def main():

    debug = False
    root = Tk()
    run_time ='%Y%m%d%H%M') # used for file extensions, makes sorting easy
    print("\nMathnasium Scheduler Launched")
    default_directory = "C:\\ProgramData\\MathnasiumScheduler"
    FILEOPENOPTIONS = dict(defaultextension='.csv', filetypes=[('XLSX', '*.xlsx'), ('CSV file', '*.csv')])
    # Todo-jerry add center name picklist, get center names from configuraton file
    center_name = simpledialog.askstring("Name prompt", "Enter Center Name")
    schedule_start_date = simpledialog.askstring("Schedule Start Prompt", "Enter Schedule Start Date (MM/DD/YY)")
    # center_name = "aaaa.TestRun" #Eliminates need to select files for successive test runs
    importer = Importer().import_all(run_time, default_directory, center_name, FILEOPENOPTIONS)

    #Create Schedule Workbook
    # Create Run Workbook
    run_wb_path = default_directory + "\\" + center_name + "." + run_time + ".xlsx"
    run_wb = Workbook()
    schedule_by_name_ws = run_wb.create_sheet("Schedule By Name", index=0)
    schedule_by_day_ws = run_wb.create_sheet("Schedule By Day", index=1)
    forecast_summary_ws = run_wb.create_sheet("Summary Forecast", index=2)
    forecast_detailed_ws = run_wb.create_sheet("Detailed Forecast", index=3)
    run_log_ws = run_wb.create_sheet("Runlog", index=4)
    #ToDo Write run_log to run_log_ws
    run_log = []
    instructors = Instructor.create_instructors(run_log)
    students = Student.initialize_students(importer.attendance_ws, importer.student_data_ws, run_log)

    #Create Events
    print("\nCreating events from student arrivals and departures\n")
    events = []
    for each_student in Student.students:
        events.append(Event('Arrival', each_student.arrival_time, each_student))
        events.append(Event('Departure', each_student.departure_time, each_student))

    #Executing Events
    print("Executing events and collecting information")
    # Gather events by week day
    #ToDo refactor this into Common and use common
    # define days consistent with datetime.weekday()
    mon = 0
    tue = 1
    wed = 2
    thu = 3
    fri = 4
    sat = 5
    sun = 6

    # Group events by day
    event_groups = {sun: [], mon: [], tue: [], wed: [], thu: [], fri: [], sat: []}
    for each_event in events:

    print("\tDetermining cost of each day")
    costsOfEventGroups = {}
    for each_day in event_groups.keys():
        cost = 0.0
        for each_event in event_groups[each_day]:
            if each_event.is_arrival_event: cost = cost + each_event.cost()
        costsOfEventGroups[each_day] = round(cost, 1)
        print("\t\tDay: ", each_day, "Cost: ", costsOfEventGroups[each_day])

    # Sort and process each group of events
    for each_day in event_groups.keys():
        print("\n\tProcessing Day: ", str(each_day))
        instructorsMinimum = 2.0  # ToDo remove hard coded variable the minimum staffing level
        instructorsRequired = 0.0  # actual number of instructors required to meet student demand
        event_number = 1  # first event number
        student_count = 0  # start with zero students
        for each_event in event_groups[each_day]:
            # Set event number
            each_event.event_number = event_number
            # Set event's previous and next events
            if event_number != 1: each_event.prev = events[events.index(each_event) - 1]
            if event_number != len(event_groups[each_day]): = event_groups[each_day][
                event_groups[each_day].index(each_event) + 1]
            event_number = event_number + 1  # next event number
            # Maintain student count
            if (each_event.is_arrival_event):
                student_count = student_count + 1
            elif (each_event.is_departure_event):
                student_count = student_count - 1
            each_event.student_count = student_count
            # Compute/maintain the actual number of instructors required
            instructorsRequired = instructorsRequired + each_event.cost()
            # Compute/maintain the number of instructors to staff (minimum is instructorsMinimum)
            each_event.instructor_count = max(instructorsMinimum, math.ceil(instructorsRequired))

        print("\t\tCollecting Instructor Change Events")
        instructor_change_events = []
        for each_event in event_groups[each_day]:
            if each_event.is_instructor_change_event():

        print("\t\tMarking Churn Events")
        tolerance = 360  # seconds (6 minutes)
        for i in range(len(instructor_change_events) - 1):
            event = instructor_change_events[i]
            next_event = instructor_change_events[i + 1]
            event.isChurnEvent = event.is_peak_event() and next_event.is_valley_event() \
                                 and (next_event.event_time - event.event_time).seconds < tolerance

        print("\t\tScheduling Instructors")
#        instructors = Instructor.instructors
        if debug:
            for eachInstructor in instructors: print(eachInstructor)
        inactive_instructors = instructors
        active_instructors = []
        dateChangeEvents = 0

        for each_event in event_groups[each_day]:
            if each_event.is_date_change_event():
                dateChangeEvents = dateChangeEvents + 1
                # Activate minimum number of instructors needed to open if necessary
                active_instructor_count = 0
                instructors_changed = []
                for this_instructor in inactive_instructors:
                    if this_instructor.isAvailableToOpen(each_event) and (active_instructor_count < instructorsMinimum):
                        active_instructor_count = active_instructor_count + 1
                        # save pointers to instructors for removal from unscheduled list
                for i in instructors_changed: inactive_instructors.remove(i)

            # Check for and remove departing Instructors
            departed_instructors = []
            for this_instructor in active_instructors:
                departed = False
                if this_instructor.mustDepart(each_event):

            instructor_change_needed = each_event.instructor_count - len(active_instructors)
            if not each_event.is_churn_event and instructor_change_needed > 0:
                # Schedule available instructors
                # print("\t\t\tActivate Instructor")
                active_instructor_count = 0
                # print("Inactive Instructors: " + str(len(inactive_instructors)))
                while (active_instructor_count < instructor_change_needed):
                    # print('while')
                    # Find instructor and schedule instructor
                    instructors_changed = [] #ToDo inside the while loop (inconsistent see line 215)
                    for this_instructor in inactive_instructors:
                        if this_instructor.isAvailable(each_event) and (active_instructor_count < instructor_change_needed):
                            active_instructor_count = active_instructor_count + 1
                            # Save pointers to newly scheduled instructors for removal from unscheduled list
                # Remove newly activated (scheduled) instructors from inactive list
                for i in instructors_changed: inactive_instructors.remove(i)

            if not each_event.is_churn_event and instructor_change_needed < 0:
                # Deactivate instructors
                # print("\t\t\tDeactivate Instructor")
                deactivated_instructor_count = 0
                instructors_deactivated = [] #ToDo outside the while loop (inconsistent see line 200)
                # print("Printing Reversed Rank List")
                # for this in reversed(active_instructors):
                #     print(, this.rank)
                while deactivated_instructor_count < abs(instructor_change_needed):
                    for this_instructor in reversed(active_instructors):
                          if deactivated_instructor_count < abs(instructor_change_needed):
                            deactivated_instructor_count = deactivated_instructor_count + 1
                for i in instructors_deactivated: active_instructors.remove(i)

            # Finalize schedules after last departure or final event of the day
            if (each_event == event_groups[each_day][len(event_groups[each_day]) - 1]) or
                instructors_changed = []
                for this_instructor in active_instructors:
                    this_instructor.isScheduled = False
                for i in instructors_changed: active_instructors.remove(i)
                for i in inactive_instructors: i.finalizeSchedule()

    Reporter().write_all(events, instructors, forecast_detailed_ws, forecast_summary_ws, schedule_by_name_ws)

    print("\nReview, edit, and approve schedules")
    # Todo code to review, edit, and approve schedules

    print("\nFormating and Closing Workbooks")

    print("\nLaunching Excel")
    os.system("start excel " + run_wb_path )

    # Todo code up individual schedule emails including mapping to email addresses and instructor first names.
    print("\nEmailing Schedules to Instructors")
#    Gmailer().send_instructor_schedules(instructors)

    # Todo code up scheduling individual work events on master schedule calendar and instructor calendars.
    print("\nAdding Work Events to Instructor Google Calendars")
#    GoogleEventScheduler().insert_events(instructors)

    print("\nScheduler Run Completed")