test how the code handles connections to standard MayaNodes
     #add singular Child
     assert self.MClass.Singluar==[cube1]
     #add multiple Children
     assert sorted(self.MClass.Multiple)==[cube2,cube3]
     #get the MetaNode back from the cube1 connection and retest
     assert isinstance(found,r9Meta.MetaClass)
     assert found.mNode=='MetaClass_Test'
     assert found.mClass=='MetaClass'
     assert sorted(found.Multiple)==[cube2,cube3]
     #connect something else to Singluar - cleanCurrent=True by default so unhook cube1
     assert self.MClass.Singluar==[cube2]
     assert not cmds.attributeQuery('MetaClassTest',node=cube1,exists=True) #cleaned up after ourselves?
     assert sorted(self.MClass.Singluar)==[cube2,cube3,cube4]
     #setAttr has cleanCurrent and force set to true so remove all current connections to this attr
     assert self.MClass.Singluar==[cube1]
         #still thinking about this....if the attr isn't a multi then
         #the __setattr__ will fail if you pass in a lots of nodes
         assert True
     assert sorted(self.MClass.Multiple)==[cube1,cube4]
Example #3
mClass = r9Meta.getMetaNodes()
mClass = r9Meta.getMetaNodes(dataType='mClass', mTypes='MetaRig')
#Return only MetaRig class objects. If the dataType isn't 'mClass' then we
#return the standard MayaNodes, else we return the mClass initialized to the class object

#Connect the selected Maya Nodes to the mClass node under a Multi-Message attr 'mirrorLeft'
node.connectChildren(, 'mirrorLeft')
node.mirrorLeft  #will now return all connected nodes to the message attr

#Connect the selected Maya Node to the mClass node under a NON Multi-Message attr 'simpleChild'
#this is what most of the MRig calls use as a single connection describes a single MayaNode
node.connectChild([0], 'simpleChild')
node.simpleChild  #will now return all connected nodes to the message attr

NOTE: For more detailed examples of the MetaRig see the 
example in this folder.
This class is a wrapper of the main class aimed at managing complex
rigs and finding controllers. Simple concept, you make a blank mRig
node and just hook the controllers up to it.
mRig = r9Meta.MetaRig()
mRig.addGenericCtrls(  #add all given nodes to the 'RigCtrl' msgLink
mRig.getRigCtrls()  #return all RigCtrls from above
Example #4
def getNodesOverload(poseObj, nodes, *args):

    # NOTE: poseObj already has an attr 'metaRig' which is filled
    # automatically in the main buildInternalPoseData() call
    metaNode = poseObj.metaRig
    currentSelection =, l=True)
    filteredNodes = []

    if not issubclass(type(metaNode), r9Meta.MetaHIKControlSetNode):
        # see if we have a controller selected thats connected to an
        # appropriate subMetaSystem
        if not currentSelection:
            result = cmds.confirmDialog(
                title='selection hint missing',
                    'L_Fingers', 'R_Fingers', 'L_Toes', 'R_Toes', 'Cancel'
                'We need a hint to ID which finger system to load/save the data too,\nIdeally you should select something in the correct limb system that we can use',
            if result == 'L_Fingers':
                msystem = metaNode.L_ArmSystem
            elif result == 'R_Fingers':
                msystem = metaNode.R_ArmSystem
            elif result == 'L_Toes':
                msystem = metaNode.R_LegSystem
            elif result == 'R_Toes':
                msystem = metaNode.R_LegSystem
            msystem = r9Meta.getConnectedMetaNodes([0]

        # from selected node, or selected system find our finger / toe subSystem
        if not msystem.systemType.lower() in ['fingers', 'toes']:
            fingersystem = msystem.getChildMetaNodes(mAttrs=['systemType'])
            if fingersystem:
                fingersystem = fingersystem[0]
            fingersystem = msystem
        if not fingersystem or not fingersystem.systemType.lower() in [
                'fingers', 'toes'
            raise IOError(
                'no finger / toe metaSubSystems found from the selected node')

        print '\nFinger : PoseOverload Handler : %s >> subSystem: %s' % (
            metaNode, fingersystem)

        filteredNodes = fingersystem.getChildren()

#         if cmds.getAttr('%s.mirrorSide' % currentSelection[0]) == 1:
#             print '\nFinger : PoseOverload Handler : %s >> side: Left' % metaNode
#             filteredNodes = metaNode.L_ArmSystem.L_FingerSystem.getChildren()
#         elif cmds.getAttr('%s.mirrorSide' % currentSelection[0]) == 2:
#             print '\nFinger : PoseOverload Handler : %s >> side: Right' % metaNode
#             filteredNodes = metaNode.R_ArmSystem.R_FingerSystem.getChildren()

# modify the actual PoseData object, changing the data to be matched on index
# rather than using the standard name or metaMap matching
    poseObj.metaPose = False
    poseObj.matchMethod = 'mirrorIndex_ID'
    poseObj.mirrorInverse = True  # set the mirror inverse code to active to cope with mirror differences between Left and Right fingers

    return filteredNodes
Example #5
#Find the Jaw controller from the mRig

#Get all controllers wired to the MetaRigNode
#NOTE this currently has no walk function so will only return direct wired controllers
#so in this example from the mRig it will not return the Facial Controllers

#or facial controllers

#finally to get the mRig node back from any of the Controllers
#Note that this command has source,destination args to clamp
#the direction of the search
#   CONCLUSION : why is this good???

So you now have a basically setup MetaRig. If you open the AnimationUI
and go to the Hierarchy Tab switch the MetaRig checkbox on, this will switch all
the back-end code to filter for the MetaNode systems. The hierarchy filters for
most of the setups still require you to select a node to act on, in case you have 
multiple characters in the scene, but as long as its a member of the mRig then 
hierarchy functions will all work on the mRig as root.

HINT: For this example if you use any of the functions with a hierarchy checkbox on,
and select a main controller, say the L_Foot, then the code will act only on those 
Controllers wired directly to the main mRig node.
Example #6
#Find the Jaw controller from the mRig

#Get all controllers wired to the MetaRigNode
#NOTE this currently has no walk function so will only return direct wired controllers
#so in this example from the mRig it will not return the Facial Controllers

#or facial controllers

#finally to get the mRig node back from any of the Controllers
#Note that this command has source,destination args to clamp 
#the direction of the search

#   CONCLUSION : why is this good???

So you now have a basically setup MetaRig. If you open the AnimationUI
and go to the Hierarchy Tab switch the MetaRig checkbox on, this will switch all
the back-end code to filter for the MetaNode systems. The hierarchy filters for
most of the setups still require you to select a node to act on, in case you have 
multiple characters in the scene, but as long as its a member of the mRig then 
hierarchy functions will all work on the mRig as root.
mClass = r9Meta.getMetaNodes()
mClass = r9Meta.getMetaNodes(dataType='mClass',mTypes='MetaRig')
#Return only MetaRig class objects. If the dataType isn't 'mClass' then we
#return the standard MayaNodes, else we return the mClass initialized to the class object

#Connect the selected Maya Nodes to the mClass node under a Multi-Message attr 'mirrorLeft'
node.mirrorLeft    #will now return all connected nodes to the message attr

#Connect the selected Maya Node to the mClass node under a NON Multi-Message attr 'simpleChild'
#this is what most of the MRig calls use as a single connection describes a single MayaNode
node.simpleChild    #will now return all connected nodes to the message attr

r9Meta.getConnectedMetaNodes(nodes, source=True, destination=True, dataType='mClass')

NOTE: For more detailed examples of the MetaRig see the 
example in this folder.
This class is a wrapper of the main class aimed at managing complex
rigs and finding controllers. Simple concept, you make a blank mRig
node and just hook the controllers up to it.
mRig.addGenericCtrls(  #add all given nodes to the 'RigCtrl' msgLink
mRig.getRigCtrls()                      #return all RigCtrls from above