Example #1
def download(filename, destination, privpath, user):
    """Download function, creates a temporary file to
    where the encrypted file is streamed to, then it is read
    chunk by chunk and decrypted.

        - Authentication
        - File is decrypted with AES
        - hasher is created for File Integrity Control
        - Public key is accessed for decrypting the AES
        - Private Key is accessed for verifying the file signature
        - All relevant information is kept client-side"""

    (username, session) = user.getInfo()
    message = {'filename': filename}
    messageToSend = security.encryptS_AES(json.dumps(message),
    params = {'data': messageToSend, 'username': username}
    datagen, headers = multipart_encode(params)
        resp = urllib2.Request('https://localhost:8080/download', datagen,
        data = urllib2.urlopen(resp)
        fn = data.info().getheader('filename')
        date = json.loads(
        aes = data.info().getheader('aes').decode('hex')
        iv = date['iv'].decode('hex')
        signature = date['sign'].decode('hex')

        with open(privpath, 'rb') as f:
            priv = security.importkey_RSA(f.read())
        pub = security.importkey_RSA(getPubKey(username))
        RsaAES = security.decrypt_RSA(priv, aes)
        decipher = security.getDecipher(iv, RsaAES)
        tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)

        CHUNK = 16 * 1024
        while True:
            chunk = data.read(CHUNK)
            if not chunk:

        hasher = security.Hasher()
        with open(os.path.join(str(destination), filename), 'wb') as out:
            security.decrypt_AES(decipher, tf, out, hasher)
        new = hasher.get()
        if security.verifyFile(pub, new, signature):
            print 'The File was not changed!'
            print 'The File was changed!'
    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
        print str(e.code) + ': ' + e.reason
        print 'Currently, you are not a valid user!\nSafeBox Team'
Example #2
def download(filename, destination, privpath, user):
    """Download function, creates a temporary file to
    where the encrypted file is streamed to, then it is read
    chunk by chunk and decrypted.

        - Authentication
        - File is decrypted with AES
        - hasher is created for File Integrity Control
        - Public key is accessed for decrypting the AES
        - Private Key is accessed for verifying the file signature
        - All relevant information is kept client-side"""

    (username, session) = user.getInfo()
    message = {"filename": filename}
    messageToSend = security.encryptS_AES(json.dumps(message), session.decode("hex")).encode("hex")
    params = {"data": messageToSend, "username": username}
    datagen, headers = multipart_encode(params)
        resp = urllib2.Request("https://localhost:8080/download", datagen, headers)
        data = urllib2.urlopen(resp)
        fn = data.info().getheader("filename")
        date = json.loads(security.decryptS_AES(data.info().getheader("data").decode("hex"), session.decode("hex")))
        aes = data.info().getheader("aes").decode("hex")
        iv = date["iv"].decode("hex")
        signature = date["sign"].decode("hex")

        with open(privpath, "rb") as f:
            priv = security.importkey_RSA(f.read())
        pub = security.importkey_RSA(getPubKey(username))
        RsaAES = security.decrypt_RSA(priv, aes)
        decipher = security.getDecipher(iv, RsaAES)
        tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)

        CHUNK = 16 * 1024
        while True:
            chunk = data.read(CHUNK)
            if not chunk:

        hasher = security.Hasher()
        with open(os.path.join(str(destination), filename), "wb") as out:
            security.decrypt_AES(decipher, tf, out, hasher)
        new = hasher.get()
        if security.verifyFile(pub, new, signature):
            print "The File was not changed!"
            print "The File was changed!"
    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
        print str(e.code) + ": " + e.reason
        print "Currently, you are not a valid user!\nSafeBox Team"
Example #3
def shareFile(user, filename, usr_dest, permission):
    """Share function, allows a file to be shared
    with another user. The file with the AES used to encrypt
    the file to be shared is sent from the server, it is
    decrypted and encrypted with the target user's public key

        - Sharing user's private key is used for decrypting
        file with AES key
        - Target user's public key is used for encrypting
        file with AES key
        - Sharing client receives no information from the
        other user except username and public key
        - All relevant information is kept client-side"""

    (username, session) = user.getInfo()
    message = {
        'filename': filename,
        'usrdstname': usr_dest,
    messageToSend = security.encryptS_AES(json.dumps(message),
    params = {'data': messageToSend, 'username': username}
    datagen, headers = multipart_encode(params)
        resp = urllib2.Request('https://localhost:8080/share', datagen,
        data = urllib2.urlopen(resp)
        date = json.loads(
        aes = date['aes'].decode('hex')
        pub_key = date['pubkey'].decode('hex')
        with open('PrivateKeys/Private_key_' + str(username), 'rb') as f:
            priv = security.importkey_RSA(f.read())
        RsaAES = security.decrypt_RSA(priv, aes)
        tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        security.encrypt_RSA(security.importkey_RSA(pub_key), RsaAES, tf)
        message = {
            'filename': filename,
            'usrdstname': usr_dest,
            'filekey': tf.read().encode('hex'),
            'permission': permission
        messageToSend = security.encryptS_AES(
            json.dumps(message), session.decode('hex')).encode('hex')
        request = urllib2.Request('https://localhost:8080/shareFile')
        request.add_header('username', username)
        request.add_header('data', messageToSend)
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        print response.read()
    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
        print str(e.code) + ': ' + e.reason
        print 'Currently, you are not a valid user!\nSafeBox Team'
Example #4
def diff(user, filename, privpath, filefp):
    """Function for getting the difference between a file in
    the server and a user file, works like download except no file
    is written.

        - Authentication
        - File is decrypted with AES
        - hasher is created for File Integrity Control
        - Public key is accessed for decrypting the AES
        - Private Key is accessed for verifying the file signature
        - All relevant information is kept client-side"   """
    (username, session) = user.getInfo()
    message = {"filename": filename}
    messageToSend = security.encryptS_AES(json.dumps(message), session.decode("hex")).encode("hex")
    params = {"data": messageToSend, "username": username}
    datagen, headers = multipart_encode(params)

        resp = urllib2.Request("https://localhost:8080/download", datagen, headers)
        data = urllib2.urlopen(resp)
        fn = data.info().getheader("filename")
        date = json.loads(security.decryptS_AES(data.info().getheader("data").decode("hex"), session.decode("hex")))
        aes = data.info().getheader("aes").decode("hex")
        iv = date["iv"].decode("hex")
        signature = date["sign"].decode("hex")
        with open(privpath, "rb") as f:
            priv = security.importkey_RSA(f.read())
        pub = security.importkey_RSA(getPubKey(username))
        RsaAES = security.decrypt_RSA(priv, aes)
        decipher = security.getDecipher(iv, RsaAES)
        tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        CHUNK = 16 * 1024
        while True:
            chunk = data.read(CHUNK)
            if not chunk:

        hasher = security.Hasher()
        security.decrypt_AES(decipher, tf, out, hasher)
        new = hasher.get()
        comp = open(filefp, "rb").readlines()
        cenas = out.readlines()
        return diffchecker(comp, cenas)
    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
        print str(e.code) + ": " + e.reason
        print "Currently, you are not a valid user!\nSafeBox Team"
Example #5
def fileList(user):
    """Function for listing user files, handled server side since no security
    measures other than Authentication are needed"""
    (username, session) = user.getInfo()
    params = {"username": username}
        datagen, headers = multipart_encode(params)
        resp = urllib2.Request("https://localhost:8080/listMyFiles", datagen, headers)
        files = urllib2.urlopen(resp).read()
        list_files = json.loads(security.decryptS_AES(files.decode("hex"), session.decode("hex")))
        return list_files
    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
        print str(e.code) + ": " + e.reason
        print "Currently, you are not a valid user!\nSafeBox Team"
        return []
Example #6
def shareFile(user, filename, usr_dest, permission):
    """Share function, allows a file to be shared
    with another user. The file with the AES used to encrypt
    the file to be shared is sent from the server, it is
    decrypted and encrypted with the target user's public key

        - Sharing user's private key is used for decrypting
        file with AES key
        - Target user's public key is used for encrypting
        file with AES key
        - Sharing client receives no information from the
        other user except username and public key
        - All relevant information is kept client-side"""

    (username, session) = user.getInfo()
    message = {"filename": filename, "usrdstname": usr_dest}
    messageToSend = security.encryptS_AES(json.dumps(message), session.decode("hex")).encode("hex")
    params = {"data": messageToSend, "username": username}
    datagen, headers = multipart_encode(params)
        resp = urllib2.Request("https://localhost:8080/share", datagen, headers)
        data = urllib2.urlopen(resp)
        date = json.loads(security.decryptS_AES(data.info().getheader("data").decode("hex"), session.decode("hex")))
        aes = date["aes"].decode("hex")
        pub_key = date["pubkey"].decode("hex")
        with open("PrivateKeys/Private_key_" + str(username), "rb") as f:
            priv = security.importkey_RSA(f.read())
        RsaAES = security.decrypt_RSA(priv, aes)
        tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        security.encrypt_RSA(security.importkey_RSA(pub_key), RsaAES, tf)
        message = {
            "filename": filename,
            "usrdstname": usr_dest,
            "filekey": tf.read().encode("hex"),
            "permission": permission,
        messageToSend = security.encryptS_AES(json.dumps(message), session.decode("hex")).encode("hex")
        request = urllib2.Request("https://localhost:8080/shareFile")
        request.add_header("username", username)
        request.add_header("data", messageToSend)
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        print response.read()
    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
        print str(e.code) + ": " + e.reason
        print "Currently, you are not a valid user!\nSafeBox Team"
Example #7
def getSharedWith(user, filename):
    """Function for getting the usernames that have a certain
    user's file being shared with them, handled server side since no security
    measures other than Authentication are needed"""
    (username, session) = user.getInfo()
    message = {"filename": filename}
    messageToSend = security.encryptS_AES(json.dumps(message), session.decode("hex")).encode("hex")
    params = {"username": username, "data": messageToSend}
        datagen, headers = multipart_encode(params)
        resp = urllib2.Request("https://localhost:8080/getSharedWith", datagen, headers)
        response = urllib2.urlopen(resp).read()
        users = json.loads(security.decryptS_AES(response.decode("hex"), session.decode("hex")))
        list_users = [x.encode("latin-1") for x in users]
        return list_users
    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
        print str(e.code) + ": " + e.reason
        print "Currently, you are not a valid user!\nSafeBox Team"
        return []