for ev in range(nEvents): increment = 50 if nEvents > increment and ev % (nEvents / increment) == 0: sys.stdout.write('\r' + "=" * (ev / (nEvents / increment)) + " " * ((nEvents - ev) / (nEvents / increment)) + "]" + str(round((ev + 1) / (float(nEvents) / 100), 2)) + "%") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r') chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) #pileupweight = puReweighting(chain) if not s['isData'] else 1. weight = reduceStat * getVarValue( chain, "weight") * (luminosity / 1000.) if not s['isData'] else 1 mll = getVarValue(chain, "dl_mass") mt2ll = getVarValue(chain, "dl_mt2ll") met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") nLep = getVarValue(chain, "nLepGood") l_Pt = getVarValue(chain, "LepGood_pt") l1_Pt = l_Pt[0] l2_Pt = l_Pt[1] jets = filter( lambda j: j['pt'] > 30 and abs(j['eta']) < 2.4 and j['id'], getJets(chain)) if nLep == 2: if len(jets) >= 2:
print '\n', "Looping over %s" % s["name"] eList = getEList(chain, preselection) nEvents = eList.GetN()/reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % (eList.GetN(),s["name"],preselection,nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): increment = 50 if nEvents>increment and ev%(nEvents/increment)==0: sys.stdout.write('\r' + "=" * (ev / (nEvents/increment)) + " " * ((nEvents - ev)/ (nEvents/increment)) + "]" + str(round((ev+1) / (float(nEvents)/100),2)) + "%") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r') chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight") if s not in data: weight = weight*(luminosity/4000.) #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #jetpt leadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",0) subleadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",1) #Leptons allLeptons = getLeptons(chain) muons = filter(looseMuID, allLeptons) electrons = filter(looseEleID, allLeptons) #SF and OF channels
print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % (eList.GetN(),s["name"],preselection,nEvents) #ROOT output file #TreeFile = ROOT.TFile("./trees/tree"+s["name"]+".root","recreate") #Tree = ROOT.TTree("VarTree","Tree of Variables") #Tree.Branch("MET",MET_n,"MET/D") #Tree.Branch("MT2ee",MT2ee_n,"MT2ee/D") #Tree.Branch("MT2emu",MT2emu_n,"MT2emu/D") #Tree.Branch("MT2mumu",MT2mumu_n,"MT2mumu/D") for ev in range(nEvents): if ev%10000==0:print "At %i/%i"%(ev,nEvents) chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) if s.has_key('totalweight'): weight = getWeight(chain,s, 4000) #this method for Ward's SPRING15 samples else: weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight") #this method for Robert's PHYS14 samples #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #jetpt leadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",0) subleadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",1) #Leptons allLeptons = getLeptons(chain) muons = filter(looseMuID, allLeptons) electrons = filter(looseEleID, allLeptons) #GENinfo #genparticles = getGenParts(chain) #ROOT output file #MET_n[0] = met
eList = getEList(chain, preselection) nEvents = eList.GetN()/reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % (eList.GetN(),s["name"],preselection,nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): increment = 50 if nEvents>increment and ev%(nEvents/increment)==0: sys.stdout.write('\r' + "=" * (ev / (nEvents/increment)) + " " * ((nEvents - ev)/ (nEvents/increment)) + "]" + str(round((ev+1) / (float(nEvents)/100),2)) + "%") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r') chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight") weight = weight*(luminosity/1000.) #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #jetpt leadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",0) subleadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",1) #leptons l0pt = getVarValue(chain, "l1_pt") l1pt = getVarValue(chain, "l2_pt") mll = getVarValue(chain,"dl_mass") #Leptons
nEvents = eList.GetN()/reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % (eList.GetN(),s["name"],preselection,nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): increment = 50 if nEvents>increment and ev%(nEvents/increment)==0: sys.stdout.write('\r' + "=" * (ev / (nEvents/increment)) + " " * ((nEvents - ev)/ (nEvents/increment)) + "]" + str(round((ev+1) / (float(nEvents)/100),2)) + "%") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r') chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) #pileupweight = puReweighting(chain) if not s['isData'] else 1. weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight")*(luminosity/1000.) if not s['isData'] else 1 mll = getVarValue(chain,"dl_mass") mt2ll = getVarValue(chain,"dl_mt2ll") met = getVarValue(chain,"met_pt") nLep = getVarValue(chain,"nLepGood") l_Pt = getVarValue(chain,"LepGood_pt") l1_Pt = l_Pt[0] l2_Pt = l_Pt[1] jets = filter(lambda j:j['pt']>30 and abs(j['eta'])<2.4 and j['id'], getJets(chain)) if nLep==2: if len(jets)>=2: plots['2l']['dl_mass']['2mj']['histo'][s['name']].Fill(mll,weight) plots['2l']['dl_mt2ll']['2mj']['histo'][s['name']].Fill(mt2ll,weight)
def getTaus(c, collVars=tauVars): return [ getObjDict(c, 'TauGood_', collVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'nTauGood'))) ]
def getJets(c, jetVars=jetVars, jetColl="Jet"): return [ getObjDict(c, jetColl + '_', jetVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'n' + jetColl))) ]
def getJets(c, jetVars=jetVars): return [ getObjDict(c, 'Jet_', jetVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'nJet'))) ]
counterRecoGen_recoTau[mode]={} counterRecoGen_recoMatchedTau[mode]={} counterRecoGen_looseMu[mode]={} counterRecoGen_looseEle[mode]={} counterRecofake_fakeMet50[mode]={} counterRecofake_fakeMet100[mode]={} counterRecofake_fakeMet200[mode]={} counterRecoGen_failRelIso03[mode]={} badMuonCandidates[mode]=[] badElectronCandidates[mode]=[] for ev in range(nEvents): ntot+=1 if ev%10000==0:print "At %i/%i"%(ev,nEvents) chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight")*lumiScale if not s['isData'] else 1 mt2ll = getVarValue(chain, "dl_mt2ll") met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") genMet = getVarValue(chain, "met_genPt") genMetPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_genPhi") deltaMet = sqrt((met*cos(metPhi)-genMet*cos(genMetPhi))**2+(met*sin(metPhi)-genMet*sin(genMetPhi))**2) jets = filter(lambda j:j['pt']>30 and abs(j['eta'])<2.4 and j['id'], getJets(chain)) allLeptons = getLeptons(chain, collVars=leptonVars+['mcMatchId','mcMatchAny','mcMatchTau','mcPt','ip3d', 'relIso03', 'relIso04', 'jetPtRatiov1', 'jetPtRelv1', 'jetPtRelv2', 'jetPtRatiov2', 'jetBTagCSV', 'jetDR']) leptons = filter(lambda l: looseMuID(l) or looseEleID(l), allLeptons) #LepGood_mcMatchId Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake for Leptons after the preselection #LepGood_mcMatchAny Match to any final state leptons: 0 if unmatched, 1 if light flavour (including prompt), 4 if charm, 5 if bottom for Leptons after the preselection #LepGood_mcMatchTau True if the leptons comes from a tau for Leptons after the preselection
def getGenPartsAll(c): return [getObjDict(c, "genPartAll_", genVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, "ngenPartAll")))]
def getJets(c, jetVars=jetVars, jetColl="Jet"): return [getObjDict(c, jetColl + "_", jetVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, "n" + jetColl)))]
def getPhotons(c, collVars=photonVars, idLevel="loose"): return [getObjDict(c, "gamma_", collVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, "ngamma")))]
def getTaus(c, collVars=tauVars): return [getObjDict(c, "TauGood_", collVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, "nTauGood")))]
def getGenParts(c): return [ getObjDict(c, "GenPart_", ["eta", "pt", "phi", "charge", "pdgId", "motherId", "grandmotherId"], i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, "nGenPart"))) ]
def getLeptons(c, collVars=leptonVars): return [ getObjDict(c, 'LepGood_', collVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'nLepGood'))) ]
def getJets(c, jetVars=jetVars): return [getObjDict(c, 'Jet_', jetVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'nJet')))]
def getElectrons(c, collVars=leptonVars): return [ getObjDict(c, 'LepGood_', collVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'nLepGood'))) if abs(getVarValue(c, "LepGood_pdgId", i)) == 11 ]
def getLeptons(c, collVars=leptonVars): return [getObjDict(c, 'LepGood_', collVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'nLepGood')))]
def getGenParts(c): return [ getObjDict(c, 'GenPart_', [ 'eta', 'pt', 'phi', 'charge', 'pdgId', 'motherId', 'grandmotherId' ], i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'nGenPart'))) ]
def getElectrons(c, collVars=leptonVars): return [getObjDict(c, 'LepGood_', collVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'nLepGood'))) if abs(getVarValue(c,"LepGood_pdgId",i))==11]
def loopAndFill(stacks, mode="loop"): allSamples = [] allSampleNames = [] allPlots = [] usedBranches = [] for s in stacks: usedBranches = list(set(usedBranches + s.usedBranches)) for l in s.plotLists: for p in l: allPlots.append(p) if p.leaf: if not p.leaf in usedBranches: usedBranches.append(p.leaf) if p.weightString and not p.weightString in usedBranches: usedBranches.append(p.weightString) else: usedBranches = list(set(usedBranches + p.usedBranches)) if not p.sample in allSamples: assert p.sample.has_key('dir') or p.sample.has_key( 'dirname' ), "Missing key dir or dirname in sample %s" % repr( p.sample) allSamples.append(p.sample) if mode == 'loop': assert not any([ p.string for p in allPlots ]), "Loop mode is %s but specified 'string' for: %s" % ( mode, ", ".join([ for p in allPlots if p.string])) if mode == 'draw': assert all([ p.string for p in allPlots ]), "Loop mode is %s but specified no 'string' for: %s" % ( mode, ", ".join([ for p in allPlots if not p.string])) print "Found", len(allSamples), 'different samples:', ", ".join( s['name'] for s in allSamples) for s in allSamples: cutStringForSample = [] plotsPerCutForSample = {} # print s['name'], s.has_key('isData'), s.has_key('isData') and s['isData'], s.has_key('isData') and s['isData'] and s.has_key('dataCut') for p in allPlots: if p.sample == s: cut = p.cut['string'] if not ( s.has_key('isData') and s['isData'] and p.cut.has_key('dataCut') ) else "(" + p.cut['string'] + ")&&(" + p.cut['dataCut'] + ")" if not cut in cutStringForSample: cutStringForSample.append(cut) plotsPerCutForSample[cut] = [] if not p in plotsPerCutForSample[cut]: plotsPerCutForSample[cut].append(p) s['plotsPerCutForSample'] = plotsPerCutForSample for s in allSamples: sampleScaleFac = 1 if not s.has_key('scale') else s['scale'] if sampleScaleFac != 1: print "Using sampleScaleFac", sampleScaleFac, "for sample", s[ "name"] bins = s['bins'] if s.has_key('bins') else ['default'] for b in bins: treeName = 'Events' if not s.has_key('treeName') else s['treeName'] maxN = -1 if not (s.has_key('small') and s['small']) else 1 c = ROOT.TChain(treeName) counter = 0 dir = s['dirname'] if s.has_key('dirname') else s['dir'] fileList = getFileList( dir + '/' + b, maxN=maxN, histname="") if s.has_key('bins') else [s['file']] for f in fileList: if not f[-5:] == '.root': continue # counter+=1 # c.Add(f) if checkRootFile(f, checkForObjects=[treeName]): counter += 1 c.Add(f) else: print "File %s looks broken." % f ntot = c.GetEntries() print "Added ", counter, 'files from sample', s[ 'name'], 'dir', dir, 'bin', b, 'ntot', ntot switchOnBranches(c, usedBranches) if ntot == 0: print "Warning! Found zero events in", s[ 'name'], 'bin', b, " -> do nothing" continue if mode.lower() == 'loop': for ics, cutString in enumerate( s['plotsPerCutForSample'].keys()): plotsToFill = s['plotsPerCutForSample'][cutString] elistName = "eList_" + s['name'] + '_' + b + '_' + str(ics) elist = ROOT.TEventList(elistName) c.Draw(">>" + elistName, cutString) # print "elist",elist,elist.GetN(),cutString,'plots',plotsToFill number_events = elist.GetN( ) # if not (s.has_key('small') and s['small']) else min(elist.GetN(), 100) print "Reading: ", s[ "name"], b, "with", number_events, "events passing cutString", cutString, 'and will fill', len( [ for p in plotsToFill]), 'vars.' for p in plotsToFill: if not (p.cut.has_key('func') and p.cut['func']): p.cut['func'] = None if p.TTreeFormula: assert p.TTreeFormula and not ( p.TTreeFormula == "" ), "Problem in TTreeFormula %s" % p.TTreeFormula fString = 'ROOT.TTreeFormula("' + + '","' + p.TTreeFormula + '",c)' exec('p.ttreeFormula=' + fString) print "Created TTreeFormula:", fString for i in range(0, number_events): if (i % 10000 == 0) and i > 0: print i c.GetEntry(elist.GetEntry(i)) for p in plotsToFill: # print p.cut['func'], p.cut['func'](c) if (not p.cut['func']) or p.cut['func'](c): weight = c.GetLeaf(p.weightString).GetValue( ) if p.weightString else 1. reWeight = p.weightFunc( c) if p.weightFunc else 1. # print c, p.weightFunc, p.weightFunc(c), getVarValue(c, "nVert"), c.GetLeaf("nVert").GetValue(), c.nVert if p.leaf: val = getVarValue(c, p.leaf, p.ind) # print "Fill leaf",p.leaf, p.ind, val, weight,sampleScaleFac if p.TTreeFormula: p.ttreeFormula.UpdateFormulaLeaves() val = p.ttreeFormula.EvalInstance() if p.func: val = p.func(c) # if val>170:print val, reWeight, weight, sampleScaleFac, p.leaf, p.ind, i, c.GetEntries(), elist.GetEntry(i),"x",c.GetLeaf('Jet_pt').GetValue(4), c.GetLeaf('met_pt').GetValue(), c.GetLeaf('lumi').GetValue(), c.GetLeaf('evt').GetValue() if val < float('inf'): p.histo.Fill( val, reWeight * weight * sampleScaleFac) # print p.histo.GetName(), b, val, weight*sampleScaleFac, reWeight*weight*sampleScaleFac elif mode.lower() == 'draw': for ics, cutString in enumerate( s['plotsPerCutForSample'].keys()): plotsToFill = s['plotsPerCutForSample'][cutString] print "Reading: ", s[ "name"], b, "with cutString", cutString, 'and will fill', len( [ for p in plotsToFill]), 'vars.' for p in plotsToFill: print c, "String", p.string, p.binning, "Cut", cutString, p.weightString, p.binningIsExplicit, sampleScaleFac tmp = getPlotFromChain( c, p.string, p.binning, cutString, p.weightString, binningIsExplicit=p.binningIsExplicit) tmp.Scale(sampleScaleFac) p.histo.Add(tmp) # for ics, cutString in enumerate(s['plotsPerCutForSample'].keys()): # plotsToFill = s['plotsPerCutForSample'][cutString] # for p in plotsToFill: # print c.GetEntries(),,p.histo.Integral() # c.GetListOfFiles().ls() c.Reset() del c #do over-flow bins for p in allPlots: if p.overFlow and p.overFlow in ["upper", "both"]: nbins = p.histo.GetNbinsX() p.histo.SetBinContent( nbins, p.histo.GetBinContent(nbins) + p.histo.GetBinContent(nbins + 1)) p.histo.SetBinError( nbins, sqrt( p.histo.GetBinError(nbins)**2 + p.histo.GetBinError(nbins + 1)**2)) if p.overFlow and p.overFlow in ["lower", "both"]: p.histo.SetBinContent( 1, p.histo.GetBinContent(0) + p.histo.GetBinContent(1)) p.histo.SetBinError( 1, sqrt(p.histo.GetBinError(0)**2 + p.histo.GetBinError(1)**2)) #sum stacks for s in stacks: sumStackHistos(s) #normalize for p in allPlots: if p.normalizeTo: t = p.normalizeTo.histo.Integral() y = p.histo.Integral() r = p.normalizeRef.histo.Integral() if p.normalizeRef else y if r > 0: p.histo.Scale(t / r)
#start event loop for ev in range(nEvents): ################################## # Processing output # ################################## increment = 50 if nEvents>increment and ev%(nEvents/increment)==0: sys.stdout.write('\r' + "=" * (ev / (nEvents/increment)) + " " * ((nEvents - ev)/ (nEvents/increment)) + "]" + str(round((ev+1) / (float(nEvents)/100),2)) + "%") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r') chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) #No double counting in data samples if getVarValue(chain, "evt") in ListOfDataEvents: continue else: ListOfDataEvents.append(getVarValue(chain, "evt")) weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight")*(luminosity/1000.) if not s['isData'] else 1 #leptons electrons = getGoodElectrons(chain) muons = getGoodMuons(chain) leptons = getGoodLeptons(chain,10) #mt2ll for 2l mt2ll = getVarValue(chain,"dl_mt2ll") #met
*plots[pk][plot]['binning']) chain = s["chain"] #Using Event loop #get EList after preselection print "Looping over %s" % s["name"] eList = getEList(chain, preselection) nEvents = eList.GetN() / reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % ( eList.GetN(), s["name"], preselection, nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): if ev % 10000 == 0: print "At %i/%i" % (ev, nEvents) chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) weight = reduceStat * getVarValue(chain, "weight") #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #Leptons allLeptons = getLeptons(chain) muons = filter(looseMuID, allLeptons) electrons = filter(looseEleID, allLeptons) #SF and OF channels leptons = {\ 'mu': {'name': 'mumu', 'file': muons}, 'e': {'name': 'ee', 'file': electrons}, } for lep in leptons.keys(): twoleptons = False
nEvents = eList.GetN()/reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % (eList.GetN(),s["name"],preselection,nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): increment = 50 if nEvents>increment and ev%(nEvents/increment)==0: sys.stdout.write('\r' + "=" * (ev / (nEvents/increment)) + " " * ((nEvents - ev)/ (nEvents/increment)) + "]" + str(round((ev+1) / (float(nEvents)/100),2)) + "%") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r') chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight") if s not in data: weight = weight*(luminosity/1000.) #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #jetpt leadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",0) subleadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",1) #leptons l0pt = getVarValue(chain, "l1_pt") l1pt = getVarValue(chain, "l2_pt") mll = getVarValue(chain,"dl_mass") #Leptons
for plot in plots[pk].keys(): plots[pk][plot]['histo'][s["name"]] = ROOT.TH1F(plots[pk][plot]['name']+"_"+s["name"]+"_"+pk, plots[pk][plot]['name']+"_"+s["name"]+"_"+pk, *plots[pk][plot]['binning']) chain = s["chain"] #Using Event loop #get EList after preselection print "Looping over %s" % s["name"] eList = getEList(chain, preselection) nEvents = eList.GetN()/reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % (eList.GetN(),s["name"],preselection,nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): if ev%10000==0:print "At %i/%i"%(ev,nEvents) chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight") #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #jetpt leadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",0) subleadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",1) #Leptons allLeptons = getLeptons(chain) muons = filter(looseMuID, allLeptons) electrons = filter(looseEleID, allLeptons) #GENinfo genparticles = getGenParts(chain) #SF and OF channels leptons = {\
def makeMETPerformanceHistos(setup): for name, v in setup["variables"].iteritems(): v['bins']=[(v["binning"][i],v["binning"][i+1]) for i in range(len(v["binning"])-1)] v['uperp']={} v['upara']={} v['uparaPlusQt']={} v['qt']={} v['histo']={} for mname, mv in setup["metVariables"].iteritems(): hname = '_'.join([name,mname]) v['histo'][mname]=ROOT.TH1D('histo_'+hname, 'histo_'+hname, len(v['binning'])-1, array('d',v['binning'])) v['upara'][mname]={} v['uparaPlusQt'][mname]={} v['uperp'][mname]={} v['qt'][mname]={} v['upara'][mname]["scale"] = ROOT.TH1D(hname+'_upara_scale', hname+'_upara_scale',len(v['binning'])-1, array('d',v['binning'])) # v['upara'][mname]["scale"] = ROOT.TH1D(hname+'_upara_scale', hname+'_upara_scale',len(v['binning'])-1, array('d',v['binning'])) v['upara'][mname]["RMS"] = ROOT.TH1D(hname+'_upara_RMS', hname+'_upara_RMS',len(v['binning'])-1, array('d',v['binning'])) v['uperp'][mname]["RMS"] = ROOT.TH1D(hname+'_uperp_RMS', hname+'_uperp_RMS',len(v['binning'])-1, array('d',v['binning'])) v['upara'][mname]["RMScorr"] = ROOT.TH1D(hname+'_upara_RMScorr', hname+'_upara_RMScorr',len(v['binning'])-1, array('d',v['binning'])) v['uperp'][mname]["RMScorr"] = ROOT.TH1D(hname+'_uperp_RMScorr', hname+'_uperp_RMScorr',len(v['binning'])-1, array('d',v['binning'])) for b in v['bins']: hname = name+'_'.join([str(x) for x in b]) v['uperp'][mname][b] = ROOT.TH1D(hname+'_'+mname+'_uperp', hname+'_'+mname+'_uperp', 800,-400,400) v['upara'][mname][b] = ROOT.TH1D(hname+'_'+mname+'_upara', hname+'_'+mname+'_upara', 800,-600,200) v['uparaPlusQt'][mname][b] = ROOT.TH1D(hname+'_'+mname+'_uparaPlusQt', hname+'_'+mname+'_uparaPlusQt', 800,-400,400) v['qt'][mname][b] = ROOT.TH1D(hname+'_'+mname+'_qt', hname+'_'+mname+'_qt', 500,0,500) for s in setup["samples"]: for b in s['bins']: b['chain'].Draw('>>eList', setup['preselection']) eList = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('eList') nEvents = eList.GetN() if not setup.has_key('maxEvents') or setup['maxEvents']<0 else setup['maxEvents'] for nev in range(nEvents): if nev%1000==0:print "At %i / %i"%(nev, nEvents) b['chain'].GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(nev)) muons = setup['leptons'](b['chain']) if len(muons)!=2:continue l0, l1 = muons if not setup['massWindow'](l0,l1):continue qx = l0['pt']*cos(l0['phi']) + l1['pt']*cos(l1['phi']) qy = l0['pt']*sin(l0['phi']) + l1['pt']*sin(l1['phi']) # qphi = atan2(qy, qx) qt = sqrt(qx**2+qy**2) # print l0, l1 for mname, mv in setup["metVariables"].iteritems(): mv['pt'] = mv['ptFunc'](b['chain']) mv['phi'] = mv['phiFunc'](b['chain']) ux = -mv['pt']*cos(mv['phi']) - qx uy = -mv['pt']*sin(mv['phi']) - qy upara = (ux*qx+uy*qy)/qt uperp = (ux*qy-uy*qx)/qt weight = getVarValue(b['chain'], 'genWeight')*b['lumiScale'] for name, v in setup["variables"].iteritems(): if v['func']=='qt':varValue=qt else: varValue = v['func'](b['chain']) v['histo'][mname].Fill(varValue, weight) #Filling distribution of binning variable varBin = findBin(v, varValue) if varBin: v['uperp'][mname][varBin].Fill(uperp, weight) v['upara'][mname][varBin].Fill(upara, weight) v['uparaPlusQt'][mname][varBin].Fill(upara+qt, weight) v['qt'][mname][varBin].Fill(qt, weight) del eList for name, v in setup["variables"].iteritems(): for mname, mv in setup["metVariables"].iteritems(): for bin in v['bins']: upara_mean = v['upara'][mname][bin].GetMean() upara_mean_err = v['upara'][mname][bin].GetMeanError() uperp_mean = v['uperp'][mname][bin].GetMean() uperp_mean_err = v['uperp'][mname][bin].GetMeanError() upara_RMS = v['uparaPlusQt'][mname][bin].GetRMS() upara_RMS_err = v['uparaPlusQt'][mname][bin].GetRMSError() uperp_RMS = v['uperp'][mname][bin].GetRMS() uperp_RMS_err = v['uperp'][mname][bin].GetRMSError() qt_mean = v['qt'][mname][bin].GetMean() qt_mean_err = v['qt'][mname][bin].GetMeanError() if (not qt_mean>0):continue scale = - upara_mean / qt_mean scale_err = upara_mean / qt_mean * sqrt(upara_mean_err**2/upara_mean**2 + qt_mean_err**2/qt_mean**2) upara_RMS_scaleCorr = upara_RMS/scale if scale>0 else float('nan') upara_RMS_scaleCorr_err = upara_RMS/scale*sqrt(upara_RMS_err**2/upara_RMS**2 + scale_err**2/scale**2) if upara_RMS>0 and scale>0 else float('nan') uperp_RMS_scaleCorr = uperp_RMS/scale if scale>0 else float('nan') uperp_RMS_scaleCorr_err = uperp_RMS/scale*sqrt(uperp_RMS_err**2/uperp_RMS**2 + scale_err**2/scale**2) if uperp_RMS>0 and scale>0 else float('nan') val = 0.5*(bin[0]+bin[1]) nbin = v['upara'][mname]["scale"].FindBin(val) v['upara'][mname]["scale"].SetBinContent(nbin, scale) v['upara'][mname]["scale"].SetBinError(nbin, scale_err) v['upara'][mname]["RMS"].SetBinContent(nbin, upara_RMS) v['upara'][mname]["RMS"].SetBinError(nbin, upara_RMS_err) v['upara'][mname]["RMScorr"].SetBinContent(nbin, upara_RMS_scaleCorr) v['upara'][mname]["RMScorr"].SetBinError(nbin, upara_RMS_scaleCorr_err) v['uperp'][mname]["RMS"].SetBinContent(nbin, uperp_RMS) v['uperp'][mname]["RMS"].SetBinError(nbin, uperp_RMS_err) v['uperp'][mname]["RMScorr"].SetBinContent(nbin, uperp_RMS_scaleCorr) v['uperp'][mname]["RMScorr"].SetBinError(nbin, uperp_RMS_scaleCorr_err) return setup
counterRecoGen_recoMatchedTau[mode]={} counterRecoGen_looseMu[mode]={} counterRecoGen_looseEle[mode]={} counterRecofake_fakeMet50[mode]={} counterRecofake_fakeMet100[mode]={} counterRecofake_fakeMet200[mode]={} counterRecoGen_failRelIso03[mode]={} counterRecoGen_genLepOutOfAcceptance[mode]={} badMuonCandidates[mode]=[] badElectronCandidates[mode]=[] for ev in range(nEvents): ntot+=1 if ev%10000==0:print "At %i/%i"%(ev,nEvents) s.chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() weight = getVarValue(s.chain, "weight")*lumiScale mt2ll = getVarValue(s.chain, "dl_mt2ll") met = getVarValue(s.chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(s.chain, "met_phi") genMet = getVarValue(s.chain, "met_genPt") genMetPhi = getVarValue(s.chain, "met_genPhi") deltaMet = sqrt((met*cos(metPhi)-genMet*cos(genMetPhi))**2+(met*sin(metPhi)-genMet*sin(genMetPhi))**2) jets = filter(lambda j:j['pt']>30 and abs(j['eta'])<2.4 and j['id'], getJets(s.chain, jetColl="JetGood")) allLeptons = getLeptons(s.chain, collVars=leptonVars+['mcMatchId','mcMatchAny','mcMatchTau','mcPt','ip3d', 'relIso03', 'relIso04', 'jetPtRatiov1', 'jetPtRelv1', 'jetPtRelv2', 'jetPtRatiov2', 'jetBTagCSV', 'jetDR']) leptons = filter(lambda l: looseMuID(l) or looseEleID(l), allLeptons) #LepGood_mcMatchId Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in s.chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake for Leptons after the preselection #LepGood_mcMatchAny Match to any final state leptons: 0 if unmatched, 1 if light flavour (including prompt), 4 if charm, 5 if bottom for Leptons after the preselection #LepGood_mcMatchTau True if the leptons comes from a tau for Leptons after the preselection
leptoncounterTTZ = 0 neutrinocounterTTZ = 0 othercounterTTZ = 0 for ev in range(nEvents): increment = 50 if nEvents>increment and ev%(nEvents/increment)==0: sys.stdout.write('\r' + "=" * (ev / (nEvents/increment)) + " " * ((nEvents - ev)/ (nEvents/increment)) + "]" + str(round((ev+1) / (float(nEvents)/100),2)) + "%") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r') chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight") weight = weight*(luminosity/1000.) #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #jetpt leadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",0) subleadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",1) #leptons l0pt = getVarValue(chain, "l1_pt") l1pt = getVarValue(chain, "l2_pt") mll = getVarValue(chain,"dl_mass") #Leptons
eList.GetN(), s["name"], preselection, nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): increment = 50 if nEvents > increment and ev % (nEvents / increment) == 0: sys.stdout.write('\r' + "=" * (ev / (nEvents / increment)) + " " * ((nEvents - ev) / (nEvents / increment)) + "]" + str(round((ev + 1) / (float(nEvents) / 100), 2)) + "%") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r') chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) weight = reduceStat * getVarValue(chain, "weight") if s not in data: weight = weight * (luminosity / 4000.) #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #jetpt leadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt", 0) subleadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt", 1) #Leptons allLeptons = getLeptons(chain) muons = filter(looseMuID, allLeptons) electrons = filter(looseEleID, allLeptons) #SF and OF channels
for mode in ["isMuMu", "isEE", "isEMu"]: counterReco[mode] = 0 counterRecoGen[mode] = {} counterRecoGen_muMatched[mode] = {} counterRecoGen_eleMatched[mode] = {} counterRecoGen_allMatched[mode] = {} counterRecoGen_oneMuMatchedToB[mode] = {} counterRecoGen_oneEleMatchedToB[mode] = {} counterRecoGen_oneMuMatchedToTau[mode] = {} counterRecoGen_oneEleMatchedToTau[mode] = {} for ev in range(nEvents): ntot += 1 if ev % 10000 == 0: print "At %i/%i" % (ev, nEvents) chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() weight = reduceStat * getVarValue( chain, "weight") * lumiScale if not s['isData'] else 1 met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") jets = filter( lambda j: j['pt'] > 30 and abs(j['eta']) < 2.4 and j['id'], getJets(chain)) leptons = filter( lambda l: looseMuID(l) or looseEleID(l), getLeptons(chain, collVars=leptonVars + ['mcMatchId', 'mcMatchAny', 'mcMatchTau', 'mcPt'])) #LepGood_mcMatchId Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake for Leptons after the preselection #LepGood_mcMatchAny Match to any final state leptons: 0 if unmatched, 1 if light flavour (including prompt), 4 if charm, 5 if bottom for Leptons after the preselection #LepGood_mcMatchTau True if the leptons comes from a tau for Leptons after the preselection
for pk in plots.keys(): plots[pk]['histo'][sample['name']] = ROOT.TH1F("plot_"+sample["name"], "plot_"+sample["name"], *(plots[pk]['binning'])) plots[pk]['histo'][sample['name']].SetLineColor(plots[pk]['color']) plots[pk]['histo'][sample['name']].SetMarkerColor(plots[pk]['color']) plots[pk]['histo'][sample['name']].SetMarkerSize(0) chain = sample["chain"] print "Looping over %s" % sample["name"] eList = getEList(chain, preselection) nEvents = eList.GetN()/reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % (eList.GetN(),sample["name"],preselection,nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): if ev%10000==0:print "At %i/%i"%(ev,nEvents) chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight")*lumiScale met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") puppiMet = getVarValue(chain, "puppiMet_pt") puppiMetPhi = getVarValue(chain, "puppiMet_phi") genMet = getVarValue(chain, "met_genPt") genMetPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_genPhi") leptons = getGoodLeptons(chain, leptonVars+['mcMatchId', 'mcMatchAny', 'mcPt']) l0GenPt, l0HasMatch, l0pt, l0eta, l0phi = leptons[0]['mcPt'], abs(leptons[0]['mcMatchId'])==6, leptons[0]['pt'], leptons[0]['eta'], leptons[0]['phi'] l1GenPt, l1HasMatch, l1pt, l1eta, l1phi = leptons[1]['mcPt'], abs(leptons[1]['mcMatchId'])==6, leptons[1]['pt'], leptons[1]['eta'], leptons[1]['phi'] mll = sqrt(2.*l0pt*l1pt*(cosh(l0eta-l1eta)-cos(l0phi-l1phi))) jets = filter(lambda j:j['pt']>30 and abs(j['eta'])<2.4 and j['id'], getJets(chain, jetVars+['mcPt', 'mcMatchId', 'mcFlavour'])) # bjets = filter(lambda j:j['btagCSV']>0.890, jets) # print len(leptons), len(bjets), mll mt2Calc.setMet(met,metPhi) mt2Calc.setLeptons(l0pt, l0eta, l0phi, l1pt, l1eta, l1phi)
for plot in plots[pk].keys(): plots[pk][plot]['histo'][s["name"]] = ROOT.TH1F(plots[pk][plot]['name']+"_"+s["name"]+"_"+pk, plots[pk][plot]['name']+"_"+s["name"]+"_"+pk, *plots[pk][plot]['binning']) chain = s["chain"] #Using Event loop #get EList after preselection print "Looping over %s" % s["name"] eList = getEList(chain, preselection) nEvents = eList.GetN()/reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % (eList.GetN(),s["name"],preselection,nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): if ev%10000==0:print "At %i/%i"%(ev,nEvents) chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight") #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #Leptons allLeptons = getLeptons(chain) muons = filter(looseMuID, allLeptons) electrons = filter(looseEleID, allLeptons) #SF and OF channels leptons = {\ 'mu': {'name': 'mumu', 'file': muons}, 'e': {'name': 'ee', 'file': electrons}, } for lep in leptons.keys(): twoleptons = False
def getOtherLeptons(c, collVars=leptonVars): return [ getObjDict(c, 'LepOther_', collVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'nLepOther'))) ]
def getGenLeps(c): return [getObjDict(c, 'genLep_', ['eta','pt','phi','charge', 'pdgId', 'sourceId'], i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'ngenLep')))]
def getGenLeps(c): return [ getObjDict(c, 'genLep_', ['eta', 'pt', 'phi', 'charge', 'pdgId', 'sourceId'], i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'ngenLep'))) ]
def getGenPartsAll(c): return [getObjDict(c, 'genPartAll_', ['eta','pt','phi','charge', 'pdgId', 'motherId', 'grandmotherId'], i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'ngenPartAll')))]
def getPhotons(c, collVars=photonVars, idLevel='loose'): return [ getObjDict(c, 'gamma_', collVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'ngamma'))) ]
def getJets(c): return [getObjDict(c, 'Jet_', ['eta','pt','phi','btagCMVA','btagCSV', 'id'], i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'nJet')))]
def getGenPartsAll(c): return [ getObjDict(c, 'genPartAll_', genVars, i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'ngenPartAll'))) ]
def getElectrons(c): return [getObjDict(c, 'LepGood_', ['eta','pt','phi','charge', 'dxy', 'dz', 'relIso03','tightId', 'pdgId', 'mediumMuonId', 'miniRelIso', 'sip3d', 'mvaIdPhys14', 'convVeto', 'lostHits'], i) for i in range(int(getVarValue(c, 'nLepGood'))) if abs(getVarValue(c,"LepGood_pdgId",i))==11]
eList.GetN(), s["name"], preselection, nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): increment = 50 if nEvents > increment and ev % (nEvents / increment) == 0: sys.stdout.write('\r' + "=" * (ev / (nEvents / increment)) + " " * ((nEvents - ev) / (nEvents / increment)) + "]" + str(round((ev + 1) / (float(nEvents) / 100), 2)) + "%") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r') chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) weight = reduceStat * getVarValue(chain, "weight") weight = weight * (luminosity / 1000.) #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #jetpt leadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt", 0) subleadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt", 1) #leptons l0pt = getVarValue(chain, "l1_pt") l1pt = getVarValue(chain, "l2_pt") mll = getVarValue(chain, "dl_mass") isEE = getVarValue(chain, "isEE")
def loopAndFill(stacks, mode="loop"): allSamples=[] allSampleNames=[] allPlots = [] usedBranches = [] for s in stacks: usedBranches = list(set(usedBranches+s.usedBranches)) for l in s.stackLists: for p in l: allPlots.append(p) if p.leaf: if not p.leaf in usedBranches: usedBranches.append(p.leaf) if p.weightString and not p.weightString in usedBranches: usedBranches.append(p.weightString) else: usedBranches = list(set(usedBranches+p.usedBranches)) if not p.sample in allSamples: assert p.sample.has_key('dir') or p.sample.has_key('dirname'), "Missing key dir or dirname in sample %s"%repr(p.sample) allSamples.append(p.sample) if mode=='loop': assert not any ([p.string for p in allPlots]), "Loop mode is %s but specified 'string' for: %s"%(mode, ", ".join([ for p in allPlots if p.string])) if mode=='draw': assert all([p.string for p in allPlots]), "Loop mode is %s but specified no 'string' for: %s"%(mode, ", ".join([ for p in allPlots if not p.string])) print "Found",len(allSamples),'different samples:',", ".join(s['name'] for s in allSamples) for s in allSamples: cutStringForSample=[] plotsPerCutForSample={} # print s['name'], s.has_key('isData'), s.has_key('isData') and s['isData'], s.has_key('isData') and s['isData'] and s.has_key('dataCut') for p in allPlots: if p.sample==s: cut = p.cut['string'] if not (s.has_key('isData') and s['isData'] and p.cut.has_key('dataCut')) else "("+p.cut['string']+")&&("+p.cut['dataCut']+")" if not cut in cutStringForSample: cutStringForSample.append(cut) plotsPerCutForSample[cut]=[] if not p in plotsPerCutForSample[cut]: plotsPerCutForSample[cut].append(p) s['plotsPerCutForSample'] = plotsPerCutForSample for s in allSamples: sampleScaleFac = 1 if not s.has_key('scale') else s['scale'] if sampleScaleFac!=1: print "Using sampleScaleFac", sampleScaleFac ,"for sample",s["name"] for b in s['bins']: c = ROOT.TChain('Events' if not s.has_key('treeName') else s['treeName']) counter=0 dir = s['dirname'] if s.has_key('dirname') else s['dir'] for f in getFileList(dir+'/'+b, maxN = -1 if not (s.has_key('small') and s['small']) else 1, histname=""):#, minAgeDPM, histname, xrootPrefix, maxN): if not f[-5:]=='.root':continue counter+=1 c.Add(f) ntot = c.GetEntries() print "Added ",counter,'files from sample',s['name'],'dir',dir,'bin',b,'ntot',ntot switchOnBranches(c, usedBranches) if ntot==0: print "Warning! Found zero events in",s['name'],'bin',b," -> do nothing" continue if mode.lower()=='loop': for ics, cutString in enumerate(s['plotsPerCutForSample'].keys()): plotsToFill = s['plotsPerCutForSample'][cutString] elistName = "eList_"+s['name']+'_'+b+'_'+str(ics) elist = ROOT.TEventList(elistName) c.Draw(">>"+elistName,cutString) # print "elist",elist,elist.GetN(),cutString,'plots',plotsToFill number_events = elist.GetN()# if not (s.has_key('small') and s['small']) else min(elist.GetN(), 100) print "Reading: ", s["name"], b, "with",number_events,"events passing cutString", cutString, 'and will fill', len([ for p in plotsToFill]),'vars.' for p in plotsToFill: if not (p.cut.has_key('func') and p.cut['func']): p.cut['func']=None if p.TTreeFormula: assert p.TTreeFormula and not (p.TTreeFormula==""), "Problem in TTreeFormula %s" % p.TTreeFormula fString='ROOT.TTreeFormula("''","'+p.TTreeFormula+'",c)' exec('p.ttreeFormula='+fString) print "Created TTreeFormula:",fString for i in range(0,number_events): if (i%10000 == 0) and i>0 : print i c.GetEntry(elist.GetEntry(i)) for p in plotsToFill: # print p.cut['func'], p.cut['func'](c) if (not p.cut['func']) or p.cut['func'](c): weight = c.GetLeaf(p.weightString).GetValue() if p.weightString else 1. reWeight = p.weightFunc(c) if p.weightFunc else 1. # print c, p.weightFunc, p.weightFunc(c), getVarValue(c, "nVert"), c.GetLeaf("nVert").GetValue(), c.nVert if p.leaf: val = getVarValue(c, p.leaf, p.ind) # print "Fill leaf",p.leaf, p.ind, val, weight,sampleScaleFac if p.TTreeFormula: p.ttreeFormula.UpdateFormulaLeaves() val = p.ttreeFormula.EvalInstance() if p.func: val = p.func(c) # if val>170:print val, reWeight, weight, sampleScaleFac, p.leaf, p.ind, i, c.GetEntries(), elist.GetEntry(i),"x",c.GetLeaf('Jet_pt').GetValue(4), c.GetLeaf('met_pt').GetValue(), c.GetLeaf('lumi').GetValue(), c.GetLeaf('evt').GetValue() if val<float('inf'): p.histo.Fill(val, reWeight*weight*sampleScaleFac) # print p.histo.GetName(), b, val, weight*sampleScaleFac, reWeight*weight*sampleScaleFac elif mode.lower()=='draw': for ics, cutString in enumerate(s['plotsPerCutForSample'].keys()): plotsToFill = s['plotsPerCutForSample'][cutString] print "Reading: ", s["name"], b, "with cutString", cutString, 'and will fill', len([ for p in plotsToFill]),'vars.' for p in plotsToFill: # print c, p.string, p.binning, cutString, p.weightString, p.binningIsExplicit, sampleScaleFac tmp = getPlotFromChain(c, p.string, p.binning, cutString, p.weightString, binningIsExplicit=p.binningIsExplicit) tmp.Scale(sampleScaleFac) p.histo.Add(tmp) # for ics, cutString in enumerate(s['plotsPerCutForSample'].keys()): # plotsToFill = s['plotsPerCutForSample'][cutString] # for p in plotsToFill: # print c.GetEntries(),,p.histo.Integral() # c.GetListOfFiles().ls() c.Reset() del c #do over-flow bins for p in allPlots: if p.overFlow and p.overFlow in [ "upper", "both"]: nbins = p.histo.GetNbinsX() p.histo.SetBinContent(nbins , p.histo.GetBinContent(nbins) + p.histo.GetBinContent(nbins + 1)) p.histo.SetBinError(nbins , sqrt(p.histo.GetBinError(nbins)**2 + p.histo.GetBinError(nbins + 1)**2)) if p.overFlow and p.overFlow in [ "lower", "both"]: p.histo.SetBinContent(1 , p.histo.GetBinContent(0) + p.histo.GetBinContent(1)) p.histo.SetBinError(1 , sqrt(p.histo.GetBinError(0)**2 + p.histo.GetBinError(1)**2)) for s in stacks: sumStackHistos(s)
################################## # Processing output # ################################## increment = 50 if nEvents > increment and ev % (nEvents / increment) == 0: sys.stdout.write('\r' + "=" * (ev / (nEvents / increment)) + " " * ((nEvents - ev) / (nEvents / increment)) + "]" + str(round((ev + 1) / (float(nEvents) / 100), 2)) + "%") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r') chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) #No double counting in data samples if getVarValue(chain, "evt") in ListOfDataEvents: continue else: ListOfDataEvents.append(getVarValue(chain, "evt")) weight = reduceStat * getVarValue( chain, "weight") * (luminosity / 1000.) if not s['isData'] else 1 #leptons electrons = getGoodElectrons(chain) muons = getGoodMuons(chain) leptons = getGoodLeptons(chain, 10) #mt2ll for 2l mt2ll = getVarValue(chain, "dl_mt2ll")
def cutflow(sig): ####################################################### # SELECT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO HERE # ####################################################### reduceStat = 100 #recude the statistics, i.e. 10 is ten times less samples to look at ####################################################### # Define cutflow you want to make # ####################################################### mt2llcut = 80. metcut = 40. lumi = 10000. baselineamount = { 'samples': {}, 'SoverB': None, } cutflow = {\ 'metsig':{'baseline': 0., 'cuts': {\ 3:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 4:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 5:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 6:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 7:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 8:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 9:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 10:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 10:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, }, 'event': None, }, 'nbjets':{'baseline': 1., 'cuts': {\ 0:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 1:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 2:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 3:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 4:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 5:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, }, 'event': None, }, 'njets': {'baseline': 2., 'cuts': {\ 1:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 2:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 3:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 4:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 5:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 6:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 7:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, }, 'event': None, }, 'ht': {'baseline': 0., 'cuts': {\ 50: {'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 100:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 200:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 300:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 400:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 500:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, }, 'event': None, }, } #preselection: MET>40, njets>=2, n_bjets>=1, n_lep>=2 #For now see here for the Sum$ syntax: preselection = 'met_pt>' + str(metcut) + '&&Sum$(LepGood_pt>20)==2' ####################################################### # load all the samples # ####################################################### backgrounds = [singleTop_50ns, DY_50ns, TTJets_50ns] #signals = [SMS_T2tt_2J_mStop425_mLSP325, SMS_T2tt_2J_mStop500_mLSP325, SMS_T2tt_2J_mStop650_mLSP325, SMS_T2tt_2J_mStop850_mLSP100] signal = [sig] ####################################################### # get the TChains for each sample # ####################################################### for s in backgrounds + signal: s['chain'] = getChain(s, histname="") ####################################################### # Start filling in the histograms # ####################################################### for s in backgrounds + signal: for cuttype in cutflow.keys(): for cut in cutflow[cuttype]['cuts'].keys(): cutflow[cuttype]['cuts'][cut]['samples'][s["name"]] = 0 baselineamount['samples'][s['name']] = 0 chain = s["chain"] #Using Event loop #get EList after preselection print "Looping over %s" % s["name"] eList = getEList(chain, preselection) nEvents = eList.GetN() / reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % ( eList.GetN(), s["name"], preselection, nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): increment = 50 if nEvents > increment and ev % (nEvents / increment) == 0: sys.stdout.write( '\r' + "=" * (ev / (nEvents / increment)) + " " * ((nEvents - ev) / (nEvents / increment)) + "]" + str(round((ev + 1) / (float(nEvents) / 100), 2)) + "%") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r') chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) weight = reduceStat * getVarValue(chain, "weight") weight = weight * (lumi / 4000.) #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #jetpt leadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt", 0) subleadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt", 1) #Leptons allLeptons = getLeptons(chain) muons = filter(looseMuID, allLeptons) electrons = filter(looseEleID, allLeptons) nlep = len(allLeptons) #SF and OF channels leptons = {\ 'mu': {'name': 'mumu', 'file': muons}, 'e': {'name': 'ee', 'file': electrons}, 'emu': {'name': 'emu', 'file': [electrons,muons]}, } for lep in leptons.keys(): twoleptons = False #Same Flavor if lep != 'emu': if len(leptons[lep]['file']) == 2 and leptons[lep]['file'][ 0]['pdgId'] * leptons[lep]['file'][1]['pdgId'] < 0: twoleptons = True l0pt, l0eta, l0phi = leptons[lep]['file'][0][ 'pt'], leptons[lep]['file'][0]['eta'], leptons[ lep]['file'][0]['phi'] l1pt, l1eta, l1phi = leptons[lep]['file'][1][ 'pt'], leptons[lep]['file'][1]['eta'], leptons[ lep]['file'][1]['phi'] leadingleptonpt = l0pt subleadingleptonpt = l1pt mll = sqrt(2. * l0pt * l1pt * (cosh(l0eta - l1eta) - cos(l0phi - l1phi))) zveto = True #Opposite Flavor if lep == 'emu': if len(leptons[lep]['file'][0]) == 1 and len( leptons[lep]['file'] [1]) == 1 and leptons[lep]['file'][0][0][ 'pdgId'] * leptons[lep]['file'][1][0]['pdgId'] < 0: twoleptons = True l0pt, l0eta, l0phi = leptons[lep]['file'][0][0][ 'pt'], leptons[lep]['file'][0][0]['eta'], leptons[ lep]['file'][0][0]['phi'] l1pt, l1eta, l1phi = leptons[lep]['file'][1][0][ 'pt'], leptons[lep]['file'][1][0]['eta'], leptons[ lep]['file'][1][0]['phi'] if l1pt > l0pt: leadingleptonpt = l1pt subleadingleptonpt = l0pt else: leadingleptonpt = l0pt subleadingleptonpt = l1pt mll = sqrt(2. * l0pt * l1pt * (cosh(l0eta - l1eta) - cos(l0phi - l1phi))) zveto = False if (twoleptons and mll > 20 and not zveto) or (twoleptons and mll > 20 and zveto and abs(mll - 91.2) > 15): mt2Calc.setMet(met, metPhi) mt2Calc.setLeptons(l0pt, l0eta, l0phi, l1pt, l1eta, l1phi) mt2ll = mt2Calc.mt2ll() jets = filter( lambda j: j['pt'] > 30 and abs(j['eta']) < 2.4 and j[ 'id'], getJets(chain)) bjetspt = filter(lambda j: j['btagCSV'] > 0.89, jets) nobjets = filter(lambda j: j['btagCSV'] <= 0.89, jets) nmuons = len(muons) nelectrons = len(electrons) ht = sum([j['pt'] for j in jets]) if len(jets) < 1: continue if mt2ll < mt2llcut: continue cutflow['metsig']['event'] = met / sqrt(ht) cutflow['nbjets']['event'] = len(bjetspt) cutflow['njets']['event'] = len(jets) cutflow['ht']['event'] = ht for cuttype in cutflow.keys(): eventisgood = True for cuttype2 in cutflow.keys(): if cuttype2 != cuttype: if cutflow[cuttype2]['event'] < cutflow[ cuttype2]['baseline']: eventisgood = False if eventisgood: for cut in cutflow[cuttype]['cuts']: if cutflow[cuttype]['event'] >= cut: cutflow[cuttype]['cuts'][cut]['samples'][ s['name']] += weight baselineisgood = True for cuttype in cutflow.keys(): if cutflow[cuttype]['event'] < cutflow[cuttype][ 'baseline']: baselineisgood = False if baselineisgood: baselineamount['samples'][s['name']] += weight del eList sigtot = baselineamount['samples'][signal[0]['name']] bkgtot = sum(baselineamount['samples'].values()) - sigtot if bkgtot > 0: baselineamount['SoverB'] = 100 * (sigtot / sqrt(bkgtot)) else: baselineamount['SoverB'] = 0. for cuttype in cutflow.keys(): for cut in cutflow[cuttype]['cuts']: sigtot = cutflow[cuttype]['cuts'][cut]['samples'][signal[0] ['name']] bkgtot = sum( cutflow[cuttype]["cuts"][cut]['samples'].values()) - sigtot if bkgtot > 0: cutflow[cuttype]['cuts'][cut]['SoverB'] = 100 * (sigtot / sqrt(bkgtot)) else: cutflow[cuttype]['cuts'][cut]['SoverB'] = 0. maketable(baselineamount, cutflow, mt2llcut, metcut, signal, lumi)
####################################################### # Start filling in the histograms # ####################################################### for i, s in enumerate( backgrounds + signals ): #Enumerate returns a couple (index of key in array, dictionary) chain = s["chain"] print "Looping over %s" % s["name"] eList = getEList( chain, preselection) #Returns a list with events that pass the selection nEvents = eList.GetN() / reduceStat for ev in range(nEvents): chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) m_ll = getVarValue(chain, "dl_mass") ZVetoCut = abs(91.2 - m_ll) > 15 isSF = True if (getVarValue(chain, "isEE") == 1 or getVarValue(chain, "isMuMu") == 1) else False if (not isSF): ZVetoCut = True weight = reduceStat * getVarValue(chain, "weight") * lumi if (ZVetoCut): for plot in plots.keys(): variable = getVarValue(chain, plots[plot]['variable']) plots[plot]['histo'][s["name"]].Fill(variable, weight) print(plots[plot]['histo'][s['name']].GetEntries()) print("I finished a background: " + s["name"]) processtime = print "Time to process chains: ", processtime - start
*(plots[pk]['binning'])) plots[pk]['histo'][sample['name']].SetLineColor(plots[pk]['color']) plots[pk]['histo'][sample['name']].SetMarkerColor(plots[pk]['color']) plots[pk]['histo'][sample['name']].SetMarkerSize(0) chain = sample["chain"] print "Looping over %s" % sample["name"] eList = getEList(chain, preselection) nEvents = eList.GetN() / reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % ( eList.GetN(), sample["name"], preselection, nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): if ev % 10000 == 0: print "At %i/%i" % (ev, nEvents) chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() weight = reduceStat * getVarValue(chain, "weight") * lumiScale met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") puppiMet = getVarValue(chain, "puppiMet_pt") puppiMetPhi = getVarValue(chain, "puppiMet_phi") genMet = getVarValue(chain, "met_genPt") genMetPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_genPhi") leptons = getGoodLeptons( chain, leptonVars + ['mcMatchId', 'mcMatchAny', 'mcPt']) l0GenPt, l0HasMatch, l0pt, l0eta, l0phi = leptons[0]['mcPt'], abs( leptons[0]['mcMatchId'] ) == 6, leptons[0]['pt'], leptons[0]['eta'], leptons[0]['phi'] l1GenPt, l1HasMatch, l1pt, l1eta, l1phi = leptons[1]['mcPt'], abs( leptons[1]['mcMatchId'] ) == 6, leptons[1]['pt'], leptons[1]['eta'], leptons[1]['phi'] mll = sqrt(2. * l0pt * l1pt *
for mode in ["isMuMu", "isEE", "isEMu"]: counterReco[mode]=0 counterRecoGen[mode]={} counterRecoGen_muMatched[mode]={} counterRecoGen_eleMatched[mode]={} counterRecoGen_allMatched[mode]={} counterRecoGen_oneMuMatchedToB[mode]={} counterRecoGen_oneEleMatchedToB[mode]={} counterRecoGen_oneMuMatchedToTau[mode]={} counterRecoGen_oneEleMatchedToTau[mode]={} for ev in range(nEvents): ntot+=1 if ev%10000==0:print "At %i/%i"%(ev,nEvents) chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight")*lumiScale if not s['isData'] else 1 met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") jets = filter(lambda j:j['pt']>30 and abs(j['eta'])<2.4 and j['id'], getJets(chain)) leptons = filter(lambda l: looseMuID(l) or looseEleID(l), getLeptons(chain, collVars=leptonVars+['mcMatchId','mcMatchAny','mcMatchTau','mcPt'])) #LepGood_mcMatchId Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake for Leptons after the preselection #LepGood_mcMatchAny Match to any final state leptons: 0 if unmatched, 1 if light flavour (including prompt), 4 if charm, 5 if bottom for Leptons after the preselection #LepGood_mcMatchTau True if the leptons comes from a tau for Leptons after the preselection # for l in leptons: # if (l['mcMatchAny']==0 and (not (l['mcMatchId']==0))) or ( (not l['mcMatchAny']==0) and (l['mcMatchId']==0)): # print "Match?",l #RECO mu = filter(lambda l: abs(l['pdgId'])==13, leptons)
for s in backgrounds+signals: for plot in plots: plots[plot]['histo'][s['name']] = ROOT.TH1F(plot + "_" + s["name"], plot + "_" + s["name"], *(plots[plot]['binning'])) ####################################################### # Start filling in the histograms # ####################################################### for i,s in enumerate(backgrounds+signals): #Enumerate returns a couple (index of key in array, dictionary) chain = s["chain"] print "Looping over %s" % s["name"] eList = getEList(chain, preselection) #Returns a list with events that pass the selection nEvents = eList.GetN()/reduceStat for ev in range(nEvents): chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) m_ll = getVarValue(chain, "dl_mass") ZVetoCut = abs(90.2-m_ll) > 15 isSF = True if (getVarValue(chain, "isEE") == 1 or getVarValue(chain, "isMuMu") == 1) else False if (not isSF): ZVetoCut = True weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight")*lumi if (ZVetoCut): for plot in plots.keys(): variable = getVarValue(chain, plots[plot]['variable']) plots[plot]['histo'][s["name"]].Fill(variable, weight) print (plots[plot]['histo'][s['name']].GetEntries()) print("I finished a background: " + s["name"]) processtime = print "Time to process chains: ", processtime - start
import itertools small = False from StopsDilepton.samples.cmgTuples_Spring15_50ns_postProcessed import * from StopsDilepton.samples.cmgTuples_Spring15_25ns_postProcessed import * from StopsDilepton.samples.cmgTuples_Data50ns_1l_postProcessed import * from StopsDilepton.samples.cmgTuples_Data25ns_postProcessed import * from import getLeptons, getMuons, getElectrons, getGoodMuons, getGoodElectrons, getGoodLeptons, mZ from import getVarValue, getYieldFromChain, getChain from import plotDir from simplePlotHelpers import plot, stack, loopAndFill, drawNMStacks from import getReweightingFunction puReweightingFunc = getReweightingFunction(era="Run2015D_205pb") #puReweightingFunc = getReweightingFunction(era="Run2015D_205pb_doubleMu_onZ_isOS") puReweighting = lambda c:puReweightingFunc(getVarValue(c, "nVert")) cutBranches = ["weight", "leptonPt", "met*", "nVert",\ 'Jet_pt', "Jet_id", "Jet_eta", "Jet_phi", "Jet_btagCSV", "LepGood_pdgId", "LepGood_mediumMuonId", "LepGood_miniRelIso", "LepGood_sip3d", "LepGood_dxy", "LepGood_dz", "LepGood_convVeto", "LepGood_lostHits", "Flag_HBHENoiseFilter", "Flag_HBHENoiseIsoFilter", "Flag_HBHENoiseFilterMinZeroPatched", "Flag_goodVertices", "Flag_CSCTightHaloFilter", "Flag_eeBadScFilter", "HLT_mumuIso", "HLT_ee_DZ", "HLT_mue", "is*","dl_*","l1_*","l2_*", "nGoodMuons", "nGoodElectrons" ] subdir = "png25ns_2l" #preprefixes = ["PUDoubleMuOnZIsOS"] preprefixes = [] def getZCut(mode): zstr = "abs(dl_mass - "+str(mZ)+")" if mode.lower()=="onz": return zstr+"<15"
nEvents = eList.GetN()/reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % (eList.GetN(),s["name"],preselectionMC,nEvents) else: eList = getEList(chain, preselectionData) nEvents = eList.GetN()/reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % (eList.GetN(),s["name"],preselectionData,nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): if ev%10000==0:print "At %i/%i"%(ev,nEvents) chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight")*lumiScale if not s['isData'] else 1 met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") metEta = getVarValue(chain, "met_eta") mt2ll[0] = 0 mt2bb[0] = 0 mt2blbl[0] = 0 MET[0] = met METPhi[0] = metPhi xsecWeight[0] = weight pileupWeight[0] = getVarValue(chain,"puWeight") isMC[0] = 1-s['isData'] isElecElec[0] = 0 isMuonMuon[0] = 0 isMuonElec[0] = 0
print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % ( eList.GetN(), s["name"], preselectionMC, nEvents) else: eList = getEList(chain, preselectionData) nEvents = eList.GetN() / reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % ( eList.GetN(), s["name"], preselectionData, nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): if ev % 10000 == 0: print "At %i/%i" % (ev, nEvents) chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() weight = reduceStat * getVarValue( chain, "weight") * lumiScale if not s['isData'] else 1 met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") metEta = getVarValue(chain, "met_eta") EventNumber[0] = getVarValue(chain, "evt") mt2ll[0] = 0 mt2bb[0] = 0 mt2blbl[0] = 0 MET[0] = met METPhi[0] = metPhi xsecWeight[0] = weight isMC[0] = 1 - s['isData'] isElecElec[0] = 0 isMuonMuon[0] = 0 isMuonElec[0] = 0
def cutflow(sig): ####################################################### # SELECT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO HERE # ####################################################### reduceStat = 100 #recude the statistics, i.e. 10 is ten times less samples to look at ####################################################### # Define cutflow you want to make # ####################################################### mt2llcut = 80. metcut = 40. lumi = 10000. baselineamount = { 'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None,} cutflow = {\ 'metsig':{'baseline': 0., 'cuts': {\ 3:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 4:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 5:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 6:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 7:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 8:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 9:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 10:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 10:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, }, 'event': None, }, 'nbjets':{'baseline': 1., 'cuts': {\ 0:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 1:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 2:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 3:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 4:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 5:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, }, 'event': None, }, 'njets': {'baseline': 2., 'cuts': {\ 1:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 2:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 3:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 4:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 5:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 6:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 7:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, }, 'event': None, }, 'ht': {'baseline': 0., 'cuts': {\ 50: {'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 100:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 200:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 300:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 400:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, 500:{'samples':{}, 'SoverB': None}, }, 'event': None, }, } #preselection: MET>40, njets>=2, n_bjets>=1, n_lep>=2 #For now see here for the Sum$ syntax: preselection = 'met_pt>'+str(metcut)+'&&Sum$(LepGood_pt>20)==2' ####################################################### # load all the samples # ####################################################### backgrounds = [singleTop_50ns,DY_50ns,TTJets_50ns] #signals = [SMS_T2tt_2J_mStop425_mLSP325, SMS_T2tt_2J_mStop500_mLSP325, SMS_T2tt_2J_mStop650_mLSP325, SMS_T2tt_2J_mStop850_mLSP100] signal = [sig] ####################################################### # get the TChains for each sample # ####################################################### for s in backgrounds+signal: s['chain'] = getChain(s,histname="") ####################################################### # Start filling in the histograms # ####################################################### for s in backgrounds+signal: for cuttype in cutflow.keys(): for cut in cutflow[cuttype]['cuts'].keys(): cutflow[cuttype]['cuts'][cut]['samples'][s["name"]] = 0 baselineamount['samples'][s['name']] = 0 chain = s["chain"] #Using Event loop #get EList after preselection print "Looping over %s" % s["name"] eList = getEList(chain, preselection) nEvents = eList.GetN()/reduceStat print "Found %i events in %s after preselection %s, looping over %i" % (eList.GetN(),s["name"],preselection,nEvents) for ev in range(nEvents): increment = 50 if nEvents>increment and ev%(nEvents/increment)==0: sys.stdout.write('\r' + "=" * (ev / (nEvents/increment)) + " " * ((nEvents - ev)/ (nEvents/increment)) + "]" + str(round((ev+1) / (float(nEvents)/100),2)) + "%") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r') chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) weight = reduceStat*getVarValue(chain, "weight") weight = weight*(lumi/4000.) #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #jetpt leadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",0) subleadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt",1) #Leptons allLeptons = getLeptons(chain) muons = filter(looseMuID, allLeptons) electrons = filter(looseEleID, allLeptons) nlep = len(allLeptons) #SF and OF channels leptons = {\ 'mu': {'name': 'mumu', 'file': muons}, 'e': {'name': 'ee', 'file': electrons}, 'emu': {'name': 'emu', 'file': [electrons,muons]}, } for lep in leptons.keys(): twoleptons = False #Same Flavor if lep != 'emu': if len(leptons[lep]['file'])==2 and leptons[lep]['file'][0]['pdgId']*leptons[lep]['file'][1]['pdgId']<0: twoleptons = True l0pt, l0eta, l0phi = leptons[lep]['file'][0]['pt'], leptons[lep]['file'][0]['eta'], leptons[lep]['file'][0]['phi'] l1pt, l1eta, l1phi = leptons[lep]['file'][1]['pt'], leptons[lep]['file'][1]['eta'], leptons[lep]['file'][1]['phi'] leadingleptonpt = l0pt subleadingleptonpt = l1pt mll = sqrt(2.*l0pt*l1pt*(cosh(l0eta-l1eta)-cos(l0phi-l1phi))) zveto = True #Opposite Flavor if lep == 'emu': if len(leptons[lep]['file'][0])==1 and len(leptons[lep]['file'][1])==1 and leptons[lep]['file'][0][0]['pdgId']*leptons[lep]['file'][1][0]['pdgId']<0: twoleptons = True l0pt, l0eta, l0phi = leptons[lep]['file'][0][0]['pt'], leptons[lep]['file'][0][0]['eta'], leptons[lep]['file'][0][0]['phi'] l1pt, l1eta, l1phi = leptons[lep]['file'][1][0]['pt'], leptons[lep]['file'][1][0]['eta'], leptons[lep]['file'][1][0]['phi'] if l1pt > l0pt : leadingleptonpt = l1pt subleadingleptonpt = l0pt else: leadingleptonpt = l0pt subleadingleptonpt = l1pt mll = sqrt(2.*l0pt*l1pt*(cosh(l0eta-l1eta)-cos(l0phi-l1phi))) zveto = False if (twoleptons and mll>20 and not zveto) or (twoleptons and mll > 20 and zveto and abs(mll-90.2)>15): mt2Calc.setMet(met,metPhi) mt2Calc.setLeptons(l0pt, l0eta, l0phi, l1pt, l1eta, l1phi) mt2ll = mt2Calc.mt2ll() jets = filter(lambda j:j['pt']>30 and abs(j['eta'])<2.4 and j['id'], getJets(chain)) bjetspt = filter(lambda j:j['btagCSV']>0.89, jets) nobjets = filter(lambda j:j['btagCSV']<=0.89, jets) nmuons = len(muons) nelectrons = len(electrons) ht = sum([j['pt'] for j in jets]) if len(jets)<1: continue if mt2ll<mt2llcut: continue cutflow['metsig']['event'] = met/sqrt(ht) cutflow['nbjets']['event'] = len(bjetspt) cutflow['njets']['event'] = len(jets) cutflow['ht']['event'] = ht for cuttype in cutflow.keys(): eventisgood = True for cuttype2 in cutflow.keys(): if cuttype2 != cuttype: if cutflow[cuttype2]['event'] < cutflow[cuttype2]['baseline']: eventisgood = False if eventisgood: for cut in cutflow[cuttype]['cuts']: if cutflow[cuttype]['event'] >= cut: cutflow[cuttype]['cuts'][cut]['samples'][s['name']] += weight baselineisgood = True for cuttype in cutflow.keys(): if cutflow[cuttype]['event'] < cutflow[cuttype]['baseline']: baselineisgood = False if baselineisgood: baselineamount['samples'][s['name']] += weight del eList sigtot = baselineamount['samples'][signal[0]['name']] bkgtot = sum(baselineamount['samples'].values()) - sigtot if bkgtot > 0: baselineamount['SoverB'] = 100 * (sigtot/sqrt(bkgtot)) else: baselineamount['SoverB'] = 0. for cuttype in cutflow.keys(): for cut in cutflow[cuttype]['cuts']: sigtot = cutflow[cuttype]['cuts'][cut]['samples'][signal[0]['name']] bkgtot = sum(cutflow[cuttype]["cuts"][cut]['samples'].values()) - sigtot if bkgtot > 0: cutflow[cuttype]['cuts'][cut]['SoverB'] = 100 * (sigtot/sqrt(bkgtot)) else: cutflow[cuttype]['cuts'][cut]['SoverB'] = 0. maketable(baselineamount, cutflow, mt2llcut, metcut,signal,lumi)
#TreeFile = ROOT.TFile("./trees/tree"+s["name"]+".root","recreate") #Tree = ROOT.TTree("VarTree","Tree of Variables") #Tree.Branch("MET",MET_n,"MET/D") #Tree.Branch("MT2ee",MT2ee_n,"MT2ee/D") #Tree.Branch("MT2emu",MT2emu_n,"MT2emu/D") #Tree.Branch("MT2mumu",MT2mumu_n,"MT2mumu/D") for ev in range(nEvents): if ev % 10000 == 0: print "At %i/%i" % (ev, nEvents) chain.GetEntry(eList.GetEntry(ev)) mt2Calc.reset() #event weight (L= 4fb^-1) if s.has_key('totalweight'): weight = getWeight(chain, s, 4000) #this method for Ward's SPRING15 samples else: weight = reduceStat * getVarValue( chain, "weight") #this method for Robert's PHYS14 samples #MET met = getVarValue(chain, "met_pt") metPhi = getVarValue(chain, "met_phi") #jetpt leadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt", 0) subleadingjetpt = getVarValue(chain, "Jet_pt", 1) #Leptons allLeptons = getLeptons(chain) muons = filter(looseMuID, allLeptons) electrons = filter(looseEleID, allLeptons) #GENinfo #genparticles = getGenParts(chain) #ROOT output file #MET_n[0] = met