Example #1
def write_xml(in_network, out_network):
    Writes relevant data to the project's XML document
    :param in_network: The input Combined Capacity Network
    :param out_network: The new Conservation Restoration Network
    proj_path = os.path.dirname(

    xml_file_path = os.path.join(proj_path, "project.rs.xml")

    if not os.path.exists(xml_file_path):
        arcpy.AddWarning("XML file not found. Could not update XML file")

    xml_file = XMLBuilder(xml_file_path)
    in_network_rel_path = find_relative_path(in_network, proj_path)

    path_element = xml_file.find_by_text(in_network_rel_path)
    analysis_element = xml_file.find_element_parent(

    write_xml_element_with_path(xml_file, analysis_element, "Vector",
                                "BRAT Conservation and Restoration Output",
                                out_network, proj_path)

def write_xml(proj_path, in_network, out_network, plot_name):
    Writes relevant data into the XML
    :param proj_path:  The file path to the BRAT project folder
    :param in_network: The input Conservation Restoration network
    :param out_network: The newly created Data Validation network
    :param plot_name: The file path to the created plot
    xml_file_path = os.path.join(proj_path, "project.rs.xml")

    if not os.path.exists(xml_file_path):
        arcpy.AddWarning("XML file not found. Could not update XML file")

    xml_file = XMLBuilder(xml_file_path)
    in_network_rel_path = find_relative_path(in_network, proj_path)

    path_element = xml_file.find_by_text(in_network_rel_path)
    analysis_element = xml_file.find_element_parent(

    write_xml_element_with_path(xml_file, analysis_element, "Vector",
                                "BRAT Data Validation", out_network, proj_path)
    # write_xml_element_with_path(xml_file, analysis_element, "Plot", "Obsrved vs Predicted Plot", plot_name, proj_path)

Example #3
def xml_add_equations(in_network, region, q_low_eqtn, q2_eqtn):
    Adds the equation strings into the project's XML document
    :param in_network: The input BRAT table to add hydrologic values to
    :param region: The optional region code to identify an already existing equation
    :param q_low_eqtn: The Qlow equation to be calculated
    :param q2_eqtn: The Q2 equation to be calculated
    # get project folder path from input network
    proj_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(in_network))))

    # open xml
    xml_file_path = os.path.join(proj_path, "project.rs.xml")
    if not os.path.exists(xml_file_path):
        raise Exception("XML file for project does not exist. Return to Step 1: BRAT table to create XML.")
    xml_file = XMLBuilder(xml_file_path)

    # find input network XML element
    in_network_rel_path = find_relative_path(in_network, proj_path)                                    
    path_element = xml_file.find_by_text(in_network_rel_path)

    # find intermediates element for input network
    intermediates_element = xml_file.find_element_parent(xml_file.find_element_parent(path_element))
    if intermediates_element is None:
        raise Exception("Equations could not be added because parent element 'Intermediates' not found in XML.")

    # add regional curves element within intermediates
    ihyd_element = xml_file.add_sub_element(intermediates_element,
                                            name="Regional Curves",
                                            text="Equations for estimating streamflow")

    # add region element to XML if specified
    if region is not 0:
        xml_file.add_sub_element(ihyd_element, "Hydrological region", str(region))

    # add base flow equation to XML if specified or using generic
    if q_low_eqtn is None and region is 0:
        xml_file.add_sub_element(ihyd_element, name="Baseflow equation", text="(DAsqm ** 0.2098) + 1")
    elif q2_eqtn is None and region is not 0:
        xml_file.add_sub_element(ihyd_element, name="Baseflow equation", text="Not specified - see iHyd code.")
        xml_file.add_sub_element(ihyd_element, name="Baseflow equation", text=str(q_low_eqtn))

    # add high flow equation to XML if specified or using generic
    if q2_eqtn is None and region is 0:
        xml_file.add_sub_element(ihyd_element, name="Highflow equation", text="14.7 * (DAsqm ** 0.815)")
    elif q2_eqtn is None and region is not 0:
        xml_file.add_sub_element(ihyd_element, name="Highflow equation", text="Not specified - see iHyd code.")
        xml_file.add_sub_element(ihyd_element, name="Highflow equation", text=str(q2_eqtn))
Example #4
def get_brat_element(xml_file, in_network, proj_path):
    Gets the BRAT XML element for this particular in_network
    :param xml_file: The project's XML file to add to
    :param in_network: The input BRAT network
    :param proj_path: The path to the project folder for this BRAT run
    :return: The BRAT XML element
    relative_path = find_relative_path(in_network, proj_path)

    path_element = xml_file.find_by_text(relative_path)
    vec_element = xml_file.find_element_parent(path_element)
    intermed_element = xml_file.find_element_parent(vec_element)
    intermeds_element = xml_file.find_element_parent(intermed_element)
    brat_element = xml_file.find_element_parent(intermeds_element)

    return brat_element