Example #1
 def calc_st2_o(self):
     st2_o = Stream()
     st2_o.fluid = self.st2_i.fluid
     st2_o.flow_rate = self.st2_i.flow_rate
     st2_o.pressure = self.st2_i.pressure - self.pressure_drop(
         self.st2_i, self.st2_pip)
     h = self.st2_i.h - (self.st1_i.h - self.st1_o.h) * self.st1_i.flow_rate[0] \
         / st2_o.flow_rate[0] / self.eta
     h_l = PropsSI('H', 'P', st2_o.pressure, 'Q', 0, st2_o.fluid)
     h_g = PropsSI('H', 'P', st2_o.pressure, 'Q', 1, st2_o.fluid)
     if h_l <= h <= h_g:
         st2_o.x = PropsSI('Q', 'P', st2_o.pressure, 'H', h, st2_o.fluid)
         st2_o.temperature = PropsSI('T', 'P', st2_o.pressure, 'H', h,
     self.st2_o = st2_o
Example #2
 def calc_st2_i(self):
     st2_i = Stream()
     st2_i.fluid = self.st2_o.fluid
     st2_i.flow_rate = self.st2_o.flow_rate
     st2_i.pressure = self.st2_o.pressure + self.pressure_drop(
         self.st2_o, self.st2_pip)
     h = self.st2_o.h + (self.st1_i.h - self.st1_o.h) * self.st1_i.flow_rate[0] \
         / self.st2_o.flow_rate[0] * self.eta
     h_l = PropsSI('H', 'P', st2_i.pressure, 'Q', 0, st2_i.fluid)
     h_g = PropsSI('H', 'P', st2_i.pressure, 'Q', 1, st2_i.fluid)
     if h_l <= h <= h_g:
         st2_i.x = PropsSI('Q', 'P', st2_i.pressure, 'H', h, st2_i.fluid)
         st2_i.T = PropsSI('T', 'P', st2_i.pressure, 'H', h,
     self.st2_i = st2_i
Example #3
 def get_st2(self, st1, pressure2):
     st2 = Stream()
     st2.fluid = st1.fluid
     st2.flow_rate = st1.flow_rate
     st2.pressure = pressure2
     s_ideal = st1.s
     h2_ideal = PropsSI('H', 'S', s_ideal, 'P', st2.pressure, st2.fluid)
     eta = self.calculate_eta(st1.pressure, st2.pressure)
     h2 = st1.h - eta * (st1.h - h2_ideal)
     # Check whether it is saturated
     h2_l = PropsSI('H', 'P', st2.pressure, 'Q', 0, st2.fluid)
     h2_g = PropsSI('H', 'P', st2.pressure, 'Q', 1, st2.fluid)
     if h2_l <= h2 <= h2_g:
         st2.quality = PropsSI('Q', 'P', st2.pressure, 'H', h2, st2.fluid)
         st2.temperature = PropsSI('T', 'P', st2.pressure, 'H', h2,
     return st2
Example #4
st = Stream()

T0 = 100
T1 = 600
Delta_T = 50

s0 = 1e5
s1 = 1e8
s_num = 1000
S = np.linspace(s0, s1, s_num)

for T in range(T0, T1, Delta_T):
    st.temperature_celcius = T
    enthalpy = []
    for i in range(s_num):
        st.pressure = ps('P', 'S', S[i], 'T', st.temperature, 'water')
    plt.plot(S, enthalpy, label='$T$='+str(T)+'˚C')
h0 = []
h1 = []
num = 1000
S_s =
p = np.linspace(P0, P_s, num)
for i in range(num):
    h0.append(ps('H','Q', 0, 'P', p[i], 'water'))
    h1.append(ps('H','Q', 1, 'P', p[i], 'water'))
plt.plot(p, h0, '--', color = 'red')
plt.plot(p, h1, '--', color = 'red')
plt.xlabel("Pressure, Pa")
plt.ylabel("Enthalpy, J/kg")
Example #5
from Stream import Stream
import numpy as np
from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI as ps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

T_i = 500  #  初温,˚C
p_c = 4000  # 排气压力,Pa
mass_flow_rate = 61.3  # 主汽流量,kg/s

st_i = Stream()
st_i.temperature_celcius = T_i
st_i.flow_rate = mass_flow_rate

st_o = Stream()
st_o.pressure = p_c

st_c = Stream()
st_c.pressure = p_c
st_c.quality = 0

number = 40  # number组数据,压力从p0增加到p1
p0 = 10e6
p1 = 80e6
p = np.linspace(p0, p1, number)
T0 = 400
T1 = 850
Delta_T = 50
T = range(T0, T1, Delta_T)
for j in T:
    st_i.temperature_celcius = j
    efficiency_ideal = []
Example #6
st = Stream()

T0 = 100
T1 = 600
Delta_T = 50

P0 = 1e5
P1 = 1e8
P_num = 1000
P = np.linspace(P0, P1, P_num)

for T in range(T0, T1, Delta_T):
    st.temperature_celcius = T
    enthalpy = []
    for i in range(P_num):
        st.pressure = P[i]
    plt.plot(enthalpy, P, label='$T$=' + str(T) + '˚C')
h0 = []
h1 = []
num = 1000
P_s = ps('P_CRITICAL', 'water')
p = np.linspace(P0, P_s, num)
for i in range(num):
    h0.append(ps('H', 'Q', 0, 'P', p[i], 'water'))
    h1.append(ps('H', 'Q', 1, 'P', p[i], 'water'))
plt.plot(h0, p, '--', color='red')
plt.plot(h1, p, '--', color='red')
plt.ylabel("Pressure, Pa")
plt.xlabel("Enthalpy, J/kg")
Example #7

    def get_A(self):
        # Known inlet and outlet fluids to calculate the aperture area
        self.st_o.fluid = self.st_i.fluid
        self.st_o.flow_rate = self.st_i.flow_rate
        # Assume no pressure loss
        self.st_o.pressure = self.st_i.pressure
        self.st_o.pressure = self.st_i.pressure
        guess = np.array([500, 300, 19])
        # options = optimset('Display','iter')
        x = fsolve(self.CalcDishCollector3, guess)
        self.A = x[2]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dc = DishCollector()
    st_i = Stream()
    st_i.fluid = Const.FLUID[2]
    st_i.temperature = Const.convert_temperature(150, 'C', 'K')
    st_i.pressure = 4e5
    st_i.flow_rate[0] = 0.07
    dc.st_i = st_i
    st_o = Stream()
    st_o.fluid = Const.FLUID[2]
    # st_o.temperature = Const.convert_temperature(239.26, 'C', 'K')
    st_o.pressure = 4e5
    dc.st_o = st_o
    dc.amb.irradiance = 700