Example #1
def variable_sweep(problem):
    number_of_points = 5
    outputs = carpet_plot(problem, number_of_points, 0,
                          0)  #run carpet plot, suppressing default plots
    inputs = outputs.inputs
    objective = outputs.objective
    constraints = outputs.constraint_val
    CS = plt.contourf(inputs[0, :],
                      inputs[1, :],
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)

    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('fuel burn (kg)')
    CS_const = plt.contour(inputs[0, :],
                           inputs[1, :],
                           constraints[0, :, :],
    plt.clabel(CS_const, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS_const)
    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('fuel margin')

    plt.xlabel('Wing Area (m^2)')
    plt.ylabel('Cruise Altitude (km)')


Example #2
def variable_sweep(problem, color_label, bar_label, xlabel, ylabel, title):
    number_of_points = 5
    outputs = carpet_plot(problem, number_of_points, 0,
                          0)  # run carpet plot, suppressing default plots
    inputs = outputs.inputs
    objective = outputs.objective
    constraints = outputs.constraint_val
    CS = plt.contourf(inputs[0, :],
                      inputs[1, :],
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)
    # cbar.ax.set_ylabel('fuel burn (kg)')

    if bar_label != "unknown":
        CS_const = plt.contour(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :],
                               constraints[0, :, :])
        plt.clabel(CS_const, inline=1, fontsize=10)
        cbar = plt.colorbar(CS_const)
        # cbar.ax.set_ylabel('fuel margin')

    # plt.xlabel('wing area (m^2)')
    # plt.ylabel('cruise_speed (km)')
    #now plot optimization path (note that these data points were post-processed into a plottable format)
    wing_1  = [95          ,	95.00000149 ,	95          ,	95          ,	95.00000149 ,	95          ,	95          ,	95.00000149 ,	95          ,	106.674165  ,	106.6741665 ,	106.674165  ,	106.674165  ,	106.6741665 ,	106.674165  ,	106.674165  ,	106.6741665 ,	106.674165  ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274309 ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274309 ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274309 ,	105.6274294 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084331 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084331 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084331 ,	106.9084316 ,	110.520489  ,	110.5204905 ,	110.520489  ,	110.520489  ,	110.5204905 ,	110.520489  ,	110.520489  ,	110.5204905 ,	110.520489  ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166845 ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166845 ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166845 ,	113.2166831 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649277 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649277 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649277 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.2149828]
    alt_1   = [11.0              ,	11.0              ,	11.000000149011612,	11.0              ,	11.0              ,	11.000000149011612,	11.0              ,	11.0              ,	11.000000149011612,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540666103363037 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540666103363037 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540666103363037 ,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015801316896,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015801316896,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015801316896,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994182533474,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994182533474,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994182533474,	10.440582829327589,	10.440582829327589,	10.4405829783392  ,	10.440582829327589,	10.440582829327589,	10.4405829783392  ,	10.440582829327589,	10.440582829327589,	10.4405829783392  ,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514755261873,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514755261873,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514755261873,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957988890395,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957988890395,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957988890395,	10.52829047]
    wing_2  = [128        ,	128.0000015,	128        ,	128        ,	128.0000015,	128        ,	128        ,	128.0000015,	128        ,	130        ,	130.0000015,	130        ,	130        ,	130.0000015,	130        ,	130        ,	130.0000015,	130        ,	122.9564124,	122.9564139,	122.9564124,	122.9564124,	122.9564139,	122.9564124,	122.9564124,	122.9564139,	122.9564124,	116.5744347,	116.5744362,	116.5744347,	116.5744347,	116.5744362,	116.5744347,	116.5744347,	116.5744362,	116.5744347,	116.3530891,	116.3530906,	116.3530891,	116.3530891,	116.3530906,	116.3530891,	116.3530891,	116.3530906,	116.3530891]
    alt_2   = [13.8,	13.799999999999999,	13.80000014901161,	13.799999999999999,	13.799999999999999,	13.80000014901161,	13.799999999999999,	13.799999999999999,	13.80000014901161,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562579686565,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562579686565,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562579686565,	11.158808932491421,	11.158808932491421,	11.158809081503033,	11.158808932491421,	11.158808932491421,	11.158809081503033,	11.158808932491421,	11.158808932491421,	11.158809081503033,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913543890353,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913543890353,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913543890353,	11.402627869388722,	11.402627869388722,	11.402628018400334,	11.402627869388722,	11.402627869388722,	11.402628018400334,	11.402627869388722,	11.402627869388722,	11.402628018400334]

    opt_1   = plt.plot(wing_1, alt_1, label='optimization path 1')
    init_1  = plt.plot(wing_1[0], alt_1[0], 'ko')
    final_1 = plt.plot(wing_1[-1], alt_1[-1], 'kx')
    opt_2   = plt.plot(wing_2, alt_2, 'k--', label='optimization path 2')
    init_2  = plt.plot(wing_2[0], alt_2[0], 'ko', label= 'initial points')
    final_2 = plt.plot(wing_2[-1], alt_2[-1], 'kx', label= 'final points')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.savefig(title + ".eps")

Example #3
def variable_sweep(problem, color_label, bar_label, xlabel, ylabel, title):
    number_of_points = 5
    outputs = carpet_plot(problem, number_of_points, 0, 0)  # run carpet plot, suppressing default plots
    inputs = outputs.inputs
    objective = outputs.objective
    constraints = outputs.constraint_val
    CS = plt.contourf(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], objective, 20, linewidths=2, cmap='hot')
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)
    # cbar.ax.set_ylabel('fuel burn (kg)')

    if bar_label != "unknown":
        CS_const = plt.contour(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], constraints[0, :, :])
        plt.clabel(CS_const, inline=1, fontsize=10)
        cbar = plt.colorbar(CS_const)
        # cbar.ax.set_ylabel('fuel margin')

    # plt.xlabel('wing area (m^2)')
    # plt.ylabel('cruise_speed (km)')

    #now plot optimization path (note that these data points were post-processed into a plottable format)
    wing_1  = [95          ,	95.00000149 ,	95          ,	95          ,	95.00000149 ,	95          ,	95          ,	95.00000149 ,	95          ,	106.674165  ,	106.6741665 ,	106.674165  ,	106.674165  ,	106.6741665 ,	106.674165  ,	106.674165  ,	106.6741665 ,	106.674165  ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274309 ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274309 ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274309 ,	105.6274294 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084331 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084331 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084331 ,	106.9084316 ,	110.520489  ,	110.5204905 ,	110.520489  ,	110.520489  ,	110.5204905 ,	110.520489  ,	110.520489  ,	110.5204905 ,	110.520489  ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166845 ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166845 ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166845 ,	113.2166831 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649277 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649277 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649277 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.2149828]
    alt_1   = [11.0              ,	11.0              ,	11.000000149011612,	11.0              ,	11.0              ,	11.000000149011612,	11.0              ,	11.0              ,	11.000000149011612,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540666103363037 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540666103363037 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540666103363037 ,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015801316896,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015801316896,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015801316896,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994182533474,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994182533474,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994182533474,	10.440582829327589,	10.440582829327589,	10.4405829783392  ,	10.440582829327589,	10.440582829327589,	10.4405829783392  ,	10.440582829327589,	10.440582829327589,	10.4405829783392  ,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514755261873,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514755261873,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514755261873,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957988890395,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957988890395,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957988890395,	10.52829047]
    wing_2  = [128        ,	128.0000015,	128        ,	128        ,	128.0000015,	128        ,	128        ,	128.0000015,	128        ,	130        ,	130.0000015,	130        ,	130        ,	130.0000015,	130        ,	130        ,	130.0000015,	130        ,	122.9564124,	122.9564139,	122.9564124,	122.9564124,	122.9564139,	122.9564124,	122.9564124,	122.9564139,	122.9564124,	116.5744347,	116.5744362,	116.5744347,	116.5744347,	116.5744362,	116.5744347,	116.5744347,	116.5744362,	116.5744347,	116.3530891,	116.3530906,	116.3530891,	116.3530891,	116.3530906,	116.3530891,	116.3530891,	116.3530906,	116.3530891]
    alt_2   = [13.8,	13.799999999999999,	13.80000014901161,	13.799999999999999,	13.799999999999999,	13.80000014901161,	13.799999999999999,	13.799999999999999,	13.80000014901161,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562579686565,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562579686565,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562579686565,	11.158808932491421,	11.158808932491421,	11.158809081503033,	11.158808932491421,	11.158808932491421,	11.158809081503033,	11.158808932491421,	11.158808932491421,	11.158809081503033,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913543890353,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913543890353,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913543890353,	11.402627869388722,	11.402627869388722,	11.402628018400334,	11.402627869388722,	11.402627869388722,	11.402628018400334,	11.402627869388722,	11.402627869388722,	11.402628018400334]

    opt_1   = plt.plot(wing_1, alt_1, label='optimization path 1')
    init_1  = plt.plot(wing_1[0], alt_1[0], 'ko')
    final_1 = plt.plot(wing_1[-1], alt_1[-1], 'kx')
    opt_2   = plt.plot(wing_2, alt_2, 'k--', label='optimization path 2')
    init_2  = plt.plot(wing_2[0], alt_2[0], 'ko', label= 'initial points')
    final_2 = plt.plot(wing_2[-1], alt_2[-1], 'kx', label= 'final points')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.savefig(title + ".eps")

Example #4
def variable_sweep(problem):    
    number_of_points = 5
    outputs     = carpet_plot(problem, number_of_points, 0, 0)  #run carpet plot, suppressing default plots
    inputs      = outputs.inputs
    objective   = outputs.objective
    constraints = outputs.constraint_val
    CS   = plt.contourf(inputs[0,:],inputs[1,:], objective, 20, linewidths=2)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)
    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('fuel burn (kg)')
    CS_const = plt.contour(inputs[0,:],inputs[1,:], constraints[0,:,:])
    plt.clabel(CS_const, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS_const)
    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('fuel margin')
    plt.xlabel('Wing Area (m^2)')
    plt.ylabel('Cruise Altitude (km)')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')  
Example #5
def variable_sweep(problem):
    from matplotlib import rcParams
    rcParams['font.family'] = 'times new roman'
    # rcParams['font.times-new-roman'] = ['times new roman']

    number_of_points = 5
    outputs = carpet_plot(problem, number_of_points, 0,
                          0)  #run carpet plot, suppressing default plots
    inputs = outputs.inputs
    objective = outputs.objective
    constraints = outputs.constraint_val
    CS = plt.contourf(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], objective, 20, linewidths=2)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)

    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('Fuel Burn (kg)')
    CS_const = plt.contour(inputs[0, :],
                           inputs[1, :],
                           constraints[-1, :, :],
    plt.clabel(CS_const, inline=1, fontsize=12, family='times new roman')
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS_const)
    # plt.FontProperties(family='times new roman', style='italic', size=12)
    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('BOW (kg)')
    # font = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(family='times new roman', style='italic', size=12)

    # CS_const.font_manager.FontProperties.set_family(family='times new roman')

    plt.xlabel('Wing Area (m^2)')
    plt.ylabel('Aspect Ratio (-)')

    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    # plt.show(block=True)

    number_of_points = 5
    outputs = carpet_plot(
        problem, number_of_points, 0, 0, sweep_index_0=1,
        sweep_index_1=3)  # run carpet plot, suppressing default plots
    inputs = outputs.inputs
    objective = outputs.objective
    constraints = outputs.constraint_val
    CS = plt.contourf(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], objective, 20, linewidths=2)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)

    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('Fuel Burn (kg)')
    CS_const = plt.contour(inputs[0, :],
                           inputs[1, :],
                           constraints[-1, :, :],
    plt.clabel(CS_const, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS_const)
    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('BOW (kg)')

    plt.xlabel('AR (-)')
    plt.ylabel('Sweep Angle (Deg)')

    plt.legend(loc='upper left')

    number_of_points = 5
    outputs = carpet_plot(
        problem, number_of_points, 0, 0, sweep_index_0=2,
        sweep_index_1=3)  # run carpet plot, suppressing default plots
    inputs = outputs.inputs
    objective = outputs.objective
    constraints = outputs.constraint_val
    CS = plt.contourf(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], objective, 20, linewidths=2)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)

    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('Fuel Burn (kg)')
    CS_const = plt.contour(inputs[0, :],
                           inputs[1, :],
                           constraints[-1, :, :],
    plt.clabel(CS_const, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS_const)
    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('BOW (kg)')

    plt.xlabel('t/c (-)')
    plt.ylabel('Sweep Angle (Deg)')

    plt.legend(loc='upper left')

Example #6
def variable_sweep(problem):
    number_of_points = 5
    outputs = carpet_plot(problem, number_of_points, 0,
                          0)  #run carpet plot, suppressing default plots
    inputs = outputs.inputs
    objective = outputs.objective
    constraints = outputs.constraint_val
    CS = plt.contourf(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], objective, 20, linewidths=2)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)

    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('fuel burn (kg)')
    CS_const = plt.contour(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], constraints[0, :, :])
    plt.clabel(CS_const, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS_const)
    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('fuel margin')

    plt.xlabel('wing area (m^2)')
    plt.ylabel('cruise_altitude (km)')

    wing_1 = np.array([
        0.95, 0.9500000149011611, 0.95, 0.95, 0.9500000149011611, 0.95, 0.95,
        0.9500000149011611, 0.95, 1.0830895945429801, 1.0830896094441413,
        1.0830895945429801, 1.0830895945429801, 1.0830896094441413,
        1.0830895945429801, 1.0830895945429801, 1.0830896094441413,
        1.0830895945429801, 1.021757391325076, 1.0217574062262371,
        1.021757391325076, 1.021757391325076, 1.0217574062262371,
        1.021757391325076, 1.021757391325076, 1.0217574062262371,
        1.021757391325076, 0.923430766276824, 0.9234307811779852,
        0.923430766276824, 0.923430766276824, 0.9234307811779852,
        0.923430766276824, 0.923430766276824, 0.9234307811779852,
        0.923430766276824, 0.9458241453484385, 0.9458241602495997,
        0.9458241453484385, 0.9458241453484385, 0.9458241602495997,
        0.9458241453484385, 0.9458241453484385, 0.9458241602495997,
        0.9458241453484385, 0.943053052966747, 0.9430530678679082,
        0.943053052966747, 0.943053052966747, 0.9430530678679082,
        0.943053052966747, 0.943053052966747, 0.9430530678679082,
        0.943053052966747, 0.90000000000000002, 0.90000000000000002,
        0.90000000000000002, 0.90000000000000002, 0.90000000000000002, 1.0,
        1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.1000000000000001, 1.1000000000000001,
        1.1000000000000001, 1.1000000000000001, 1.1000000000000001, 1.2, 1.2,
        1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3, 1.3, 1.3, 1.3, 0.94305305
    ]) * 100.
    alt_1 = [
        11., 11., 11.00000015, 11., 11., 11.00000015, 11., 11., 11.00000015,
        9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9.,
        9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015,
        9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9.,
        9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015,
        9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 10.25, 11.5, 12.75, 14., 9., 10.25, 11.5,
        12.75, 14., 9., 10.25, 11.5, 12.75, 14., 9., 10.25, 11.5, 12.75, 14.,
        9., 10.25, 11.5, 12.75, 14., 9.

    wing_2 = np.array([
        1.28, 1.2800000149011612, 1.28, 1.28, 1.2800000149011612, 1.28, 1.28,
        1.2800000149011612, 1.28, 1.3, 1.3000000149011612, 1.3, 1.3,
        1.3000000149011612, 1.3, 1.3, 1.3000000149011612, 1.3,
        1.2512983213829585, 1.2512983362841197, 1.2512983213829585,
        1.2512983213829585, 1.2512983362841197, 1.2512983213829585,
        1.2512983213829585, 1.2512983362841197, 1.2512983213829585,
        1.2027018036450188, 1.20270181854618, 1.2027018036450188,
        1.2027018036450188, 1.20270181854618, 1.2027018036450188,
        1.2027018036450188, 1.20270181854618, 1.2027018036450188,
        0.9696195074510734, 0.9696195223522346, 0.9696195074510734,
        0.9696195074510734, 0.9696195223522346, 0.9696195074510734,
        0.9696195074510734, 0.9696195223522346, 0.9696195074510734,
        0.9356100057984995, 0.9356100206996607, 0.9356100057984995,
        0.9356100057984995, 0.9356100206996607, 0.9356100057984995,
        0.9356100057984995, 0.9356100206996607, 0.9356100057984995,
        0.9442290521247874, 0.9442290670259486, 0.9442290521247874,
        0.9442290521247874, 0.9442290670259486, 0.9442290521247874,
        0.9442290521247874, 0.9442290670259486, 0.9442290521247874,
        0.90000000000000002, 0.90000000000000002, 0.90000000000000002,
        0.90000000000000002, 0.90000000000000002, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
        1.1000000000000001, 1.1000000000000001, 0.94422905
    ]) * 100.

    alt_2 = [
        13.8, 13.8, 13.80000015, 13.8, 13.8, 13.80000015, 13.8, 13.8,
        13.80000015, 10.86578142, 10.86578142, 10.86578157, 10.86578142,
        10.86578142, 10.86578157, 10.86578142, 10.86578142, 10.86578157, 9.,
        9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9.26299784,
        9.26299784, 9.26299799, 9.26299784, 9.26299784, 9.26299799, 9.26299784,
        9.26299784, 9.26299799, 9.21358943, 9.21358943, 9.21358957, 9.21358943,
        9.21358943, 9.21358957, 9.21358943, 9.21358943, 9.21358957, 9., 9.,
        9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015,
        9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 9., 9.00000015, 9., 10.25, 11.5, 12.75, 14.,
        9., 10.25, 11.5, 12.75, 14., 9., 10.25, 9.

    #now plot optimization path (note that these data points were post-processed into a plottable format)
    #wing_1  = [95          ,	95.00000149 ,	95          ,	95          ,	95.00000149 ,	95          ,	95          ,	95.00000149 ,	95          ,	106.674165  ,	106.6741665 ,	106.674165  ,	106.674165  ,	106.6741665 ,	106.674165  ,	106.674165  ,	106.6741665 ,	106.674165  ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274309 ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274309 ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274294 ,	105.6274309 ,	105.6274294 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084331 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084331 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084316 ,	106.9084331 ,	106.9084316 ,	110.520489  ,	110.5204905 ,	110.520489  ,	110.520489  ,	110.5204905 ,	110.520489  ,	110.520489  ,	110.5204905 ,	110.520489  ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166845 ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166845 ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166831 ,	113.2166845 ,	113.2166831 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649277 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649277 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.1649277 ,	114.1649262 ,	114.2149828]
    #alt_1   = [11.0              ,	11.0              ,	11.000000149011612,	11.0              ,	11.0              ,	11.000000149011612,	11.0              ,	11.0              ,	11.000000149011612,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540666103363037 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540666103363037 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540665954351425 ,	9.540666103363037 ,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015801316896,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015801316896,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015652305284,	10.023015801316896,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994182533474,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994182533474,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994033521863,	10.190994182533474,	10.440582829327589,	10.440582829327589,	10.4405829783392  ,	10.440582829327589,	10.440582829327589,	10.4405829783392  ,	10.440582829327589,	10.440582829327589,	10.4405829783392  ,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514755261873,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514755261873,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514606250261,	10.536514755261873,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957988890395,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957988890395,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957839878783,	10.535957988890395,	10.52829047]
    #wing_2  = [128        ,	128.0000015,	128        ,	128        ,	128.0000015,	128        ,	128        ,	128.0000015,	128        ,	130        ,	130.0000015,	130        ,	130        ,	130.0000015,	130        ,	130        ,	130.0000015,	130        ,	122.9564124,	122.9564139,	122.9564124,	122.9564124,	122.9564139,	122.9564124,	122.9564124,	122.9564139,	122.9564124,	116.5744347,	116.5744362,	116.5744347,	116.5744347,	116.5744362,	116.5744347,	116.5744347,	116.5744362,	116.5744347,	116.3530891,	116.3530906,	116.3530891,	116.3530891,	116.3530906,	116.3530891,	116.3530891,	116.3530906,	116.3530891]
    #alt_2   = [13.8,	13.799999999999999,	13.80000014901161,	13.799999999999999,	13.799999999999999,	13.80000014901161,	13.799999999999999,	13.799999999999999,	13.80000014901161,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562579686565,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562579686565,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562430674953,	11.302562579686565,	11.158808932491421,	11.158808932491421,	11.158809081503033,	11.158808932491421,	11.158808932491421,	11.158809081503033,	11.158808932491421,	11.158808932491421,	11.158809081503033,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913543890353,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913543890353,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913394878741,	11.412913543890353,	11.402627869388722,	11.402627869388722,	11.402628018400334,	11.402627869388722,	11.402627869388722,	11.402628018400334,	11.402627869388722,	11.402627869388722,	11.402628018400334]
    opt_1   = plt.plot(wing_1, alt_1, label='optimization path 1')
    init_1  = plt.plot(wing_1[0], alt_1[0], 'ko')
    final_1 = plt.plot(wing_1[-1], alt_1[-1], 'kx')
    opt_2   = plt.plot(wing_2, alt_2, 'k--', label='optimization path 2')
    init_2  = plt.plot(wing_2[0], alt_2[0], 'ko', label= 'initial points')
    final_2 = plt.plot(wing_2[-1], alt_2[-1], 'kx', label= 'final points')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')

Example #7
def variable_sweep(problem):    
    outputs=carpet_plot(problem, number_of_points,  plot_obj = 0, plot_const = 0)  #run carpet plot, suppressing default plots
    return outputs
Example #8
def variable_sweep(problem):    
    #run carpet plot, suppressing default plots
    outputs=carpet_plot(problem, number_of_points,  plot_obj = 0, plot_const = 0)  
    return outputs