Example #1
def ReferenceImpedance(S, Z0f, Z0i=None, Kf=None, Ki=None):
    """Changes the reference impedance and scaling factor
    @param S s-parameter matrix to convert
    @param Z0f the reference impedance to convert to
    @param Z0i (optional) the reference impedance of the s-parameters (assumed 50 Ohms)
    @param Kf (optional) assumed to be sqrt(Z0f)
    @param Ki (optional) assumed to be sqrt(Z0i)
    @return the converted s-parameters
    @see Z0KHelper to see how the reference impedance
    and scaling factor are determined."""
    (Z0f, Kf) = Z0KHelper((Z0f, Kf), len(S))
    (Z0i, Ki) = Z0KHelper((Z0i, Ki), len(S))
    I = matrix(identity(len(S)))
    p = (matrix(Z0f) - matrix(Z0i)) * (matrix(Z0f) + matrix(Z0i)).getI()
    Kf = matrix(Ki) * matrix(Kf).getI()
    S = matrix(S)
    return (Kf * (I - p).getI() * (S - p) * (I - p * S).getI() * (I - p) *
Example #2
def ReferenceImpedance(S,Z0f,Z0i=None,Kf=None,Ki=None):
    """Changes the reference impedance and scaling factor
    @param S s-parameter matrix to convert
    @param Z0f the reference impedance to convert to
    @param Z0i (optional) the reference impedance of the s-parameters (assumed 50 ohms)
    @param Kf (optional) assumed to be sqrt(Z0f)
    @param Ki (optional) assumed to be sqrt(Z0i)
    @return the converted s-parameters
    @see Z0KHelper to see how the reference impedance
    and scaling factor are determined."""
    return (Kf.dot(inv(I-p)).dot(S-p).dot(
Example #3
def Z2S(Z, Z0=None, K=None):
    """Converts Z-parameters to s-parameters
    @param Z list of list representing Z-parameter matrix to convert
    @param Z0 (optional) float or complex or list of reference impedance (defaults to None).
    @param K (optional) float or complex or list of scaling factor (defaults to None).
    @see Z0KHelper to see how the reference impedance
    and scaling factor are determined."""
    (Z0, K) = Z0KHelper((Z0, K), len(Z))
    Z = array(Z)
    return (inv(K).dot(Z - Z0).dot(inv(Z + Z0)).dot(K)).tolist()
Example #4
def S2Z(S, Z0=None, K=None):
    """Converts s-parameters to Z-parameters
    @param S list of list representing s-parameter matrix to convert
    @param Z0 (optional) float or complex or list of reference impedance (defaults to None).
    @param K (optional) float or complex or list of scaling factor (defaults to None).
    @see Z0KHelper to see how the reference impedance
    and scaling factor are determined."""
    (Z0, K) = Z0KHelper((Z0, K), len(S))
    I = identity(len(S))
    S = array(S)
    return (K.dot(I + S).dot(inv(I - S)).dot(Z0).dot(inv(K))).tolist()
Example #5
def S2Y(S,Z0=None,K=None):
    """Converts s-parameters to Y-parameters
    @param S list of list representing s-parameter matrix to convert
    @param Z0 (optional) float or complex or list of reference impedance (defaults to None).
    @param K (optional) float or complex or list of scaling factor (defaults to None).
    @see Z0KHelper to see how the reference impedance
    and scaling factor are determined."""
    return (K*Z0.getI()*(I-S)*(I+S).getI()*K.getI()).tolist()
Example #6
def Y2S(Y, Z0=None, K=None):
    """Converts Y-parameters to s-parameters
    @param Y list of list representing Y-parameter matrix to convert
    @param Z0 (optional) float or complex or list of reference impedance (defaults to None).
    @param K (optional) float or complex or list of scaling factor (defaults to None).
    @see Z0KHelper to see how the reference impedance
    and scaling factor are determined."""
    (Z0, K) = Z0KHelper((Z0, K), len(Y))
    I = matrix(identity(len(Y)))
    Y = matrix(Y)
    return (K.getI() * (I + Z0 * Y).getI() * (I - Z0 * Y) * K).tolist()
Example #7
def S2ABCD(S,Z0=None,K=None):
    """Converts s-parameters to ABCD parameters.
    @param S list of list representing s-parameter matrix to convert
    @param Z0 (optional) float or complex or list of reference impedance (defaults to None).
    @param K (optional) float or complex or list of scaling factor (defaults to None).
    Supports only two-port devices.\n
    @see Z0KHelper to see how the reference impedance
    and scaling factor are determined."""
    return array((C21+C22*S)*((C11+C12*S).getI())).tolist()
Example #8
def Sp2Sw(Sp,Z0w=None,Z0p=None,Kw=None):
    """Converts power-wave s-parameters to pseudo-wave s-parameters
    @param Sp list of list power-wave based s-parameter matrix to convert
    @param Z0w (optional) the reference impedance of the pseudo-wave based s-parameters (assumed 50 Ohms)
    @param Z0p (optional) the reference impedance of the power-wave based s-parameters (assumed 50 Ohms)
    @param Kw (optional) the scaling factor of the pseudo-wave based s-parameters (assumed to be sqrt(Z0w)
    @return the converted s-parameters in pseudo-waves
    @see Z0KHelper to see how the reference impedance
    and scaling factor are determined for pseudo-waves.
    @see Z0KHelperPW to see the reference impedance
    and scaling factor are determined for power waves.
    if Z0p is None:
    return Sw
Example #9
def Sp2Sw(Sp,Z0w=None,Z0p=None,Kw=None):
    """Converts power-wave s-parameters to pseudo-wave s-parameters
    @param Sp list of list power-wave based s-parameter matrix to convert
    @param Z0w (optional) the reference impedance of the pseudo-wave based s-parameters (assumed 50 ohms)
    @param Z0p (optional) the reference impedance of the power-wave based s-parameters (assumed 50 ohms)
    @param Kw (optional) the scaling factor of the pseudo-wave based s-parameters (assumed to be sqrt(Z0w)
    @return the converted s-parameters in pseudo-waves
    @see Z0KHelper to see how the reference impedance
    and scaling factor are determined for pseudo-waves.
    @see Z0KHelperPW to see the reference impedance
    and scaling factor are determined for power waves.
    if Z0p is None:
    return Sw.tolist()
Example #10
def ABCD2S(ABCD, Z0=None, K=None):
    """Converts ABCD parameters to s-parameters.\n
    @param ABCD list of list representing ABCD matrix to convert.
    @param Z0 (optional) float or complex or list of reference impedance (defaults to None).
    @param K (optional) float or complex or list of scaling factor (defaults to None).
    Supports only two-port devices.\n
    @see Z0KHelper to see how the reference impedance
    and scaling factor are determined.
    (Z0, K) = Z0KHelper((Z0, K), len(ABCD))
    Z01 = Z0.item(0, 0)
    Z02 = Z0.item(1, 1)
    K1 = K.item(0, 0)
    K2 = K.item(1, 1)
    C11 = matrix([[0, 0], [1.0 / (2.0 * K2), Z02 / (2.0 * K2)]])
    C12 = matrix([[1.0 / (2.0 * K1), -Z01 / (2.0 * K1)], [0, 0]])
    C21 = matrix([[0, 0], [1.0 / (2.0 * K2), -Z02 / (2.0 * K2)]])
    C22 = matrix([[1.0 / (2.0 * K1), Z01 / (2.0 * K1)], [0, 0]])
    return array((C21 + C22 * ABCD) * ((C11 + C12 * ABCD).getI())).tolist()