def SARI_file(source, preds, refs, preprocess):
    files = [, "r", 'utf-8') for fis in [source, preds, refs]]
    scores = []
    for src, pred, ref in zip(*files):
        references = [preprocess(r) for r in ref.split('\t')]
        scores.append(SARIsent(preprocess(src), preprocess(pred), references))
    for fis in files:
    return mean(scores)
def compute_sari(test_data, predictions):
    source_sentences = [get_processed_comment_str(ex.old_comment_subtokens) for ex in test_data]
    target_sentences = [[get_processed_comment_str(ex.new_comment_subtokens)] for ex in test_data]
    predicted_sentences = [' '.join(p) for p in predictions]

    inp = zip(source_sentences, target_sentences, predicted_sentences)
    scores = []

    for source, target, predicted in inp:
        scores.append(SARIsent(source, predicted, target))
    return 100*sum(scores)/float(len(scores))
Example #3
    def evaluate(self, dataset, vocab, model, args, max_edit_steps=50):
        """ Evaluate a model on given dataset and return performance during training
            dataset: an object of data.Dataset()
            model (editNTS model): model to evaluate
            vocab: an object containing data.Vocab()
            args: args from the main methods
            loss (float): loss of the given model on the given dataset evaluated with teacher forcing
            sari: computed based on python script

        print_loss, print_loss_tf = [], []
        bleu_list = []
        ter = 0.
        sari_list = []
        sys_out = []

        print('Doing tokenized evaluation')
        for i, batch_df in dataset.batch_generator(batch_size=1,
            prepared_batch, syn_tokens_list = data.prepare_batch(
                batch_df, vocab, args.max_seq_len)  # comp,scpn,simp

            org_ids = prepared_batch[0]
            org_lens =
            org = sort_by_lens(
                org_ids, org_lens
            )  # inp=[inp_sorted, inp_lengths_sorted, inp_sort_order]

            org_pos_ids = prepared_batch[1]
            org_pos_lens =
            org_pos = sort_by_lens(
                org_pos_ids, org_pos_lens
            )  # inp=[inp_sorted, inp_lengths_sorted, inp_sort_order]

            out = prepared_batch[2][:, :]
            tar = prepared_batch[2][:, 1:]
            simp_ids = prepared_batch[3]

            best_seq_list = model.beamsearch(org, out, simp_ids, org_ids,
                                             org_pos, 5)
            # output_without_teacher_forcing = model(org, out, org_ids, org_pos, simp_ids,0.0) #can't compute loss for this one, can only do teacher forcing
            # output_teacher_forcing = model(org, out, org_ids, org_pos,simp_ids, 1.0)

            # if True: # the loss on validation is computed based on teacher forcing
            #     ##################calculate loss
            #     tar_lens =
            #     tar_flat = tar.contiguous().view(-1)
            #     def compute_loss(output,tar_flat): #this function computes the loss based on model outputs and target in flat
            #         loss = self.loss(output.contiguous().view(-1, vocab.count), tar_flat).contiguous()
            #         loss[tar_flat == 1] = 0  # remove loss for UNK
            #         loss = loss.view(tar.size())
            #         loss = loss.sum(1).float()
            #         loss = loss / tar_lens
            #         loss = loss.mean()
            #         return loss
            #     loss_tf = compute_loss(output_teacher_forcing,tar_flat)
            #     print_loss_tf.append(loss_tf.item())

            # the SARI and BLUE is computed based on model.eval without teacher forcing
            # for j in range(output_without_teacher_forcing.size()[0]):
            if True:
                ## write beam search here
                # try:
                if True:
                    # example = batch_df.iloc[j]
                    example = batch_df.iloc[0]
                    # example_out = output_without_teacher_forcing[j, :, :]

                    # pred_action = torch.argmax(example_out, dim=1).view(-1).data.cpu().numpy()
                    # edit_list_in_tokens = data.id2edits(pred_action, vocab)
                    # ###BEST BEAM
                    edit_list_in_tokens = data.id2edits(
                        best_seq_list[0][1:], vocab)

                    greedy_decoded_tokens = ' '.join(
                        edit2sent(example['comp_tokens'], edit_list_in_tokens))
                    greedy_decoded_tokens = greedy_decoded_tokens.split(
                        'STOP')[0].split(' ')
                    # tgt_tokens_translated = [vocab.i2w[i] for i in example['simp_ids']]
                    sys_out.append(' '.join(greedy_decoded_tokens))

                    # prt = True if random.random() < 0.01 else False
                    # if prt:
                    #     print('*' * 30)
                    #     # print('tgt_in_tokens_translated', ' '.join(tgt_tokens_translated))
                    #     print('ORG', ' '.join(example['comp_tokens']))
                    #     print('GEN', ' '.join(greedy_decoded_tokens))
                    #     print('TGT', ' '.join(example['simp_tokens']))
                    #     print('edit_list_in_tokens',edit_list_in_tokens)
                    #     print('gold labels', ' '.join(example['edit_labels']))


                    # calculate sari
                    comp_string = ' '.join(example['comp_tokens'])
                    simp_string = ' '.join(example['simp_tokens'])
                    gen_string = ' '.join(greedy_decoded_tokens)
                        SARIsent(comp_string, gen_string, [simp_string]))

        print('loss_with_teacher_forcing', np.mean(print_loss_tf))
        return np.mean(print_loss_tf), np.mean(bleu_list), np.mean(
            sari_list), sys_out