Example #1
    def train(self,
        files = Path(train_path)
        ee = 100

        if load:

        ls = 0
        starttime = time.time()
        print("start at:", time.asctime(time.localtime(starttime)))
        for e in range(epoch):
            for label in files.glob('*'):
                print("label name:", label.name)

                if ee < 0:
                ee = ee - 1
                for sample in label.glob('*'):
                    print("smaples name:", sample.name)

                    data = myIO.readOp3d(sample)

                    data = data.to(self.device)

                    probabilities, loss = self.fit(data, label)
                    ls += loss
                    del data
                    print("loss:", loss)
                print("label finish at:",
            print("epoch ", epoch, " finished with total loss ", ls)

        current = time.time()
        print("train finish at:", time.asctime(time.localtime(current)))
        print("cost ", current - starttime, " ms")
Example #2
    def test(self, test_path):

        print("test start at ", time.time())
        files = Path(test_path)
        correct = 0
        total = 0.001
        pattern = '*ts_1.json'
        e = 100

        with tor.no_grad():
            for label in files.glob('*'):
                print("label name:", label.name)
                if e <= 0:
                e -= 1
                for sample in label.glob('*'):
                    data = myIO.readOp3d(sample, pattern=pattern)

                    data = data.to(self.device)
                    HP, HV = self.sr_tsl(data)
                    HS = tor.add(HP, HV)
                    pro = self.learner(HS)
                    ##pro n*numberlabel
                    size = pro.size()
                    if size[0] <= 0:
                        return 0
                    predictions = tor.zeros(size)
                    for i in range(size[0]):
                        predictions[i][tor.argmax(pro[i])] = 1
                    sum = tor.sum(predictions, 0)
                    x = tor.argmax(sum)
                    pre = sum[x] / size[0]
                    correct += (self.labels[x] == label)
                    total += 1
                    print("this sample ", label.name, " is predict to be :",
                          self.labels[x], " with confidence ", pre)
        print("label ", label.name, " correct rate :", correct / total)
        print("test finished at", time.time())
Example #3
    def train2(self,train_path):
        files = Path(train_path)
        ls = 0
        ee = 2
        for label in files.glob('*'):
            print("label name:", label.name)

            if ee < 0:
            ee = ee - 1
            for sample in label.glob('*'):
                print("smaples name:", sample.name)

                data = myIO.readOp3d(sample)

Example #4
    def train(self,train_path):
        files = Path(train_path)
        for label in files.glob('*'):
            print("label name:", label.name)

            if ee<0:
            ee = ee - 1
            for sample in label.glob('*'):
                    print("smaples name:", sample.name)

                    n = data.size()
                    N = math.floor(n[0] / self.clipM)
                    for i in range(N):
                        print("clip ", i, " start")
                        # Q = tor.FloatTensor(self.k, 1, self.b2)

                        for j in range(self.clipM):
                            o = self.linear(data[i * self.clipM + j])
                            # grnn
                            output = self.net(o)
                            ## fc 2
                            ##q 67* 8 --> k*b2
                            q = self.linear2(output)
                            del output
                            ## q->inn k*1*b2
                            ## q- lastq = vector
                            innV = expendRank(1, q - self.lastq)
                            innP = expendRank(1, q)
                            self.lastq = q
                            ## skip-clip lstm for one frame
                            outtV, (self.lastHV, self.lastCV) = self.skLSTM_Vec(innV, self.lastHV, self.lastCV)
                            outtP, (self.lastHP, self.lastCP) = self.skLSTM_Pos(innP, self.lastHP, self.lastCP)
                            del outtP,outtV

                            # print("frame ", i*clipM+j, " finished")
                        #get hmV,h
                        self.HmV = tor.add(self.lastHV, self.HmV)
                        self.HcV = tor.add(self.lastCV, self.HcV)
                        self.lastHV = self.HmV
                        self.lastCV = self.HcV
                        self.HmP = tor.add(self.lastHP, self.HmP)
                        self.HcP = tor.add(self.lastCP, self.HcP)
                        self.lastHP = self.HmP
                        self.lastCP = self.HcP

                        # Hs 8*1*8  d1*1*b2
                        ## d3==b2  b5==b3
                        # Om b2*1*numberlabel
                        Hs = tor.add(self.HmP, self.HmV)
                        Os = self.linear3(Hs)
                        # tmp numberlabel*1 *b2
                        tmp = Os.permute(2, 1, 0)
                        tmp1 = self.linear4(tmp)
                        # tmp1 numberlabel*1 *1
                        tmp1 = tmp1.permute(2, 1, 0)
                        # p pro numberlabel
                        probability = tmp1[0][0]
                        ## feed sotfmax
                        probability = probability.softmax(0)
                        del Hs,Os,tmp,tmp1
                        print("clip ", i, " finished")
                        print("current loss:",-ls)
                    del data
        print("final loss:",ls)
Example #5
def bothPV():
    path = "Data\\train\\tik\\"

    data = myIO.readOp3d(path)

    k = 67
    b = 8
    b2 = 8
    b3 = 8
    b4 = 16
    b5 = b3

    dim = 4
    clipM = 10
    d = 5
    d1 = 8
    d2 = 6
    d3 = d1
    NumberLabel = 5

    weight = tor.ones(k, b)
    bias = tor.zeros(k, b)

    [n, kkkkkk, bbbbb] = data.size()
    ##net init
    # fc 1
    linear = nn.Linear(dim, b)
    # grnn
    net = grnn(weights=weight, bias=bias, epoch=5)
    # fc2
    linear2 = nn.Linear(b, b2)
    # skip clip
    skLSTM_Vec = tsl.skip_clipLSTM(1, b2, b3, d1, b4, d2, b5, d3)
    skLSTM_Pos = tsl.skip_clipLSTM(1, b2, b3, d1, b4, d2, b5, d3)
    # fc3 F01
    linear3 = nn.Linear(b2, NumberLabel)

    # fc 4 F02
    linear4 = nn.Linear(b2, 1)

    N = math.floor(n / clipM)
    lastHV = tor.zeros(d1, 1, b2)
    lastCV = tor.zeros(d1, 1, b2)
    HmV = tor.zeros(d1, 1, b2)
    HcV = tor.zeros(d1, 1, b2)

    lastHP = tor.zeros(d1, 1, b2)
    lastCP = tor.zeros(d1, 1, b2)
    HmP = tor.zeros(d1, 1, b2)
    HcP = tor.zeros(d1, 1, b2)

    lastq = tor.zeros(k, b2)
    for i in range(N):
        print("clip ", i, " start")
        Q = tor.FloatTensor(k, 1, b2)

        for j in range(clipM):
            o = linear(data[i * clipM + j])
            # grnn
            output = net(o)
            ## fc 2
            ##q 67* 8 --> k*b2
            q = linear2(output)

            ## q->inn k*1*b2
            ## q- lastq = vector
            innV = expendRank(1, q - lastq)
            innP = expendRank(1, q)
            lastq = q
            ## skip-clip lstm for one frame
            outtV, (lastHV, lastCV) = skLSTM_Vec(innV, lastHV, lastCV)
            outtP, (lastHP, lastCP) = skLSTM_Pos(innP, lastHP, lastCP)

            # print("frame ", i*clipM+j, " finished")

        HmV = tor.add(lastHV, HmV)
        HcV = tor.add(lastCV, HcV)
        lastHV = HmV
        lastCV = HcV
        HmP = tor.add(lastHP, HmP)
        HcP = tor.add(lastCP, HcP)
        lastHP = HmP
        lastCP = HcP

        # Hs 8*1*8  d1*1*b2
        ## d3==b2  b5==b3
        # Om b2*1*numberlabel
        Hs = tor.add(HmP, HmV)
        Os = linear3(Hs)
        # tmp numberlabel*1 *b2
        tmp = Os.permute(2, 1, 0)
        tmp1 = linear4(tmp)
        # tmp1 numberlabel*1 *1
        tmp1 = tmp1.permute(2, 1, 0)
        # p pro numberlabel
        probability = tmp1[0][0]
        ## feed sotfmax
        probability = probability.softmax(0)
        print("clip ", i, " finished")
Example #6
def OnlyPostiton():
    path = "Data\\train\\not\\"
    data = myIO.readOp3d(path)
    k = 67
    b = 8
    b2 = 8
    b3 = 8
    b4 = 16
    b5 = b3
    b6 = 12
    b7 = 16

    dim = 4
    clipM = 10
    d = 5
    d1 = 8
    d2 = 6
    d3 = d1
    NumberLabel = 5
    weight = tor.ones(k, b)
    bias = tor.zeros(k, b)
    data = tor.rand(11, 67, 4)
    [n, kkkkkk, bbbbb] = data.size()
    ##net init
    # fc 1
    linear = nn.Linear(dim, b)
    # grnn
    net = grnn(weights=weight, bias=bias, epoch=5)
    # fc2
    linear2 = nn.Linear(b, b2)
    # skip clip
    skLSTM = tsl.skip_clipLSTM(1, b2, b3, d1, b4, d2, b5, d3)
    # fc3 F01
    linear3 = nn.Linear(b2, NumberLabel)
    # fc 4 F02
    linear4 = nn.Linear(b2, 1)

    N = math.floor(n / clipM)
    lastH = tor.zeros(d1, 1, b2)
    lastC = tor.zeros(d1, 1, b2)
    Hm = tor.zeros(d1, 1, b2)
    Hc = tor.zeros(d1, 1, b2)
    for i in range(N):
        print("clip ", i, " start")
        Q = tor.FloatTensor(k, 1, b2)

        for j in range(clipM):
            o = linear(data[i * clipM + j])
            # grnn
            output = net(o)
            ## fc 2
            ##q 67* 8 --> k*b2
            q = linear2(output)
            ## q->inn k*1*b2
            inn = expendRank(1, q)
            ## skip-clip lstm for one frame
            outt, (lastH, lastC) = skLSTM(inn, lastH, lastC)

            # print("frame ", i*clipM+j, " finished")

        Hm = tor.add(lastH, Hm)
        Hc = tor.add(lastC, Hc)
        lastH = Hm
        lastC = Hc
        # hm 8*1*8  d1*1*b2
        ## d3==b2  b5==b3
        # Om b2*1*numberlabel
        Om = linear3(Hm)
        # tmp numberlabel*1 *b2
        tmp = Om.permute(2, 1, 0)
        tmp1 = linear4(tmp)
        # tmp1 numberlabel*1 *1
        tmp1 = tmp1.permute(2, 1, 0)
        # p pro numberlabel
        probability = tmp1[0][0]
        probability = probability.softmax(0)
        print("clip ", i, " finished")