def test_learning_rates(self):
        mean_accuracies = []
        standard_errors = []
        best_mean_accuracy = 0.0
        best_learning_rate = 0.0
        for learning_rate in self.learning_rates:
            # initialise list to store accuracy results
            accuracy_cache = []

            print "Testing network with learning rate: " + str(learning_rate)
            # The Neural network is trained and tested for the specified number of iterations for each
            # hidden layer size value
            for i in range(0, 10, 1):
                # Reinitialise dataset importer object
                csv_delegate = CSVFileDelegate("Datasets/owls15.csv")

                # Initialise Neural Network Classifier with data and target from data importer
                neural_network_classifier = NeuralNetworkClassifier(
                    csv_delegate.training_data, csv_delegate.training_target)

                # Build and train network with <hidden_layer_size> nodes in the hidden layer
                neural_network_classifier.build_network(3, 2000, learning_rate)

                # Use classifier to classify testing data
                results = neural_network_classifier.classify_set(

                # Compare results to testing target
                accuracy = self.compare_result_to_target(
                    results, csv_delegate.testing_target)
                print accuracy

            # Store the mean and standard error values for each set of results
            mean_accuracy = (float(sum(accuracy_cache)) / 10)
            if mean_accuracy > best_mean_accuracy:
                best_mean_accuracy = mean_accuracy
                best_learning_rate = learning_rate


        print "Best learning rate = " + str(best_learning_rate)
        plotter = ResultPlotter(self.learning_rates, mean_accuracies,
                                standard_errors, 0, 0, "Datasets/owls15.csv")
            self.learning_rates, mean_accuracies, standard_errors)