def main(): __version_info__ = (0, 0, 1) __version__ = ".".join(map(str, __version_info__)) for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): if (arg[0] == '-') and arg[1].isdigit(): sys.argv[i] = ' ' + arg parser = ArgumentParser( description= 'Image based stacking tool S Makhathini <*****@*****.**>') add = parser.add_argument add("-v", "--version", action='version', version='{:s} version {:s}'.format(parser.prog, __version__)) add("-i", "--image", help="FITS image name") add("-c", "--catalog", metavar="CATALOG_NAME:DELIMITER", help= "Catalog name. Default delimiter is a comma. Format: 'ra,dec,freq' ") add("-p", "--prefix", default="gota_stackem_all", help="Prefix for output products.") add("-w", "--width", type=float, default=0, help= "For line stacking: Band width [MHz] to sample across frequency (for line stacking). Default is 1." "For continuum stacking: Width (in beams) of subregion to stack. Default is 10 beams" ) add("-vbl", "--vebosity-level", dest="vbl", choices=["0", "1", "2", "3"], default="0", help= "Verbosity level. 0-> INFO, 1-> DEBUG, 2-> ERROR, 3-> CRITICAL. Default is 0" ) add("-b", "--beam", metavar="BMIN[:BMIN:BPA]", help="PSF (a.k.a dirty beam) FWHM in degrees. No default") add("-b2p", "--beam2pix", action="store_true", help="Do Jy/beam to Jy/pixel conversion") add("-L", "--line", action="store_true", help="Do line stacking") add("-C", "--cont", action="store_true", help="Do continuum stacking") add("-mc", "--monte-carlo", metavar="SAMPLES:START:FINISH:N", default=False, help="Do a monte carlo analysis of the noise. That is, " "stack on START random positions NSAMPLES times. " "Repeat this N times with (FINISH-START)/N increments." "if set -mc/--mont-carlo=yes, default is '400:1000:8000:7'") args = parser.parse_args() if args.catalog: catalog_string = args.catalog.split(":") if len(catalog_string) > 1: catalgname, delimiter = catalog_string else: catalogname, delimiter = catalog_string[0], "," if args.beam: beam = args.beam.split(":") if len(beam) == 1: beam = float(beam[0]) elif len(beam) == 2: beam = map(float, beam) + [0] else: beam = map(float, beam) else: beam = None pylab.clf() prefix = args.prefix or "stackem_default" pylab.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) if args.line: from Stackem import LineStacker stack = LineStacker.load(args.image, catalogname, delimiter=delimiter, beam=beam, width=args.width, beam2pix=args.beam2pix, verbosity=args.vbl) stacked_line = stack.stack() * 1e6 # convert to uJy peak, nu, sigma = gfit_params = stack.fit_gaussian(stacked_line) gfit = utils.gauss(range(stack.width), *gfit_params) freqs = (numpy.linspace(-stack.width / 2, stack.width / 2, stack.width) * stack.dfreq - stack.freq0) * 1e-9 # convert to GHz # plot profile pylab.plot(freqs, stacked_line, "r.", label="stacked profile") pylab.plot(freqs, gfit, "k-", label="Gaussian fit") pylab.grid() pylab.xlim(freqs[0], freqs[-1]) pylab.xlabel("Frequency [GHz]") pylab.ylabel("Flux density [mJy/{:s}]".format( "beam" if args.beam2pix else "pixel")) pylab.legend(loc=1) pylab.savefig(prefix + "-line.png") pylab.clf() # save numpy.savetxt(prefix + "-line.txt", stacked_line, delimiter=",") with open(prefix + "-line_stats.txt", "w") as info: tot = sigma * peak * math.sqrt(2 * math.pi)"Gaussian Fit parameters.") info.write("Gaussian Fit parameters\n") info.write("Peak Flux : {:.4g} uJy\n".format(peak))"Peak Flux : {:.4g} uJy".format(peak)) info.write("Integrated Flux : {:.4g} uJy\n".format(tot))"Integrated Flux : {:.4g} uJy".format(tot)) info.write("Profile width : {:.4g} MHz \n".format(sigma * stack.dfreq))"Profile width : {:.4g} kHz".format( sigma * stack.dfreq * 1e-3)) "Line stacking ran successfully. Find your outputs at {:s}-line*". format(prefix)) if args.cont: pylab.figure(figsize=(20, 20)) from Stackem import ContStacker stack = ContStacker.load(args.image, catalogname, delimiter=delimiter, beam=beam, beam2pix=args.beam2pix, width=int(args.width), verbosity=args.vbl) stacked = stack.stack() mask = utils.elliptical_mask(stacked, stack.bmajPix / 2., stack.bminPix / 2., stack.bpa) flux = utils.gauss_weights(stacked, stack.bmajPix / 2., stack.bmajPix / 2., mask=mask) flux = flux.sum() rms = utils.negnoise(stacked) with open(prefix + "-cont.txt", "w") as cont:"Stacked flux: {:.3g} +/- {:.3g} uJy".format( flux * 1e6, rms * 1e6)) cont.write("Stacked flux: {:.3g} +/- {:.3g} uJy/beam".format( flux * 1e6, rms * 1e6)) # Plot stacked image, and cross-sections rotated = numpy.rot90(stacked.T) import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[4, 1], height_ratios=[1, 4]) gs.update(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) ax1 = pylab.subplot(gs[2]) ax2 = pylab.subplot(gs[0], sharex=ax1) ax3 = pylab.subplot(gs[3], sharey=ax1) pylab.setp(ax3.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) pylab.setp(ax3.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90) pylab.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1.imshow(stacked, interpolation="nearest") ax1.set_aspect("auto") ra0, dec0 = stack.wcs.getCentreWCSCoords() ras = numpy.linspace(stack.width / 2, -stack.width / 2, stack.width) * stack.cell - ra0 decs = numpy.linspace(-stack.width / 2, stack.width / 2, stack.width) * stack.cell - dec0 ax1.set_xticklabels(map(lambda x: coords.decimal2hms(x, ":"), ras)) ax1.set_yticklabels(map(lambda x: coords.decimal2dms(x, ":"), decs)) ax1.set_xlabel("RA [hms]") ax1.set_ylabel("DEC [dms]") pylab.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90) ax2.plot(rotated[:, stack.width / 2] * 1e6) ax3.plot(rotated[stack.width / 2, :][::-1] * 1e6, range(stack.width)) ax3.set_ylim(0, stack.width - 1) ax2.set_xlim(0, stack.width - 1) ax2.set_ylabel("Flux density [uJy/beam]") ax3.set_xlabel("Flux density [uJy/beam]") pylab.savefig(prefix + "-cont.png") # save stacked image as fits hdr = stack.hdr hdr["crpix1"] = stack.width / 2 hdr["crpix2"] = stack.width / 2 pyfits.writeto(prefix + "-cont.fits", stacked, hdr, clobber=True) "Continuum stacking ran successfully. Find your outputs at {:s}-line*" .format(prefix)) if args.monte_carlo: if args.monte_carlo in ["yes", "1", "True", "true"]: runs, stacks = 400, xrange(1000, 8000, 1000) else: a, b, c, d = map(int, args.monte_carlo.split(":")) runs, stacks = a, xrange(b, c, (c - b) / d) from Stackem import ContStacker noise = ContStacker.mc_noise_stack(args.image, runs=runs, stacks=stacks, beam=beam, beam2pix=args.beam2pix, width=args.width, verbosity=args.vbl) pylab.clf() pylab.loglog(stacks, noise) pylab.grid() pylab.ylabel("Log (Noise [Jy/beam])") pylab.xlabel("Log (Random Stacks). {:d} Samples".format(runs)) pylab.savefig(prefix + "-cont_mc.png") pylab.clf()
def main(): __version_info__ = (0,0,1) __version__ = ".".join( map(str,__version_info__) ) for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): if (arg[0] == '-') and arg[1].isdigit(): sys.argv[i] = ' ' + arg parser = ArgumentParser(description='Image based stacking tool S Makhathini <*****@*****.**>') add = parser.add_argument add("-v","--version", action='version',version='{:s} version {:s}'.format(parser.prog, __version__)) add("-i", "--image", help="FITS image name") add("-c", "--catalog", metavar="CATALOG_NAME:DELIMITER", help="Catalog name. Default delimiter is a comma. Format: 'ra,dec,freq' ") add("-p", "--prefix", default="gota_stackem_all", help="Prefix for output products.") add("-w", "--width", type=float, default=0, help="For line stacking: Band width [MHz] to sample across frequency (for line stacking). Default is 1." "For continuum stacking: Width (in beams) of subregion to stack. Default is 10 beams") add("-vbl", "--vebosity-level", dest="vbl", choices=["0", "1", "2", "3"], default="0", help="Verbosity level. 0-> INFO, 1-> DEBUG, 2-> ERROR, 3-> CRITICAL. Default is 0") add("-b", "--beam", metavar="BMIN[:BMIN:BPA]", help="PSF (a.k.a dirty beam) FWHM in degrees. No default") add("-b2p", "--beam2pix", action="store_true", help="Do Jy/beam to Jy/pixel conversion") add("-L", "--line", action="store_true", help="Do line stacking") add("-C", "--cont", action="store_true", help="Do continuum stacking") add("-mc", "--monte-carlo", metavar="SAMPLES:START:FINISH:N", default=False, help="Do a monte carlo analysis of the noise. That is, " "stack on START random positions NSAMPLES times. " "Repeat this N times with (FINISH-START)/N increments." "if set -mc/--mont-carlo=yes, default is '400:1000:8000:7'") args = parser.parse_args() if args.catalog: catalog_string = args.catalog.split(":") if len(catalog_string)>1: catalgname, delimiter = catalog_string else: catalogname, delimiter = catalog_string[0], "," if args.beam: beam = args.beam.split(":") if len(beam)==1: beam = float(beam[0]) elif len(beam)==2: beam = map(float, beam) + [0] else: beam = map(float, beam) else: beam = None pylab.clf() prefix = args.prefix or "stackem_default" pylab.figure(figsize=(15,10)) if args.line: from Stackem import LineStacker stack = LineStacker.load(args.image, catalogname, delimiter=delimiter, beam=beam, width=args.width, beam2pix=args.beam2pix, verbosity=args.vbl) stacked_line = stack.stack()*1e6 # convert to uJy peak, nu, sigma = gfit_params = stack.fit_gaussian(stacked_line) gfit = utils.gauss(range(stack.width), *gfit_params) freqs = (numpy.linspace(-stack.width/2, stack.width/2, stack.width)*stack.dfreq - stack.freq0)*1e-9 # convert to GHz # plot profile pylab.plot(freqs, stacked_line, "r.", label="stacked profile") pylab.plot(freqs, gfit, "k-", label="Gaussian fit") pylab.grid() pylab.xlim(freqs[0], freqs[-1]) pylab.xlabel("Frequency [GHz]") pylab.ylabel("Flux density [mJy/{:s}]".format("beam" if args.beam2pix else "pixel")) pylab.legend(loc=1) pylab.savefig(prefix+"-line.png") pylab.clf() # save numpy.savetxt(prefix+"-line.txt", stacked_line, delimiter=",") with open(prefix+"-line_stats.txt", "w") as info: tot = sigma*peak*math.sqrt(2*math.pi)"Gaussian Fit parameters.") info.write("Gaussian Fit parameters\n") info.write("Peak Flux : {:.4g} uJy\n".format(peak))"Peak Flux : {:.4g} uJy".format(peak)) info.write("Integrated Flux : {:.4g} uJy\n".format(tot))"Integrated Flux : {:.4g} uJy".format(tot)) info.write("Profile width : {:.4g} MHz \n".format(sigma*stack.dfreq))"Profile width : {:.4g} kHz".format(sigma*stack.dfreq*1e-3))"Line stacking ran successfully. Find your outputs at {:s}-line*".format(prefix)) if args.cont: pylab.figure(figsize=(20, 20)) from Stackem import ContStacker stack = ContStacker.load(args.image, catalogname, delimiter=delimiter, beam=beam, beam2pix=args.beam2pix, width=int(args.width), verbosity=args.vbl) stacked = stack.stack() mask = utils.elliptical_mask(stacked, stack.bmajPix/2., stack.bminPix/2., stack.bpa) flux = utils.gauss_weights(stacked, stack.bmajPix/2., stack.bmajPix/2., mask=mask) flux = flux.sum() rms = utils.negnoise(stacked) with open(prefix+"-cont.txt", "w") as cont:"Stacked flux: {:.3g} +/- {:.3g} uJy".format(flux*1e6, rms*1e6)) cont.write("Stacked flux: {:.3g} +/- {:.3g} uJy/beam".format(flux*1e6, rms*1e6)) # Plot stacked image, and cross-sections rotated = numpy.rot90(stacked.T) import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios = [4,1], height_ratios = [1,4]) gs.update(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) ax1 = pylab.subplot(gs[2]) ax2 = pylab.subplot(gs[0], sharex=ax1) ax3 = pylab.subplot(gs[3], sharey=ax1) pylab.setp(ax3.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) pylab.setp(ax3.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90) pylab.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1.imshow(stacked, interpolation="nearest") ax1.set_aspect("auto") ra0, dec0 = stack.wcs.getCentreWCSCoords() ras = numpy.linspace(stack.width/2, -stack.width/2, stack.width)*stack.cell - ra0 decs = numpy.linspace(-stack.width/2, stack.width/2, stack.width)*stack.cell - dec0 ax1.set_xticklabels( map(lambda x: coords.decimal2hms(x, ":"), ras) ) ax1.set_yticklabels( map(lambda x: coords.decimal2dms(x, ":"), decs) ) ax1.set_xlabel("RA [hms]") ax1.set_ylabel("DEC [dms]") pylab.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90) ax2.plot(rotated[:, stack.width/2]*1e6) ax3.plot(rotated[stack.width/2,:][::-1]*1e6, range(stack.width)) ax3.set_ylim(0, stack.width-1) ax2.set_xlim(0, stack.width-1) ax2.set_ylabel("Flux density [uJy/beam]") ax3.set_xlabel("Flux density [uJy/beam]") pylab.savefig(prefix+"-cont.png") # save stacked image as fits hdr = stack.hdr hdr["crpix1"] = stack.width/2 hdr["crpix2"] = stack.width/2 pyfits.writeto(prefix+"-cont.fits", stacked, hdr, clobber=True)"Continuum stacking ran successfully. Find your outputs at {:s}-line*".format(prefix)) if args.monte_carlo: if args.monte_carlo in ["yes", "1", "True", "true"]: runs, stacks = 400, xrange(1000, 8000, 1000) else: a, b, c, d = map(int, args.monte_carlo.split(":")) runs, stacks = a, xrange(b, c, (c-b)/d) from Stackem import ContStacker noise = ContStacker.mc_noise_stack(args.image, runs=runs, stacks=stacks, beam=beam, beam2pix=args.beam2pix, width=args.width, verbosity=args.vbl) pylab.clf() pylab.loglog(stacks, noise) pylab.grid() pylab.ylabel("Log (Noise [Jy/beam])") pylab.xlabel("Log (Random Stacks). {:d} Samples".format(runs)) pylab.savefig(prefix+"-cont_mc.png") pylab.clf()
def res(p0, x, y): peak, mu, sigma = p0 yf = utils.gauss(x, peak, mu, sigma) return y - yf