def screwMotion(self):
     l = self.vector.length()
     if l == 0.:
         return Geometry.Vector(0.,0.,0.), \
                Geometry.Vector(0.,0.,1.), 0., 0.
         return Geometry.Vector(0., 0., 0.), self.vector / l, 0., l
 def __rmul__(self, other):
     from Scientific import Geometry
     if Geometry.isTensor(other):
         product =
         if product.rank == 1:
             return Vector(product.array)
             return product
         return Vector(Numeric.multiply(self.array, other))
 def __init__(self, *args):
     if len(args) == 1:
         if Geometry.isTensor(args[0]):
             self.tensor = args[0]
             self.tensor = Geometry.Tensor(args[0])
             assert self.tensor.rank == 2
     elif len(args) == 3 and Geometry.isVector(args[0]) \
              and Geometry.isVector(args[1]) and Geometry.isVector(args[2]):
         self.tensor = Geometry.Tensor([args[0].array, args[1].array,
 def __mul__(self, other):
     from Scientific import Geometry
     if isVector(other):
         return Numeric.add.reduce(self.array * other.array)
     elif Geometry.isTensor(other):
         product = Geometry.Tensor(self.array).dot(other)
         if product.rank == 1:
             return Vector(product.array)
             return product
     elif hasattr(other, "_product_with_vector"):
         return other._product_with_vector(self)
         return Vector(Numeric.multiply(self.array, other))
 def asTensor(self):
     @returns: an equivalent rank-1 tensor object
     @rtype: L{Scientific.Geometry.Tensor}
     from Scientific import Geometry
     return Geometry.Tensor(self.array, 1)
 def dyadicProduct(self, other):
     @param other: a vector or a tensor
     @type other: L{Vector} or L{Scientific.Geometry.Tensor}
     @returns: the dyadic product with other
     @rtype: L{Scientific.Geometry.Tensor}
     @raises TypeError: if other is not a vector or a tensor
     from Scientific import Geometry
     if isVector(other):
         return Geometry.Tensor(
             self.array[:, N.NewAxis] * other.array[N.NewAxis, :], 1)
     elif Geometry.isTensor(other):
         return Geometry.Tensor(self.array, 1) * other
         raise TypeError("Dyadic product with non-vector")
 def __mul__(self, other):
     from Scientific import Geometry
     if isTensor(other):
         a = self.array[self.rank * (slice(None), ) + (N.NewAxis, )]
         b = other.array[other.rank * (slice(None), ) + (N.NewAxis, )]
         return Tensor(N.innerproduct(a, b), 1)
     elif Geometry.isVector(other):
         return other.__rmul__(self)
         return Tensor(self.array * other, 1)
 def __mul__(self, other):
     from Scientific import Geometry
     if isTensor(other):
         a = self.array[self.rank*(slice(None),)+(N.NewAxis,)]
         b = other.array[other.rank*(slice(None),)+(N.NewAxis,)]
         return Tensor(N.innerproduct(a, b), 1)
     elif Geometry.isVector(other):
         return other.__rmul__(self)
         return Tensor(self.array*other, 1)
 def screwMotion(self):
     axis, angle = self.rotation().axisAndAngle()
     d = self.vector*axis
     x = d*axis-self.vector
     if abs(angle) < 1.e-9:
         r0 = Geometry.Vector(0., 0., 0.)
         angle = 0.
         r0 = -0.5*((N.cos(0.5*angle)/N.sin(0.5*angle))*axis.cross(x)+x)
     return r0, axis, angle, d
 def __rmul__(self, other):
     from Scientific import Geometry
     if Geometry.isTensor(other):
         product =
         if product.rank == 1:
             return Vector(product.array)
             return product
         return Vector(Numeric.multiply(self.array, other))
 def asVector(self):
     @returns: an equivalent vector object
     @rtype: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
     @raises ValueError: if rank > 1
     from Scientific import Geometry
     if self.rank == 1:
         return Geometry.Vector(self.array)
         raise ValueError('rank > 1')
 def __mul__(self, other):
     from Scientific import Geometry
     if isVector(other):
         return Numeric.add.reduce(self.array*other.array)
     elif Geometry.isTensor(other):
         product = Geometry.Tensor(self.array).dot(other)
         if product.rank == 1:
             return Vector(product.array)
             return product
     elif hasattr(other, "_product_with_vector"):
         return other._product_with_vector(self)
         return Vector(Numeric.multiply(self.array, other))
    def __init__(self, *args):
        There are two calling patterns: 

         - Rotation(tensor), where tensor is a L{Scientific.Geometry.Tensor}
           of rank 2 containing the rotation matrix.

         - Rotation(axis, angle), where axis is a L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
           and angle a number (the angle in radians).       
        if len(args) == 1:
            self.tensor = args[0]
            if not Geometry.isTensor(self.tensor):
                self.tensor = Geometry.Tensor(self.tensor)
        elif len(args) == 2:
            axis, angle = args
            axis = axis.normal()
            projector = axis.dyadicProduct(axis)
            self.tensor = projector - \
                          N.sin(angle)*Geometry.epsilon*axis + \
            raise TypeError('one or two arguments required')
 def screwMotion(self):
     axis, angle = self.rotation().axisAndAngle()
     d = self.vector * axis
     if d < 0.:
         d = -d
         axis = -axis
         angle = -angle
     if abs(angle) < 1.e-9:
         r0 = Geometry.Vector(0., 0., 0.)
         angle = 0.
         x = d * axis - self.vector
         r0 = -0.5 * (
             (N.cos(0.5 * angle) / N.sin(0.5 * angle)) * axis.cross(x) + x)
     return r0, axis, angle % (2. * N.pi), d
 def dyadicProduct(self, other):
     @param other: a vector or a tensor
     @type other: L{Vector} or L{Scientific.Geometry.Tensor}
     @returns: the dyadic product with other
     @rtype: L{Scientific.Geometry.Tensor}
     @raises TypeError: if other is not a vector or a tensor
     from Scientific import Geometry
     if isVector(other):
         return Geometry.Tensor(self.array, 1) * \
                Geometry.Tensor(other.array, 1)
     elif Geometry.isTensor(other):
         return Geometry.Tensor(self.array, 1)*other
         raise TypeError("Dyadic product with non-vector")
 def __init__(self, *args):
     if len(args) == 1:
         if Geometry.isTensor(args[0]):
             self.tensor = args[0]
             self.tensor = Geometry.Tensor(args[0])
             assert self.tensor.rank == 2
     elif len(args) == 3 and Geometry.isVector(args[0]) \
              and Geometry.isVector(args[1]) and Geometry.isVector(args[2]):
         self.tensor = Geometry.Tensor(
             [args[0].array, args[1].array, args[2].array]).transpose()
 def axisAndAngle(self):
     @returns: the axis (a normalized vector) and angle (in radians).
               The angle is in the interval (-pi, pi]
     @rtype: (L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}, C{float})
     asym = -self.tensor.asymmetricalPart()
     axis = Geometry.Vector(asym[1, 2], asym[2, 0], asym[0, 1])
     sine = axis.length()
     if abs(sine) > 1.e-10:
         axis = axis / sine
         projector = axis.dyadicProduct(axis)
         cosine = (self.tensor - projector).trace() / (3. - axis * axis)
         angle = angleFromSineAndCosine(sine, cosine)
         t = 0.5 * (self.tensor +
         i = N.argmax(t.diagonal().array)
         axis = (t[i] / N.sqrt(t[i, i])).asVector()
         angle = 0.
         if t.trace() < 2.:
             angle = N.pi
     return axis, angle
    def __init__(self, *args):
        There are two calling patterns: 

         - Rotation(tensor), where tensor is a L{Scientific.Geometry.Tensor}
           of rank 2 containing the rotation matrix.

         - Rotation(axis, angle), where axis is a L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
           and angle a number (the angle in radians).       
        if len(args) == 1:
            self.tensor = args[0]
            if not Geometry.isTensor(self.tensor):
                self.tensor = Geometry.Tensor(self.tensor)
        elif len(args) == 2:
            axis, angle = args
            axis = axis.normal()
            projector = axis.dyadicProduct(axis)
            self.tensor = projector - \
                          Numeric.sin(angle)*Geometry.epsilon*axis + \
            raise TypeError('one or two arguments required')
    def inverse(self):
        return LinearTransformation(self.tensor.inverse(), -self.vector)

# Utility functions

def angleFromSineAndCosine(y, x):
    return atan2(y, x)

def mod_angle(angle, mod):
    return (angle + mod / 2.) % mod - mod / 2

# Test code

if __name__ == '__main__':

    t = Translation(Geometry.Vector(1., -2., 0))
    r = Rotation(Geometry.Vector(0.1, -2., 0.5), 1.e-10)
    q = r.asQuaternion()
    angles = r.threeAngles(Geometry.Vector(1., 0., 0.),
                           Geometry.Vector(0., 1., 0.),
                           Geometry.Vector(0., 0., 1.))
    c = t * r
    print c.screwMotion()
    s = Scaling(2.)
    all = s * t * r
    print all(Geometry.ex)
 def translation(self):
     return Translation(Geometry.Vector(0., 0., 0.))
 def screwMotion(self):
     axis, angle = self.axisAndAngle()
     return Geometry.Vector(0., 0., 0.), axis, angle, 0.
Example #22
junk = co_file.readline()

testline = co_file.readline()

while testline != "":
    # Eliminate white space and split line
    in_str = testline.strip()
    in_str = in_str.split()

    #Convert coordinates based on atom type

    if (in_str[0] == "H" and len(H1) == len(H2)):

        #Convert coordinates to vectors for the H1's
            Geo.Vector(float(in_str[1]), float(in_str[2]), float(in_str[3])))
        print "H1"

    elif (in_str[0] == "H" and len(H2) == (len(H1) - 1)):

        #Convert coordinates to vectors for the H2's
            Geo.Vector(float(in_str[1]), float(in_str[2]), float(in_str[3])))
        print "H2"

    elif (in_str[0] == "O"):

        #Convert coordinates to vectors for the O's
            Geo.Vector(float(in_str[1]), float(in_str[2]), float(in_str[3])))
        print "O"
junk = xyz_file.readline()
junk = xyz_file.readline()

while 1:
    line = xyz_file.readline()
    if not line: break

    x, y, z = map(float, string.split(line)[1:]) #ignore atom label
    cage_type = string.split(line)[0] #get the atom type

    #Convert coordinates based on atom type

    if (cage_type == "Ar(Small)"):

        #Convert coordinates to vectors for the Small Cages

    elif (cage_type == "Kr(Large)"):

        #Convert coordinates to vectors for the Large Cages


        raise CorrelationError("Can't parse file. Encountered strange cage centre type: " + cage_type + " Only 'Ar(Small)' and 'Kr(Large)' accepted.")


print "Read in Cage Centre locations. There are %d small and %d large cages." % (len(small_cages), len(large_cages))