Example #1
def substitute_namespaces(element, element_dict, attribute_dict=None, deep=True):
    # NB: You probably need to call normalize_namespaces after using this.
    assert element.nodeType == element.ELEMENT_NODE

    # The default attribute_dict is the same as the element_dict, but with the
    # entry for EMPTY_NAMESPACE removed.
    if attribute_dict is None:
        attribute_dict = element_dict.copy()
        if EMPTY_NAMESPACE in attribute_dict:
            del attribute_dict[EMPTY_NAMESPACE]

    # Replace attribute namespaces
    for attrNode in list(getAttributeNodes(element)):
        if attrNode.namespaceURI in attribute_dict:
            attrNode = change_attribute_namespace(attrNode, attribute_dict[attrNode.namespaceURI])

    # Set element namespace
    if element.namespaceURI in element_dict:
        element.namespaceURI = element_dict[element.namespaceURI]

    # Iterate over child elements
    if deep:
        for node in element.childNodes:
            if node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE:
            substitute_namespaces(node, element_dict, attribute_dict, deep)
Example #2
def normalize_namespaces(element, strip_dups=False, parent_prefixes=None):
    assert element.nodeType == element.ELEMENT_NODE

    if parent_prefixes is None:
        # Walk up the document tree to find the list of elements that might
        # declare namespaces.
        top_element = element.ownerDocument.documentElement
        ancestry = []
        e = element
        while not top_element.isSameNode(e):
            e = e.parentNode
            if e is None:
                raise ValueError("element %r not connected to document" % (element,))

        # Walk down the tree to determine the current scope
        parent_prefixes = NamespaceScope()
        for e in ancestry:

    # Build list of local namespace declarations
    new_prefixes = get_namespace_declarations(element)

    # Merge the parent and new prefixes
    current_prefixes = parent_prefixes.copy()
    if strip_dups:
        duplicate_prefixes = current_prefixes.update(new_prefixes)
        for prefix in duplicate_prefixes:
            del new_prefixes[prefix]

    # Fix the element's namespace declarations
    if element.prefix in current_prefixes and current_prefixes[element.prefix] == element.namespaceURI:
        # Elements prefix and namespaceURI are in-scope.  Do nothing
    elif element.namespaceURI == EMPTY_NAMESPACE and element.prefix is not None:
        # You can't have a non-empty prefix with an empty namespace with
        # XML Namespaces 1.0
        raise ValueError("Cannot undeclare non-default namespace prefix")
        # Create a local namespace declaration attribute for this
        # namespace.  Don't care if a conflicting prefix existed before.
        new_prefixes[element.prefix] = element.namespaceURI
        current_prefixes[element.prefix] = element.namespaceURI

    # Fix the attributes' namespace declarations
    for attrNode in list(getAttributeNodes(element)):
        # Skip xmlns attributes
        if attrNode.namespaceURI == XMLNS_NAMESPACE:

        # Skip attributes with no namespace URI
        if attrNode.namespaceURI == EMPTY_NAMESPACE:
            assert hasattr(attrNode, 'localName')   # Require at least DOM level 2 for now
            continue # Do nothing, because attributes don't have namespaces by default.

        # Skip attributes whose prefixes and namespace URIs match the current in-scope prefixes.
        if attrNode.prefix and attrNode.prefix in current_prefixes and current_prefixes[attrNode.prefix] == attrNode.namespaceURI:
            # Attribute and prefix are matched.  Do nothing.

        # If the attribute's namespace has a declared prefix in the current
        # scope, change the attribute's prefix to that prefix.  If there is
        # more than one such prefix, pick one that has the "most local" binding.
        if current_prefixes.has_namespace(attrNode.namespaceURI):
            prefix = current_prefix.prefix_from_namespace(attrNode.namespaceURI)
            change_attribute_prefix(attrNode, prefix)

        # The attribute's namespace has no associated prefix yet.  We need to
        # declare one.  If we can use the existing prefix (i.e. it's not
        # already defined), do so.
        if attrNode.prefix not in current_prefixes:
            new_prefixes[attrNode.prefix] = attrNode.namespaceURI
            current_prefixes[attrNode.prefix] = attrNode.namespaceURI

        # The attribute's namespace has no associated prefix, and the
        # attribute's current prefix is already taken.  Generate one.
        j = 1
        while True:
            generated_prefix = "NS%d" % (j,)
            if generated_prefix not in current_prefixes:
            j += 1

        # Declare the new prefix
        new_prefixes[generated_prefix] = attrNode.namespaceURI
        current_prefixes[generated_prefix] = attrNode.namespaceURI

        # Change attribute's prefix
        change_attribute_prefix(attrNode, generated_prefix)

    # Update the namespace declarations on the element.
    replace_namespace_declarations(element, new_prefixes)

    # HACK - Remove xmlns='' attribute if it doesn't need to be there.
    if (new_prefixes.get(None, object()) == EMPTY_NAMESPACE and
            parent_prefixes.get(None, object()) == EMPTY_NAMESPACE and
            element.hasAttributeNS(XMLNS_NAMESPACE, 'xmlns') and
            not element.getAttributeNS(XMLNS_NAMESPACE, 'xmlns')):
        element.removeAttributeNS(XMLNS_NAMESPACE, 'xmlns')

    # Recurse over child elements
    for e in element.childNodes:
        if e.nodeType == element.ELEMENT_NODE:
            normalize_namespaces(e, strip_dups=strip_dups, parent_prefixes=current_prefixes)