Example #1
	def _setup_mixer_control(self):
		is_momentary = True
		self._num_tracks = (7) #A mixer is one-dimensional; 
		global mixer
		mixer = SpecialMixerComponent(7, 0, True, False)
		mixer.name = 'Mixer'
		self._mixer = mixer
		mixer.set_track_offset(0) #Sets start point for mixer strip (offset from left)
		for index in range(7):
		for index in range(7):
			mixer.channel_strip(index).name = 'Mixer_ChannelStrip_' + str(index)
			mixer.track_eq(index).name = 'Mixer_EQ_' + str(index)
			mixer.channel_strip(index)._invert_mute_feedback = True
		self.song().view.selected_track = mixer.channel_strip(0)._track #set the selected strip to the first track, so that we don't, for example, try to assign a button to arm the master track, which would cause an assertion error
Example #2
	def _setup_mixer_control(self):
		global mixer
		is_momentary = True
		self._num_tracks = 7
		mixer = SpecialMixerComponent(7, 0, True, False)
		mixer.name = 'Mixer'
		self._mixer = mixer
		for index in range(7):

		for index in range(7):
			mixer.channel_strip(index).name = 'Mixer_ChannelStrip_' + str(index)
			mixer.track_eq(index).name = 'Mixer_EQ_' + str(index)
			mixer.channel_strip(index)._invert_mute_feedback = True

		self.song().view.selected_track = mixer.channel_strip(0)._track
Example #3
 def _setup_mixer_control(self):
     is_momentary = True
     self._num_tracks = (7)  #A mixer is one-dimensional;
     global mixer
     mixer = SpecialMixerComponent(7, 0, True, False)
     mixer.name = 'Mixer'
     self._mixer = mixer
         0)  #Sets start point for mixer strip (offset from left)
     for index in range(7):
     for index in range(7):
             index).name = 'Mixer_ChannelStrip_' + str(index)
         mixer.track_eq(index).name = 'Mixer_EQ_' + str(index)
         mixer.channel_strip(index)._invert_mute_feedback = True
     self.song().view.selected_track = mixer.channel_strip(
     )._track  #set the selected strip to the first track, so that we don't, for example, try to assign a button to arm the master track, which would cause an assertion error
Example #4
    def _init_mixer_component(self, volume_controls, trackarm_controls, mixer_options, global_channel, volume_map_mode):
        if volume_controls != None and trackarm_controls != None:
            num_strips = max(len(volume_controls), len(trackarm_controls))
            send_info = []
            momentary_buttons = False
            mixer = SpecialMixerComponent(num_strips)
            mixer.name = 'Mixer'
            mixer.master_strip().name = 'Master_Channel_Strip'
            mixer.selected_strip().name = 'Selected_Channel_Strip'
            if mixer_options != None:
                if 'MASTERVOLUME' in mixer_options.keys() and mixer_options['MASTERVOLUME'] in range(128):
                    encoder = EncoderElement(MIDI_CC_TYPE, global_channel, mixer_options['MASTERVOLUME'], volume_map_mode)
                    encoder.name = 'Master_Volume_Control'
                if 'NUMSENDS' in mixer_options.keys() and mixer_options['NUMSENDS'] > 0:
                    for send in range(mixer_options['NUMSENDS']):
                        key = 'SEND' + str(send + 1)
                        raise key in mixer_options.keys() or AssertionError

                momentary_buttons = 'NOTOGGLE' in mixer_options.keys()
                next_bank_button = None
                prev_bank_button = None
                if 'NEXTBANK' in mixer_options.keys() and mixer_options['NEXTBANK'] in range(128):
                    next_bank_button = ButtonElement(momentary_buttons, MIDI_CC_TYPE, global_channel, mixer_options['NEXTBANK'])
                    next_bank_button.name = 'Mixer_Next_Bank_Button'
                if 'PREVBANK' in mixer_options.keys() and mixer_options['PREVBANK'] in range(128):
                    prev_bank_button = ButtonElement(momentary_buttons, MIDI_CC_TYPE, global_channel, mixer_options['PREVBANK'])
                    prev_bank_button.name = 'Mixer_Previous_Bank_Button'
                mixer.set_bank_buttons(next_bank_button, prev_bank_button)
            for track in range(num_strips):
                strip = mixer.channel_strip(track)
                strip.name = 'Channel_Strip_' + str(track)
                if track in range(len(volume_controls)):
                    channel = global_channel
                    cc = volume_controls[track]
                    if isinstance(volume_controls[track], (tuple, list)):
                        cc = volume_controls[track][0]
                        if volume_controls[track][1] in range(16):
                            channel = volume_controls[track][1]
                    if cc in range(128) and channel in range(16):
                        encoder = EncoderElement(MIDI_CC_TYPE, channel, cc, volume_map_mode)
                        encoder.name = str(track) + '_Volume_Control'
                if track in range(len(trackarm_controls)) and trackarm_controls[track] in range(128):
                    button = ButtonElement(momentary_buttons, MIDI_CC_TYPE, global_channel, trackarm_controls[track])
                    button.name = str(track) + '_Arm_Button'
                send_controls = []
                for send in send_info:
                    encoder = None
                    if track in range(len(send)):
                        channel = global_channel
                        cc = send[track]
                        if isinstance(send[track], (tuple, list)):
                            cc = send[track][0]
                            if send[track][1] in range(16):
                                channel = send[track][1]
                        if cc in range(128) and channel in range(16):
                            encoder = EncoderElement(MIDI_CC_TYPE, channel, cc, volume_map_mode)
                            encoder.name = str(track) + '_Send_' + str(list(send_info).index(send)) + '_Control'
