Example #1
class XmlReaderTest(WorkflowTest):
    def setUp(self):
        self.reader = XmlReader()

    def testParseString(self):

    def testParseFile(self):
        # File not found.

        # 0 byte sized file.
        file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'xml', 'empty1.xml')
        self.assertRaises(ExpatError, self.reader.parse_file, file)

        # File containing only "<xml></xml>".
        file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'xml', 'empty2.xml')

        # Read a complete workflow.
        file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'xml', 'spiff', 'workflow1.xml')

    def testRunWorkflow(self):
        file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'xml', 'spiff', 'workflow1.xml')
        workflow_list = self.reader.parse_file(file)
        for wf in workflow_list:
Example #2
class Driver(object):
    A driver provides an API for storing and loading workflows, receiving
    information regarding running Jobs, and for driving the workflow
    def __init__(self, db):
        Instantiates a new Driver.
        @type  db: object
        @param db: An sqlalchemy database connection.
        @rtype:  Driver
        @return: The new instance.
        self.db        = DB(db)
        self.xmlreader = XmlReader()

    def install(self):
        Installs (or upgrades) the workflow server.

        @rtype:  Boolean
        @return: True on success, False otherwise.
        return self.db.install()

    def uninstall(self):
        Uninstall the workflow engine. This also permanently removes all data,
        history, and running jobs. Use with care.

        @rtype:  Boolean
        @return: True on success, False otherwise.
        return self.db.uninstall()

    def get_workflow_info(self, **filter):
        Returns the WorkflowInfo objects that match the given criteria.

        @rtype:  [WorkflowInfo]
        @return: A list of WorkflowInfo objects from the database.
        return self.db.get_workflow_info(**filter)

    def save_workflow_info(self, object):
        Store the WorkflowInfo in the database.

        @rtype:  Boolean
        @return: True on success, False otherwise.
        return self.db.save(object)

    def delete_workflow_info(self, object):
        Delete the WorkflowInfo from the database.

        @rtype:  Boolean
        @return: True on success, False otherwise.
        return self.db.delete(object)

    def create_job(self, workflow_info):
        Creates an instance of the given workflow.

        @rtype:  JobInfo
        @return: The JobInfo for the newly created workflow instance.
        if workflow_info is None:
            raise WorkflowServerException('workflow_info argument is None')
        if workflow_info.id is None:
            raise WorkflowServerException('workflow_info must be saved first')
        workflow = self.xmlreader.parse_string(workflow_info.xml)
        job      = Job(workflow[0])
        job_info = JobInfo(workflow_info.id, job)
        return job_info

    def get_job_info(self, **filter):
        Returns the workflow instances that matches the given criteria.

        @rtype:  [JobInfo]
        @return: A list of JobInfo objects from the database.
        return self.db.get_job_info(**filter)

    def __save_job_info(self, job_info):
        for node in job_info.instance.task_tree:
            task_info = self.get_task_info(job_id  = job_info.id,
                                           node_id = node.id)
            if len(task_info) == 1:
                task_info = task_info[0]
            elif len(task_info) == 0:
                task_info = TaskInfo(job_info.id, node)
                raise WorkflowServerException('More than one task found')
            task_info.status = node.state

    def delete_job_info(self, object):
        Delete the workflow instance from the database.

        @rtype:  Boolean
        @return: True on success, False otherwise.
        return self.db.delete(object)

    def get_task_info(self, **filter):
        Returns the tasks that match the given criteria.

        @rtype:  [TaskInfo]
        @return: A list of TaskInfo objects from the database.
        return self.db.get_task_info(**filter)

    def execute_task(self, task_info):
        if task_info is None:
            raise WorkflowServerException('task_info argument is None')
        if task_info.id is None:
            raise WorkflowServerException('task_info must be saved first')
        if task_info.status & task_info.WAITING == 0:
            raise WorkflowServerException('task is not in WAITING state')
        if task_info.job_id is None:
            raise WorkflowServerException('task_info must be associated with a job')
        job_info_list = self.get_job_info(id = task_info.job_id)
        if len(job_info_list) == 0:
            raise WorkflowServerException('Job not found')
        elif len(job_info_list) > 1:
            raise WorkflowServerException('Fatal error: More than one Job found')

        job_info = job_info_list[0]
        if job_info.status is job_info.COMPLETED:
            raise WorkflowServerException('Job is already completed')
        result = job_info.instance.execute_task_from_id(task_info.node_id)
        return result