tagBack = False #pygame.time.set_timer(TAGEVENT, 1000) while not done: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: done = True #if event.type == TAGEVENT: #for enemy in enemyList: #enemy.calculateNeighbors() #tagBack = False #TAGEVENT = pygame.USEREVENT #pygame.time.set_timer(TAGEVENT, 1000) screen.fill((Constants.BACKGROUND_COLOR)) player.update(Vector(Constants.WORLD_WIDTH, Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT)) player.draw(screen) for sheep in enemyList: #enemy.update(player, Vector(Constants.WORLD_WIDTH, Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT)) #enemy.draw(screen, player) sheep.update(player, Vector(Constants.WORLD_WIDTH, Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT)) sheep.draw(screen, player) #if enemy.noTagBacks and not tagBack: # tagBack = True #pygame.time.set_timer(TAGEVENT, 1000) pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(Constants.FRAME_RATE)
if event.key == pygame.K_a: graph.searchType = SearchType.A_STAR elif event.key == pygame.K_s: graph.searchType = SearchType.BEST_FIRST elif event.key == pygame.K_d: graph.searchType = SearchType.DJIKSTRA elif event.key == pygame.K_f: graph.searchType = SearchType.BREADTH_FIRST # Update the agents onscreen # dog.update(bounds, graph, herd, Constants.GATES) dog.update(graph, sheep) for sheep in herd: # sheep.update(bounds, graph, dog, herd, Constants.GATES) sheep.update(dog, herd, graph.obstacles) # Draw the agents onscreen graph.draw(screen) dog.draw(screen) for sheep in herd: sheep.draw(screen, dog) # Double buffer pygame.display.flip() # Limit to 60 FPS clock.tick(Constants.FRAME_RATE) # Quit pygame.quit()