Example #1
def loadtxt(title, verbose=True):
    import re
    from SimpleQmap import State, ScaleInfo
    with open(title, "r") as file:
        for i, line in enumerate(file):
            if re.search('DIM', line):
                dim = int(line.split(" ")[2])
            if re.search('QMIN', line):
                qmin = float(line.split(" ")[2])
            if re.search('QMAX', line):
                qmax = float(line.split(" ")[2])
            if re.search('PMIN', line):
                pmin = float(line.split(" ")[2])
            if re.search('PMAX', line):
                pmax = float(line.split(" ")[2])
            if re.search('REP', line):
                rep = line.split(" ")[2].replace("\n", "")

    if rep not in ["q", "p"]:
        raise TypeError("must be q-rep or p-rep text file")

    data = numpy.loadtxt(title).transpose()
    vec = data[2] + 1.j * data[3]
    scl = ScaleInfo(dim, [[qmin, qmax], [pmin, pmax]])
    state = State(scl, vec)
    if rep == "p":
        state = state.p2q()
    if verbose:
        t = "load:%s\n" % title
        t += "dim:%d\n" % dim
        t += "domain:[%f,%f]x[%f,%f]\n" % (qmin, qmax, pmin, pmax)
        t += "representation:q" if rep == "q" else "!!Warning!!\nconvert original data (p-rep.) to q-rep.\n"
    return state
Example #2
    def coherent(self, q_c, p_c, x):
        minimum-uncertainty Gaussian wave packet centered at (q_c,p_c, x)
        .. math:: 
            \langle x | \psi \\rangle = \exp[-(x-q_c)^2/2\hbar + p_c(x-q_c)/\hbar]
        .. warning::
        q_c, p_c : float
            Centroid (q_c,p_c,x) of the wave packet
        x : array

        re = -(x - q_c) * (x - q_c) * numpy.pi / (self.scaleinfo.h)
        im = (x - q_c) * p_c * twopi / self.scaleinfo.h
        res = State(self.scaleinfo, data=numpy.exp(re + 1.j * im))
        norm2 = numpy.abs(res.inner(res))
        return res / numpy.sqrt(norm2)
Example #3
 def coherent(self, q_c, p_c, x):
     minimum-uncertainty Gaussian wave packet centered at (q_c,p_c, x)
     .. math:: 
         \langle x | \psi \\rangle = \exp[-(x-q_c)^2/2\hbar + p_c(x-q_c)/\hbar]
     .. warning::
     q_c, p_c : float
         Centroid (q_c,p_c,x) of the wave packet
     x : array
     re = -(x - q_c)*(x - q_c)*numpy.pi/(self.scaleinfo.h)
     im = (x - q_c)*p_c*twopi/self.scaleinfo.h
     res = State(self.scaleinfo, data = numpy.exp(re+ 1.j*im))
     norm2 = numpy.abs(res.inner(res)) 
     return res/numpy.sqrt(norm2)
Example #4
def loadtxt(title,verbose=True):
    import re
    from SimpleQmap import State,ScaleInfo
    with open(title, "r") as file:
        for i, line in enumerate(file):
            if re.search('DIM', line):
                dim = int(line.split(" ")[2])        
            if re.search('QMIN', line):
                qmin = float(line.split(" ")[2])
            if re.search('QMAX', line):
                qmax = float(line.split(" ")[2])
            if re.search('PMIN', line):
                pmin = float(line.split(" ")[2])                
            if re.search('PMAX', line):
                pmax = float(line.split(" ")[2])
            if re.search('REP', line):
                rep = line.split(" ")[2].replace("\n","")

    if rep not in ["q","p"]:
        raise TypeError("must be q-rep or p-rep text file")
    data = numpy.loadtxt(title).transpose()
    vec = data[2] + 1.j*data[3]
    scl = ScaleInfo(dim, [[qmin,qmax], [pmin, pmax]])
    state = State(scl, vec)
    if rep == "p":
        state = state.p2q()
    if verbose:
        t = "load:%s\n" % title
        t += "dim:%d\n" % dim
        t += "domain:[%f,%f]x[%f,%f]\n" % (qmin,qmax, pmin, pmax)
        t += "representation:q" if rep =="q" else "!!Warning!!\nconvert original data (p-rep.) to q-rep.\n"
    return state
Example #5
 def eig(self):
     data = numpy.squeeze(numpy.asarray(self))
     (evals, V) = numpy.linalg.eig(data)
     evecs = []
     for i in range(len(evals)):
         evecs.append(State(self.scaleinfo, V[:, i]))
     return evals, evecs
Example #6
    def p2q(self):
        Fourier (inverse) transformation from
        the momentum :math:`(p)` representation to the position :math:`(q)` representation.

        .. math::

            \\langle q | \\psi\\rangle = \\sum_p \\langle q | p\\rangle \\!\\langle p | \\psi \\rangle


        data = State(self.scaleinfo, self)
        if self.scaleinfo.domain[1][0]*self.scaleinfo.domain[1][1] < 0:
            data = numpy.fft.fftshift(data)
        data = numpy.fft.ifft(data)*numpy.sqrt(self.scaleinfo.dim)#/numpy.sqrt(self.scaleinfo.dim)
        return State(self.scaleinfo, data)
Example #7
 def eigh(self):
     data = numpy.squeeze(numpy.asarray(self))
     (evals, V) = numpy.linalg.eigh(data)
     index = numpy.argsort(evals)
     evecs = []
     for i in index:
         evecs.append(State(self.scaleinfo, V[:, i]))
     return evals, evecs
Example #8
    def cs(self, q_c, p_c):
        create new State object which 
        minimum-uncertainty Gaussian wave packet centered at (q_c,p_c) on periodic boundary condition.
        q_c, p_c : float
            Centroid (q_c,p_c) of wave packet
        >>> from state import State, ScaleInfo
        >>> scl = ScaleInfo(10, [[0,1],[-0.5,0.5]])
        >>> state = State(scl)
        >>> state.cs(0.5,0.1)
        State([ -5.19214101e-04 +4.91950621e-47j,
                -3.55650243e-03 -2.58395027e-03j,
                -1.22265106e-02 -3.76293303e-02j,
                 5.88151479e-02 -1.81014412e-01j,
                 3.95164004e-01 -2.87103454e-01j,
                 6.68740103e-01 -8.71513377e-71j,
                 3.95164004e-01 +2.87103454e-01j,
                 5.88151479e-02 +1.81014412e-01j,
                -1.22265106e-02 +3.76293303e-02j,  -3.55650243e-03 +2.58395027e-03j])
        .. seealso:: 
            Module :state:`coherent`

        qrange = self.scaleinfo.domain[0]
        d = qrange[1] - qrange[0]
        lqmin, lqmax = qrange[0] - 2 * d, qrange[1] + 2 * d
        long_q = numpy.linspace(lqmin,
                                5 * self.scaleinfo.dim,

        coh_state = self.coherent(q_c, p_c, long_q)

        vec = numpy.zeros(self.scaleinfo.dim, dtype=numpy.complex128)
        m = int(len(coh_state) / self.scaleinfo.dim)
        coh_state = coh_state.reshape(m, self.scaleinfo.dim)

        for i in range(m):
            vec += coh_state[i][::1]
        norm2 = numpy.dot(vec, numpy.conj(vec))

        return State(self.scaleinfo, vec / numpy.sqrt(norm2))
Example #9
 def q2p(self):
     Fourier (forward) transformation from
     the position :math:`(q)` representation to the momentum :math:`(p)` representation. 
     .. math::
         \\langle p | \\psi\\rangle = \\sum_q \\langle p | q\\rangle \\!\\langle q | \\psi \\rangle
     data = numpy.fft.fft(self) / numpy.sqrt(self.scaleinfo.dim)
     if self.scaleinfo.domain[1][0] * self.scaleinfo.domain[1][1] < 0:
         data = numpy.fft.fftshift(data)
     return State(self.scaleinfo, data)  #*numpy.sqrt(self.scaleinfo.dim)
Example #10
 def copy(self):
     return State(self.scaleinfo, self.toarray())
Example #11
 def inner(self, phi):
     return :math:`\\langle \\phi | \\psi\\rangle` as complex value constant (numpy.complex128)
     res = numpy.sum(self * numpy.conj(phi))
     return State(self.scaleinfo, res)
Example #12
 def prep(self):
     return :math:`\\langle p | \\psi\\rangle` as a State object
     return State(self.scaleinfo, self.q2p())
Example #13
 def state(self):
     return State(self)
Example #14
 def state(self, data=[]):
     if len(data) == 0:
         return State(self)
         return State(self, data)