Example #1
    required parameters:
    rawFile          :       input RAW file
    recoFile         :       output RECO file

    optional parameters:
    globalTag        :       global tag to be used

rawFile = None
recoFile = None

nEvents = -1
globalTag = "STARTUP3X_V8M::All"

for (opt, value) in hscp.parseParams():
    if opt == "rawFile":
        rawFile = value
    if opt == "recoFile":
        recoFile = value
    if opt == "globalTag":
        globalTag = value

if not rawFile or not recoFile:
    print "======> Missing parameters! <======"
    print doc

print "input:", rawFile
print "output:", recoFile
print "Global Tag:", globalTag
Example #2
    stoppedId        :       PDG code of decaying stopped particle
    randomize        :       randomize seeds, set run to given value

flavor = None
nEvents = None
iMass = None
iNeutralinoMass = None
outputFile = None

globalTag = 'STARTUP3X_V8M::All'
stoppedId = None
stopPointsFile = None
randomize = None

for (opt, value) in hscp.parseParams ():
    if opt == "flavor": flavor = value
    if opt == "mass": iMass = int (value)
    if opt == "neutralinoMass": iNeutralinoMass = int (value)
    if opt == "outputFile": outputFile = value
    if opt == "nevents": nEvents = int (value)
    if opt == "stoppedPoints": stopPointsFile = value
    if opt == "globalTag": globalTag = value   
    if opt == "stoppedId": stoppedId = int(value)   
    if opt == "randomize": randomize = int (value)

if not flavor or not nEvents or not iMass or not iNeutralinoMass or not outputFile:
    print '======> Missing parameters! <======'
    print doc
Example #3
    gluinoMass       :       gluino mass (must be in 50, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 900, 1200, 2000, 5000,
                               not all masses actually work)

    optional parameters:
    stoppedPoints    :       file to store stopping points
    globalTag        :       global tag to be used
    randomize        :       randomize seeds, set run to given value

nEvents = None
iGluinoMass = None
globalTag = 'STARTUP3X_V8M::All'
stopPointsFile = None
randomize = None

for (opt, value) in hscp.parseParams ():
    if opt == "nevents": nEvents = int (value)
    if opt == "gluinoMass": iGluinoMass = int (value)
    if opt == "stoppedPoints": stopPointsFile = value
    if opt == "globalTag": globalTag = value
    if opt == "randomize": randomize = int (value)

if not nEvents or not iGluinoMass:
    print '======> Missing parameters! <======'
    print doc

gluinoMass = float (iGluinoMass)
particlesGluinoFile = 'StoppedHSCP/Simulation/data/particles_gluino_%s_GeV.txt' % iGluinoMass
if not stopPointsFile:
    stopPointsFile = 'stopped_rhadrons_gluino%s.txt' % iGluinoMass
    globalTag        :       global tag to be used
    rhadronId        :       PDG code of decaying R-hadron
    randomize        :       randomize seeds, set run to given value

nEvents = None
iGluinoMass = None
iNeutralinoMass = None
outputFile = None

globalTag = 'STARTUP3X_V8M::All'
rhadronId = 1092224
stopPointsFile = None
randomize = None

for (opt, value) in hscp.parseParams ():
    if opt == "gluinoMass": iGluinoMass = int (value)
    if opt == "neutralinoMass": iNeutralinoMass = int (value)
    if opt == "outputFile": outputFile = value
    if opt == "nevents": nEvents = int (value)
    if opt == "stoppedPoints": stopPointsFile = value
    if opt == "globalTag": globalTag = value   
    if opt == "rhadronId": rhadronId = int(value)   
    if opt == "randomize": randomize = int (value)

if not nEvents or not iGluinoMass or not iNeutralinoMass or not outputFile:
    print '======> Missing parameters! <======'
    print doc