Example #1
class ScriptRequestStrings(ScriptRequest):
    def __init__(self, instr):
        self.instream = StringIO(instr)
        self.outstream = StringIO()
        self.errstream = StringIO()

    def fetch_output(self):
        outstr = self.outstream.get_value()
        errstr = self.errstream.get_value()
        return outstr, errstr
Example #2
class ScriptRequestStrings(ScriptRequest):
    """ When a script gets run by our xmlrpc server, we have the input as a
        string and we also need to catch the output / error output as strings.
    def __init__(self, instr):
        self.instream = StringIO(instr)
        self.outstream = StringIO()
        self.errstream = StringIO()

    def fetch_output(self):
        outstr = self.outstream.get_value()
        errstr = self.errstream.get_value()
        return outstr, errstr
Example #3
def pyobj_from_dom(dom_node):
    """Converts a DOM tree to a "native" Python object"""

    # does the tag-named class exist, or should we create it?
    klass = '_XO_'+py_name(dom_node.nodeName)

    except NameError:
        exec ('class %s(_XO_): pass' % klass)
    # create an instance of the tag-named class
    py_obj = eval('%s()' % klass)

    # attach any tag attributes as instance attributes
    attr_dict = dom_node.attributes
    if attr_dict is None:
        attr_dict = {}
    for key, val in attr_dict.items():
        setattr(py_obj, py_name(key), val.value)

    # for nodes with character markup, might want the literal XML

    xml_stream = StringIO()
    printer = Printer.PrintVisitor(xml_stream, 'UTF-8')

    intro_PCDATA, subtag, exit_PCDATA = (0, 0, 0)

    # now look at the actual tag contents (subtags and PCDATA)
    for node in dom_node.childNodes:
        node_name = py_name(node.nodeName)

        # PCDATA is a kind of node, but not a new subtag
        if node.nodeName == '#text':
            if hasattr(py_obj, 'PCDATA'):
                py_obj.PCDATA = py_obj.PCDATA + node.nodeValue
            elif string.strip(node.nodeValue):    # only use "real" node contents
                py_obj.PCDATA = node.nodeValue    # (not bare whitespace)
                if not subtag: intro_PCDATA = 1
                else: exit_PCDATA = 1

        # does a py_obj attribute corresponding to the subtag already exist?
        elif hasattr(py_obj, node_name):
            # convert a single child object into a list of children
            if type(getattr(py_obj, node_name)) is not ListType:
                setattr(py_obj, node_name, [getattr(py_obj, node_name)])
            # add the new subtag to the list of children
            getattr(py_obj, node_name).append(pyobj_from_dom(node))

        # start out by creating a child object as attribute value
            setattr(py_obj, node_name, pyobj_from_dom(node))
            subtag = 1

    # if dom_node appears to contain character markup, save literal XML
    if subtag and (intro_PCDATA or exit_PCDATA):
        py_obj._XML = xml_stream.get_value()
    elif KEEP_CONTAINERS:    # ...and if option is specified explicitly
        py_obj._XML = xml_stream.get_value()

    return py_obj