def testProcessTypeLine(self):
     type_policy = SELinuxPolicy()
     test_normal_string = 'type TEST_type, TEST_att1, TEST_att2;'
     test_type = 'TEST_type'
     test_atts = ['TEST_att1', 'TEST_att2']
     #test with 'normal input'
     self.failUnless(test_type in type_policy.types)
     for a in test_atts:
         self.failUnless(a in type_policy.attributes)
         self.failUnless(test_type in type_policy.attributes[a])
 def testProcessTypeattributeLine(self):
     typ_att_policy = SELinuxPolicy()
     test_normal_string = 'typeattribute TEST_type TEST_att1, TEST_att2;'
     test_type = 'TEST_type'
     test_atts = ['TEST_att1', 'TEST_att2']
     #test with 'normal input' (type should already be declared)
     typ_att_policy.process_type_line('type ' + test_type + ';')
     self.failUnless(test_type in typ_att_policy.types)
     for a in test_atts:
         self.failUnless(a in typ_att_policy.attributes)
         self.failUnless(test_type in typ_att_policy.attributes[a])