def drawAnno( self, a ):
        colormap = SplitStrokeVisualizer.COLORMAP
        color = random.choice(colormap.keys())

        for s in a.getComponentStrokes():
            SketchGUI.drawStroke(s, width = 2, color = color)
Example #2
    def drawMyself( self ):
        for a in self.annotation_list:
            center = GeomUtils.centroid(a.Strokes[0].Points) #Ugly hack to get the center of the annotation!
            templ_stroke = Stroke.Stroke(a.template)
            templ_stroke = templ_stroke.translate(center.X, center.Y)

            SketchGUI.drawText(center.X, center.Y,
            SketchGUI.drawStroke(templ_stroke, color="#F050F0")
Example #3
    def drawMyself(self, color=None):
        from SketchFramework import SketchGUI as GUI

        if color: drawColor = color
        else: drawColor = self.Color 

        if len(self.Points) > 0:
            GUI.drawStroke(self, color=drawColor, erasable = True)
 def drawAnno( self, a ):
     right_color = "#CF0000"
     left_color = "#0000C0"
     for wall in a.rightwalls: #Strokes
         rtv_logger.debug("Drawing right wall")
         wall = GeomUtils.strokeSmooth(wall, width = 6, preserveEnds = True)
         SketchGUI.drawStroke(wall, width = 2, color = right_color)
     for wall in a.leftwalls: #Strokes
         rtv_logger.debug("Drawing left wall")
         SketchGUI.drawStroke(wall, width = 2, color = left_color)
Example #5
    def drawMyself(self, color=None):
        from SketchFramework import SketchGUI as GUI

        if color: drawColor = color
        else: drawColor = self.Color 

        #if len(self.Points) == 1:
        #    GUI.drawCircle( self.Points[0].X, self.Points[0].Y, radius=0,color=drawColor)
        #elif len(self.Points) > 1:
        GUI.drawStroke(self, color=drawColor, erasable = True)