Example #1
    def get_post_of_friend(cls, user_id):
        user_id = 'sn_users/' + str(user_id)
        #query with graph
        # FOR post IN 1..2 OUTBOUND @user_id sn_friend, sn_user_post
        # câu query này sẽ select theo 2 cạnh của sn_friend và sn_user_post với giá trị user_id và select hết tất cả các item select đc gồm cả user và post
        # để chỉ lấy được các post thì t phải filter ra các item có user_type == null vì post ko có user_type chỉ user mới có user_type
        query_string = "FOR post IN 1..2 OUTBOUND @user_id sn_friend, sn_user_post OPTIONS {bfs: true, uniqueVertices: 'global'} " \
                       "FILTER post.user_type == NULL " \
                       "SORT post.created_at DESC " \
                       "LET user = (FOR user IN sn_users FILTER user._key == TO_STRING(post.user_id) LIMIT 1 " \
                       "RETURN user)[0] " \
                       "RETURN merge(post,{user})"
        #query with vertex and edge
        # query_string = "LET friends = (" \
        #                "FOR user IN OUTBOUND @user_id sn_friend OPTIONS {bfs: true, uniqueVertices: 'global'} " \
        #                "RETURN user._id) " \
        #                "LET post=(" \
        #                "FOR friend IN friends " \
        #                "FOR post IN OUTBOUND friend sn_user_post OPTIONS {bfs: true, uniqueVertices: 'global'}" \
        #                "SORT post.created_at DESC " \
        #                "RETURN post) " \
        #                "RETURN post "
        parameter = {'user_id': user_id}
        result = ArangoCore.execute_query(query_string, parameter)

        return result
 def get_download_history(cls, download_id):
         query_string = "LET downloads =(FOR download IN sn_user_download FILTER download._key==@download_id LIMIT 1 RETURN download) RETURN downloads[0]"
         parameter = {'download_id': download_id}
         result = ArangoCore.execute_query(query_string, parameter)
         return result[0] if len(result) > 0 else None
     except Exception as exception:
         raise exception
Example #3
 def get_data_of_user(cls, user_id):
     user_id = 'sn_users/' + str(user_id)
     query_string = "FOR data IN OUTBOUND @user_id sn_user_data OPTIONS {bfs: true, uniqueVertices: 'global'} " \
                    "SORT data.created_at DESC " \
                    "RETURN data"
     parameter = {'user_id': user_id}
     result = ArangoCore.execute_query(query_string, parameter)
     return result
Example #4
    def get_user_channels_by_user_id(cls, user_id):
            start_id = 'rv_users/{0}'.format(user_id)
            query_string = "FOR v, e IN OUTBOUND @start_id rv_user_channels OPTIONS {bfs: true, uniqueVertices: 'global'} RETURN e.name "

            parameter = {'start_id': str(start_id)}

            return ArangoCore.execute_query(query_string, parameter)
        except Exception as exception:
            raise exception
Example #5
 def get_post_of_user(cls, user_id):
     user_id = 'sn_users/' + str(user_id)
     query_string = "FOR post IN OUTBOUND @user_id sn_user_post OPTIONS {bfs: true, uniqueVertices: 'global'} " \
                    "SORT post.created_at DESC " \
                    "LET user = (FOR user IN sn_users FILTER user._key == TO_STRING(post.user_id) LIMIT 1 " \
                    "RETURN user)[0] " \
                    "RETURN merge(post,{user})"
     parameter = {'user_id': user_id}
     result = ArangoCore.execute_query(query_string, parameter)
     return result
Example #6
 def get_commnet(cls, post_id):
     post_id = 'sn_posts/' + str(post_id)
     query_string = "FOR comment IN OUTBOUND @post_id sn_post_comment OPTIONS {bfs: true, uniqueVertices: 'global'} " \
                    "SORT comment.created_at ASC " \
                    "LET user = (FOR user IN sn_users FILTER user._key == TO_STRING(comment.user_id) LIMIT 1  " \
                    "RETURN user)[0] " \
                    "RETURN merge(comment,{user})"
     parameter = {'post_id': post_id}
     result = ArangoCore.execute_query(query_string, parameter)
     return result
Example #7
 def get_data(cls, data_id, get_name=False):
         if get_name:
             query_string = "FOR data IN sn_datas FILTER data.id == @data_id LIMIT 1 RETURN data.name"
             query_string = "FOR data IN sn_datas FILTER data.id == @data_id LIMIT 1 RETURN data"
         parameter = {'data_id': data_id}
         result = ArangoCore.execute_query(query_string, parameter)
         return result[0] if len(result) > 0 else None
     except Exception as exception:
         raise exception
 def get_download_history_of_user(cls, user_id):
         user_id = 'sn_users/' + user_id
         query_string = "LET historys = (FOR v,history IN OUTBOUND @user_id sn_user_download " \
                        "SORT history.created_at DESC " \
                        "RETURN merge(history,{infor:v})) " \
                        "FOR history IN historys " \
                        "FOR data IN sn_datas " \
                        "FILTER data.id == history.infor.data_id " \
                        "RETURN merge(history,{data:data}) "
         parameter = {'user_id': user_id}
         return ArangoCore.execute_query(query_string, parameter)
     except Exception as exception:
         raise exception
Example #9
    def get_user_channels_by_band_id(cls, band_id):
            start_id = 'rv_users/{0}'.format(band_id)
            query_string = "FOR user IN INBOUND @start_id rv_user_follows OPTIONS {bfs: true, uniqueVertices: 'global'} "
            query_string += "LET channels = (FOR v, e IN OUTBOUND user._id rv_user_channels OPTIONS {bfs: true, uniqueVertices: 'global'} RETURN e.name) "
            query_string += "RETURN {'user_id': user.id, 'channels': channels}"

            parameter = {'start_id': str(start_id)}

            channels = []
            user_channels = ArangoCore.execute_query(query_string, parameter)
            for user_channel in user_channels:
                channels += user_channel['channels']

            return channels
        except Exception as exception:
            raise exception