def __resize_fired(self, sender, args): ''' This method is called whenever this panel is resized. ''' # adjust the size of our PictureBox as needed to fulfill our contract panel_bds = self.Bounds a = Rectangle(panel_bds.X, panel_bds.Y,\ self.Size.Width, self.Size.Width / self._ratio) b = Rectangle(panel_bds.X, panel_bds.Y,\ self.Size.Height * self._ratio, self.Size.Height) if panel_bds.Contains(a): self._picbox.Size = a.Size self._picbox.Location = Point(0, (self.Size.Height - a.Height) / 2) else: self._picbox.Size = b.Size self._picbox.Location = Point((self.Size.Width - b.Width) / 2, 0)
def __install_persistent_bounds(self, a, b): """ Called when this Form is just about to be displayed. This method tries to restore the previously used location/size settings, and it also checks them to make sure that they are still valid on the current monitor configuration (and fixes them if they are not!) """ self.__load_bounds() # compute the center of our current bounding rectangle b = self.Bounds center = Point(b.X+b.Width/2, b.Y+b.Height/2) # if the center of this window is not onscreen, make it so that it is screens = Screen.AllScreens screen_bounds = screens[0].Bounds for screen in screens: screen_bounds = Rectangle.Union(screen_bounds, screen.Bounds) if not screen_bounds.Contains(center): log.debug("WARNING: form's location was offscreen; adjusted it") self.CenterToScreen() self.__bounds_changed = True else: self.__bounds_changed = False
def average_hash_and_sizes(self): height = 0 width = 0 if isJython(): image = height = image.getHeight() width = image.getWidth() newImage = BufferedImage(self.hash_size, self.hash_size, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) g = newImage.createGraphics() g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC) g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY) g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON) g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, self.hash_size, self.hash_size, None) g.dispose() allchannelpixels = [[], [], [], []] for i in range(self.hash_size): for j in range(self.hash_size): pixel = int(newImage.getRGB(i, j)) allchannelpixels[0].append((pixel >> 16) & 0xFF) allchannelpixels[1].append((pixel >> 8) & 0xFF) allchannelpixels[2].append((pixel) & 0xFF) allchannelpixels[3].append((pixel >> 24) & 0xFF) elif isIronPython(): srcImage = Bitmap(self.image_path) height = srcImage.Height width = srcImage.Width newImage = Bitmap(self.hash_size, self.hash_size) gr = Graphics.FromImage(newImage) gr.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias gr.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic gr.PixelOffsetMode = Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality gr.DrawImage(srcImage, Rectangle(0, 0, self.hash_size, self.hash_size)) allchannelpixels = [[], [], [], []] for i in range(self.hash_size): for j in range(self.hash_size): pixel = newImage.GetPixel(i, j) allchannelpixels[0].append(int(pixel.R)) allchannelpixels[1].append(int(pixel.G)) allchannelpixels[2].append(int(pixel.B)) allchannelpixels[3].append(int(pixel.A)) else: self.image = width, height = self.image.size image = self.image.resize((self.hash_size, self.hash_size), Image.ANTIALIAS) # allchannelpixels = [ list(channel.getdata()) for channel in image.split() ] bits = [] for pixels in allchannelpixels: bits.append(self.getBitString(pixels)) return bits, width, height
def OnMouseMove(self, sender, e): if self.mouse_down and self.snip_enabled: x1 = Math.Min(e.X, self.mouse_down.X) y1 = Math.Min(e.Y, self.mouse_down.Y) x2 = Math.Max(e.X, self.mouse_down.X) y2 = Math.Max(e.Y, self.mouse_down.Y) self.snip_rectangle = Rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1) self.Invalidate()
def on_mouse_move(self, sender, e): if self.mouse_down and self.snip_enabled: x1 = int(min(e.X, self.mouse_down.X)) y1 = int(min(e.Y, self.mouse_down.Y)) x2 = int(max(e.X, self.mouse_down.X)) y2 = int(max(e.Y, self.mouse_down.Y)) self.snip_rectangle = Rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1) self.Invalidate()
def on_paint(self, sender, e): if self.snip_enabled and self.snip_rectangle is not None: br = SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(120, Color.White)) rc = self.snip_rectangle pen = Pen(Color.Red, 3.0) x1 = rc.X x2 = rc.X + rc.Width y1 = rc.Y y2 = rc.Y + rc.Height e.Graphics.FillRectangle(br, Rectangle(0, 0, x1, self.Height)) e.Graphics.FillRectangle( br, Rectangle(x2, 0, self.Width - x2, self.Height)) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(br, Rectangle(x1, 0, x2 - x1, y1)) e.Graphics.FillRectangle( br, Rectangle(x1, y2, x2 - x1, self.Height - y2)) e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, rc)
def pick(snip=False): snipper = PickSnipTool(PickSnipTool.take_screenshot(), snip=snip) while True: result = snipper.ShowDialog() if result in [DialogResult.OK, DialogResult.Cancel]: break if snipper.mouse_down_seconds == 1: Mouse.Instance.Click(snipper.mouse_down) time.sleep(0.5) snipper.BackgroundImage = PickSnipTool.take_screenshot() if result == DialogResult.OK and snip: if snipper.snip_rectangle.Width and snipper.snip_rectangle.Height: img = Bitmap( snipper.snip_rectangle.Width, snipper.snip_rectangle.Height, ) gr = Graphics.FromImage(img) gr.DrawImage( snipper.BackgroundImage, Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height), snipper.snip_rectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ) fp = MemoryStream() img.Save(fp, ImageFormat.Png) return { 'bytes': bytes(bytearray(fp.ToArray())), } return {} elif result == DialogResult.OK: if (snipper.mouse_down_seconds and snipper.mouse_down_seconds <= snipper.click_timeout): Mouse.Instance.Click(snipper.mouse_down) time.sleep(0.5) el = AutomationElement.FromPoint(snipper.mouse_up) result = { prop.ProgrammaticName.split('.', 1)[-1]: el.GetCurrentPropertyValue(prop) for prop in el.GetSupportedProperties() } result.update({ 'NameProperty': el.GetCurrentPropertyValue(el.NameProperty), 'ControlTypeProperty': el.GetCurrentPropertyValue( el.ControlTypeProperty, ).ProgrammaticName.split('.', 1)[-1], 'AutomationIdProperty': el.GetCurrentPropertyValue(el.AutomationIdProperty, ), }) return result else: return {}
def OnMouseDown(self, sender, e): self.mouse_down = Point(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y) self.mouse_down_button = e.Button self.mouse_down_seconds = 0 if not self.snip_enabled: self.mouse_down_timer = Timer() self.mouse_down_timer.Interval = 1000 self.mouse_down_timer.Tick += self.OnTimerTick self.mouse_down_timer.Start() self.snip_rectangle = Rectangle(e.Location, Size(0, 0))
def __drawFolderThumbnail(self, parent): size = ThumbnailSize # create new image newImage = Bitmap(size, size) g = Graphics.FromImage(newImage) g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic # draw background if parent: bc = ParentFolderColor else: bc = ChildFolderColor b = LinearGradientBrush(Point(0, 0), Point(size, size), bc, Color.GhostWhite) g.FillRectangle(b, 0, 0, size, size) b.Dispose() g.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGray, 0, 0, size - 1, size - 1) # draw up to 4 subitems folderItems = self.GetFirstFolderItems(4) delta = 10 side = (size - 3 * delta) / 2 - 1 rects = (Rectangle(delta + 3, delta + 12, side, side), Rectangle(size / 2 + delta / 2 - 3, delta + 12, side, side), Rectangle(delta + 3, size / 2 + delta / 2 + 6, side, side), Rectangle(size / 2 + delta / 2 - 3, size / 2 + delta / 2 + 6, side, side)) for rect, item in zip(rects, folderItems): subImage = Bitmap.FromStream(MemoryStream(item.thumbnail()), False) g.DrawImage(subImage, rect) subImage.Dispose() for rect in rects: g.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGray, rect) # draw folder name if parent: name = '[..]' else: name = Path.GetFileName(self.path) f = Font('Arial', 10) g.DrawString(name, f, Brushes.Black, RectangleF(2, 2, size - 2, size - 2)) f.Dispose() # get the bytes of the image imageBytes = BitmapToBytes(newImage) # cleanup g.Dispose() newImage.Dispose() return imageBytes
def __copy_transparent(self, image): ''' Creates a semi-transparent copy of the given image ''' b = Bitmap( image.Width, image.Height ) g = Graphics.FromImage(b) cm = ColorMatrix() cm.Matrix33 = 0.3 ia = ImageAttributes() ia.SetColorMatrix(cm) g.DrawImage(image, Rectangle(0,0, image.Width, image.Height), 0,0,\ image.Width, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ia) return b
def draw2d(game, time, batch): animator_fireball.Draw(time, batch) if walking: animator_character_walk.Draw(time, batch) else: batch.Draw( animator_character_walk.Sheet.Texture, Rectangle(animator_character_walk.Sheet[0].X, animator_character_walk.Sheet[0].Y, animator_character_walk.Sheet[0].Width, animator_character_walk.Sheet[0].Height), animator_character_walk.Position, Color4.White)
def crop(self, left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0): width = self._bitmap.Width - right height = self._bitmap.Height - bottom r = Rectangle(left, top, width, height) try: cropImage = self._bitmap.Clone(r, self._bitmap.PixelFormat) except: print "retrying rectangle=%s" % str(r) self.resize(self._bitmap.Width + 10, self._bitmap.Height + 10) try: cropImage = self._bitmap.Clone(r, self._bitmap.PixelFormat) except Exception, e: print "Error in crop: %s" % str(e) return
def __perceptual_hash(image): ''' Returns a 'perceptual' image hash for the given Image. ''' if image is not None: SIZE = 8 # create ImageAttributes for converting image to greyscale # see: # csharp-tutorial-convert-a-color-image-to-grayscale attr = ImageAttributes() attr.SetColorMatrix( ColorMatrix(Array[Array[Single]](( \ (0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0), (.59, .59, .59, 0.0, 0.0), (.11, .11, .11, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) ))) ) with Bitmap(SIZE, SIZE, PixelFormat.Format64bppArgb) as small_image: with Graphics.FromImage(small_image) as g: # draw image in greyscale in a tiny square # see: g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic g.DrawImage(image, Rectangle(0, 0, SIZE, SIZE), 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, attr) # convert image pixels into bits, where 1 means pixel is greater # than image average, and 0 means pixel is less than average. # return bits as a single long value pixels = [ small_image.GetPixel(x, y).R for x in range(SIZE) for y in range(SIZE) ] average = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, pixels) / float( len(pixels)) bits = map(lambda x: 1 if x > average else 0, pixels) return reduce(lambda x, (i, val): x | (val << i), enumerate(bits), 0) else: return long(0)
def updateThumb(self): hwnd = None if self.locked: hwnd = MaxPlus.ViewportManager.GetViewportByID( self.locked_id).GetHWnd() else: hwnd = MaxPlus.ViewportManager.GetActiveViewport().GetHWnd() r = Win32.GetWindowsRectangle(hwnd) r2 = Win32.GetWindowsRectangle(MaxPlus.Core.GetWindowHandle()) r.X = r.X - r2.X r.Y = r.Y - r2.Y r.Width = r.Width - r2.X r.Height = r.Height - r2.Y self.thumb.SetDestinationRectangle( Rectangle(0, 0, self.Width - 15, self.Height - 20)) self.thumb.SetSourceRectangle(r)
def test_system_drawing(): clr.AddReferenceByPartialName("System.Drawing") from System.Drawing import Rectangle r = Rectangle(0, 0, 3, 7) s = Rectangle(3, 0, 8, 14) # calling the static method i = Rectangle.Intersect(r, s) AreEqual(i, Rectangle(3, 0, 0, 7)) AreEqual(r, Rectangle(0, 0, 3, 7)) AreEqual(s, Rectangle(3, 0, 8, 14)) # calling the instance i = r.Intersect(s) AreEqual(i, None) AreEqual(r, Rectangle(3, 0, 0, 7)) AreEqual(s, Rectangle(3, 0, 8, 14)) # calling instance w/ StrongBox r = Rectangle(0, 0, 3, 7) box = clr.StrongBox[Rectangle](r) i = box.Intersect(s) AreEqual(i, None) AreEqual(box.Value, Rectangle(3, 0, 0, 7)) AreEqual(s, Rectangle(3, 0, 8, 14)) # should be able to access properties through the box AreEqual(box.X, 3) # multiple sites should produce the same function i = box.Intersect j = box.Intersect
def test_sys_drawing(self): from IronPythonTest import DaysInt, DaysShort, DaysLong, DaysSByte, DaysByte, DaysUShort, DaysUInt, DaysULong from System.Drawing import Point, Size, PointF, SizeF, Rectangle, RectangleF x = Point() self.assertTrue(x == Point(0, 0)) x = Size() self.assertTrue(x == Size(0, 0)) x = PointF() self.assertTrue(x == PointF(0, 0)) x = SizeF() self.assertTrue(x == SizeF(0, 0)) x = Rectangle() self.assertTrue(x == Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)) x = RectangleF() self.assertTrue(x == RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0)) p = Point(3, 4) s = Size(2, 9) q = p + s self.assertTrue(q == Point(5, 13)) self.assertTrue(q != Point(13, 5)) q = p - s self.assertTrue(q == Point(1, -5)) self.assertTrue(q != Point(0, 4)) q += s self.assertTrue(q == Point(3, 4)) self.assertTrue(q != Point(2, 4)) q -= Size(1, 2) self.assertTrue(q == Point(2, 2)) self.assertTrue(q != Point(1)) t = s self.assertTrue(t == s) self.assertTrue(t != s - Size(1, 0)) t += Size(3, 1) self.assertTrue(t == Size(5, 10)) self.assertTrue(t != Size(5, 0)) t -= Size(2, 8) self.assertTrue(t == Size(3, 2)) self.assertTrue(t != Size(0, 2)) t = s + Size(-1, -2) self.assertTrue(t == Size(1, 7)) self.assertTrue(t != Size(1, 5)) t = s - Size(1, 2) self.assertTrue(t == Size(1, 7)) self.assertTrue(t != Size(1, 3)) def weekdays(enum): return enum.Mon | enum.Tue | enum.Wed | enum.Thu | enum.Fri def weekend(enum): return enum.Sat | enum.Sun def enum_helper(enum): days = [ enum.Mon, enum.Tue, enum.Wed, enum.Thu, enum.Fri, enum.Sat, enum.Sun ] x = enum.Mon | enum.Tue | enum.Wed | enum.Thu | enum.Fri | enum.Sat | enum.Sun y = enum.Mon for day in days: y |= day self.assertTrue(x == y) self.assertFalse(x != y) if x == y: # EqualRetBool b = True else: b = False self.assertTrue(b) self.assertTrue(x == weekdays(enum) | weekend(enum)) self.assertTrue(x == (weekdays(enum) ^ weekend(enum))) self.assertTrue((weekdays(enum) & weekend(enum)) == enum["None"]) self.assertTrue(weekdays(enum) == enum.Weekdays) self.assertTrue(weekend(enum) == enum.Weekend) self.assertTrue(weekdays(enum) != enum.Weekend) self.assertTrue(weekdays(enum) != weekend(enum)) for e in [ DaysInt, DaysShort, DaysLong, DaysSByte, DaysByte, DaysUShort, DaysUInt, DaysULong ]: enum_helper(e) for e in [DaysInt, DaysShort, DaysLong, DaysSByte]: z = operator.inv(e.Mon) self.assertEqual(type(z), e) self.assertEqual(z.ToString(), "-2") for (e, v) in [(DaysByte, 254), (DaysUShort, 65534), (DaysUInt, 4294967294), (DaysULong, 18446744073709551614)]: z = operator.inv(e.Mon) self.assertEqual(type(z), e) self.assertEqual(z.ToString(), str(v)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: DaysInt.Mon & DaysShort.Mon) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: DaysInt.Mon | DaysShort.Mon) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: DaysInt.Mon ^ DaysShort.Mon) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: DaysInt.Mon & 1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: DaysInt.Mon | 1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: DaysInt.Mon ^ 1) def f(): if DaysInt.Mon == DaysShort.Mon: return True return False self.assertEqual(f(), False) self.assertTrue(not DaysInt.Mon == None) self.assertTrue(DaysInt.Mon != None)
def __pbox_painted(self, picbox, args): ''' Called after the picturebox paints itself. ''' # this method adds two arrows (left and right) to the PictureBox, # painted on top of it's regular graphcis. left_arrow = self.__left_arrow full_left_arrow = self.__full_left_arrow right_arrow = self.__right_arrow full_right_arrow = self.__full_right_arrow if left_arrow.Width != right_arrow.Width or \ full_left_arrow.Width != right_arrow.Width or \ full_right_arrow.Width != right_arrow.Width or \ left_arrow.Height != right_arrow.Height or \ full_left_arrow.Height != right_arrow.Height or \ full_right_arrow.Height != right_arrow.Height: raise Exception("arrows must be identical dimensions") # 1. compute scaled widths and heights for the arrow images old_width = float(right_arrow.Width) scaled_width = min(picbox.Width * 0.15, old_width) old_height = float(right_arrow.Height) scaled_height = old_height * scaled_width / old_width # 2. compute the proper location for the full arrow images y = picbox.Height / 2 - scaled_height / 2 xoffset = picbox.Width * 0.01 f_leftx = xoffset f_rightx = picbox.Width - xoffset - scaled_width # 3. compute the proper location for the arrow images leftx = f_leftx + scaled_width rightx = f_rightx - scaled_width # 4. keep track of the right edges of the left and right clickable # column, so we'll be able to tell which icon the user clicks on. self.__left_bound = leftx self.__right_bound = f_rightx if self.Parent != None: # 5. paint each arrow if it is possible to "turn the page" in that # direction. alpha-blend the inactive arrow (the one on the half # of the pbox that the mouse ISN'T hovering over.) g = args.Graphics mouse_hovered = self.__mouse_hovered_state can_go_left = self.Parent._can_change_page(False) can_go_right = self.Parent._can_change_page(True) # 5a. draw the full left and left arrows if they are active if mouse_hovered and can_go_left: image_atts = self.__hovered_image_atts if mouse_hovered == 'FL' \ else self.__normal_image_atts dest_rect = Rectangle(f_leftx, y, scaled_width, scaled_height) g.DrawImage(full_left_arrow, dest_rect, 0, 0, old_width, old_height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, image_atts) image_atts = self.__hovered_image_atts if mouse_hovered == 'L' \ else self.__normal_image_atts dest_rect = Rectangle(leftx, y, scaled_width, scaled_height) g.DrawImage(left_arrow, dest_rect, 0, 0, old_width, old_height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, image_atts) # 5b. draw the right and full right arrows if they are active if mouse_hovered and can_go_right: image_atts = self.__hovered_image_atts if mouse_hovered == 'R' \ else self.__normal_image_atts dest_rect = Rectangle(rightx, y, scaled_width, scaled_height) g.DrawImage(right_arrow, dest_rect, 0, 0, old_width, old_height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, image_atts) image_atts = self.__hovered_image_atts if mouse_hovered == 'FR' \ else self.__normal_image_atts dest_rect = Rectangle(f_rightx, y, scaled_width, scaled_height) g.DrawImage(full_right_arrow, dest_rect, 0, 0, old_width, old_height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, image_atts)
obj = rs.GetObject("Select object for prediction") orbitRes = rs.GetReal("Number of images per revolution", number=10) vertRes = rs.GetReal("Number of revolutions", number=5) distMult = rs.GetReal("Distance from object", number=5) sc.doc.Objects.Select(obj) rs.Command("_Invert") rs.Command("_Hide") w = 64 h = 64 rView = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.Add( "view", Rhino.Display.DefinedViewportProjection.Perspective, Rectangle(Point(100, 100), Size(w, h)), True) # rView.TitleVisible = False rView.MainViewport.ConstructionGridVisible = False rView.MainViewport.ConstructionAxesVisible = False rView.MainViewport.WorldAxesVisible = False Rhino.ApplicationSettings.AppearanceSettings.ViewportBackgroundColor = Color.White shaded = Rhino.Display.DisplayModeDescription.FindByName("Shaded") rView.ActiveViewport.DisplayMode = shaded tar = rs.SurfaceVolumeCentroid(obj)[0] # bb = rs.BoundingBox(obj)
# Relative Origin for Cropping crop_pt_x_ft = up_left_crop_pt.X crop_pt_y_ft = img_height - up_left_crop_pt.Y # Multiplier to convert from Ft Coordinate to Pixel x_ft_to_px_scale = img_width_px / img_width y_ft_to_px_scale = img_height_px / img_height # Convert ft space to pixel space crop_pt_x_px = crop_pt_x_ft * x_ft_to_px_scale crop_pt_y_px = crop_pt_y_ft * y_ft_to_px_scale cropbox_width_px = cropbox_width_ft * x_ft_to_px_scale cropbox_height_px = cropbox_height_ft * y_ft_to_px_scale rectangle_crop = Rectangle(crop_pt_x_px, crop_pt_y_px, cropbox_width_px, cropbox_height_px) new_img_path = crop_image(img_path, rectangle_crop) # New Image Options import_options = ImageImportOptions() import_options.Placement = BoxPlacement.Center import_options.RefPoint = get_bbox_center_pt(fregion_bbox) import_options.Resolution = img_resolution # Create New Image in Revit t = Transaction(doc, 'Crop Image') t.Start() new_img_element = StrongBox[Element]() doc.Import(new_img_path, import_options, doc.ActiveView, new_img_element) new_img_width = new_img_element.get_Parameter(bip_width_ft) new_img_width.Set(cropbox_width_ft)
def LocateRect(self): x = (self.ClientSize.Width - RECT_WIDTH) / 2 y = (self.ClientSize.Height - RECT_HEIGHT) / 2 self.r = Rectangle(x, y, RECT_WIDTH, RECT_HEIGHT)
found = True break else: continue #Create Window sizing and positioning based on display selected width = int(displayBounds.Width / 2) + COMPENSATION_WIDTH height = displayBounds.Height + COMPENSATION_HEIGHT y = displayBounds.Y + COMPENSATION_Y xleft = displayBounds.X + COMPENSATION_X_LEFT xright = displayBounds.X + width + COMPENSATION_X_RIGHT #Create the new Rhino views and capture their RhinoView instances leftEye_View = scriptcontext.doc.Views.Add( "LeftEye", DefinedViewportProjection.Perspective, Rectangle(xleft, y, width, height), True) rightEye_View = scriptcontext.doc.Views.Add( "RightEye", DefinedViewportProjection.Perspective, Rectangle(xright, y, width, height), True) leftEye = leftEye_View.ActiveViewport rightEye = rightEye_View.ActiveViewport leftEye.SetCameraLocation( leftEye.CameraLocation - leftEye.CameraX * INTEROCULAR_DISTANCE / 2.0, False) rightEye.SetCameraLocation( rightEye.CameraLocation - rightEye.CameraX * INTEROCULAR_DISTANCE / 2.0, False) #Get Position and look at vector from external #Expected response like: {"pos":[3,2,1], "lookAt":[1,2,3]}