Example #1
    def test_siteUpstreamOnSegment(self):
        streamGraph = StreamGraph()
        node1 = streamGraph.addNode((0, 0))
        node2 = streamGraph.addNode((0, -1))
        segment = streamGraph.addSegment(node1, node2, "1", 1, 1, 1)
        streamGraph.addSite("site1", "1", 0.1)
        streamGraph.addSite("site2", "1", 0.9)
        streamGraph.addSite("site3", "1", 1)

        navigator = StreamGraphNavigator(streamGraph)

        downstreamSite = navigator.getNextUpstreamSite(segment, 0.5)
        foundSiteID = downstreamSite[0]
        foundSiteDist = downstreamSite[1]

        self.assertEqual(foundSiteID, "site1")
        self.assertEqual(foundSiteDist, 0.4)
Example #2
    def test_findUpstreamSiteWithBacktrack(self):
        streamGraph = StreamGraph()
        node1 = streamGraph.addNode((0, 0))
        node2 = streamGraph.addNode((0, -1))
        node3 = streamGraph.addNode((1, 0))

        segment1 = streamGraph.addSegment(node1, node2, "1", 1, 2,
                                          1)  #trib of segment2 path
        segment2 = streamGraph.addSegment(node3, node2, "2", 1, 1, 1)
        streamGraph.addSite("site1", "2", 0.2)
        dataBoundary = DataBoundary(point=(0, 0), radius=10)


        navigator = StreamGraphNavigator(streamGraph)

        downstreamSite = navigator.getNextUpstreamSite(segment1, 0.5)
        foundSiteID = downstreamSite[0]
        foundSiteDist = downstreamSite[1]

        self.assertEqual(foundSiteID, "site1")
        self.assertEqual(foundSiteDist, 1.3)
Example #3
    def getSiteID(self, useBadSites=True, logWarnings=False):
        """ Get the siteID. Lat and Lng are provided to the constructor.
        :param useBadSites: When false, any site that has warnings associated with it will be ignored in calculating the new ID.
        :param logWarnings: Should this request log warnings into the SiteInfoCreator's WarningLog instance? 
        :return: A dict {"id": the_id, "story": the_story}"""
        lat = self.lat
        lng = self.lng
        warningLog = self.warningLog
        streamGraph = self.streamGraph
        siteIDManager = self.siteIDManager


        #typically lat/long are switched to fit the x/y order paradigm
        point = (lng, lat)

        story = ""
        newID = ""
        huc = ""

        #create the json that gets resturned
        def getResults(siteID="unknown",
                       story="See warning log",
            results = dict()
            results["id"] = Helpers.formatID(siteID)

            snapLatFormatted = Helpers.getFloatTruncated(lat, 7)
            snapLngFormatted = Helpers.getFloatTruncated(lng, 7)
            storyHeader = "Requested site info at " + str(
                snapLatFormatted) + ", " + str(snapLngFormatted) + ". "
            useBadSitesStory = (
                "" if useBadSites else
                "ADONNIS ignored sites with incorrect ID's when calculating the new ID. "
            results["story"] = storyHeader + useBadSitesStory + story
            return results

        if Failures.isFailureCode(self.baseData):
            return getResults(failed=True)

        #snap query point to a segment
        snapablePoint = SnapablePoint(point=point, name="", id="")
        snapInfo = snapPoint(snapablePoint, self.baseData,
                             snapCutoff=1)  #get the most likely snap
        if Failures.isFailureCode(snapInfo):
            if __debug__:
                print("could not snap")
            if logWarnings:
                warningLog.addWarning(WarningLog.HIGH_PRIORITY, snapInfo)
            return getResults(failed=True)

        feature = snapInfo[0].feature
        segmentID = str(feature["properties"]["OBJECTID"])
        distAlongSegment = snapInfo[0].distAlongFeature
        #get the segment ID of the snapped segment
        graphSegment = streamGraph.getCleanedSegment(segmentID)

        snappedPoint = streamGraph.segments[segmentID].getPointOnSegment(

        if __debug__:
            SnapSites.visualize(self.baseData, [])

        #build a navigator object
        #we want to terminate the search each time a query happens
        #this allows us to stagger upstream and downstream searches
        #although this means repeating parts of the search multiple times, searching a already constructed
        #graph takes practically no time at all
        navigator = StreamGraphNavigator(streamGraph,

        upstreamSite = None
        downstreamSite = None
        endOfUpstreamNetwork = False
        endOfDownstreamNetwork = False
        secondaryQueries = 0
        primaryQueries = 0

        #each iteration extends the graph by one query worth of data
        # in this step we try to find an upstream and downstream site
        while (
                upstreamSite is None or downstreamSite is None
        ) and secondaryQueries < MAX_SECONDARY_SITE_QUERIES and primaryQueries < MAX_PRIMARY_QUERIES and (
                endOfUpstreamNetwork is False
                or endOfDownstreamNetwork is False):
            if upstreamSite is None and endOfUpstreamNetwork is False:
                #we haven't found upstream yet
                upstreamReturn = navigator.getNextUpstreamSite(
                    graphSegment, distAlongSegment)
                if upstreamReturn == Failures.END_OF_BASIN_CODE:
                    endOfUpstreamNetwork = True
                if Failures.isFailureCode(
                ) is not True and upstreamReturn is not None:
                    upstreamSite = upstreamReturn

            if downstreamSite is None and endOfDownstreamNetwork is False:
                #we haven't found downstream yet
                downstreamReturn = navigator.getNextDownstreamSite(
                    graphSegment, distAlongSegment)
                if downstreamReturn == Failures.END_OF_BASIN_CODE:
                    endOfDownstreamNetwork = True
                if Failures.isFailureCode(
                ) is not True and downstreamReturn is not None:
                    downstreamSite = downstreamReturn

            if upstreamSite is not None or downstreamSite is not None:
                #we've found at least one site
                secondaryQueries += 1
                primaryQueries += 1

        #add warnings from found sites, collect HUC
        if upstreamSite is not None:
            siteAssignment = upstreamSite[0]
            if logWarnings:
                for warning in siteAssignment.generalWarnings:
                for warning in siteAssignment.assignmentWarnings:

            huc = siteAssignment.huc

        if downstreamSite is not None:
            siteAssignment = downstreamSite[0]
            if logWarnings:
                for warning in siteAssignment.generalWarnings:
                for warning in siteAssignment.assignmentWarnings:

            huc = siteAssignment.huc

        if logWarnings:
            for warning in streamGraph.currentAssignmentWarnings:  #apply warnings from streamGraph

        #handle all combinations of having an upstream site and/or a downstream site (also having neither)

        #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM SITES FOUND CASE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        if upstreamSite is not None and downstreamSite is not None:
            #we have an upstream and downstream

            upstreamSiteID = upstreamSite[0].siteID
            downstreamSiteID = downstreamSite[0].siteID
            partCode = upstreamSiteID[0:2]

            if Helpers.siteIDCompare(downstreamSiteID, upstreamSiteID) < 0:
                message = "The found upstream site is larger than found downstream site. ADONNIS output almost certainly incorrect."
                if logWarnings:
                    warningLog.addWarning(WarningLog.HIGH_PRIORITY, message)

            fullUpstreamSiteID = Helpers.getFullID(upstreamSiteID)
            fullDownstreamSiteID = Helpers.getFullID(downstreamSiteID)

            upstreamSiteIdDsnStr = fullUpstreamSiteID[2:]
            downstreamSiteIdDsnStr = fullDownstreamSiteID[2:]

            #get the downstream number portion of the ID
            upstreamSiteIdDsn = int(upstreamSiteIdDsnStr)
            downstreamSiteIdDsn = int(downstreamSiteIdDsnStr)

            totalAddressSpaceDistance = upstreamSite[1] + downstreamSite[1]
            newSitePercentage = downstreamSite[1] / totalAddressSpaceDistance

            newDon = int(downstreamSiteIdDsn * (1 - newSitePercentage) +
                         upstreamSiteIdDsn * newSitePercentage)

            newID = Helpers.buildFullID(partCode, newDon)
            newID = self.beautifyID(newID,
            story = "Found a upstream site " + Helpers.formatID(
                upstreamSiteID) + " and a downstream site " + Helpers.formatID(
                ) + ". New site is the weighted average of these two sites."

            if __debug__:
                print("found upstream is " + upstreamSiteID)
                print("found downstream is " + downstreamSiteID)
                SnapSites.visualize(self.baseData, [])

        #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UPSTREAM SITE FOUND ONLY CASE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        elif upstreamSite is not None:
            upstreamSiteID = upstreamSite[0].siteID
            partCode = upstreamSiteID[:2]
            fullUpstreamID = Helpers.getFullID(upstreamSiteID)

            foundSiteNeighbors = siteIDManager.getNeighborIDs(
                upstreamSiteID, huc)
            if Failures.isFailureCode(foundSiteNeighbors):
                nextSequentialDownstreamSite = None
                nextSequentialDownstreamSite = foundSiteNeighbors[1]

            upstreamSiteDSN = int(fullUpstreamID[2:])
            upstreamSiteDistance = upstreamSite[1]

            #calculate offset. If we have a sequential downstream use that as a bound
            siteIDOffset = math.ceil(upstreamSiteDistance / MIN_SITE_DISTANCE)
            if nextSequentialDownstreamSite is not None:
                #if we have the sequential downstream bound, don't let the new site get added any closer than halfway between
                siteIDOffset = min(
                                            nextSequentialDownstreamSite) / 2)

            newSiteIDDSN = upstreamSiteDSN + siteIDOffset

            #allowed wiggle room in the new site. Depending on how much distance is between the found site
            #we allow for a larger range in the final ID. Has to be at least 10% within the rule of min_site_distance
            #at most 5 digits up or down. At least, 0
            allowedError = math.floor(max(1, min(siteIDOffset / 10, 5)))

            upperBound = Helpers.buildFullID(
                partCode, upstreamSiteDSN + siteIDOffset + allowedError)
            lowerBound = Helpers.buildFullID(
                partCode, upstreamSiteDSN + siteIDOffset - allowedError)

            newID = Helpers.buildFullID(partCode, newSiteIDDSN)
            newID = self.beautifyID(newID,
            offsetAfterBeautify = Helpers.getSiteIDOffset(
                newID, fullUpstreamID)

            if nextSequentialDownstreamSite is None:
                story = "Only found a upstream site (" + upstreamSiteID + "). New site ID is based on upstream site while allowing space for " + str(
                ) + " sites between upstream site and new site"
                if logWarnings:
                        "No downstream bound on result. Needs verification!")
                story = "Found an upstream site " + Helpers.formatID(
                ) + ". Based on list of all sites, assume that " + Helpers.formatID(
                ) + " is the nearest sequential downstream site. New ID is based on the upstream site and bounded by the sequential downstream site"
                if logWarnings:
                        "Found upstream and downstream bound. But, downstream bound is based on list of sequential sites and may not be the true downstream bound. This could result in site ID clustering."

            if __debug__:
                print("found upstream, but not downstream")
                print("upstream siteID is " + str(upstreamSiteID))
                SnapSites.visualize(self.baseData, [])

        #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DOWNSTREAM SITE ONLY CASE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        elif downstreamSite is not None:
            downstreamSiteID = downstreamSite[0].siteID
            partCode = downstreamSiteID[:2]
            fullDownstreamID = Helpers.getFullID(downstreamSiteID)

            foundSiteNeighbors = siteIDManager.getNeighborIDs(
                downstreamSiteID, huc)
            if Failures.isFailureCode(foundSiteNeighbors):
                nextSequentialUpstreamSite = None
                nextSequentialUpstreamSite = foundSiteNeighbors[0]

            downstreamSiteDSN = int(fullDownstreamID[2:])
            downstreamSiteDistance = downstreamSite[1]

            siteIDOffset = math.ceil(downstreamSiteDistance /

            if nextSequentialUpstreamSite is not None:
                #if we have the sequential upstream bound, don't let the new site get added any closer than halfway between
                siteIDOffset = min(
                                            nextSequentialUpstreamSite) / 2)

            newSiteIDDSN = downstreamSiteDSN - siteIDOffset

            allowedError = math.floor(max(1, min(siteIDOffset / 10, 5)))

            upperBound = Helpers.buildFullID(
                partCode, downstreamSiteDSN - siteIDOffset + allowedError)
            lowerBound = Helpers.buildFullID(
                partCode, downstreamSiteDSN - siteIDOffset - allowedError)

            newID = Helpers.buildFullID(partCode, newSiteIDDSN)
            newID = self.beautifyID(newID,
            offsetAfterBeautify = Helpers.getSiteIDOffset(
                newID, fullDownstreamID)

            if nextSequentialUpstreamSite is None:
                story = "Only found a downstream site " + Helpers.formatID(
                ) + ". New site ID is based on downstream site while allowing space for " + str(
                ) + " sites between downstream site and new site"
                if logWarnings:
                        "No upstream bound on result. Needs verification!")
                story = "Found a downstream site " + Helpers.formatID(
                ) + ". Based on list of all sites, assume that " + Helpers.formatID(
                ) + " is the nearest sequential upstream site. New ID is based on the downstream site and bounded by the sequential upstream site"
                if logWarnings:
                        "Found upstream and downstream bound. But, upstream bound is based on list of sequential sites and may not be the true upstream bound. This could result in site ID clustering."

            if __debug__:
                print("found downstream, but not upstream")
                print("downstream siteID is " + str(downstreamSiteID))
                SnapSites.visualize(self.baseData, [])

        #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NO SITES FOUND CASE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            # get huge radius of sites:
            sitesInfo = GDALData.loadSitesFromQuery(lat, lng, 30)
            if Failures.isFailureCode(sitesInfo):
                if logWarnings:
                    warningLog.addWarning(WarningLog.HIGH_PRIORITY, sitesInfo)
                return getResults(failed=True)

            sites = []
            for site in sitesInfo:
                siteNumber = site["properties"]["site_no"]
                siteHUC = site["properties"]["huc_cd"]
                sitePoint = site["geometry"]["coordinates"]
                fastDistance = Helpers.fastMagDist(sitePoint[0], sitePoint[1],
                                                   point[0], point[1])
                sites.append((siteNumber, sitePoint, fastDistance, siteHUC))

            sortedSites = sorted(sites, key=lambda site: site[2])

            huc = sortedSites[0][3]

            oppositePairA = None
            oppositePairB = None
            foundOppositePair = False
            i = 1
            while foundOppositePair is False:
                curSite = sortedSites[i]
                curPartCode = curSite[0][:2]
                curSitePoint = curSite[1]
                curDirection = Helpers.normalize(curSitePoint[0] - point[0],
                                                 curSitePoint[1] - point[1])
                for cmpSite in sortedSites[:i]:
                    cmpSitePoint = cmpSite[1]
                    cmpDirection = Helpers.normalize(
                        cmpSitePoint[0] - point[0], cmpSitePoint[1] - point[1])
                    cmpPartCode = cmpSite[0][:2]
                    dot = Helpers.dot(curDirection[0], curDirection[1],
                                      cmpDirection[0], cmpDirection[1])

                    #check if these two directions are mostly opposite
                    # dot < 0 means they are at least perpendicular
                    if dot < 0.4 and curPartCode == cmpPartCode:
                        foundOppositePair = True
                        oppositePairA = cmpSite
                        oppositePairB = curSite
                i += 1

            partCode = oppositePairA[0][:2]

            fullIDA = Helpers.getFullID(oppositePairA[0])
            fullIDB = Helpers.getFullID(oppositePairB[0])

            dsnA = int(fullIDA[2:])
            dsnB = int(fullIDB[2:])

            distA = oppositePairA[2]
            distB = oppositePairB[2]

            totalAddressSpaceDistance = distA + distB
            newSitePercentage = distA / totalAddressSpaceDistance

            newDsn = int(dsnA * (1 - newSitePercentage) +
                         dsnB * newSitePercentage)

            newID = Helpers.buildFullID(partCode, newDsn)
            newID = self.beautifyID(newID,

            story = "Could not find any sites on the network. Estimating based on " + Helpers.formatID(
                oppositePairA[0]) + " and " + Helpers.formatID(
                    oppositePairB[0]) + "."

            if __debug__:
                    "no sites found nearby. Estimating new ID based on nearby sites"
                print("new estimate based on " + oppositePairA[0] + " and " +
                print("estimation is " + newID)
                SnapSites.visualize(self.baseData, [])

        return getResults(siteID=newID, story=story)