Example #1
    def primaryMapping(self):
        # Setup Pimary Maps:
        # we want to simulate on a physical property model that
        # consists of casing in a layered background. Air cells are included.
        # Our "model", that we are considering when computing the sensitivity,
        # consists of the layered background and block, so the casing and air
        # cells are inactive parts of the model and need to be appropriately
        # injected during the construction of the primary model

        if getattr(self, '_primaryMapping', None) is None:

            print('Building primary mapping')

            # inject parameters we want to invert for into the full casing
            # model
            valInactive = np.r_[
                np.log(self.sigmacasing),  # log conductivity of the casing
                np.log(self.sigmainside),  # log conductivity fluid inside
                                           # casing
                self.casing_r,  # radius of the casing (to its center)
                self.casing_t,  # casing thickness
                self.casing_z[0],  # bottom of casing (at depth)
                self.casing_z[1]   # top of casing (at surface)

            # inject casing parameters so they are included in the construction
            # of the layered background + casing
            injectCasingParams = Maps.InjectActiveCells(
                None, indActive=np.r_[0, 1, 4, 5], valInactive=valInactive,

            # maps a list of casing parameters to the cyl mesh (below the
            # subsurface)
            paramMapPrimary = Maps.ParametrizedCasingAndLayer(
                self.meshp, indActive=self.indActivePrimary, slopeFact=1e4

            # inject air cells
            injActMapPrimary = Maps.InjectActiveCells(
                self.meshp, self.indActivePrimary, np.log(self.sigmaair)

            # map from log conductivity to conductivity
            expMapPrimary = Maps.ExpMap(self.meshp)

            # assemble the primary mapping
            primaryMapping = (
                expMapPrimary *  # log(sigma) --> sigma
                injActMapPrimary *  # log(sigma) below surface --> include air
                paramMapPrimary *  # parametric --> casing + layered earth
                injectCasingParams *  # parametric layered earth --> parametric
                                      # layered earth + casing
                self.projectionMapPrimary  # grab relevant parameters from full
                                           # model (eg. ignore block)

            self._paramMapPrimary = paramMapPrimary
            self._primaryMapping = primaryMapping

            print('... done building primary mapping')

        return self._primaryMapping
Example #2
 def test_ParametricCasingAndLayer(self):
     mapping = Maps.ParametrizedCasingAndLayer(self.meshCyl)
     m = np.r_[-2., 1., 6., 2., -0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.2, -0.2, 0.2]