def execute(self): """ This is where most of your custom code should live. Note: you can use the 'self.package_output_directory' and 'self.package_source_directory' variables to reference the paths where a package is outputting to or executing from. """ print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name eo = ExpandoObject() # prepare return value # Start of package code try: # if (param.ip != None): print("made it to execute") # Open a file object in the location that we want to create the file. # In this case, the output directory of this execution output_file = open( os.path.join(self.package_output_directory, "hello_world.txt"), "w+") # Write data to the file. output_file.write("Hello World") # Close the file object. output_file.close() eo.status = 0 # set the return code of the package either manually or as a result of how things went except Exception as e: eo.status = -1 # fail print("Excecution of package failed with error: {}".format( e.message)) # End of package code print "Package execution completed." return eo
def execute(self): """ This is where most of your custom code should live. Note: you can use the 'self.package_output_directory' and 'self.package_source_directory' variables to reference the paths where a package is outputting to or executing from. """ print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name eo = ExpandoObject() # prepare return value # Start of package code try: # if (param.ip != None): print("made it to execute") if self.powershell_cmd is not "": data = self.run_powershell(self.powershell_cmd) self.write_output(data, "psh_output.txt") #data = self.run_powershell("Get-EventLog -LogName System | where-Object {$_.EventID -eq 7045} | Format-Table TimeGenerated, MachineName, UserName, Message -wrap") #self.write_output(data, "event_7045.txt") #data = self.run_powershell("Get-Service") #self.write_output(data, "installed_services.txt") eo.status = 0 # set the return code of the package either manually or as a result of how things went except Exception as e: eo.status = -1 # fail print("Excecution of package failed with error: {}".format( e.message)) # End of package code print "Package execution completed." return eo
def run_test(argv): import os print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name # Imports C# libraries import clr from System.Dynamic import ExpandoObject clr.AddReference('System.Core') interface = CyInterface() param = ExpandoObject() param.print_message = 1 # set print message to True so outputs are in log # get the output folder from the arguments # this is also where you would look for other custom arguments # (by searching for the argument name, incrementing i, and then grabbing that value) i = 0 for arg in argv: print 'arg: ', arg i = i + 1 if arg == "-out": param.out = argv[i] print "param.out: ", param.out # call interface's initialize result = interface.initialize(param) # call interface's Excute result = interface.execute() # call interface's delete del interface
def execute(self): """ This is where most of your custom code should live. Note: you can use the 'self.package_output_directory' and 'self.package_source_directory' variables to reference the paths where a package is outputting to or executing from. """ print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name eo = ExpandoObject() # prepare return value # Start of package code try: # Open a file object in the location that we want to create the file. # In this case, the output directory of this execution # output_file = open(os.path.join(self.package_output_directory, "hello_world.txt"), "w+") Remove_exe('rm -rf /Users/*/Library/Application\ Support/maf', 'maf') eo.status = 0 # success! # Write data to the file. # output_file.write("Hello World") # Close the file object. # output_file.close() except Exception as e: eo.status = -1 # fail print("Excecution of package failed with error: {}".format( e.message)) # End of package code print "Package execution completed." return eo
def test_dir(): local_var = 10 AreEqual(dir(), ['local_var']) def f(): local_var = 10 AreEqual(dir(*()), ['local_var']) f() def f(): local_var = 10 AreEqual(dir(**{}), ['local_var']) f() def f(): local_var = 10 AreEqual(dir(*(), **{}), ['local_var']) f() class A(object): def __dir__(self): return ['foo'] def __init__(self): = 3 AreEqual(dir(A()), ['foo']) class C: a = 1 class D(object, C): b = 2 Assert('a' in dir(D())) Assert('b' in dir(D())) Assert('__hash__' in dir(D())) if is_cli: import clr try: clr.AddReference("Microsoft.Scripting.Core") except Exception, e: if is_net40: if is_netstandard: clr.AddReference("System.Dynamic.Runtime") else: clr.AddReference("System.Core") else: raise e from System.Dynamic import ExpandoObject eo = ExpandoObject() eo.bill = 5 Assert('bill' in dir(eo))
def execute(self): """ This is where most of your custom code should live. Note: you can use the 'self.package_output_directory' and 'self.package_source_directory' variables to reference the paths where a package is outputting to or executing from. """ print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name eo = ExpandoObject() # prepare return value # Start of package code try: # if (param.ip != None): print("made it to execute") '''cmd_get_services = "Get-Service" process = subprocess.Popen(["powershell", cmd_get_services],stdout=subprocess.PIPE); service = process.communicate()[0] output_file = open(os.path.join(self.package_output_directory, "services.txt"), "w+") output_file.write(service) output_file.close() cmd_get_logs = 'Get-EventLog -LogName System | where-Object {$_.EventID -eq 7045} | Format-Table TimeGenerated, MachineName, UserName, Message -wrap' process = subprocess.Popen(["powershell", cmd_get_logs],stdout=subprocess.PIPE); service_logs = process.communicate()[0] output_file = open(os.path.join(self.package_output_directory, "services_log.txt"), "w+") output_file.write(service_logs) output_file.close()''' data = self.run_powershell( "Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount -Filter \"LocalAccount=True\" | Select PSComputername, Name, Status, Disabled, AccountType, Lockout, PasswordRequired, PasswordChangeable | Format-Table Status, PSComputername, Name, AccountType, Lockout, PasswordRequired -wrap" ) self.write_output(data, "usuarios.txt") data = self.run_powershell( "Get-EventLog -LogName System | where-Object {$_.EventID -eq 7045} | Format-Table TimeGenerated, MachineName, UserName, Message -wrap" ) self.write_output(data, "event_7045.txt") data = self.run_powershell("Get-Service") self.write_output(data, "installed_services.txt") eo.status = 0 # set the return code of the package either manually or as a result of how things went except Exception as e: eo.status = -1 # fail print("Excecution of package failed with error: {}".format( e.message)) # End of package code print "Package execution completed." return eo
def test_dir(self): local_var = 10 self.assertEqual(dir(), ['local_var', 'self']) def f(): local_var = 10 self.assertEqual(dir(*()), ['local_var', 'self']) f() def f(): local_var = 10 self.assertEqual(dir(**{}), ['local_var', 'self']) f() def f(): local_var = 10 self.assertEqual(dir(*(), **{}), ['local_var', 'self']) f() class A(object): def __dir__(self): return ['foo'] def __init__(self): = 3 self.assertEqual(dir(A()), ['foo']) class C: a = 1 class D(C, object): b = 2 self.assertTrue('a' in dir(D())) self.assertTrue('b' in dir(D())) self.assertTrue('__hash__' in dir(D())) if is_cli: import clr if is_netcoreapp: clr.AddReference("System.Linq.Expressions") else: clr.AddReference("System.Core") from System.Dynamic import ExpandoObject eo = ExpandoObject() eo.bill = 5 self.assertTrue('bill' in dir(eo))
def test_dir(): local_var = 10 AreEqual(dir(), ['local_var']) def f(): local_var = 10 AreEqual(dir(*()), ['local_var']) f() def f(): local_var = 10 AreEqual(dir(**{}), ['local_var']) f() def f(): local_var = 10 AreEqual(dir(*(), **{}), ['local_var']) f() class A(object): def __dir__(self): return ['foo'] def __init__(self): = 3 AreEqual(dir(A()), ['foo']) class C: a = 1 class D(object, C): b = 2 Assert('a' in dir(D())) Assert('b' in dir(D())) Assert('__hash__' in dir(D())) if is_cli: import clr try: clr.AddReference("Microsoft.Scripting.Core") except Exception, e: if is_net40: clr.AddReference("System.Core") else: raise e from System.Dynamic import ExpandoObject eo = ExpandoObject() eo.bill = 5 Assert('bill' in dir(eo))
def __init__(self, assms=None): ## Host Globals, also used by reflection of assemblies. self.Globals = ExpandoObject() ## Set up assemblies reflection. object.__setattr__( self, "_assemblies", assms or [ refl.Assembly.LoadWithPartialName("System"), refl.Assembly.LoadWithPartialName("mscorlib") ]) self._addNamespacesAndTypes() ## Set up Symbols interning table. self.Symbols = dict() self.Symbols["nil"] = runtime.Symbol("nil") self.Symbols["true"] = runtime.Symbol("true") self.Symbols["false"] = runtime.Symbol("false") ## Set up binder canonicalization tables. ## Should have lock per table, but this is good enough for smaple. self._lock = thread.allocate_lock() self._getMemberBinders = dict() self._setMemberBinders = dict() self._invokeBinders = dict() self._invokeMemberBinders = dict() self._createInstanceBinders = dict() self._getIndexBinders = dict() self._setIndexBinders = dict() self._binaryOperationBinders = dict() self._unaryOperationBinders = dict()
def initialize(self, param): print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name # param.print_message decides whether to print to the log or not if 'print_message' in param: print ' print_message: ', param.print_message else: print 'initialize() does not have print_message' # cache the param if needed for execute later. if "out" in param: self.package_output_directory = param.out self.package_source_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) eo = ExpandoObject() # prepare return value eo.status = 0 # success print "Initialization complete." return eo
def _addNamespacesAndTypes(self): helpers = runtime.DynamicObjectHelpers for assm in self._assemblies: for typ in assm.GetExportedTypes(): names = typ.FullName.split('.') table = self.Globals for ns in names[:-1]: if helpers.HasMember(table, ns): table = helpers.GetMember(table, ns) else: tmp = ExpandoObject() helpers.SetMember(table, ns, tmp) table = tmp helpers.SetMember(table, names[-1], runtime.TypeModel(typ))
def CreateScope(self): return ExpandoObject()