class RobotControl(object):
    Robot interface class. In charge of getting sensor measurements (ROS subscribers),
    and transforms them into the 2D plane, and publishes velocity commands.
    def __init__(self, world_map, occupancy_map, pos_init, pos_goal, max_speed,
                 max_omega, x_spacing, y_spacing, t_cam_to_body):
        Initialize the class

        # Handles all the ROS related items
        self.ros_interface = ROSInterface(t_cam_to_body)

    def to_degrees(self, rad):
        angle_degrees = rad * 180 / math.pi
        return angle_degrees

    def is_valid_distance(self, d):
        Discard Inf distances
        if (np.isnan(d) or np.isinf(d)):
            return False
            return True

    def is_within_range(self, i):
        Only consider -90 to 90 degrees
        #return -math.pi/4 < i < math.pi/4
        return math.pi / 2 < abs(i)  # LIDAR rotated backwards

    def process_measurements(self):
        Basic code to run autonomously
        # Check samples from

        scan = self.ros_interface.get_scan()

        angular_z = 0
        linear_x = 0
        k = 0.4  # 0.3
        min_linear = 0.09
        rotate_fast_value = 1.  # 5.8 # rad/s
        linear_k = 0.15
        go_forward = 0.5  # default value
        action = "None"
        if (scan == None):

        #print "i:%.5f"%angle+"(%.5f"%self.to_degrees(angle)+"degrees) x:%.5f"%real_dist+" x:%.2f"%linear+" z:%.2f"%rotational

        min_range = scan.ranges[0]
        min_range_angle = 0
        min_angle = 0
        for j in range(0, 360):  #increment by one degree
            real_dist = scan.ranges[j]
            angle = scan.angle_min + j * scan.angle_increment
            if self.is_within_range(angle) and self.is_valid_distance(
                if (real_dist < min_range):
                    min_range = real_dist
                    min_angle = angle
                    min_range_angle = j / 2

#print "minimum range is [%.3f]"%min_range+" at an angle of [%.3f]"%min_range_angle
        if (
                min_range <= 0.5
        ):  # min_range<=0.5 gave box pushing like behaviour, min_range<=1.2 gave obstacle avoidance
            if (min_range_angle < 90):
                angular_z = rotate_fast_value
                linear_x = 0
                action = "left "
                angular_z = -rotate_fast_value
                linear_x = 0
                action = "right"
            angular_z = 0
            linear_x = go_forward
            action = "straight"

        print "action:" + action + " min distance[%.2f]" % min_range + " angle [%.2f]" % min_range_angle + " (%.1f)" % angle + " min angle %.1f" % min_angle

        self.ros_interface.command_velocity(linear_x, angular_z)
class RobotControl(object):
    Robot interface class. In charge of getting sensor measurements (ROS subscribers),
    and transforms them into the 2D plane, and publishes velocity commands.
    def __init__(self, pos_init, pos_goal, max_speed, max_omega, x_spacing,
                 y_spacing, t_cam_to_body, min_lin_x, max_lin_x,
                 rotate_fast_value, linear_k, k, min_linear_vel):
        Initialize the class
        self.min_lin_x = min_lin_x
        self.max_lin_x = max_lin_x
        self.rotate_fast_value = rotate_fast_value
        self.linear_k = linear_k
        self.k = k
        self.min_linear_vel = min_linear_vel

        # Handles all the ROS related items
        self.ros_interface = ROSInterface(t_cam_to_body)

    def to_degrees(self, rad):
        angle_degrees = rad * 180 / math.pi
        return angle_degrees

    def is_valid_distance(self, d):
        Discard Inf distances
        if (np.isnan(d) or np.isinf(d)):
            return False
            return True

    def is_within_range(self, i):
        Only consider -90 to 90 degrees
        #return -math.pi/4 < i < math.pi/4
        return math.pi / 2 < abs(i)  # LIDAR rotated backwards

    def process_measurements(self):
        Basic code to run autonomously
        # Check samples from

        scan = self.ros_interface.get_scan()

        linear = 0
        rotational = 0
        rcount = 0
        hack = False
        msg = ""

        if (scan == None):

        rcount = 0
        for i, real_dist in enumerate(scan.ranges):
            angle = scan.angle_min + i * scan.angle_increment
            denom = 1. + real_dist * real_dist
            if self.is_within_range(angle) and self.is_valid_distance(
                linear += math.sin(angle) / denom * 1.
                rotational += math.cos(angle) / denom * 1.
                rcount += 1
                #print "%.5f"%self.to_degrees(angle)+"degrees x:%.5f"%real_dist+" x:%.2f"%linear+" z:%.2f"%rotational

            linear /= rcount
            rotational /= rcount
        except Exception as e:
	if (linear > self.k):
        	linear = self.k
        elif (linear < -self.k):
        	linear = -self.k

        linear_x = linear
        angular_z = rotational

        linear_x = linear  # check this

        print "linear_x:%.5f" % linear_x + " angular_z:%.1f" % self.to_degrees(
            angular_z) + "(%.2f)" % angular_z + " " + msg

        #self.ros_interface.command_velocity(linear_x, angular_z)
Example #3
class RobotControl(object):
    Robot interface class. In charge of getting sensor measurements (ROS subscribers),
    and transforms them into the 2D plane, and publishes velocity commands.
    def __init__(self, world_map, occupancy_map, pos_init, pos_goal, max_speed, max_omega, x_spacing, y_spacing, t_cam_to_body):
        Initialize the class
        # Handles all the ROS related items
        self.ros_interface = ROSInterface(t_cam_to_body)

    def publish_action(self, speed, turn):
        self.ros_interface.command_velocity(speed, turn)

    def apply_avoidance_rules(self, distance_from_center, angle):
        p_angle = util.proportional_rotation(angle)
        action = "None"
        if self.inside_too_close_box(distance_from_center):
            # dangeorous distance, too close to turn, just try to go back
            action = "Back"
            rospy.loginfo("{}:{:.2f} {:.2f} dist:{:.2f}".format(action, angle, p_angle, distance_from_center))

        elif util.is_forward_left(angle):
            # obstacle to left, go right
            action = "go forward right"
            self.publish_action(default_speed, p_angle)
        elif util.is_forward_right(angle):
            # obstacle to right, go left
            action = "go forward left"
            self.publish_action(default_speed, p_angle)

        elif util.is_backwards_left(angle):
            action = "obstacle backwards left"

        elif util.is_backwards_right(angle):
            action = "obstacle backwards right"

            action = "unknown"

        #rospy.loginfo("{}:{:.2f} {:.2f} dist:{:.2f}".format(action, angle, p_angle, distance_from_center))

    def react_to_inside_too_close_box(self,angle):
        # go back and turn 180 degrees
        self.publish_action(-default_speed*2, 0)
        rate = rospy.Rate(avoid_check_rate) 
        if util.is_forward_right(angle):
            sign = -1        
            sign = 1
        z = math.pi*1.6*sign
        rospy.loginfo('Back angle:'+str(angle)+' new angle:'+str(z))
        self.publish_action(0, z) # around 5 rad/s
    def inside_too_close_box(self, distance_from_center):
        forward_box_length, forward_box_width = self.forward_box()
        return distance_from_center < forward_box_width
    def get_closest_obstacle(self, scan):
        # returns closest point to obstacle inside a vehicle's 'forward box' 
        # forward box is a rectangle ahead of the vehicle that if there is an obstacle
        # inside it it's necessary to do an action in order to avoid it
        forward_box_length, forward_box_width = self.forward_box()

        is_inside    = False
        min_distance = max_distance
        min_i = 0
        min_angle = 0

        for i, distance in enumerate(scan.ranges):
            angle = scan.angle_min + i * scan.angle_increment
            if util.is_within_range(angle) and util.is_valid_distance(distance):
                #print i, distance, to_degrees(angle), angle
                if distance < min_distance:
                    if point_is_inside_box(i, distance, scan, forward_box_length, forward_box_width, util.to_degrees(angle)):
                        is_inside = True
                        min_distance = distance
                        min_i = i
                        min_angle = angle
        #angle = angle_from_scan(min_i, scan)
        #angle_degrees = angle*180/math.pi
        #print min_i, angle_degrees, min_distance

        return is_inside, min_distance, min_angle

    def forward_box(self):
        # returns the Vehicle 'forward box' 
        # to do: in future versions forward box should depend on vehicle's speed
        #        more speed -> larger forward box
        length = Behaviour.body_width*look_ahead_factor
        width  = clearance_safety_factor*Behaviour.body_width/2
        return length, width

    def check_action():

    def process_measurements(self):
        Basic code to run autonomously

        scan = self.ros_interface.get_scan()
        if(scan == None):

        action = "None"
        angular_z = 0
        linear_x = 0.3

        is_inside, distance_from_center, angle = self.get_closest_obstacle(scan)

        # only do something if obstacle is inside forward box
        if is_inside:
            #print 'point inside ', distance_from_center, angle
            self.apply_avoidance_rules(distance_from_center, angle)
            self.publish_action(linear_x, angular_z)	
