Example #1
    def deleteServers(self, position_list=()):
        """ Delete server definitions """
        old_servers = self.getServers()
        new_servers = []
        position_list = [int(x) for x in position_list]

        for i in range(len(old_servers)):
            if i not in position_list:

        self._servers = new_servers

        # Delete the cached connection so that we don't accidentally
        # continue using a server we should not be using anymore
        setResource('%s-connection' % self._hash, '')
Example #2
    def _connect( self
                , connection_string
                , user_dn
                , user_pwd
                , conn_timeout=5
                , op_timeout=-1
        """ Factored out to allow usage by other pieces """
        # Connect to the server to get a raw connection object
        connection = getResource( '%s-connection' % self._hash
                                , c_factory
                                , (connection_string,)
        if not connection._type is c_factory:
            connection = c_factory(connection_string)
            setResource('%s-connection' % self._hash, connection)

        # Set the protocol version - version 3 is preferred
            connection.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ldap.VERSION3)
        except ldap.LDAPError: # Invalid protocol version, fall back safely
            connection.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ldap.VERSION2)

        # Deny auto-chasing of referrals to be safe, we handle them instead
            connection.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
        except ldap.LDAPError: # Cannot set referrals, so do nothing

        # Set the connection timeout
        if conn_timeout > 0:
            connection.set_option(ldap.OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, conn_timeout)

        # Set the operations timeout
        if op_timeout > 0:
            connection.timeout = op_timeout

        # Now bind with the credentials given. Let exceptions propagate out.
        connection.simple_bind_s(user_dn, user_pwd)

        return connection
Example #3
    def addServer( self
                 , host
                 , port='389'
                 , use_ssl=0
                 , conn_timeout=-1
                 , op_timeout=-1
        """ Add a server to our list of servers """
        servers = self.getServers()

        if use_ssl == 2:
            protocol = 'ldapi'
            port = 0
        elif use_ssl == 1:
            protocol = 'ldaps'
            protocol = 'ldap'

        already_exists = 0
        for server in self._servers:
            if str(server['host']) == host and str(server['port']) == port:
                already_exists = 1
        if not already_exists:
            servers.append( { 'host' : host
                            , 'port' : port
                            , 'protocol' : protocol
                            , 'conn_timeout' : conn_timeout
                            , 'op_timeout' : op_timeout
                            } )

        self._servers = servers

        # Delete the cached connection in case the new server was added
        # in response to the existing server failing in a way that leads
        # to nasty timeouts
        setResource('%s-connection' % self._hash, '')