def check_parens(text): parens = "()[]{}" # 所有括号字符 open_parens = "([{" # 开括号字符 opposite = {')':'(', ']':'[', '}':'{'} # 表示配对关系的字典 """括号生成器,每次调用返回text里的下一括号及其位置""" def parentheses(text): i, text_len = 0, len(text) while True: while i < text_len and text[i] not in parens: i += 1 if i >= text_len: return yield text[i], i i += 1 st = SStack() # 保存括号的栈 for pr, i in parentheses(text): # 对text里各括号和位置迭代 if pr in open_parens: # 开括号,压进栈并继续 st.push(pr) elif st.pop() != opposite[pr]: # 匹配失败 print("Unmatching is found at", i, "for", pr) return False # else:括号匹配成功,什么也不做,继续 print("All parentheses are correctly matched.") return True
def check_parens(text): parens = "()[]{}" open_parens = "([{" close_parens = ")]}" opposite = {')': '(', ']': '[', '}': '{'} # there are still some necessary function # ignore notation and strings def parentheses(text): i, text_len = 0, len(text) while True: while i < text_len and text[i] not in parens: i += 1 if i >= text_len: return yield text[i], i i += 1 st = SStack() for pr, i in parentheses(text): if pr in open_parens: st.push((pr, i)) elif pr in close_parens: temp = st.pop() if temp[0] != opposite[pr]: print('Unmatching is found at', i, 'for', pr) print('The unmatching parentheses is found at', temp[1]) return False # else: pass print('All parentheses are correctly matched.') return True
def check_parens(text): parens = "()[]{}" open_parens = "([{" opposite = {")": "(", "}": "{", "]": "["} def parentheses(text): i, text_len = 0, len(text) while True: while i < text_len and text[i] not in parens: i += 1 if i >= text_len: return yield text[i], i i += 1 st = SStack() for pr, i in parentheses(text): if pr in open_parens: st.push(pr) elif st.pop() != opposite[pr]: print "Unmatching is found at", i , "for", pr return False print "All parentheses are correctly matched." return True
def process_entrace(self, key_list, filename): st = SStack() #用栈存放每一轮的属性 lq = LifoQueue(maxsize=0) #用后进先出队列用于存放文件操作过程中的中间键值(用于新建新的对齐json) key_list.reverse() #属性名列表反向,为了使最后按照正向的方式写入 for i in key_list: st.push(i) #将最开始外层的属性名压入栈中 res = self.json_to_dataframe(st, lq) #调用处理成dataframe的函数 global node global relation path_node = 'static/yuanshi_csv/' + filename + '_node.csv' path_relation = 'static/yuanshi_csv/' + filename + '_relation.csv' node.to_csv(path_node, index=False) #将df输出到csv文件,输出顺序为dataframe默认的列名顺序 relation.to_csv(path_relation, index=False)
def check_parens(text): """括号配对检查函数,text是被检查的正文串""" parens = "()[]{}" open_parens = "([{" opposite = {")": "(", "]": "[", "}": "{"} # 表示配对关系的字典 def parentheses(text): """括号生成器,每次调用返回text里的下一括号及其位置""" i, text_len = 0, len(text) while True: while i < text_len and text[i] not in parens: i += 1 if i >= text_len: return yield text[i], i i += 1 st = SStack() # 保存括号的栈 for pr, i in parentheses(text): if pr in open_parens: st.push(pr) elif st.pop() != opposite[pr]: print("Unmatching is found at", i, "for", pr) return False if not st.is_empty(): while not st.is_empty(): print("Unmatching for " + st.pop()) return False print("All parentheses are correctly matched") return True
def process_entrace(key_list, yuanshi_name_id): st = SStack() #用栈存放每一轮的属性 lq = LifoQueue(maxsize=0) #用后进先出队列用于存放文件操作过程中的中间键值(用于新建新的对齐json) key_list.reverse() #属性名列表反向,为了使最后按照正向的方式写入 for i in key_list: st.push(i) #将最开始外层的属性名压入栈中 res = json_to_dataframe(st, lq, yuanshi_name_id) #调用处理成dataframe的函数 global property_node global relation global yuanshi_node property_node.to_csv('static/neo4j_csv/property_label.csv', index=False) #将df输出到csv文件,输出顺序为dataframe默认的列名顺序 relation.to_csv('static/neo4j_csv/relation_label.csv', index=False) yuanshi_node.to_csv('static/neo4j_csv/yuanshi_label.csv', index=False)
def process_entrace(key_list, baike_name, yuanshi_name): tree = lambda: collections.defaultdict(tree) global align_json #全局变量,用于存储对齐和未对齐(做标记)的结果 align_json = tree() st = SStack() #用栈存放每一轮的属性 lq = LifoQueue(maxsize=0) #用后进先出队列用于存放文件操作过程中的中间键值(用于新建新的对齐json) key_list.reverse() #属性名列表反向,为了使最后按照正向的方式写入 for i in key_list: st.push(i) #将最开始外层的属性名压入栈中 res = other_align(st, lq, baike_name) #调用对齐的控制函数 align_json['院士名'] = yuanshi_name print(" ", json.dumps(align_json, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) with open('./merge/fang_merge3.json', 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(align_json, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) #设置不转换成ascii json字符串首缩进
def postorder_nonrec(t, proc): s = SStack() while t or not s.is_empty(): while t: # 下行循环,直到栈顶的两子树空 s.push(t) t = t.left if t.left else t.right # 能左就左,否则向右 t = s.pop() # 栈顶是应访问节点 proc( if not s.is_empty() and == t: t = else: t = None
def postorder_nonrec(t, proc): s = SStack() while t is not None or not s.is_empty(): while t is not None: s.push(t) t = t.left if t.left else t.right t = s.pop() proc( if not s.is_empty() and == t: t = else: t = None
def entries(self): t, s = self._root, SStack() while t is not None or not s.is_empty(): s.push(t) t = t.left t = s.pop() yield, t = t.right
def DFS_graph(graph, v0): vnum = graph.vertex_num() visited = [0] * vnum # visited记录已访问顶点 visited[v0] = 1 DFS_seq = [v0] # 记录遍历序列 st = SStack() st.push((0, graph.out_edges(v0))) while not st.is_empty(): i, edges = st.pop() if i < len(edges): v, e = edges[i] st.push((i + 1, edges)) if not visited[v]: DFS_seq.append(v) visited[v] = 1 st.push((0, graph.out_edges(v))) return DFS_seq
def preorder_elements(self): t, s = self._root, SStack() while t is not None or not s.is_empty(): while t is not None: s.push(t.right) yield t = t.left t = s.pop()
def DFS_seq(graph, v0): vnum = graph.vertex_num() visited = [0]*vnum visited[v0] = 1 dfs_seq = [v0] st = SStack() st.push((0, graph.out_edges(v0))) while not st.is_empty(): i, edges = st.pop() if i < len(edges): v, e = edges[i] st.push((i + 1, edges)) if visited[v] == 0: # unvisited node dfs_seq.append(v) visited[v] = 1 st.push((0, graph.out_edges(v))) return dfs_seq
def DFS_seq(graph, v0): vnum = graph.vertex_num() visited = [0]*vnum # 生成访问记录,以供检测。 visited[v0] = 1 # visited记录已访问顶点 dfs_seq = [v0] # Dfs_seq记录遍历序列 st = SStack() st.push((0, graph.out_edges(v0))) # 入栈(i, edges),说明下次应访问边edges[i],即压入了某个顶点的所有出边信息 while not st.is_empty(): # 循环一遍后再看:运用和“先进后出,后进先出”的特点,我们访问完v0后会先去访问v顶点,而不是i+1顶点 i, edges = st.pop() # 将栈中的顶点的初始计算点和出边信息取出。 if i < len(edges): # 查看是否有边,以及有几个边 v, e = edges[i] # 获取出边点的信息以及边的权重 st.push((i + 1, edges)) # 下次再访问这个点的时候将访问edges[i+1],即访问下一个边 if visited[v] == 0: # 检测出边点v是否被访问过,若未被访问,访问其记录可达顶点。 dfs_seq.append(v) # 将被访问的v添加进序列。 visited[v] = 1# 记录v已经被访问 st.push((0, graph.out_edges(v))) # 压入v,访问v的出边点 # 一直循环,直到所有点被访问。 return dfs_seq
def values(self): t, s = self._root, SStack() while t or not s.is_empty(): while t: s.push(t) t = t.left t = t.pop() yield t = t.right
def postorder_s(t, proc): s = SStack() while t is not None or not s.is_empty(): while t is not None: s.push((t, t.right)) t = t.left (m, n) = s.pop() if n: s.push((m, None)) t = n else: proc(
def maze_solver(maze, start, end): if start == end: print(start) return st = SStack() mark(maze, start) st.push((start, 0)) # 入口和方向0的序对入栈 while not st.is_empty(): pos, nxt = st.pop() # 取栈顶及其探查方向 for i in range(nxt, 4): # 依次检查未探查方向 nextp = (pos[0] + dirs[i][0], pos[1] + dirs[i][1]) if nextp == end: # 到达出口,打印路径 print_path(end, pos, st) return if passable(maze, nextp): st.push((pos, i+1)) # 原位置和下一方向入栈 mark(maze, nextp) st.push((nextp, 0)) # 新位置入栈 break # 退出内层循环,下次迭代将以新栈顶为当前位置继续 print("No path found")
def maze_solver_stack(maze, start, end): """"迷宫的栈解法""" if start == end: print(start) return st = SStack() mark(maze, start) st.push((start, 0)) while not st.is_empty(): pos, nxt = st.pop() for i in range(nxt, 4): nextp = (pos[0] + dirs[i][0], pos[1] + dirs[i][1]) if nextp == end: #print_path(end, pos, st) 将nextp和pos两个位置和栈中的位置一起输出 return True if passable(maze, nextp): st.push((pos, i + 1)) mark(maze, nextp) st.push((nextp, 0)) break print("No path found.")
def preorder_nonrec(t, proc): s = SStack() while t is not None or not s.is_empty(): while t: proc( s.push(t.right) # 右分支入栈 t = t.left t = s.pop() # 遇到空树,回溯
def preorder_s(t, proc): s = SStack() while t is not None or not s.is_empty(): while t is not None: proc( s.push(t.right) t = t.left t = s.pop()
def preorder_elements(t): s = SStack() while t is not None or not s.is_empty(): while t: s.push(t.right) # 右分支入栈 yield t = t.left t = s.pop() # 遇到空树,回溯
def preorder_elems(t): s = SStack() while t is not None or not s.is_empty(): while t is not None: s.push(t.right) yield t = t.left t = s.pop()
def norec_fact(n): res = 1 st = SStack() while n > 0: st.push(n) n -= 1 while not st.is_empty(): res *= st.pop() return res
def process_entrace(key_list, yuanshi_name_id): st = SStack() #用栈存放每一轮的属性 lq = LifoQueue(maxsize=0) #用后进先出队列用于存放文件操作过程中的中间键值(用于新建新的对齐json) key_list.reverse() #属性名列表反向,为了使最后按照正向的方式写入 for i in key_list: st.push(i) #将最开始外层的属性名压入栈中 res = json_to_dataframe(st, lq, yuanshi_name_id) #调用处理成dataframe的函数 global property_node global relation global yuanshi_node property_node.to_csv('static/neo4j_csv/property_label.csv', index=False) #将df输出到csv文件,输出顺序为dataframe默认的列名顺序 relation.to_csv('static/neo4j_csv/relation_label.csv', index=False) yuanshi_node.to_csv('static/neo4j_csv/yuanshi_label.csv', index=False) # 表示先删除当前已有的节点和关系 cypher_delete = '''MATCH(b) detach delete b ''' # 表示加载属性到neo4j cypher_node = '''LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "http://localhost:5000/static/neo4j_csv/property_label.csv" AS line MERGE (p:attribute{id:line.property_id,}) ''' # 表示加载实体到neo4j cypher_node = '''LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "http://localhost:5000/static/neo4j_csv/yuanshi_label.csv" AS line MERGE (p:yuanshi{id:line.yuanshi_id,}) ''' # 表示加载关系到neo4j cypher_relation = '''LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "http://localhost:5000/static/neo4j_csv/relation_label.csv" AS line match (from:yuanshi{id:line.from_id}),(to:attribute{id:line.to_id}) merge (from)-[r:rel{pro1:line.pro1}]->(to) '''
def trans_infix_suffix(line): st = SStack() exp = [] for x in tokens(line): if x not in infix_operators: # 运算对象直接送出 exp.append(x) elif st.is_empty() or x == '(': # 左括号进栈 st.push(x) elif x == ')': # 处理右括号 while not st.is_empty() and != '(': exp.append(st.pop()) if st.is_empty(): # 没找到左括号 raise SyntaxError("Missing '('.") st.pop() # 弹出左括号 else: # 处理算术运算符,运算符都看作左结合 while(not st.is_empty() and priority[] >= priority[x]): exp.append(st.pop()) st.push(x) while not st.is_empty(): # 送出栈里面剩下的运算符 if == '(': # 多余的左括号 raise SyntaxError("Extra '('.") exp.append(st.pop()) return exp
def Ack_l(m, n): st = SStack() st.push(m) while not st.is_empty(): m = st.pop() if m == 0: n += 1 elif n == 0: st.push(m - 1) n = 1 elif n != 0: st.push(m - 1) st.push(m) n -= 1 return n
def Inf2Suf(line): st = SStack() exp = [] for x in tokens(line): if x not in infix_operators: exp.append(x) elif st.is_empty() or x == '(': st.push(x) elif x == ')': while not st.is_empty() and != '(': exp.append(st.pop()) if st.is_empty(): raise SyntaxError("Missing '('.") st.pop() else: while (not st.is_empty() and priority[] >= priority[x]): exp.append(st.pop()) st.push(x) while not st.is_empty(): if == '(': raise SyntaxError("Extra '('.") exp.append(st.pop()) return exp
def __init__(self, text_): self._list = SStack() self.__text = text_
class IsLackBracket: def __init__(self, text_): self._list = SStack() self.__text = text_ def is_lack_bracket(self): i = 0 while True: while i < len(self.__text): if self.__text[i] not in ("([{)]}"): i += 1 break if self.__text[i] in ("([{"): self._list.push(self.__text[i]) i += 1 break if self.__text[i] is ")" and is "(": self._list.pop() elif self.__text[i] is "]" and is "[": self._list.pop() elif self.__text[i] is "}" and is "{": self._list.pop() elif self.__text[i] in (")]}"): raise SStackError("%s不匹配" % self.__text[i]) i += 1 else: if self._list.is_empty(): raise SStackError("%s不匹配" % else: print("匹配")
def maze_solver_stack(maze, start, end): # depth first search if start == end: print(start) return st = SStack() mark(maze, start) st.push((start, 0)) while not st.is_empty(): pos, nxt = st.pop() for i in range(nxt, 4): nextp = (pos[0] + dirs[i][0], pos[1] + dirs[i][1]) if nextp == end: print(end, end=' ') print(pos, end=' ') # print('Succeed!') while not st.is_empty(): print(st.pop()[0], end=' ') print('') return if passable(maze, nextp): st.push((pos, i + 1)) mark(maze, nextp) st.push((nextp, 0)) break print('No path found.')