Example #1
 def init(self):
     # table
     table = make_table('main', False)
     table.Size = Size(580, 700)
     table.Location = Point(10, 10)
     table.ColumnCount = 2
     table.Columns[0].Name = 'Key'
     table.Columns[0].SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
     table.Columns[0].ReadOnly = True
     table.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromArgb(238, 238, 238)
     table.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(238, 238, 238)
     table.Columns[1].Name = 'Value'
     table.Columns[1].SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
     keys = sorted(self.settings.keys())
     for key in keys:
         table.Rows.Add(key, self.settings[key])
     self.table = table
     # buttons
     ok = Button()
     ok.Text = 'OK'
     ok.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
     cancel = Button()
     cancel.Text = 'Cancel'
     cancel.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
     buttons = FlowLayoutPanel()
     buttons.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft
     # buttons.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
     buttons.Size = Size(580, 30)
     buttons.Location = Point(10, 720)
     # layout
     self.ClientSize = Size(600, 800)
Example #2
 def _add_buttons(self):
     ok = Button()
     ok.Text = 'OK'
     ok.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
     cancel = Button()
     cancel.Text = 'Cancel'
     cancel.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
     self.buttons = FlowLayoutPanel()
     self.buttons.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft
     self.buttons.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
     self.buttons.Size = Size(580, 30)
     self.buttons.Location = Point(10, 720)
     self.ClientSize = Size(600, 800)
Example #3
 def init(self):
     # tabs
     tabs = TabControl()
     tabs.Size = Size(580, 700)
     tabs.Location = Point(10, 10)
     # buttons
     ok = Button()
     ok.Text = 'OK'
     ok.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
     cancel = Button()
     cancel.Text = 'Cancel'
     cancel.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
     buttons = FlowLayoutPanel()
     buttons.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft
     buttons.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
     buttons.Size = Size(580, 30)
     buttons.Location = Point(10, 720)
     self.ClientSize = Size(600, 800)
     # pages and tables
     index = 0
     for name in self.settings:
         page = make_page(name, name, index)
         page.TabIndex = index
         settings = self.settings[name]
         table = make_table(name)
         table.ColumnCount = 2
         table.Columns[0].Name = 'Key'
         table.Columns[0].SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
         table.Columns[0].ReadOnly = True
             0].DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromArgb(
                 238, 238, 238)
         table.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(
             238, 238, 238)
         table.Columns[1].Name = 'Value'
         table.Columns[1].SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
         keys = sorted(settings.keys())
         for key in keys:
             table.Rows.Add(key, settings[key])
         self.tables[name] = table
         index += 1
Example #4
 def init(self):
     # table
     table = make_table('main', False)
     table.Size = Size(980, 700)
     table.Location = Point(10, 10)
     table.ColumnCount = len(self.names) + 1
     table.Columns[0].Name = 'Key'
     table.Columns[0].SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
     table.Columns[0].ReadOnly = True
     table.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromArgb(
         238, 238, 238)
     table.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(
         238, 238, 238)
     for i in range(len(self.names)):
         column = table.Columns[i + 1]
         column.Name = self.names[i]
         column.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
         if self.types:
             if self.types[i] == 'f':
                 column.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill
                 column.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells
     keys = sorted(self.attributes.keys(), key=int)
     for key in keys:
         values = [self.attributes[key][name] for name in self.names]
         objects = [key] + values
     self.table = table
     # buttons
     ok = Button()
     ok.Text = 'OK'
     ok.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
     cancel = Button()
     cancel.Text = 'Cancel'
     cancel.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
     buttons = FlowLayoutPanel()
     buttons.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft
     # buttons.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
     buttons.Size = Size(980, 30)
     buttons.Location = Point(10, 720)
     # layout
     self.ClientSize = Size(1000, 800)
    def __build_okbutton(self):
        ''' builds and returns the ok button for this form '''

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
        button.Location = Point(228, 343)
        button.Size = Size(80, 23)
        button.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormOK")
        return button
 def __build_skipbutton(self):
    ''' builds and return the skip button for this form '''
    button = Button()
    button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Ignore
    button.Location = Point(110, 362)
    button.Size = Size(90, 24)
    button.Text = i18n.get("SeriesFormSkip")
    return button
    def __build_cancel_button(self):
        ''' builds and returns the cancel button for this form '''

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
        button.Location = Point(315, 343)
        button.Size = Size(90, 23)
        button.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormCancel")
        return button
Example #8
    def __build_okbutton(self):
        """ builds and returns the ok button for this form """

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
        button.Location = Point(223, 362) if self.__config.show_covers_b else Point(10, 362)
        button.Size = Size(90, 24)
        button.Text = i18n.get("IssueFormOK")
        return button
 def __build_cancel_button(self):
    ''' builds and returns the cancel button for this form '''
    button = Button()
    button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
    button.Location = Point(315, 343)
    button.Size = Size(90, 23)
    button.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormCancel")
    return button
 def __build_okbutton(self):
    ''' builds and returns the ok button for this form '''
    button = Button()
    button.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
    button.Location = Point(15, 362)
    button.Size = Size(90, 24)
    button.Text = i18n.get("SeriesFormOK")
    return button
 def __build_okbutton(self):
    ''' builds and returns the ok button for this form '''
    button = Button()
    button.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
    button.Location = Point(228, 343)
    button.Size = Size(80, 23)
    button.Text = i18n.get("ConfigFormOK")
    return button
Example #12
    def __build_okbutton(self):
        ''' builds and returns the ok button for this form '''

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
        button.Location = Point(15, 362)
        button.Size = Size(90, 24)
        button.Text = i18n.get("SeriesFormOK")
        return button
Example #13
    def __build_skipbutton(self):
        """ builds and returns the skip button for this form """

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Ignore
        button.Location = Point(318, 362) if self.__config.show_covers_b else Point(105, 362)
        button.Size = Size(90, 24)
        button.Text = i18n.get("IssueFormSkip")
        return button
Example #14
    def __build_backbutton(self):
        """ builds and returns the back button for this form """

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Retry
        button.Location = Point(595, 362)
        button.Size = Size(125, 24)
        button.Text = i18n.get("IssueFormGoBack")
        return button
Example #15
 def __build_backbutton(self):
    ''' builds and returns the back button for this form '''
    button = Button()
    button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Retry
    button.Location = Point(595, 362)
    button.Size = Size(125, 24)
    button.Text = i18n.get("IssueFormGoBack")
    return button
Example #16
    def __build_skipbutton(self):
        ''' builds and return the skip button for this form '''

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Ignore
        button.Location = Point(110, 362)
        button.Size = Size(90, 24)
        button.Text = i18n.get("SeriesFormSkip")
        return button
 def __build_issuesbutton(self):
    ''' builds and return the 'show issues' button for this form '''
    button = Button()
    button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Yes
    button.Location = Point(395, 362) \
       if self.__config.show_covers_b else Point(605, 362) 
    button.Size = Size(115, 24)
    button.Text = i18n.get("SeriesFormIssues")
    return button
 def __build_cancelbutton(self):
    ''' builds and returns the cancel button for this form '''
    button = Button()
    button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
    button.Location = Point(335, 170 if self.__fail_label_is_visible else 70)
    button.Size = Size(90, 23)
    button.Text = i18n.get("SearchFormCancel")
    button.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
    return button
Example #19
    def __build_issuesbutton(self):
        ''' builds and return the 'show issues' button for this form '''

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Yes
        button.Location = Point(395, 362) \
           if self.__config.show_covers_b else Point(605, 362)
        button.Size = Size(115, 24)
        button.Text = i18n.get("SeriesFormIssues")
        return button
Example #20
    def __build_searchbutton(self):
        ''' builds and return the 'search again' button for this form '''

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Retry
        button.Location = Point(275, 362) \
           if self.__config.show_covers_b else Point(485, 362)
        button.Size = Size(115, 24)
        button.Text = i18n.get("SeriesFormAgain")
        return button
Example #21
 def __build_skipbutton(self):
    ''' builds and returns the skip button for this form '''
    button = Button()
    button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Ignore
    button.Location = Point(318, 362) \
       if self.__config.show_covers_b else Point(105, 362)
    button.Size = Size(90, 24)
    button.Text = i18n.get("IssueFormSkip")
    return button
   def __build_okbutton(self):
      ''' Builds and returns the ok button for this form. '''

      button = Button()
      button.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
      button.Location = Point(10, 68)
      button.Size = Size(145, 23)
      button.Text = i18n.get("WelcomeFormStart")
      button.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
      return button
Example #23
    def __build_okbutton(self):
        ''' Builds and returns the ok button for this form. '''

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
        button.Location = Point(105, 58)
        button.Size = Size(90, 23)
        button.Text = i18n.get("MessageBoxOk")
        button.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
        return button
 def __build_searchbutton(self):
    ''' builds and return the 'search again' button for this form '''
    button = Button()
    button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Retry
    button.Location = Point(275, 362) \
       if self.__config.show_covers_b else Point(485, 362) 
    button.Size = Size(115, 24)
    button.Text = i18n.get("SeriesFormAgain")
    return button
 def __build_cancelbutton(self):
    ''' Builds and returns the cancel button for this form. '''
    button = Button()
    button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
    button.Location = Point(314, 68)
    button.Size = Size(90, 23)
    button.Text = i18n.get("WelcomeFormCancel")
    button.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
    return button
Example #26
 def __build_okbutton(self):
    ''' builds and returns the ok button for this form '''
    button = Button() 
    button.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
    button.Location = Point(223, 362) \
       if self.__config.show_covers_b else Point(10, 362)
    button.Size = Size(90, 24)
    button.Text = i18n.get("IssueFormOK")
    return button
Example #27
   def __build_okbutton(self):
      ''' Builds and returns the ok button for this form. '''

      button = Button()
      button.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
      button.Location = Point(105, 58)
      button.Size = Size(90, 23)
      button.Text = i18n.get("MessageBoxOk")
      button.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
      return button
    def __build_cancelbutton(self):
        ''' builds and returns the cancel button for this form '''

        button = Button()
        button.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
        button.Location = Point(335,
                                170 if self.__fail_label_is_visible else 70)
        button.Size = Size(90, 23)
        button.Text = i18n.get("SearchFormCancel")
        button.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
        return button
Example #29
 def init(self):
     ok = Button()
     ok.Text = 'OK'
     ok.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
     cancel = Button()
     cancel.Text = 'Cancel'
     cancel.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
     buttonlayout = FlowLayoutPanel()
     buttonlayout.Height = 30
     buttonlayout.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right
     buttonlayout.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft
     buttonlayout.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
     formlayout = TableLayoutPanel()
     formlayout.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
     formlayout.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
     formlayout.ColumnCount = 1
     formlayout.RowCount = 2
     formlayout.RowStyles.Add(RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100))
     formlayout.Controls.Add(table, 0, 0)
     formlayout.Controls.Add(buttonlayout, 0, 1)
Example #30
    def initialiseButtons(self):
        buttonPanel = Panel()
        buttonPanel.Height = 23
        buttonPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
        buttonPanel.Width = 170

        acceptButton = Button()
        acceptButton.Text = "OK"
        acceptButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
        acceptButton.Width = 75
        acceptButton.Dock = DockStyle.Left
        self.AcceptButton = acceptButton

        cancelButton = Button()
        cancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
        cancelButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
        cancelButton.Width = 75
        cancelButton.Dock = DockStyle.Right
        self.CancelButton = cancelButton
